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Registered: Oct 2006 Posts: 81 |
detecting pal, drean, ntsc or old ntsc
I want to know if a test like this is reliable for the four different machine types PAL, NTSC, NTSC(old) and DREAN (ACME source code):
NTSC = 0
PAL = 2
!to "detect.prg",cbm
!cpu 6510
* = $0801
!by $0b,$08,$00,$00,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$31,$00,$00,$00
detect: sei
w0: lda $d012
w1: cmp $d012
beq w1
bmi w0
and #$03
cmp #$01
bne w2
bne detected ; unconditional
w2: cmp #$03
lda #$00
beq detected ;ntsc
;check for drean or pal
ldx #$00
lda #$10
l inx
cmp $d012
bne l
lda #PAL
cpx #$70
bcc detected
;is a drean
lda #DREAN
lax offset,y
l2: lda base_text,x
beq end
jsr $ffd2
bne l2
end: lda #$0d
jmp $ffd2
old_ntsc_text: !text "OLD "
ntsc_text: !text "NTSC",0
pal_text: !text "PAL",0
drean_text: !text "DREAN",0
!byte ntsc_text-base_text
!byte old_ntsc_text-base_text
!byte pal_text-base_text
!byte drean_text-base_text
... 63 posts hidden. Click here to view all posts.... |
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Registered: Jan 2002 Posts: 411 |
Burglar: Two reasons given here: http://www.the-dreams.de/articles/pal-ntsc-detector.txt |
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Registered: Sep 2002 Posts: 680 |
This works :P
I made it fix jiffyclock timing so things would run at the same speed on different systems (basic etc). But it detects the different systems too reliably. If it bugs in an emulator then the emulator needs to be fixed.
;PAL/NTSC detector
;ntsc/pal-n jiffy clock =
;pal-m jiffyclock = 16420/$4024 $4000 rounded for 60 times/sec
;pal-m jiffyclock = 19656/$4cc8 $4c00 rounded for 50 times/sec
;ntsc-m (old) jiffyclock = 16832/$41c0 $4100 rounded for 60 times/sec
;ntsc-m (old) jiffyclock = 20198/$4ee6 $4e00 rounded for 50 times/sec
;ntsc-m jiffyclock = 17095/$42c7 $4200 rounded for 60 times/sec
;ntsc-m jiffyclock = 20514/$5022 $5000 rounded for 50 times/sec
;pal-n jiffyclock = 16900/$4204 $4200 rounded for 60 times/sec
;pal-n jiffyclock = 20280/$4f38 $4f00 rounded for 50 times/sec
;pal-m cycles per line is 63
;ntsc-m old cycles per line is 64
;ntsc-m standard and pal-n cycles per line is 65
* = $1000
lda #$00
sta $d012
lda #$01
sta $d01a
lda #$1b
sta $d011
lda #$1f
sta $dc0d
sta $dd0d
lda #<irq1
sta $0314
lda #>irq1
sta $0315
lda $dc0d
lda $dd0d
inc $d019
loop jmp *
lda result
eor #$ff
sta result
lda result+$01
eor #$ff
sta result+$01
cmp #$41
beq ntscold
cmp #$42
beq ntscnew
cmp #$4c
beq pal
bcs drean
unknown jmp *
lda #$80
sta $02a6
lda ntscoldjiffy
sta $dc05
bne done
lda #$00
sta $02a6
lda ntscjiffy
sta $dc05
bne done
lda #$01
sta $02a6
lda paljiffy
sta $dc05
bne done
lda #$81
sta $02a6
lda dreanjiffy
sta $dc05
lda #$00
sta $dc04
sei ;use this to reset to normal after check
lda #$31
sta $0314
lda #$ea
sta $0315
lda #$81
sta $dc0d
lda $dc0e
and #$80
ora #$11
sta $dc0e
lda $dc0d
ldx #$10
bpl *-1
lda #<irq2
sta $0314
lda #>irq2
sta $0315
lda #$ff
sta $dc04
sta $dc05
lda #$19
sta $dc0e
inc $d019
jmp $ea81
lda $dc05
sta result+$01
lda $dc04
sta result
lda #$00
sta $d01a
lda #$2c
sta loop
inc $d019
jmp $ea81
.byte $00,$00
.byte $40
.byte $42
.byte $41
.byte $42 |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11350 |
Quote:Groepaz: you mentioned in the release that you encountered this problem on your pal-machine. Was that real hardware or emulator?
emu. however, even the most broken emulator has the right amount of cycles per line and frame. as others said already, your detection is broken :)
Quote:what's wrong with good old $02a6?
the kernal is broken, thats why people started adding those checks to their releases back in 1990 you know :) |
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Registered: Jul 2009 Posts: 545 |
I see a lot preferr to count raterlines. How about counting total amount of cycles between VSYNC?
Here is how I'd do it:
sei // Set Interrupt Flag (MPU Ignore IRQ line)
cld // No stupid tricks ;-)
lda #$7f
sta $dc0d // No more IRQ Interrupts from CIA #1
lda #$00
sta $d01a // No more IRQ Interrupts from VICII
lda $dc0d // Ack any latent CIA #1 Interrupts
lda #$01
sta $d019 // Ack any latent VICII Interrupts
lda #$35
sta $01 // Switch off the MPUs access to BASIC and KERNAL ROM and access the RAM instead (dec/inc $01 allows access to IO RAM).
// Ignore NMIs
lda #<nmivector
sta $fffa
lda #>nmivector
sta $fffb // Set NMI HW Vector to point to RTI
jmp *+4
lda #$00
sta $dd0e // Stop CIA #2 Timer A
sta $dd04
sta $dd05 // Set Timer A = 0 (NMI will trigger immediately when Timer A is restarted)
lda #$81
sta $dd0d // Set Timer A as NMI source
lda #$01
sta $dd0e // Start Timer A (triggers NMI and unless the NMI get's acked, any new NMI's will be ignored).
// From this point on we will not be disturbed and can commence testing.
lda #$00
sta $d015 // No Sprites
lda #$00
sta $d011 // Turn off screen to avoid badlines
// Detect the model
// 312 rasterlines -> 63 cycles per line PAL => 312 * 63 = 19656 Cycles / VSYNC => #>76 %00
// 262 rasterlines -> 64 cycles per line NTSC V1 => 262 * 64 = 16768 Cycles / VSYNC => #>65 %01
// 263 rasterlines -> 65 cycles per line NTSC V2 => 263 * 65 = 17095 Cycles / VSYNC => #>66 %10
// 312 rasterlines -> 65 cycles per line PAL DREAN => 312 * 65 = 20280 Cycles / VSYNC => #>79 %11
// Use CIA #1 Timer A to count cycled in a frame
lda #$ff
sta $dc06
sta $dc07 // Latch #$ffff to Timer B
lda $d011
bmi *-3
lda $d012
bne *-3 // VSYNC
lda #%00011001
sta $dc0f // Start Timer B (One shot mode (Timer stops automatically when underflow))
lda $d011
bpl *-3 // Wait untill we cross the 256 rasterline
lda $d011
bmi *-3
lda $d012
bne *-3 // VSYNC again
lda #$ff
sbc $dc07 // Hibyte number of cycles used
and #%00000011
sta $0400
// Turn back on screen to see result (#$00, #$01, #$02 or #$03)
lda #$1b
sta $d011
jmp *
I got some funny result on the emulator when using inject into ram etc. on the first reading but it stabilizes quickly with a small jitter ofcourse. If you want perfection you could stab and use a raster to sync and subtract the overhead to get the exact cycle number but for this purpose this would be pointless as the hi-byte of the Timer is enough to tell the different models apart. |
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Registered: Jun 2002 Posts: 2014 |
@TWW: Clean! |
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Registered: Aug 2011 Posts: 14 |
Thanks for all suggestions, and especially to Flavioweb... Of course I missed the sei... :) actually I have it as the first opcode after the test... :P |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 1787 |
Quoting TWWI see a lot preferr to count raterlines. How about counting total amount of cycles between VSYNC?
Here is how I'd do it:
Nicely done. I've used something similar. Though my approach was to measure the number of cycles per line, then the number of lines and "multiply". The result is cycles/frame-1 and cycles/line-1 for direct loading into timers. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 1074 |
TWW's cycle counter is impressive, but seems like overkill for most things :) I prefer a straightforward approach:
lda #$7f ; Disable kernal IRQ.
sta $dc0d
lda #$ff ; Start on line 255.
: cmp $d012
bne :-
lda $d012 ; Wait until the next line.
: cmp $d012
beq :- ; A contains the previous line number.
bit $d011 ; Are we back on line 0?
bmi @nextline
ora #$30 ; A contains the LSB of the last line number:
sta $0400 ; $05 = 262 x 64 cycle NTSC
lda #1 ; $06 = 263 x 65 cycle NTSC
sta $d800 ; $37 = 312 x 63 cycle PAL or 312 x 65 cycle DREAN
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Registered: Oct 2006 Posts: 81 |
@MagerValp : But the main reason for starting this thread is missing : detection between "drean" an "pal". |
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Registered: Jul 2009 Posts: 545 |
Slightly improved version:
// Use CIA #1 Timer B to count cycled in a frame
lda #$ff
sta $dc06
sta $dc07 // Latch #$ffff to Timer B
bit $d011
bpl *-3 // Wait untill Raster > 256
bit $d011
bmi *-3 // Wait untill Raster = 0
ldx #%00011001
stx $dc0f // Start Timer B (One shot mode (Timer stops automatically when underflow))
bit $d011
bpl *-3 // Wait untill Raster > 256
bit $d011
bmi *-3 // Wait untill Raster = 0
sbc $dc07 // Hibyte number of total cycles
and #%00000011
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