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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #133934 : Uncensored
2023-06-29 00:54

Registered: Nov 2020
Posts: 6
Release id #133934 : Uncensored

For me, the rotating rasters are the best demo effect I've ever seen. I'm surprised nobody has tried to improve them.
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2023-07-01 00:54

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 728
I don't believe the 160 "freely" colored bars in Krestyron are as freely colored as the text says.. Crossbow has made a few of those parts in the past and has constantly been lying about the routine in the scroll-texts.. It's like a competition in itself. ;)

It's not hard to imagine how to do such an effect.. You have 3 "freely" chosen colors from the bitmap in each 4-pixel column. Then what to do with the 4:th one? Sprites.. You can probably use lo-prio sprites and cover it with one of the bitmap-bars, but then you only have 3 colors + background to choose from. You can probably pick 3 colors that can work well with most kind of raster-bars, but in theory i don't think you can do much better than that. You can of course use individual sprite-colors also, but still not nirvana.

Now i feel old and grumpy again :P
2023-07-01 01:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11396
Of course it's exactly what happens - that's why there are several layers of fast moving bars, it makes it much harder to spot when the cheating happens. If you step frame by frame and watch carefully, you can see how eg sometimes a bar is black when it shouldn't be.
2023-07-01 04:24

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2985
Quoting HCL
@Oswald: mine only has 80 vertical bars.. some more when they are 45°.. but something like 4 pixels width.
Wait... until now i thought that the rotating bars were Jackasser's doing (i seem to remember having seen some previews prior to release)... But they weren't? :-O

Or do you refer to some improved version in a pipeline of yours? :)
2023-07-01 09:26

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5096
@hcl, notice i wrote it as "freely"

anyhow you have 3 colors plus 3 from sprites and 1 from d021, thats more than enough if you pick the sprite colors cleverly with a clever palette, as krestyron demonstrates it. I've never checked it but there is a LOT of black used, I'm pretty sure thats one of the sprite/d021 colors fex. another one could be white, because thats the other end of every gradient, etc.
2023-07-01 10:14

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 1105
Quoting Krill
Wait... until now i thought that the rotating bars were Jackasser's doing (i seem to remember having seen some previews prior to release)... But they weren't? :-O
The one in Uncensored is by HCL, but Copper Booze is by jasserson
2023-07-04 22:29

Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 441
HCL's bars are pure genius, that routine uses a few tricks combined together to make that possible. Spoiler Alert!

FBD – flexible badline distance
ZPSR – zero page screen RAM

The first charline is obviously out (because of $01 etc.) but the second one (from $28 works). The first 8 pixel lines of the bitmap are line-crunched out and the next 8 lines (starting from $0140) are wrapped with $d016 writes and flexible distance between badlines to get screen RAM reads. In the mean time, that (stretched or compressed) char line gets refreshed with new colour values.

And btw. I still have no idea how HCL forces VIC-II to wrap these 8 bitmap lines around.
2023-07-04 23:47

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5096
interesting, atleast this lead to me learning that it is possible to repeat (char) rows in bitmap mode, I only knew this is possible in charmode :) made a quick test program and repeating 7 lines is easy, probably same logic as with charmode, where its possible to repeat 1-7 lines high a char row, that answers your FBD and row wraparound. 8 lines also possible in charmode but it needs 2 d011 writes and no badline when doing that iirc.
2023-07-05 01:12

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2985
Quoting Digger
FBD – flexible badline distance
ZPSR – zero page screen RAM
Come on, did you really have to come up with "new" weird inane names/abbreviations for certain techniques now? =)
2023-07-05 09:37

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5096
Quote: Quoting Digger
FBD – flexible badline distance
ZPSR – zero page screen RAM
Come on, did you really have to come up with "new" weird inane names/abbreviations for certain techniques now? =)

I like FBD, fits with the old ones nicely
2023-07-05 20:55

Registered: Sep 2012
Posts: 44
Uncensored is still highly enjoyable by watching the live recording.. :)

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