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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #3466 : BCC Party #19
2024-11-27 21:43

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 110
Event id #3466 : BCC Party #19

As chatting with kbs now and he don't know if could attend - ANY DANISCH ppl wanna come to BCC19 maybe? @Snabel pls? anyone else, maybe looking to have a good time there? Lemming know!
2024-12-05 22:18
El Jefe

Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 81
Danes? How about macx, Hagar, Lotus, Devia, Sidwave and Heavyhead?

El Jefe/Slackers/sidDivers
2024-12-27 21:25

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 240
@Ryk: Hereby i forward this from Weasel who seems to find it too hard to post that himself here.. ;)

"😎😬 Dann kannst ja bei gelegenheit theryk mal anhauen, dass wir auch wieder unseren "padua-roundtable" reserviert bekommen werden... 😎😬😎👍🏻"
2024-12-29 12:35

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2272
Less than 2 more months and it's BCC#19 Party time! \o/

So here's some info for all guests and competitors.

Location is once again c-base, Rungestr. 20, Berlin, near station 'Jannowitzbrücke'.

"In a nutshell":
- Free admission, donations welcome!
- Limited amount of space for about 70 guests -> Please REGISTER (not online yet) or just add yourself here on CSDb as attendant or drop me a PM.
- Even less space for hardware -> Tell if you bring CRT or only Laptop or nothing
- Compos will be streamed again on Twitch, thanks to Charlie and Function Party Channel
- We can not allow sleeping at the party place due to German fire safety regulations, hotels etc. ain't overly expensive in February.
- Drinks at the c-base bar or the "replicator" at fair prices
- various international takeaways and restaurants just around the corner
- Smoking outdoors only -> don't make more noise than necessary.
- In general, be nice guys - especially when you're dealing with c-base Staff or BCC orgas

- power strips
- extension cord
- C64 / laptop / ...
- cash for the bar

DON'T bring
- pets
- boomboxes
- party lights

Some details:
Food: There's enough fast food temples just around the corner, so no one's gonna starve.

Drink: The c-base bar is happy to sell you drinks (beer & soft drinks) at fair prices, bringing own booze _is_! tolerated, however.

Sleep: At some point between 1 am and 3 am the place will be locked and for the night. By national and regional fire security law, we can not allow to sleep at the party place. However, hotel situation in Berlin is alright in late Feb. The earlier you book, the better. For example, a very close hotel is the Social Hub, some hipster co-working space place, kinda expensive but quite nice and just 10 minutes walk. You find cheaper alternatives if you're ok with using public mass transport (which operates all night long in Berlin at weekends).

Smoking: Includes vaping and whatever substances, no smart-assing, pretty please. Outside. Keep doors shut to save energy and reduce noise emission.

Entrance free: Please donate some bucks to c-base and BCC and/or just help by buying a lot of drinks at the bar.

Bringing own hardware: Though the universe might be endless, space _IS_ limited in the space station c-base... My guess is, last time, around 3 dozen C= systems with CRT were built up, much more won't be possible.

Commercial Activities: In general, c-base is a non-profit organisation, hence, advertising stuff is alright, selling stuff is per se not very welcome. Just contact us beforehand if you want to build up any kind of advertisement stand for whatever retro shop you run. Then we can talk about what goes and what doesn't.


We will use wuhu party system (not online yet) again, so no matter if you compete live or remote, you'll be needing votekeys and try to get your entry online yourselves. Of course we'll help you if necessary.

Apart from "WiLD"/"Mixed", your release must run on a vanilla C64 with disk drive (unmodified, no extensions).
One entry can only compete in 1 category, however, gfx/music of a demo can be released separately in gfx/music.
Please specifiy SID 6581/8580, otherwise it will be executed on a system equipped with 8580.

Planned categories:
- C64 Demo (<- !!! including One-Filed-Demo and Mega/Trackmo -> A demo is a demo! rule)
- C64 Gfx (any C64 gfx that ain't PETSCII)
- C64 SID Cover & Remix Music
- C64 Original SID Music
- C64 Games
- C64 Mixed (stuff that needs anything that can't be considered C64 vanilla, such as FM-YAM, C64 DTV, You-name-it)
- Other 8-bit-Platforms (be aware you should contact us early to make sure we can show your entry,
we've got a lot of hardware but we need to know what you bring yourself or want us to provide,
showing a mere .MP4 video should really be the total emergency exception).

Depending on the amount of entries for a category, we _might_ decide to split or merge categories,
e.g. if we have more than 2 size-coding releases, we might spontaneously split "4K" from "Demo".
If there is less than 2 C64 Games, they might end in some Mixed or WiLD with Other Platform releases.
Splitting One-Filed from Trackmo is explicitly NOT planned.

All entries are planned to be streamed and will be made accessible on CSDb.dk after the event.
We reserve the right to refuse entries, e.g. if they clearly violate national or international law,
so no pornographic content, no nazi stuff - use common sense.

Prizes (there will be some) can only be picked up live at the event.
We can not be bothered to organize any shipping of prizes.
If you are not there in persona, a groupmate can pick a prize up for you.

All deadlines will be Sat 22nd of Feb 2025, high noon, 11:59:59 am CET.
So start coding, pixelling, composing, PETSCII-ing, debugging, ...!

We wish you to have a happy new year and are eager to party with you again!

TheRyk for BCC Orga Team

PS: More info such as time table (especially relevant for sofa sceners) is going to be posted soon enough!

PPS: We'll try to reserve the Slackers and Padua round table(s) :) In general there will be the usual first come, first serve circus.
2024-12-29 18:51
Zierliches Püppchen

Registered: Jan 2012
Posts: 16
Quoting TheRyk

DON'T bring
- pets
- boomboxes
- party lights

PC Party? (Political Correct?)

Definitely the wrong direction. Too many bans/NoGo's. Leave out the alcohol too.
2024-12-29 19:52

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2272
Dear Elko:
Who said no booze? There's booze at the bar, at the replicator and it is tolerated to bring your own...
There's Spätkauf all around you...
What do you expect? Free beer along with the free entrance?
I've never left any BCC day thirsty or sober in the last 15 years.
Sure we encourage everyone to consume their weapons of choice responsibly...

The amount of rules is mostly due to us not owning the place and wanting to party in a manner that ensures we're welcome again in the following year by c-base. Remember that finding affordable locations of an adequate size in Berlin proved to be truely challenging in the past.

And if you want to bring your pets, you could visit Interface near Kiel, there well-behaved dogs are allowed, in Berlin I'm afraid, some people might complain due to allergies etc.

The "PC" part (no pr0n/Nazi stuff really a problem?) is mostly to avoid trouble with streaming servie Twitch - once again it is not our channel, we borrow it from Function Party, they get the Twitch complaints for dickpicks later. Personally, I've never had problems with releases like Chagizzz or Blau & Schlau (<- I kid you not, that's the one that really did cause Twitch trouble) but are they worth trouble? My answer is: No.

Seriously, if you've got time in late Feb and are willing to come but have doubts about "PC"/too many rules: Talk to people who have ever attended BCC parties and ask them if everything was really too PC/unrelaxed/overregulated...

Would be a pleasure to meet you!
2024-12-29 20:28

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 240
And in most years Ryk's biggest challenge is hosting the compos the later it gets.. ;)
2024-12-29 21:22

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2984
Elko: You're really barking up the wrong tree in this case. Houserules are imposed by the house in question.

As for the stream, well, the party organisers could still choose not to broadcast questionable entries but still present them live.
I'd rather the scene avoid Twitch et al. altogether, that Revision thing probably wasn't enough of a wake-up call. (CCC is your friend, and Scenesat still exists, no?) =)
2025-01-03 11:07

Registered: Oct 2011
Posts: 42
Wait, what - no booze ???!!!! just kidding ;-)
I can confirm what TheRyk said - great party with ultrafriendly people and fantastic atmosphere. And surely enough booze around. Hope to make it this year, it's been too long!
2025-01-03 11:49

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 240
Go Piero go! Would be great if you would come, too!
2025-01-03 17:01

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2272
Yeah, go Science, check out the new location!

Also we've had no voting disasters for more than half a decade ;)
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