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Hitmen   (HIT)

- Rise and Reverberate
- Merciful Release

Hitmen C64

Founded by :
The Barrel in 1989

Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group, Hacker Group, Fixing Group

Base Country :

Trivia :
The group's name, symbol and slogans were taken from The Sisters Of Mercy (name from their song "Home of the Hit-Men"), one of Jihad's favourite music groups at that time.

Hitmen has disbanded twice, the first time it dissolved in 1991 and got rebuild in 1992, just to dissolve again in the beginning of 1993.

Hitmen has been rebuild in 1995 by Jihad, Curlin and Peacemaker. A much more detailed history can be found on the old Hitmen Website.

In the beginning of 2017 all active members, except Curlin and Peacemaker, left Hitmen and formed The Solution over an argument on who was leading the group. Some details are outlined in Vandalism News #67.
Shortly after that Peacemaker re-added some long inactive members, which were cleaned from the memberstatus before, and claimed leadership with Curlin. Notable releases from the time the status of the group was in limbo are Old Blood and Trainwrecking.

BBS: The Mystical Paradise +49-2137-13*** (HQ, offline), The Dungeon +1-214-342-7*** (US-HQ, offline), Warez Aquarium +46-837-1*** (EHQ, offline)

Internet: ftp://ftp.inf.bme.hu (ex)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hitmen.c64/

User rating:********__  7.9/10 (20 votes)   See votestatistics

All Members :
Curlin (30/11-1989 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Organizer, Swapper
Lawny (10-1995 -> ) .... Phreaker
Oldskool Customs (27/4-2018 -> ) .... Graphician
Peacemaker (1991 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Modem Trader, Musician, NTSC-Fixer, Phreaker, Sysop
Sabotage .... Swapper
Vortex (10-1995 -> ) .... Phreaker
Trazan   (inactive) (2003 -> ) .... FTP Supporter, Public Relations Manager
Acorn   (ex) .... Musician
Airwolf   (ex) ( -> 4-1991) .... Graphician
Alchemist   (ex) ( -> 11-2016) .... Sysop
Alfatech   (ex) (1991 -> ) .... Coder
APB   (ex) .... Graphician
Balance   (ex) (1995 -> 5-1997) .... Coder, Graphician
Banshee   (ex) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician
Bastard   (ex) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
Bomb   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Original Supplier
Boz   (ex) .... Graphician, Swapper
Brainwalker   (ex) (1996 -> 11-2016) .... Coder
Burn   (ex) (9-1996 -> 4-1998) .... Coder
cEVIN   (ex) ( -> 1991) .... Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician
Chaotic   (ex) (11-1996 -> 4/9-1998) .... Swapper
Clive   (ex) .... Swapper
Crazed   (ex) .... Webmaster
Cruise   (ex) ( -> 1991) .... Coder
Cupid   (ex) (1-1997 -> 26/2-2017) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Curse   (ex) (4-1991 -> 6-1991) .... Coder
Dandy   (ex) (1-1991 -> 5-1991) .... Graphician, Swapper
Death   (ex) (28/6-2012 -> 31/7-2014) .... Cover Designer, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Organizer, Swapper
Death   (ex) (10-1991 -> 1-1993) .... Cover Designer, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Organizer, Swapper
Def Squad   (ex) .... Coder, Graphician, Musician
Deff   (ex) (7-1997 -> ) .... Original Supplier
Demon   (ex) (1992 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Dense   (ex) ( -> 1991) .... Swapper
Diverse   (ex) (9-1996 -> ) .... Graphician, Original Supplier
Dodger   (ex) .... Cracker
Dr. Disk   (ex) ( -> 1-1991) .... Cracker, Swapper
Dr. Doom   (ex) .... Swapper
Drago   (ex) .... Swapper
Dylan   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Edelence   (ex) .... Coder
Elektor   (ex) .... Cracker, Swapper
Erig Dadah   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Erol   (ex) (4-1997 -> 17/8-2019) .... Coder
Feezy   (ex) ( -> 1991) .... Swapper
François Prijt   (ex) (4-1991 -> 6-1991) .... Musician
Ghost   (ex) (2-1991 -> 1991) .... (unknown function)
Gilius   (ex) (1991 -> ) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Groepaz   (ex) (10-1995 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder, Organizer
Henry   (ex) (1991 -> ) .... (unknown function)
Hi-Lite   (ex) (10-1995 -> 7-1998) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Hibisch   (ex) (9-1992 -> ) .... Musician, Swapper
Hitop   (ex) .... Musician
Hooper   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Hypnotist   (ex) .... Coder, Cracker
Ice   (ex) (4-1991 -> ) .... (unknown function)
Isaac   (ex) ( -> 1991) .... (unknown function)
Jack Alien   (ex) (1-1997 -> 2-1998) .... Cracker
Jailbird   (ex) (5-1998 -> 2000) .... Graphician
Jayce   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Jazzvibee   (ex) (1996 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder
Jihad   (ex) (10-1990 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder, Cracker, Modem Trader, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Jinx   (ex) .... Coder, Phreaker
Johnny Watson   (ex) .... Cracker
Kristian Røstøen   (ex) (3-1997 -> 3-1997) .... Musician
L!OL!O   (ex) (1996 -> 11-2016) .... Coder
L.A.Style   (ex) (1996 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder
Leeway   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Levis   (ex) .... Cover Designer, Swapper
Lobster   (ex) .... Swapper
Luke   (ex) (1996 -> ) .... Coder
Luke   (ex) ( -> 6-1991) .... Coder
Lux   (ex) (12/2-2017 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder, Graphician
Lynx   (ex) (1991 -> 1993) .... Cracker, Mega Swapper, Original Supplier
Mad B   (ex) .... Coder, Musician
Mad Butcher   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Magic Eye   (ex) .... Swapper
Magic Man   (ex) (8-1997 -> ) .... Coder
Mason   (ex) .... Swapper
Mendrake   (ex) .... Mega Swapper, Modem Trader
Merlin   (ex) (5-1991 -> ) .... Swapper
Misfit   (ex) ( -> 4-1991) .... Coder
Moonchild   (ex) (9-1996 -> 1-1999) .... Coder, Cracker
Morphfrog   (ex) (5-1998 -> ) .... Swapper
Motion   (ex) .... Swapper
N3XU5   (ex) (1/8-2014 -> 8/3-2015) .... Graphician
Necromancer   (ex) .... Graphician
Nerdine   (ex) (2011 -> 26/2-2017) .... Graphician
Nightshade   (ex) (3-1991 -> 5-1991) .... Swapper
Pacman   (ex) (25/7-1999 -> 11-2016) .... Coder
Plug 1   (ex) (1990 -> 3-1991) .... Graphician
Probe   (ex) (3-1991 -> 4-1991) .... Coder, Cracker
Racoon   (ex) ( -> 8-1999) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Rad   (ex) .... Swapper
Rammy   (ex) ( -> 10-1998) .... Swapper
Rams   (ex) ( -> 4-1991) .... Coder
Raze   (ex) ( -> 4-1998) .... Graphician, Musician
Reject   (ex) .... Mega Swapper
Rough   (ex) (12-1990 -> 7-1991) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Sadox   (ex) .... Swapper
Scorp   (ex) (4-1991 -> ) .... Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Seven   (ex) (7-2015 -> 10-2016) .... Co-Organizer, Coder, Graphician, Webmaster
Seven   (ex) (9-1996 -> 4-1998) .... Co-Organizer, Coder, Graphician, Webmaster
Shokray   (ex) ( -> 9-1995) .... Graphician, Modem Trader
Silpheed   (ex) (1996 -> 11-2016) .... Coder
Silver   (ex) (1992 -> 1993) .... Cover Designer, Graphician, Swapper
Skeletor   (ex) .... Cracker
Skud   (ex) .... Graphician
Skywalker   (ex) (1996 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder, Hardware-Guru
Slayer   (ex) ( -> 4-1991) .... Coder, Cracker, Swapper
Sledge   (ex) (9-1997 -> 1998) .... Sysop
SM0N   (ex) (1996 -> 11-2016) .... Coder, Hacker
Softmaster   (ex) ( -> 4-1991) .... (unknown function)
Stan   (ex) (1996 -> 3-2018) .... Diskmag Editor, Papermag Editor
Stanze   (ex) (2-1991 -> ) .... Graphician, Modem Trader, Swapper
Starkiller   (ex) (6-1998 -> ) .... Swapper, Sysop
Stfsux   (ex) (1-2014 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder
Style   (ex) .... Graphician
Surtax   (ex) (2-1991 -> 3-1991) .... Musician, Swapper
The Barrel   (ex) (1989 -> ) .... Cracker
The Gee   (ex) (1992 -> ) .... Musician
The Hooligan   (ex) .... Cracker
The Ministry   (ex) .... Cracker
The Undertaker   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Thunder   (ex) (1990 -> 1991) .... Cover Designer, Graphician, Swapper
Tom   (ex) (1990 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Importer, Modem Trader, Swapper
Topshelf   (ex) (12-2016 -> 26/2-2017) .... Musician
Tranziie   (ex) (10-1995 -> 2003) .... Net Trader, Public Relations Manager, Swapper
TWF   (ex) .... Coder, Swapper
Twist   (ex) (1990 -> ) .... Swapper
Tyron   (ex) (1995 -> 26/2-2017) .... Graphician
Weasel   (ex) (8-1997 -> 23/2-2018) .... Cracker, Modem Trader, Phreaker
Xiny6581   (ex) (2012 -> 26/2-2017) .... Musician
Xor37h   (ex) (1996 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder, Cracker, Hacker
Yamato   (ex) (2002 -> 26/2-2017) .... Coder
Zambo   (ex) (1996 -> 11-2016) .... Coder
Zore   (ex) (4-1996 -> 5-1997) .... Graphician

BBS's :
State of Mind (HQ)
The Dungeon (HQ)
The Mystical Paradise (HQ)
Warez Aquarium (HQ)

Releases : (594)
Download"1988" ... 2016 One-File Demo
12 O'Clock ... ??? Crack
Download25th Interstellar ... 2014 Graphics
Download4 by 4 ... 1998 Crack
Download4 Kiloz ... 1997 One-File Demo
Download8Bit Nit Wit ... 1999 Misc.(#20 WiLD Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
Download90 Degrees ACW ... 2020 One-File Demo(#15 C64 Demo at Only Sprites Compo)
DownloadA Bit of ... ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadA Girl for Blaze ... 1993 Graphics
DownloadA Moaning Dirge in $11-minor ... 2018 Music(#12 C64 Music at $11 Music Compo)
DownloadAbuse ... 1998 One-File Demo
Alderan ... 1991 Crack
DownloadAlderan + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadAlert V0.1 Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAlioth Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadAlischa's Xmas ... 2000 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at The Party 2000)
DownloadAlpha Drummer V2.1 ... 1991 Crack
Amnesia +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadAmnesia +3F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadAmnesia 3 ... 1991 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Spherical Designs Party '91)
DownloadAngle +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAnother Year ... 2021 One-File Demo
DownloadAntonjetta ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadApex Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadApollo 14 Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadArctic Circles On Fire ... 2020 One-File Demo(#13 C64 Demo at ECM Mode Demoeffect Competition)
DownloadArmitage Shanks ... 2002 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 2002)
DownloadArnie +2H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadArtphosis ... 2012 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at X'2012)
DownloadAtom Ant +4 ... ??? Crack
DownloadAtomino ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadAtomino [german] ... 1991 Crack
DownloadAtomino [german] ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadAurora Remix ... 2013 Music(#2 Mixed at Bunkerparty 2013)
DownloadB-Bobs ... ??? Crack
DownloadBack in Bizz ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadBallerup +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBarrel Bunger Preview ... 1997 Crack
DownloadBattle Bars ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBattle Bars ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBeastie Copy V1 - 2 Parallel Drives ... 1992 Tool
DownloadBed of Nails ... 1992 Music
DownloadBeta IFFL Pack '97 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadBeyond Tellerrand ... 2016 One-File Demo(Released at Beyond Tellerrand DUS 2016)
DownloadBig Blue Reader C64 V4.1 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadBignoses USA Adventure + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBit Exorcist + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlack Gold ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBladeshot Preview ... 1999 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBlasphemy #2 ... 1997 Music Collection
DownloadBlasphemy #3 ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadBlob +3H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadBlood Hand +6 ... 1997 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadBlood Money +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBluebox System ... 1992 Tool
DownloadBomb Mania +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadBrain Artifice +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBrain Artifice +2 v1 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBrave +5PW ... ??? Crack
DownloadBubble Dizzy +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBubble Dizzy +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBuck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday ... ??? Crack
DownloadBug Bomber +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCannon Craze +5 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadCannon Craze Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCannon Crazy +4 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadCastle Intro ... 2017 Intro
DownloadCatalypse +6H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCatch ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCentric + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadCentric Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadChaos ... 1992 Crack
DownloadChip's Challenge +M ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCipralex ... 2014 Music
DownloadClub Light Demo ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadColee +2F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadColee +4 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadColonial Trader +F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadColonial Trader +F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadColony Preview 2 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCompany Director 64 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCondom #3 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadCondom #4 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadCondom #5 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadConflict ... 1999 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadConnection +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadContact Hitmen ... ??? Misc.
DownloadCorx Rebel Racers + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCrazy Business Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCrazy News Preview ... 1996 Crack
Crazy News Preview 2 ... ??? Crack (Preview)
DownloadCrazy News Preview V2 ... ??? Crack (Preview)
DownloadCreatures 2 Preview ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCreatures Music ... 1991 Music Collection
DownloadCrockett's Theme ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadCross Invert 2 Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCross It +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCross It II +2F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadCross It II Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCrosses and Cirkels ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCrowd Pleaser ... 2013 Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at Revision 2013)
DownloadCruel Zone +4 ... 1992 Crack
Crush Preview ... 1999 Crack
DownloadCubic 95 +2E ... ??? Crack
DownloadCucumber Juice ... 1996 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at X'96)
DownloadCucumber Juice 2 ... 1996 Demo(#6 C64 Demo at The Party 1996)
DownloadCuster ... 1996 Crack
DownloadCut In + ... 1991 Crack
Cygnus +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCylogic ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCylogic +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadD.I.S.C. +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadD64 Shredder V0.1 ... 2012 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadD64scan V0.1 ... 2006 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadD64scan V0.2 ... 2006 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadD64scan V0.3 ... 2008 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadDatex v2.0 ... ??? Crack
DownloadDave Speed +3 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadDeadline Logo ... ??? Graphics
DownloadDeadly Messengers ... 1997 Crack
DownloadDeadly Messengers +2F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadDeath's Logoshow ... 1992 Graphics Collection
DownloadDecathlon ... ??? Crack
Deep Void ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadDeep Void +F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadDelight with Doubts ... 2014 Music
DownloadDemo of the Year 2013 ... 2013 Demo(Released at Nordlicht 2013)
DownloadDemon Blues Preview ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDenniffia +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadDeri Colours +2 ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadDeri Colours +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDes Magiers Kugel ... 1993 Crack
DownloadDesire ... 2013 Music(#35 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadDevastating Blow ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDie Hard ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDioroid + ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed, Broken)
DownloadDiplomacy ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDir Master V8.0 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadDir Master V8.4 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadDirmaster V7.3 ... 1999 Tool
DownloadDisco #1 ... 1992 Music Collection(Released at Genesis Project Copy Party 1992)
DownloadDisco #2 ... 1992 Music Collection
DownloadDisco #3 ... 1992 Music Collection
DownloadDisco #4 ... 1992 Music Collection
DownloadDisco #5 ... 1992 Music Collection
DownloadDiscrepair ... 2006 Tool
DownloadDJ Puff's Volcanic Capers +4 ... 1992 Crack (Broken)
DownloadDodge ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDomino + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDomino +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDominoes ... 1997 Crack
DownloadDoris +3M ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDouble Dare ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDouble Pic ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadDragon Breed + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDslnoskcirb ... 2018 Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Tanz in den Mai! Too early....)
DownloadDumi +3F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadDump Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDuonoid Preview ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDXS & HIT 4-Player Joystick Adapter ... 1999 Hardware
DownloadDynasty Wars + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadEdd the Duck +5M ... 1991 Crack
DownloadEddison V2 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadEierfeile ... 1997 One-File Demo(Released at X'97 Takeover)
DownloadEierfeile 2 ... 1997 One-File Demo(Released at The Party 1997)
DownloadElite Squad +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadElven Magic ... 1997 4K Intro(#2 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadEmpius ... 1992 Crack
DownloadErol's Reverse Level Packer ... 1998 Tool
DownloadErols File Decreasing System (EFDS) ... 1998 Tool
DownloadErotica +1F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
Eskimo Games ... 1991 Crack
DownloadEuropean Champions ... 1992 Crack
DownloadEvokefeile ... 2015 One-File Demo(#3 Mixed Demo at Evoke 2015)
DownloadEvokSCII ... 2016 One-File Demo(#6 Mixed Demo at Evoke 2016)
DownloadExcess+Hitmen Intro ... 1998 Crack Intro
DownloadExperiment 1 ... 2014 Music
DownloadExplain OMG ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadExploding Hitmen Cruncher ... 1997 Tool
DownloadExterminator +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadExterminator +3 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadF1 Tornado + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFast ... 1992 Crack
DownloadFebruary Rankings ... 1992 Charts
DownloadFields +F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadFind the Pair Preview +2 ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFireman Sam + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFirepit + ... 1991 Crack
Five a Side ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFLI Sprites ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadFliptris +1FH ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadFloodland ... 1996 One-File Demo(Released at The Party 1996)
DownloadForbidden Bytes ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadForester +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadFortune ... 2013 Music(#30 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadFotos Needed ... 1990 Misc.
DownloadFred the Fruiter +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFred's in Trouble +6 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFrogger 64 ... 1996 Graphics(Released at X'96)
DownloadFuck You Ons-laugh-t ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadFugitive + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadFun Duel ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFun Duel +F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadFuneral ... 1997 One-File Demo
DownloadFuneral Thoughts ... 2014 Music
DownloadFuture World Preview v2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadG-Loc R360 +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGabi ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadGalza-23: Propaganda (C64 Edition) ... 2015 Graphics Collection
DownloadGalza-24 (C64 Edition) ... 2016 Graphics Collection
DownloadGalza-25 (C64 Edition) ... 2016 Graphics Collection
DownloadGamblin' Cowboy - Lucky Luke [german] ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGame Over ... 2014 Music(#15 C64 Music at Gameover Tune Compo)
DownloadGeoffrey! ... ??? Graphics
DownloadGFX Excess ... 1990 Graphics
DownloadGfx-Show 2 ... 1992 Graphics Collection
DownloadGfx-Show 2 [alternate version] ... 1992 Graphics Collection
GFX-Show 3 ... ??? Graphics Collection
DownloadGiger Again ... 2002 Graphics(#3 Mixed at Willow Party 2002)
DownloadGiger's St ... 1991 Graphics
DownloadGilded Age ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGilded Age +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGirltris +2 ... 1998 Crack
DownloadGlory of the Muse ... 2013 Music(#26 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadGna ... 2014 Music
Grand Prix ... ??? Crack
DownloadGremlins 2 +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadGyrofalcon Preview ... 1991 Crack
DownloadHack It V1.8 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadHagar the Horrible +7 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadHagar the Horrible Preview ... ??? Crack (Preview)
DownloadHangman +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadHappy Lucky Tip ... 2004 Graphics(Released at Breakpoint 2004)
DownloadHappy Lucky Tip (Part II) ... 2011 Graphics(#39 C64 Graphics at Rambo Revisited - GFX Compo )
DownloadHawk Preview + ... 1998 Crack
DownloadHazar +P ... 1991 Crack
DownloadHellhole +4H ... 1990 Crack (Broken)
DownloadHideous +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadHitmen (Graffiti) Logo ... 2014 Graphics
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro (Slayer) ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Intro 42 ... 1997 Crack Intro
Hitmen Intro/TLI ... ??? Crack Intro
DownloadHitmen Logo ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadHitmen to Ons-laugh-t ... 1996 Misc.
DownloadHitmen-Loader ... 2014 Music(#21 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadHitmen+Excess Intro ... 1998 Crack Intro
DownloadHitnoter V1.1 ... 1996 Tool
DownloadHitnoter V1.2 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadHMFLI ... 2016 Graphics(Released at X'2016)
DownloadHmm, TP sucks ... 1999 4K Intro(#8 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadHope to Hopp 2 + ... ??? Crack
DownloadHyper Aggressive ... ??? Crack
DownloadI Don't Know What I am Doing :( ... 2015 Music(#4 C64 Music at Je suis #Linus music compo)
DownloadIcarus ... 1997 Graphics Collection
DownloadIce Guys +9D ... 1997 Crack
DownloadIce Guys Preview +4 ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadIce-Mania +2F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadImshi +7 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadImshi +M ... 1991 Crack
DownloadIn-Zane Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadInfo to Game Linker V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadInsanity + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadInterlace ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadInterlaced Pairs ... 1997 Crack
DownloadInternational 5 a Side Football ... 1991 Crack
DownloadInternational Ninja Rabbits +4M ... 1991 Crack
DownloadInto the Nature +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadIntro Collection ... 1992 Intro Collection
DownloadInvertus +2M ... 1996 Crack
DownloadIt's All Your Fault ... 2013 One-File Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Demo of the Year Competition 2013)
It's Magic ... ??? Crack
DownloadIt's Magic Preview +3 ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadIt's Time for CX ... 1997 Graphics
DownloadIvan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadJames Fly Preview + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadJames Fly Preview V2 +3 ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadJourney to Pandora ... 2014 Graphics
DownloadJumble Preview 2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadJurassick Pack 2 ... 1998 Demo
DownloadJurrasick Pack ... 1997 Demo
DownloadJust for Fun ... 1991 Music Collection
DownloadKewl FLI Sprites ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadKill Your Brain Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadKnoorkie +3T ... 1997 Crack
DownloadKomm, spiel mit mir ... 2000 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadKopido + ... 1992 Crack
L.A. Police Department +6 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadL.A. Style Logo ... 1992 Graphics
DownloadLabe Me Preview  ... 1997 Crack
DownloadLaced Tiles +1P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaced Tiles Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLast Release ... 1992 Graphics Collection
DownloadLeguan ... 1996 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at X'96)
DownloadLeppard +7 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLettrix +3PT [english] ... 1990 Crack (101%)
DownloadLeveltimer v3.9 ... 1991 Tool
DownloadLightforce + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadLions of the Universe 2 Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLocomotion +2 [german] ... 1992 Crack
DownloadLocomotion +3 [german] ... ??? Crack (100%)
DownloadLogo Show 1 ... 1992 Graphics Collection(Released at Genesis Project Copy Party 1992)
DownloadLogo Show 2 ... 1992 Graphics Collection
DownloadLonely Howl ... 2013 Graphics
DownloadLord MC Sun Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLotus Esprit Turbo Challenge ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLove Tools ... 1997 Tool
DownloadMad Springs +4P ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMagical Formula +5C ... 1997 Crack
DownloadMagical Formula Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadManganoid Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMassacre Preview ... 1999 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMaximum Overdrive +6 ... 1998 Crack
DownloadMaximum Overdrive +6 [iffl] ... 1997 Crack
DownloadMaximum Overdrive Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMcaahny ... 2014 One-File Demo
DownloadMegabrain +3H ... 1997 Crack
DownloadMelanie ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadMerchant '96 +3 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadMerchant '96 +3FT ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadMerciful Colors ... 2013 Graphics(#19 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013)
DownloadMerry Christmas 2023 ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadMighty Bombjack +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMillennium Assault +2 ... 1999 Crack
DownloadMind - The Perpetual Intercourse ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadMission Nada + ... ??? Crack
DownloadMongobong ... 2001 One-File Demo(#8 C64 Demo at X'2001)
DownloadMonumentum ... 2016 Demo(#7 C64 Demo at X'2016)
DownloadMood Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMoons + ... 1992 Crack
Moontorc +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMove Out +3F ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMove Out +3F ... 1991 Crack (NTSC fixed, Import)
DownloadMunch ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMusic Box #1 ... 1991 Music Collection
Music Box #2 ... 1991 Music Collection
DownloadMusic Box #3 ... 1991 Music Collection
DownloadMusic Collection V1.0 ... ??? Music Collection
DownloadMusic Collector 001 ... ??? Music Collection
DownloadMystery +5 ... ??? Crack
DownloadNarco Police +6 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadNaughty Nudger + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNeuronics +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNew Blood ... 2016 Intro(#50 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadNew Dimensions ... ??? Misc.
DownloadNibbly '92 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNibbly '92 +3 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadNo Party ... ??? Misc.
DownloadNOFPS ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadNothing Lasts Forever ... 2007 Music(#10 C64 Music at Breakpoint 2007)
DownloadNova Aetas ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNuts ... 1995 Crack
DownloadNythyhel Adventure (Part 1 & 2) ... 1992 Crack
DownloadOde to BV ... 1999 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at The Party 1999)
DownloadOgraton 2 + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadOilmania +7 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadOld Blood ... 2017 One-File Demo
DownloadOn Table Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadOnepage Noter V1.1 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadOnepage Noter V2.0 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadOnline Info ... ??? Hardware
DownloadOoops Up Preview 2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadOrder GFX ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadOter +1F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, Import)
DownloadOverload ... ??? Crack
DownloadPac It Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPaddles +F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadParanoimia +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPastel Coloured ECM ... 2020 One-File Demo(#18 C64 Demo at ECM Mode Demoeffect Competition)
DownloadPatternia +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPeace or War ... 1993 One-File Demo
DownloadPeacey ... 1996 1K Intro(#4 C64 1K Intro at 2 Blocks Compo - Nov'96)
DownloadPenny +8MPC [iffl] ... 1997 Crack
DownloadPharao +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadPhileas Fogg's Balloon Battles + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPhileas Fogg's Balloon Battles +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPick'n'Pile +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPicture Recolourator ... 1997 Tool
DownloadPile Up +6 ... 1998 Crack
DownloadPipe Mania Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadPlasm +8FP ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadPlazma Ball ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPlexonoid + ... ??? Crack
DownloadPlexonoid +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadPoseidon +4H ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPowertris ... 1997 Crack
DownloadPretty Woman ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadPrimitive Ping Pong ... 1999 Crack
DownloadPsychic Intro ... 1997 Intro
DownloadPure Seed +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPuxxle +1CPF ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadPuxxle +3P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadPuxxle +P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadPyramid Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadQuadris ... 1998 Crack
DownloadR - The Ultimate Joystick Killer + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadRaddings #3 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadRaddings #4 ... ??? Intro
DownloadRaising Snakes ... 2022 One-File Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Snake Fun Competition)
DownloadRaster Runner  ... ??? Crack
DownloadReanim8ed ... 1998 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadRed Twenty Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadRetro-Loader ... 2014 Music(#16 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadREU Wave Player V1 (PoC) ... 2012 REU Release
DownloadReversi ... 1997 Crack
DownloadRoboter 4K ... 2000 4K Intro(#4 C64 Demo at The Party 2000)
Roll Over ... 1995 Crack
DownloadRoy Du Asi ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadRr.exe 0.5beta ... 2002 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadRSI Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadRudi Rammler ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadRugby World Cup ... ??? Crack
DownloadSamber +5 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadSchere Stein Papier ... 1992 Crack
DownloadScooby & Scrabby Doo +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadScorpion II + ... ??? Crack
DownloadScorpion Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadScorpion Preview V2 + ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadScortia +2 ... 1997 Crack (100%)
DownloadScrolly Bytes ... 1991 Demo
DownloadScumm +3P ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSector Preview ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSend2C64 V1.0 ... 1998 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSensory Overload ... 2001 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadSEQ Viewer ... 1997 Tool
DownloadSeven Sprites ... 2024 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Mysdata 2024)
DownloadSeven Up Spot ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadShaman +6 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadShatterlands +F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadShoot Out + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadSID 303 V0.2b ... 2001 Crack
DownloadSIDs Done by The Gee and Acorn ... ??? Music Collection
DownloadSilva Pod +11 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSilvana ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadSinuslab V1.0 ... 1998 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSkidz +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSkull and Crossbones +3  ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSleepwalker + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSmartAss Editor V1.0 ... 1998 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSmartAss Editor V1.1 ... 1998 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSmash TV +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSnowman +1T ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSolitax ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSp(r)ead This ... ??? Misc.
DownloadSpace Towers +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Tracker Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSpeed +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSpellbound Dizzy +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpherebrain +3P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSpider Anim ... 1998 One-File Demo
DownloadSquares ... 1997 Crack
DownloadStar Merchant + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadStar Merchant +1F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadStardancer I ... 2015 Music
DownloadStardancer II ... 2015 Music
DownloadState of Mind ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadStrider II +10H ... 1990 Crack
DownloadStun Runner + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSubstral Hyperwaves I ... 2012 Music(#7 C64 Music at Birdie 22)
DownloadSubstral Hyperwaves IV ... 2013 Music(#11 Mixed Music at Revision 2013)
DownloadSubstral Hyperwaves V ... 2016 Music(#16 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadSulfo 64 ... 1998 Music(#7 C64 Music at X'98)
DownloadSummer Camp +10 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSummix +1F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadSuper Pacman +8 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadSuper Space Invaders +8 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTai Chi Tortoise +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTake 'em ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTales of Esgaroth ... 1996 Graphics Collection
DownloadTales of Esgaroth 3 ... 1997 Graphics Collection(Released at X'97 Takeover)
DownloadTales of Esgaroth II ... 1996 Graphics Collection
DownloadTanks Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTanz in den Mai ... 2016 One-File Demo(Released at Tanz in den Mai)
DownloadTarget +3H [iffl] ... 1997 Crack
DownloadTarget 2 Preview ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTarzan Goes Ape + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTAWTS ... 2021 One-File Demo(#16 C64 Demo at Only Sprites Compo)
DownloadTerminator 2 ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadTerminus 2 Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTextwrite Deluxe + ... ??? Tool
DownloadTHC Bros Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe 7th Son ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Brave African Huntress + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadThe Dater +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Death of Ruthless ... 1991 Misc.
DownloadThe Enforcer ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Funeral ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Golden Pyramids +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Improved Level Timer V3.9 ... ??? Tool
DownloadThe Inner Child ... 2014 Music
DownloadThe Journey to $0801 ... 1995 One-File Demo(Released at Resan till $0801)
DownloadThe Last Ninja III +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Link 4 Logo ... 1992 Graphics
DownloadThe Neverending Story II +10 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Short Moonchild Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Worm +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadThe Yuppie Trainer ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Zinj Complex +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadThree Way ... 2024 One-File Demo
DownloadThunder Picture Show ... 1992 Graphics Collection
DownloadTilt +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTitanic Blinky +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTollfree Scan ... 2006 Tool
DownloadTopcross +2H ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTracker Preview 0e ... 1998 Tool
DownloadTracker Preview 0f ... 1998 Tool
DownloadTrainwrecking ... 2017 One-File Demo
DownloadTrans World [german] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTrans World [german] ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadTranslogic +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTreasure Chest I ... 2018 One-File Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2018)
DownloadTriplex ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTriplex ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTriplex ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTronik +4 ... 1996 Crack (Broken)
DownloadTurbo the Tortoise +7 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTurn It 2 +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTurrican II +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadUgh Preview ... 1992 Crack
DownloadUGULB ... 2020 One-File Demo(#10 C64 Demo at Only Sprites Compo)
DownloadUntitled ... 1996 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Acrise+Excess Party 1996)
DownloadUpside Down +4P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadUtopia Preview V2 ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadV-GA ... 1991 Crack
DownloadVari +F ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadVictimer ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadVideoheader V1.1 Pro ... 1998 Crack
DownloadVin Tim ... 1996 Crack
DownloadVinews #15 ... 1993 Diskmag
ViNews #1 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #11 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #12 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #13 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #14 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadVinews #16 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #2 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #3 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #4 ... 1991 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting January 1991)
DownloadViNews #5 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #6 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #7 ... 1991 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting April 1991)
DownloadVinews Vote-Sheet ... 1991 Votesheet
DownloadVioris ... 1992 Crack
DownloadVIP V3.2 ... 1999 Tool
DownloadVIP V3.2 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadVision +4H ... ??? Crack (OK, Onefiled)
DownloadVolfied +5 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadWacky Races +3M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadWalkerz + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadWelcome to Telekom ... 1998 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadWer ist Paula? ... 2013 Music(#2 Mixed Music at the Ultimate Meeting 2013)
DownloadWestern Contest ... 1991 Crack
DownloadWildfire +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadWillow Intro ... 1997 Crack Intro
DownloadWords Don't Come Easy +3 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadWords Don't Come Easy Preview +3 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadWorld Class Rugby ... 1991 Crack
DownloadWorld Cricket ... 1992 Crack
DownloadXenon +10 ... 1992 Crack
Xiom ... ??? Crack
DownloadXiom +4P ... 1997 Crack
DownloadXytris Preview + ... 1991 Crack (Import, Preview)
DownloadXytris Preview + ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadXytris Preview + ... ??? Crack (Import, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadXytris Preview +P ... 1991 Crack (Import, Preview)
DownloadYogi Bear & Friends in the Greed Monster +4 ... ??? Crack
DownloadZepp +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadÅke Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAase's Death ... 2013 Music

Organizer of :
Tanz in den Mai! Too early.... ... 2018  (???)
Resan till $0801 ... 1995  (Sweden)

User Comment
Submitted by Acidchild on 3 September 2021
removed the wrong Airwolf from membership and added the correct one: Airwolf

User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 15 March 2014
You guys got my utmost respect for what you did with Artphosis. It was the first demo that I watched that made art priority over tech shizz. Truly a breathtaking piece of demo art. And then Groepaz made Crowdpleaser. I love him for being the stubborn talented rebel that he is. I'm craving for more stuff from you guys so when you go all out again I want to hear you guys say "Los gehts!" :D
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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