Bob | (7-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Organizer, Swapper |
Carrion | (28/5-2022 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
CeD | (3-2024 -> ) | .... | Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician |
Creeper | (2/8-2013 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
DeeKay | (1/10-2021 -> ) | .... | Graphician, Logo Graphician |
Edhellon | (31/3-2018 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Eko Lee | (2/11-2012 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Firehawk | (22/8-2020 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Krikkit | (26/8-2019 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Lavazza | (9-2012 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Linus | (6/6-2023 -> ) | .... | Musician |
LMan | (27/2-2018 -> ) | .... | Musician |
Magnar Harestad | (10-2012 -> ) | .... | Coder, Graphician, Musician |
Makke | (10/1-2021 -> ) | .... | Musician |
NiM | (6-1997 -> ) | .... | Graphician, Swapper, Webmaster |
Oswald | (1/9-2018 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Peacemaker | (20/1-2022 -> ) | .... | Coder |
psych858o | (24/2-2022 -> ) | .... | Musician |
Swallow | (9-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Musician |
Talent | (1/1-2019 -> ) | .... | Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician |
Adrian (inactive) | | .... | Graphician |
Axis (inactive) | (1/1-2013 -> ) | .... | Coder |
CG (inactive) | (1/7-2013 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Contring (inactive) | (9-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Dragon (inactive) | (28/6-1989 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Euzkera (inactive) | (28/6-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Diskmag Editor, Swapper |
Geggin (inactive) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Coder, Swapper |
Guran (inactive) | (28/6-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Mogwai (inactive) | (4/8-2013 -> ) | .... | Coder, Hardware-Guru |
Psycho (inactive) | (6-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Swapper, Sysop |
Sensei (inactive) | (7-1989 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Slaygon (inactive) | (10-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Graphician, Musician, Webmaster |
Taito (inactive) | (7-1989 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
White Lion (inactive) | (5-1991 -> ) | .... | Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Phreaker, Swapper |
Yazoo (inactive) | (1/1-2013 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
.Wasp. (ex) | (3/11-1989 -> 1989) | .... | (unknown function) |
Adolf (ex) | (10-1990 -> 6-1997) | .... | Graphician |
Alfatech (ex) | (1993 -> 14/5-2013) | .... | Coder |
Cleric (ex) | ( -> 1991) | .... | Swapper |
Codex (ex) | | .... | Coder |
Compyx (ex) | | .... | Coder, Logo Graphician |
CRT (ex) | (7-1989 -> 29/10-2016) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Swapper |
Danko (ex) | (10-1990 -> 30/3-2012) | .... | Musician |
Dark Lord (ex) | | .... | (unknown function) |
Daw (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Derek B. (ex) | | .... | Importer, Modem Trader, Swapper |
Dr.Cool (ex) | ( -> 28/3-1991) | .... | Original Supplier, Swapper |
Epsilon (ex) | (1/1-2018 -> 4/11-2020) | .... | Coder |
Golem (ex) | | .... | Swapper |
HCL (ex) | (11-1993 -> 1995) | .... | Coder |
Joe (ex) | (2/5-2015 -> 8/10-2016) | .... | Graphician |
Methabol (ex) | (3-1991 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Mikael (ex) | (12/3-2020 -> 3/11-2020) | .... | Graphician |
Mirage (ex) | (10/12-2012 -> 29/10-2014) | .... | Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician |
Mirage (ex) | (1-1991 -> 8-1992) | .... | Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician |
Morpheus (ex) | (26/12-2017 -> 1/11-2020) | .... | Graphician, Organizer |
ND (ex) | (30/6-2020 -> 4/11-2020) | .... | Graphician |
P.C. Ltd. (ex) | | .... | Cracker |
Prowler (ex) | (9/2-2013 -> 7/7-2013) | .... | Fullscreen Graphician |
Redcuz (ex) | | .... | Cracker, Importer |
Shark (ex) | (9-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Cracker, PAL-Fixer, Sysop |
Skater (ex) | (1-1991 -> 8-1992) | .... | Diskmag Editor, Importer, Modem Trader, Swapper |
Soya (ex) | (7/10-2017 -> 8/7-2023) | .... | Graphician, Musician |
Squelch (ex) | ( -> 1989) | .... | Coder, Graphician |
Staiger (ex) | (5-1993 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Substitute (ex) | (1991 -> ) | .... | Coder |
The Sarge (ex) | (21/1-2020 -> 4/11-2020) | .... | Graphician |
Tycoon (ex) | | .... | Cracker |
Unifier (ex) | (1989 -> 8-1990) | .... | Co-Sysop, Coder |
Zarhan Fastfire (ex) | (1-1991 -> ) | .... | Phreaker |
Aliens Portal | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2024) | Rating: 9.89 |
PETSCII Platformer | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.82 |
Planet. Rock. Lobster. Hunter! | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at Mighty Hunter Competition) | Rating: 9.8 |
Lost SamurAI Compopic | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at Lost Party 2023) | Rating: 9.8 |
Silhouetta | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.8 |
Fig the Adventure | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.8 |
PETSCII Warrior | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.8 |
Photobombed | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.79 |
Pops! | ... | 2023 | Music | (#7 C64 Music at X'2023) | Rating: 9.78 |
Pixcen V0.7.0.13 | ... | 2016 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | Rating: 9.78 |
Attack of the PETSCII Karate Devils | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.77 |
Heroes vs. Monsters | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Flashparty 2020 Online Edition) | Rating: 9.76 |
Fall | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2022) | Rating: 9.75 |
The Mighty Hunter | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Mighty Hunter Competition) | Rating: 9.75 |
A PETSCII Adventure Pt.1 | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.74 |
A PETSCII Adventure Pt.2 | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.73 |
Pixcen V0.7.0.10 | ... | 2016 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | Rating: 9.73 |
THI2T33N | ... | 2016 | Graphics | (#4 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2016) | Rating: 9.72 |
Zombie Apetsciilypse | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.71 |
Treasure Island PETSCII | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.71 |
Unborn Chicken Voices | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Solskogen 2020) | Rating: 9.7 |
Creator of Planets | ... | 2022 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.69 |
Freskekôrka | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Forndata 2020) | Rating: 9.69 |
Yo! Diab-Lo! | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Teddy Beer C=64 Party) | Rating: 9.69 |
Sol Invictus | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#5 C64 Graphics at X'2023) | Rating: 9.68 |
Turbo PETSCII Fighter | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.67 |
HammerLords | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#2 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2022) | Rating: 9.65 |
Tribute to Sensei | ... | 2023 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.62 |
Route 64 | ... | 2014 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2014) | Rating: 9.61 |
Patron of Crowns | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#7 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2020) | Rating: 9.61 |
Pixcen V0.6.1.11 | ... | 2015 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | Rating: 9.58 |
Wonderland XIV | ... | 2023 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at X'2023) | Rating: 9.57 |
Comaland 100% | ... | 2015 | Demo | (Released at Nordlicht 2015) | Rating: 9.57 |
Could Be Cool | ... | 2018 | Music | (#2 Mixed Music at Revision 2018) | Rating: 9.57 |
Wondering... | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.56 |
The Lookout | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#7 C64 Graphics at X'2023) | Rating: 9.54 |
Check Out My Balls | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2022) | Rating: 9.53 |
PETSCII RPG | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.53 |
Aliens in Wonderland | ... | 2024 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Moonshine Dragons 2024) | Rating: 9.51 |
Fakers Home Boobs Palace | ... | 2014 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at X'2014) | Rating: 9.51 |
Wonderland XII | ... | 2013 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at BFP 2013) | Rating: 9.51 |
1 rasterline music player for Comaland demo | ... | 2014 | Music | (Released at X'2014) | Rating: 9.5 |
Purple | ... | 2022 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Mysdata 2022) | Rating: 9.49 |
Plastic Fantastic | ... | 2023 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Mysdata 2023) | Rating: 9.49 |
MatrixUnloaded | ... | 2013 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.48 |
Sidelined 2 | ... | 2022 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2022) | Rating: 9.48 |
Comaland | ... | 2014 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at X'2014) | Rating: 9.48 |
Daah, Those Acid Pills! | ... | 2013 | One-File Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Demo of the Year Competition 2013) | Rating: 9.46 |
Platformer | ... | 2020 | Music | (#13 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition) | Rating: 9.46 |
Fantasmolytic | ... | 2015 | Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at Nordlicht 2015) | Rating: 9.46 |
A Flock of Seagulls | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Double Screen Compo 2013) | Rating: 9.46 |
The West Is Not Too Wild | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at BFP 2013) | Rating: 9.46 |
Galactic Gaze | ... | 2020 | Graphics | | Rating: 9.45 |
Wonderland XIII | ... | 2016 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at X'2016) | Rating: 9.42 |
The Star Wars Demo | ... | 2018 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at X'2018) | Rating: 9.41 |
Tribute to Vangelis | ... | 2023 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2023) | Rating: 9.4 |
Melody Clara Färdiga Gå | ... | 2018 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2018) | Rating: 9.39 |
Rivalry | ... | 2019 | Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at Revision 2019) | Rating: 9.37 |
We Come in Peace | ... | 2018 | Demo | (#1 Mixed Demo at Revision 2018) | Rating: 9.37 |
Danko 50 | ... | 2023 | Demo | | Rating: 9.35 |
Kickin' it Oldskool | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013) | Rating: 9.34 |
Skully and His Pal | ... | 2023 | Graphics | (#3 Mixed Graphics at X'2023) | Rating: 9.33 |
SV 927 | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at FORNDATA 2o21) | Rating: 9.33 |
Hello, Weenies! | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | | Rating: 9.32 |
Winter | ... | 2022 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Mysdata 2022) | Rating: 9.29 |
Shrill | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#8 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2013) | Rating: 9.24 |
Serpent | ... | 2014 | Demo | (#5 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2014) | Rating: 9.21 |
Demo of the Year 2013 | ... | 2013 | Demo | (Released at Nordlicht 2013) | Rating: 9.19 |
Wonderland XI | ... | 2012 | Demo | (#5 C64 Demo at X'2012) | Rating: 9.19 |
The Eagle Has Landed | ... | 2015 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2015) | Rating: 9.17 |
Ice Metal - Still Shining | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013) | Rating: 9.15 |
Wonderland X | ... | 1993 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at The Computer Crossroad 1993) | Rating: 9.07 |
XMAS 2020 | ... | 2020 | Demo | (#4 C64 Demo at FORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o) | Rating: 9 |
EVH | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#5 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2020) | Rating: 9 |
Short Escort | ... | 2020 | Music | (#39 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition) | Rating: 9 |
Santa Can Fly | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Offence XMAS2012 Graphics Competition) | Rating: 9 |
Last Night in Sweden | ... | 2021 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Last Night (melody compo)) | Rating: 8.98 |
Guardians of the Wind | ... | 2018 | Music | (#12 C64 Music at X'2018) | Rating: 8.96 |
Sidelined | ... | 2013 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2013) | Rating: 8.95 |
Wonderland IX | ... | 1992 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992) | Rating: 8.93 |
The Magic of Ben Daglish | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#7 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2020) | Rating: 8.91 |
Spasmolytic | ... | 1993 | Demo | (#2 C64 Demo at The Party 1993) | Rating: 8.86 |
Dragon | ... | 2024 | Graphics | (#6 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2024) | Rating: 8.83 |
2 Days | ... | 2016 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2016) | Rating: 8.82 |
Wonderland XI Notes | ... | 2012 | One-File Demo | | Rating: 8.8 |
Party Crasher | ... | 2011 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at LCP 2011) | Rating: 8.8 |
Up in the Clouds | ... | 2021 | Graphics | (#15 C64 Graphics at Transmission64) | Rating: 8.7 |
Dragoneye | ... | 2014 | Graphics | (#6 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2014) | Rating: 8.67 |
The Old Forest | ... | 2018 | Graphics | (#2 Mixed Graphics at Edison 2018) | Rating: 8.6 |
Bla Bla | ... | 1994 | One-File Demo | (#8 C64 Demo at The Party 1994) | Rating: 8.6 |
Entry Denied | ... | 2019 | Music | (#6 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2019) | Rating: 8.57 |
Beer O'Clock! | ... | 2023 | One-File Demo | | Rating: 8.54 |
Love | ... | 2014 | Music | (#12 C64 Music at Datastorm 2014) | Rating: 8.53 |
Free Icecream at the Clown Factory | ... | 2020 | Music | (#3 Mixed Music at Syntax 2020) | Rating: 8.51 |
Valentine | ... | 2014 | Graphics | (#5 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2014) | Rating: 8.45 |
Alice in Wonderland | ... | 2013 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at BFP 2013) | Rating: 8.36 |
It's Green! | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#8 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013) | Rating: 8.33 |
Legacy | ... | 2012 | Demo | (Released at World of Commodore 2012) | Rating: 8.29 |
One | ... | 2020 | One-File Demo | (#6 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2020) | Rating: 8.29 |
We haz ze powa | ... | 2013 | Graphics | | Rating: 8.27 |
File Deleted | ... | 2017 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at Datastorm 2017 Summer) | Rating: 8.26 |
Float | ... | 2014 | Music | (#12 C64 Music at X'2014) | Rating: 8.25 |
Beats and Notes | ... | 2020 | Music | (#8 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2020) | Rating: 8.2 |
Bobs by Censor | ... | 2016 | One-File Demo | (#19 C64 Demo at X'2016) | Rating: 8.2 |
Wonderland VIII | ... | 1991 | Demo | | Rating: 8.18 |
What Is the Matrix | ... | 2013 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2013) | Rating: 8.15 |
Christmas18 | ... | 2018 | Demo | | Rating: 8.14 |
A Storm Is Coming | ... | 2016 | One-File Demo | | Rating: 8.09 |
Tech-Tech Magic | ... | 2019 | One-File Demo | (#9 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2019) | Rating: 8 |
Wonderland IV | ... | 1989 | Demo | | Rating: 8 |
Wonderland II | ... | 1989 | One-File Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at DatorMagazin Competition) | Rating: 8 |
Censor-ICC 2019 | ... | 2020 | 4K Intro | (#29 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019) | Rating: 7.94 |
Spasmolytic | ... | 2012 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at X'2012) | Rating: 7.71 |
Wonderland VI | ... | 1990 | Demo | | Rating: 7.71 |
Wonderland III | ... | 1989 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Shape+TRC Party) | Rating: 7.67 |
Music Box | ... | 2019 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2019) | Rating: 7.67 |
Wonderland VII 100% | ... | 1990 | Demo | | Rating: 7.63 |
Censored Colors | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#27 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013) | Rating: 7.46 |
Blackmetal | ... | 2020 | Graphics | (#1 Mixed Graphics at Edison 2020) | Rating: 7.46 |
The Fool | ... | 2018 | Graphics | (#15 C64 Graphics at X'2018) | Rating: 7.41 |
Jag Kommer (Datastorm 2013 remix) | ... | 2013 | Music | (#13 C64 Music at Datastorm 2013) | Rating: 7.33 |
Berlin Is Back! | ... | 2020 | 4K Intro | (#37 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019) | Rating: 7.29 |
Wonderland V | ... | 1990 | Demo | (#1 C64 Demo at Phenomena & Censor Party 1990) | Rating: 7.24 |
Small Chunk | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#24 C64 Graphics at Font Creation Competition 2013) | Rating: 7.17 |
I Wish I Could | ... | 2013 | Graphics | (#8 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2013) | Rating: 6.56 |
Grogget | ... | 2012 | Graphics | (#30 C64 Graphics at X'2012) | Rating: 5.22 |
Deep | ... | 1994 | Graphics | (#?? C64 Graphics at Tribute 1994) | Rating: 4.8 |
Dragonlady | ... | 2011 | Graphics | (#9 C64 Graphics at LCP 2011) | Rating: 4.16 |
Inferno | ... | 2024 | Music | (#5 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2024) | N/A |
A Walt Surprise! | ... | 2024 | Intro | | N/A |
Danko 50+ | ... | 2023 | Demo | | N/A |
C6510 1.0.2 | ... | 2023 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | N/A |
C6510 1.0.0 | ... | 2022 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | N/A |
Strange Range | ... | 2021 | Music | (#8 Mixed Music at Edison 2021) | N/A |
Last Night Redux (Stinsen) | ... | 2021 | Music | (Released at Last Night (melody compo)) | N/A |
Melodeus | ... | 2019 | Music | (#3 C64 Music at Datastorm 2019) | N/A |
Free Fallin' | ... | 2019 | Music | (#3 Mixed Music at Gubbdata 2019) | N/A |
Disco-Data | ... | 2018 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at Datastorm 2018) | N/A |
Happy Birthday! | ... | 2014 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Pixcen V0.6.0.57 | ... | 2014 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | N/A |
Serpent - 5 rasterline and 1102 bytes song | ... | 2014 | Music | | N/A |
Five Hours | ... | 2011 | Music | (#5 C64 Music at Datastorm 2011) | N/A |
Secret Censor Tools | ... | 2002 | Tool Collection | | N/A |
Censored Editor V1.6 | ... | 2001 | Tool | | N/A |
Diffractions | ... | 1997 | Music | (#13 C64 Music at Assembly 1997) | N/A |
Compopic | ... | 1997 | Graphics | (#6 C64 Graphics at X'97 Takeover) | N/A |
Sidplayer V1.0 | ... | 1994 | Other Platform C64 Tool | | N/A |
Hotel California | ... | 1994 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at Tribute 1994) | N/A |
Strange | ... | 1994 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994) | N/A |
Swing It | ... | 1994 | Music | (#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994) | N/A |
Raj Raj | ... | 1994 | One-File Demo | (Released at Raj Raj 1994) | N/A |
Ragga Run | ... | 1993 | Music | (#16 C64 Music at The Party 1993) | N/A |
Compopic TCC1993 | ... | 1993 | Graphics | (#4 C64 Graphics at The Computer Crossroad 1993) | N/A |
Dankos 64-bidrag | ... | 1993 | Music | (#14 C64 Music at The Computer Crossroad 1993) | N/A |
Compopic | ... | 1992 | Graphics | (#1 C64 Graphics at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992) | N/A |
Compopic | ... | 1992 | Graphics | (#3 C64 Graphics at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992) | N/A |
Compotune | ... | 1992 | Music | (#2 C64 Music at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992) | N/A |
Planetary | ... | 1992 | Music | (#1 C64 Music at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992) | N/A |
Sh0ck #11 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Sh0ck #10 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Sh0ck #09 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | | N/A |
The Jetsons +3 | ... | 1992 | Crack | | N/A |
Elvira 2 Preview | ... | 1992 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Fatal News #11 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | | N/A |
One on One | ... | 1992 | Graphics | | N/A |
Robocop 3 Preview | ... | 1992 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #09 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Sh0ck #11 | ... | 1992 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Sh0ck #08 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Cisco Heat + | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Hudson Hawk + | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Smash TV + | ... | 1991 | Crack (100%) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #07 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Out Run Europa + | ... | 1991 | Crack (100%) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #06 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
To All Swappers! | ... | 1991 | Misc. | | N/A |
Volfied +2 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Sh0ck #05 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Tony La Russa's Ultimate Baseball | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #04 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Out of Beer | ... | 1991 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Medieval Lords | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #03 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Sh0ck #02 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Danko Tunes in Delux Driver V4.4 | ... | 1991 | Music Collection | | N/A |
Pick'n'Pile | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Extreme +5F | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #01 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Censor Intro | ... | 1991 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
SpellCast Preview + | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Pick'n'Pile | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Bad Blood + | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Pick'n'Pile | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Farewell Demo | ... | 1991 | Music Collection | (Released at Horizon Easterparty 1991) | N/A |
Super Monaco Grand Prix | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Super Monaco Grand Prix | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Back to the Future III Preview | ... | 1991 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Metal Gear + | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Winter Camp Preview | ... | 1991 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Night Shift | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Seven Up Spot | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Address Register V4.0 [hungarian] | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October + | ... | 1991 | Crack (PAL only) | | N/A |
Judge Dredd +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Judge Dredd +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack (any, 101%, Import) | | N/A |
UN Squadron +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Saint Dragon + | ... | 1991 | Crack (Recrack, Import) | | N/A |
Censor Intro | ... | 1991 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Creatures +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Creatures +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Creatures +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy +3DHF | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Jonny Quest + | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Arachnophobia +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Back to the Future III | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Back to the Future III Preview | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import, Preview) | | N/A |
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure + | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Censor Intro | ... | 1991 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Chip's Challenge +2 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Dreamteam Basketball | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Equinox | ... | 1991 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Fatal News #09 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Fatal News #10 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Gathering '91 Invitation | ... | 1991 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Gremlins 2 +6 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Italy 1990 | ... | 1991 | Crack (Recrack) | | N/A |
Last Battle + | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Medieval Lords | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Metal Gear + V2 | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Mighty Bombjack +2 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
North & South | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Out of Beer | ... | 1991 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Predator 2 +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Puzznic +2 | ... | 1991 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ranx Top 10 | ... | 1991 | Charts | | N/A |
Saint Dragon + | ... | 1991 | Crack (Recrack) | | N/A |
Sh0ck #06 | ... | 1991 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Skull and Crossbones +3 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Star Control | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
SWIV +4 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Terminator 2 +1H | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Terminator 2 Preview | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Recrack, Import) | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | 1991 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Recrack, Import) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Turrican II +6 | ... | 1991 | Crack | | N/A |
Winter Camp Preview | ... | 1991 | Crack (Recrack, Preview) | | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3F | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Saint Dragon + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Saint Dragon +1F | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Saint Dragon +1F | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy +3DHF | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Summer Camp +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy +3DHF | ... | 1990 | Crack (PAL only, Broken, Import) | | N/A |
Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy +3DHF | ... | 1990 | Crack (PAL only, Import) | | N/A |
Fire & Forget II - The Death Convoy +3DH | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Stun Runner + | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Stun Runner +1D | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Puzznic +2 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
B.A.T. +5 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Fatal News #09 | ... | 1990 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Eswat +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Party Report | ... | 1990 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
UN Squadron +3F | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Strider II +5H | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3D | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Crack Down USA +7 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Amazing Spider-Man + | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Spy Who Loved Me +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road +F | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Atomic Robo-Kid +3D | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Wonderland VII | ... | 1990 | Demo | (#3 C64 Demo at Censor Halloween Party 1990) | N/A |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Monty Python's Flying Circus + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3D | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3D | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
SupeRes Term V9.0 | ... | 1990 | Tool | | N/A |
Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday [3 sides] | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Fatal News #08 | ... | 1990 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Subbuteo | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
TSM Intro | ... | 1990 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Hard Drivin' | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Hard Drivin' | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Fatal News #07 | ... | 1990 | Diskmag | | N/A |
1 Year in Wonderland | ... | 1990 | Demo | | N/A |
Time Machine +1D | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
King's Bounty | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Time Machine +1D | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Deliverance +2 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Back to the Future II +2 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Puffy's Saga +9 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Eye Damage | ... | 1990 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Fatal News #06 | ... | 1990 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Stun Runner + | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Dynasty Wars +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Kong | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Football Manager World Cup Edition | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Manchester United | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Notemaker V2 | ... | 1990 | Tool | | N/A |
Strike Aces +D | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Vendetta | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Mission Impossibubble + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Italy 1990 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Italy 1990 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Spacebike Simulator +2 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Defenders of the Earth + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Italy 1990 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
NTSC II [ntsc] | ... | 1990 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Dan Dare III +4 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Hammerfist +2D | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Cloud Kingdoms +3H | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Sonic Boom +2H | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Dan Dare III +4 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Hammerfist +2 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Pro Tennis Tour | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Pipe Mania | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Censor Intro | ... | 1990 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Hot Rod | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Black Tiger +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Scramble Spirits + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
P-47 Thunderbolt + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Mega Tetris 2 | ... | 1990 | Game | | N/A |
John Elway's Quarterback | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Australian Rules Football | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Censor Design Intro | ... | 1990 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Windwalker | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Space Harrier II + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Fatal News #05 | ... | 1990 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Maze Mania + | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
The Champ | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Anders Limpar's Proffs Fotboll | ... | 1990 | Crack | | N/A |
Contactdealer V2.0 | ... | 1990 | Tool | (Released at Phenomena & Censor Party 1990) | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Fatal News #04 | ... | 1990 | Diskmag | | N/A |
About FLT | ... | 1990 | Misc. | | N/A |
Australian Rules Football | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Censored Editor V1.1 | ... | 1990 | Tool | | N/A |
Contactdealer V3.0 | ... | 1990 | Tool | (Released at Bergen Party 1990) | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
E-Swat +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Four Tunes | ... | 1990 | Music Collection | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road +F | ... | 1990 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
King's Bounty | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Microleague Baseball 2 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Microleague Football | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Note 4 U! | ... | 1990 | Misc. | | N/A |
Party Info | ... | 1990 | Invitation | | N/A |
Read & Spread | ... | 1990 | Misc. | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3 | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Slaygon Coder V1.0 | ... | 1990 | Tool | | N/A |
Strike Aces | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Ninja Warriors + | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Time Machine +1D | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Usual Note | ... | 1990 | Misc. | | N/A |
Vendetta | ... | 1990 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Late Xmas | ... | 1989 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
The Ninja Warriors + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Fighter Bomber +F | ... | 1989 | Crack (NTSC only, Import) | | N/A |
Dr. Dooms Revenge | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Eye of Horus + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Fighter Bomber | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Fighter Bomber | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Myth | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Turbo Outrun + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Fatal News #03 | ... | 1989 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II +27 | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Moonwalker | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Party '90 | ... | 1989 | Invitation | | N/A |
Double Dragon II +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghouls'n'Ghosts +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Turbo Outrun +1F | ... | 1989 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Turbo Outrun +1F | ... | 1989 | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
Moonwalker | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Untouchables +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Moonwalker | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Turbo Outrun | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
The Untouchables +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Rally Cross + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Bushido + | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Bushido + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Wonderboy in Monsterland | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Rollercoaster Rumbler | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
D.I.S.C. Preview | ... | 1989 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Pro Mountain Bike Simulator | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Bushido | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Censor Intro | ... | 1989 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Power Drift +H | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
The Champ | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Dragon Spirit +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Fatal News #02 | ... | 1989 | Diskmag | | N/A |
++++NTSC | ... | 1989 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Cabal +4H | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Dragon Spirit +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Powerboat Simulator + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
The Last Fight + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Wicked + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Altered Beast +1D | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Fatal News #01 | ... | 1989 | Diskmag | | N/A |
Wicked + | ... | 1989 | Crack | (Released at Shape+TRC Party) | N/A |
Dynamite Dux + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Artic World Cup | ... | 1989 | Crack (101%) | | N/A |
First Strike +2 | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Mr. Heli | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Censor Intro | ... | 1989 | Crack Intro | | N/A |
Terry's Big Adventure + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Heroes of the Lance | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
In to a Secret Land | ... | 1989 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Kayden Garth | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
On a Knee | ... | 1989 | One-File Demo | | N/A |
Navy Moves + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Aspar Grand Prix Master | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II +27 | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Information | ... | 1989 | Charts | | N/A |
Inner Space + | ... | 1989 | Crack | | N/A |
Moonwalker | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Notemaker | ... | 1989 | Tool | | N/A |
Power Drift Preview | ... | 1989 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Xiphoids Preview | ... | 1989 | Crack (Preview) | | N/A |
Xiphoids Preview | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import, Preview) | | N/A |
Xiphoids Preview | ... | 1989 | Crack (Import, Preview) | | N/A |
CCGMS V7.0 | ... | ??? | BBS Software | | N/A |
Censor Design Letter | ... | ??? | Misc. | | N/A |
Censor Writer | ... | ??? | Tool | | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3 | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3 | ... | ??? | Crack | | N/A |
Dick Tracy +3 | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Eye of Horus + | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | ??? | Crack (Recrack) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ghostbusters II + | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Hard Drivin' | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Hard Drivin' | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Mr. Heli | ... | ??? | Crack (Recrack) | | N/A |
Night Shift | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Rick Dangerous II +3 | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Saint Dragon +2 | ... | ??? | Crack | | N/A |
Sh0ck #05 | ... | ??? | Diskmag | | N/A |
Super Monaco Grand Prix | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Super Monaco Grand Prix | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | ??? | Crack (Recrack, Import) | | N/A |
The Hunt for Red October +6F | ... | ??? | Crack (NTSC fixed, Import) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | ??? | Crack (Recrack) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
The Last Ninja 3 +6H | ... | ??? | Crack | | N/A |
Turbo Outrun +1F | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
UN Squadron +3F | ... | ??? | Crack (Import) | | N/A |
Vendetta | ... | ??? | Crack (Recrack, Import) | | N/A |
Wonderland VI | ... | ??? | Demo | | N/A |
Zipper V5.1 | ... | ??? | Tool | | N/A |