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Oxyron   (OXY)

- when salvation is near
- proud to be lame
- lameness since 1991

Founded by :
TTS, AKC, Yazoo & Graham on 7 December 1991

Group Type :
Demo Group

Base Country :

Website :

Trivia :

User rating:*********_  9.3/10 (102 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.6/10 (42 votes) - Public votes only.

All Members :
Axis (4-1992 -> ) .... Coder
Cruzer (17/10-2015 -> ) .... Coder
DeeKay (11/4-2014 -> ) .... Graphician
dEViLOCk (8/8-2013 -> ) .... Musician
Fanta (1995 -> ) .... Musician
Sphinx (7/8-2013 -> ) .... Graphician
Yazoo (12-1991 -> ) .... Graphician, Organizer
Graham   (inactive) (12-1991 -> ) .... Coder
Kasmo   (inactive) (27/1-2008 -> ) .... Musician
N3XU5   (inactive) (1/8-2014 -> ) .... Graphician
oys   (inactive) (13/1-2007 -> ) .... Graphician
PRI   (inactive) (1992 -> ) .... Musician, Swapper
Tommes   (inactive) (20/6-2015 -> ) .... Graphician
TTS   (inactive) (12-1991 -> ) .... Coder, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Veto   (inactive) (20/6-2015 -> ) .... Graphician
Widdy   (inactive) (20/6-2015 -> ) .... Coder
AKC   (ex) (12-1991 -> ) .... Coder
Amarok   (ex) (12-1991 -> 8-1993) .... Swapper
Andre   (ex) (7-1992 -> 8-1993) .... Graphician, Mega Swapper, Musician
Asmodis   (ex) (1993 -> ) .... Graphician
Bitbreaker   (ex) (21/5-2012 -> 18/2-2022) .... Coder, Graphician
Biz Kid   (ex) (1-1993 -> 1997) .... Diskmag Editor, Graphician
Cactus   (ex) (1/9-2002 -> 15/3-2007) .... Diskmag Editor
Caprix   (ex) (4-1992 -> 1992) .... Coder
Crosshead   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Dave   (ex) (12-1991 -> 9-1992) .... Logo Graphician, Musician
Death   (ex) (8/8-2013 -> 31/7-2014) .... Graphician
Death   (ex) (10-1992 -> 4-1993) .... Graphician
DJ Gruby   (ex) (16/3-2007 -> 2/11-2012) .... Diskmag Editor
Ecstasy   (ex) .... Swapper
Ego   (ex) (12-1991 -> ) .... Graphician, Swapper
Elko   (ex) (28/10-2014 -> 24/1-2020) .... Graphician
Fuben   (ex) (5-1995 -> ) .... Coder, Musician
Jeroen Tel   (ex) (21/11-2012 -> 16/5-2017) .... Musician
Kirk   (ex) (4-1992 -> 1-1994) .... Graphician, Swapper
Linus   (ex) (30/10-2014 -> 23/7-2022) .... Musician
LMan   (ex) (20/6-2015 -> 23/11-2019) .... Musician
Machine   (ex) (1-1993 -> ) .... Diskmag Editor, Mega Swapper
No-XS   (ex) .... Musician
Peace   (ex) (1-1993 -> 27/1-2008) .... Musician
Peiselulli   (ex) (2/10-2010 -> 30/10-2019) .... Coder
Purgatory   (ex) .... Cracker
RRR   (ex) (1/6-1992 -> 2/11-2012) .... Graphician
Scrapper   (ex) (1-1993 -> ) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Slide   (ex) (12-1991 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
Sodan   (ex) (12-1991 -> 3-1992) .... (unknown function)
Suzuki   (ex) .... Swapper
Tch   (ex) (15/8-2005 -> 2/11-2012) .... Graphician
The Human Code Machine   (ex) (10/9-2012 -> 18/2-2022) .... Coder
Thunder   (ex) ( -> 1992) .... (unknown function)
Trice   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Veto   (ex) (19/7-2009 -> 23/2-2015) .... Graphician
Wingo   (ex) .... Swapper

Releases : (248)
DownloadDonkey Kong ... 2016 Game(Released at X'2016)Rating: 10
DownloadSaufzucht! ... 2017 DTV(#1 Mixed Demo at Nordlicht 2017)Rating: 9.84
DownloadEye of the Storm ... 2012 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2012 )Rating: 9.83
DownloadMulti Rock ... 1993 Music(#21 C64 Music at The Party 1993)Rating: 9.78
DownloadDon't Mess Up with Mama ... 2010 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Breakpoint 2010)Rating: 9.71
DownloadCor Blimey ! ... 2013 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2013)Rating: 9.69
DownloadNight Walk ... 2013 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2013)Rating: 9.69
DownloadThe Mill ... 2011 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at LCP 2011)Rating: 9.67
DownloadComa Light 13 ... 2012 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at X'2012)Rating: 9.65
DownloadAnbieren ... 2018 DTV(#2 Mixed Demo at Nordlicht 2018)Rating: 9.63
DownloadRoute 64 ... 2014 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2014)Rating: 9.62
DownloadWinter is Coming ... 2016 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at X'2016)Rating: 9.61
DownloadComaland 100% ... 2015 Demo(Released at Nordlicht 2015)Rating: 9.58
Download25 Years of Yie Ar Kung-Fu ... 2010 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at X'2010)Rating: 9.57
DownloadStrangers ... 2009 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2009)Rating: 9.56
DownloadDeus Ex Machina ... 2000 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 2000)Rating: 9.51
DownloadFakers Home Boobs Palace ... 2014 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at X'2014)Rating: 9.5
DownloadDawnfall V1.1 ... 1996 One-File DemoRating: 9.48
DownloadComaland ... 2014 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at X'2014)Rating: 9.48
DownloadDeep Sea ... 2018 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2018)Rating: 9.47
DownloadMiss Pixcen ... 2014 GraphicsRating: 9.46
DownloadAnother Flock of Seagulls ... 2016 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2016)Rating: 9.45
DownloadFantasmolytic ... 2015 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Nordlicht 2015)Rating: 9.45
DownloadAttitude #9 ... 2005 DiskmagRating: 9.42
DownloadBehind the Leaves ... 2017 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2017)Rating: 9.42
DownloadGleis 9 3/4 ... 2018 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at X'2018)Rating: 9.39
DownloadOne-Der ... 1997 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at The Party 1997)Rating: 9.36
DownloadDawnfall ... 1995 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at The Party 1995)Rating: 9.34
DownloadLameness Since 1991 ... 2017 Crack Intro(#3 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)Rating: 9.31
DownloadBlubb ... 2017 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2017)Rating: 9.29
DownloadDolphins Can Fly ... 2012 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Maximum Overdose 10)Rating: 9.29
DownloadSocial Net ... 2014 Graphics(#6 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2014)Rating: 9.28
DownloadRobot Sensuality ... 2016 Music(#5 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2016)Rating: 9.24
DownloadRisen from Oblivion VDC V2 ... 2006 C128 ReleaseRating: 9.23
DownloadGhost Story ... 2009 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 3)Rating: 9.22
DownloadDemo of the Year 2013 ... 2013 Demo(Released at Nordlicht 2013)Rating: 9.19
DownloadAngels Amongst Us ... 2014 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2014)Rating: 9.19
DownloadBack on the Route! ... 2018 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2018)Rating: 9.19
DownloadThe Eagle Has Landed ... 2015 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2015)Rating: 9.17
DownloadCountess of Boob ... 2013 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at the Ultimate Meeting 2013)Rating: 9.17
DownloadWermland ... 2009 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at LCP 2009)Rating: 9.17
DownloadNatural Wonders 2 ... 2008 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at X'2008)Rating: 9.11
DownloadComa Light 12 ... 1994 DemoRating: 9.05
DownloadNatural Wonders ... 2007 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Breakpoint 2007)Rating: 9.03
DownloadAttitude #13 ... 2012 DiskmagRating: 9
DownloadA Kind of Magic ... 2011 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at C64pixels.com Double Screen Compo)Rating: 9
DownloadOld Farts Dream ... 2011 Crack Intro(#?? C64 Demo at Facebook Oldskool Cracktro Compo)Rating: 9
DownloadComa Job 2/3 ... 2006 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at The Party 1998)Rating: 9
DownloadRhabarberbar ... 2018 Crack Intro(#1 C64 Demo at 8K Intro Competition 2017)Rating: 8.93
DownloadKrestyron ... 1998 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 1998)Rating: 8.91
DownloadSummer of 64 ... 2014 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2014)Rating: 8.88
DownloadComa Job ... 1998 One-File Demo(Released at X'98)Rating: 8.86
DownloadParts ... 1995 Demo(Released at X'95)Rating: 8.85
DownloadAttitude #12 ... 2011 DiskmagRating: 8.8
DownloadRisen from Oblivion ... 2001 C128 Release(#2 WiLD Demo at Mekka & Symposium 2001)Rating: 8.76
DownloadSnuggery ... 2016 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at X'2016)Rating: 8.73
DownloadOxy Rock ... 2014 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Nordlicht 2014)Rating: 8.72
Download20 Years Oxyron ... 2011 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Maximum Overdose 9 (miniMO?))Rating: 8.71
DownloadAttitude #11 ... 2010 DiskmagRating: 8.71
DownloadPanta Rhei ... 2004 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at X'2004)Rating: 8.69
DownloadMirror ... 2014 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Flashback 2014)Rating: 8.67
DownloadThe impossible Thing ... 2003 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at Breakpoint 2003)Rating: 8.67
DownloadComa Light 11 ... 1993 Demo(#5 C64 Demo at The Party 1993)Rating: 8.67
DownloadMedussssa ... 2015 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Nordlicht 2015)Rating: 8.59
DownloadZöpf ... 2014 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2014)Rating: 8.56
DownloadPlants ... 2014 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at X'2014)Rating: 8.5
DownloadAttitude #10 ... 2010 DiskmagRating: 8.5
DownloadThe Evil 40 ... 2016 One-File Demo(Released at Sphinx's Evil 40 Meeting)Rating: 8.45
DownloadAfrican Night ... 2011 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at LCP 2011)Rating: 8.41
DownloadEl Ephant ... 2014 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at X'2014)Rating: 8.33
DownloadKUBS ... 2009 GraphicsRating: 8.33
DownloadAttitude #8 ... 2005 DiskmagRating: 8.33
DownloadAlle Im Sack ... 2013 One-File Demo(#2 Mixed at Christmas Fun Competition 2013)Rating: 8.3
DownloadOxyron Party v2 Invitation ... 2007 InvitationRating: 8.29
DownloadThe Masque ... 1994 Demo(Released at The Party 1994)Rating: 8.2
DownloadComa Light 8 ... 1992 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at The Party 1992)Rating: 8.2
DownloadVision 2003 Demo ... 2003 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Vision 2003)Rating: 8.19
DownloadRabbytes Can Dance ... 2009 Graphics(#2 Mixed at miniMO 2009)Rating: 8.17
DownloadCute Overdose ... 2009 Demo(#1 Mixed at miniMO 2009)Rating: 8.15
DownloadEmptyness ... 2009 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at LCP 2009)Rating: 8.13
DownloadFick, Daul und wurstig ... 2013 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Demo of the Year Competition 2013)Rating: 8.11
DownloadA Storm Is Coming ... 2016 One-File DemoRating: 8.09
Download3DEH ... 2009 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at LCP 2009)Rating: 8.07
Paradise ... 2014 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at Syntax 2014)Rating: 8.07
DownloadMermaid ... 2013 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at C64pixels.com Double Screen Compo 2013)Rating: 8
DownloadNatural Beast ... 2008 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at X'2008)Rating: 8
DownloadReLIGHTening ... 1996 DemoRating: 7.83
DownloadBright Blackout ... 2011 One-File Demo(Released at Oxyron's Shining Lethargy Meeting)Rating: 7.78
DownloadBiste Clown, saeufste Schaum ... 2016 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2016)Rating: 7.7
Download20 Years TRSI Logo ... 2010 Graphics(Released at Breakpoint 2010)Rating: 7.67
DownloadPieces II Preview ... 2010 Game PreviewRating: 7.42
DownloadComa Light 4 ... 1992 Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Light + Phenomena Easter Party 1992)Rating: 7
Download3 Color Oxy Logo ... 2013 Graphics(#44 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013)Rating: 6.92
DownloadRollo ... 2004 One-File Demo(#11 C64 Demo at Floppy 2004)Rating: 6.46
DownloadOxylogo ... 2007 GraphicsRating: 6
DownloadPieces II ... 2022 GameN/A
DownloadIfHappy ... 2018 One-File Demo(#6 Mixed Demo at Nordlicht 2018)N/A
DownloadSeawolf +F ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK)N/A
DownloadSir68byteski [68 bytes] ... 2016 256b Intro(#?? C64 256b Intro at Spontaneous Sierpinski Triangle Funcompo)N/A
DownloadSir Pimp Ski ... 2016 256b Intro(#?? C64 256b Intro at Spontaneous Sierpinski Triangle Funcompo)N/A
DownloadBitfire 0.6 ... 2016 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadBitfire V0.5 ... 2016 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadBitfire 0.4 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadGFX Transformer 1.1 ... 2015 ToolN/A
DownloadBitfire 0.3 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadBitfire V0.2 ... 2014 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadBitfire V0.1 ... 2014 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadVectorball ... 2013 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Show me your (vector)balls)N/A
DownloadVectorball ... 2013 One-File Demo(Released at Show me your (vector)balls)N/A
DownloadDisk Cover - Coma Light 13 ... 2012 Disk Cover(Released at X'2012)N/A
DownloadWarpcopy II V0.1 alpha 3 ... 2010 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadPieces II Preview Party Version ... 2009 Game Preview(#1 WiLD Demo at Forever 10 - The Bonus Level)N/A
DownloadNatural Wonders 2 Cover ... 2008 Disk Cover(Released at X'2008)N/A
DownloadAsinus Perplexus ... 2008 DTVN/A
DownloadUnsophisticated ... 2007 Music(#6 C64 Music at The Sid Compo VII)N/A
DownloadPhantasy Logo ... 2007 GraphicsN/A
DownloadPublication Logo ... 2007 GraphicsN/A
DownloadScene World Logo ... 2007 GraphicsN/A
DownloadYaemon Logo ... 2007 GraphicsN/A
DownloadComa Light '87 ... 2007 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Maximum Overdose 8)N/A
DownloadBrewery ... 2007 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Breakpoint 2007)N/A
Download15 Years Oxyron Party - Invitation ... 2007 InvitationN/A
DownloadWarpCopy64 Server V0.2 ... 2005 ToolN/A
DownloadWarpCopy64 ... 2005 Other Platform C64 ToolN/A
DownloadAttitude Text Editor 4.1 Preview ... 2004 ToolN/A
DownloadAttitude Text Editor 4.0 Preview ... 2004 ToolN/A
DownloadAttitude #7 ... 2004 DiskmagN/A
DownloadAttitude #6 ... 2003 Diskmag(Released at LCP 2003)N/A
DownloadAttitude/PC Text Converter V1.00 ... 2003 ToolN/A
DownloadAttitude #5 ... 2003 DiskmagN/A
DownloadAttitude/PC Text Converter V1.01 ... 2003 ToolN/A
DownloadAttitude #4 ... 2002 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSit in My Underwear, Drinking Pepsi ... 2002 Music(#24 Mixed at Vision 2002)N/A
DownloadAttitude Text Editor 2.0 Beta ... 2002 ToolN/A
DownloadGFX Transformer 1.0 ... 1999 ToolN/A
DownloadG-Packer V1.0 ... 1999 ToolN/A
DownloadGavelion ... 1998 Music(#15 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1998)N/A
DownloadGettin' Jazzy ... 1997 Music(#6 C64 Music at The Party 1997)N/A
DownloadMotorway 4 ... 1997 Music(#2 C64 Music at The Party 1997)N/A
DownloadSlapped Bass ... 1996 Music(#3 C64 Music at The Party 1996)N/A
Download4 Years ... 1996 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Symposium 1996)N/A
DownloadSymposium 1996 Invitation ... 1996 InvitationN/A
DownloadSymposium 1996 Map ... 1996 InvitationN/A
DownloadComa Light ... 1995 DemoN/A
DownloadFreshjive! ... 1995 Music(#3 C64 Music at The Party 1995)N/A
DownloadShort Tune! ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at The Party 1995)N/A
DownloadStill Alive ... 1995 Misc.N/A
Download1x1 Proportional Charset Converter ... 1995 ToolN/A
DownloadRelax Text Editor V2.0 ... 1995 ToolN/A
DownloadRelax Text Editor V2.6 ... 1995 ToolN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #14 ... 1994 Diskmag(Released at The Party 1994)N/A
DownloadTunehigh #01 ... 1994 Music Collection(Released at The Party 1994)N/A
DownloadLameness Rules ... 1994 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Tribute 1994)N/A
DownloadSkyhigh #13 ... 1994 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #12 ... 1994 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #11 ... 1994 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #10 ... 1994 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #10 cover ... 1994 Disk CoverN/A
DownloadAddybook #15 ... 1994 DiskmagN/A
DownloadEAFLI-Editor V1.0 ... 1994 ToolN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #10 Fix ... 1994 Misc.N/A
DownloadMorbid'n'RRR ... 1993 Music(#18 C64 Music at The Party 1993)N/A
DownloadSkyhigh #9 ... 1993 Diskmag(Released at The Party 1993)N/A
DownloadSkyhigh #8 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #7 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadCrazy Inside ... 1993 Graphics CollectionN/A
DownloadAddybook #14 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #6 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #5 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadXalt Xacerbation ... 1993 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadRRR's Ripping Revenge ... 1993 Misc.N/A
DownloadAddybook #13 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadComa Light 11 Cover ... 1993 Disk Cover(Released at The Computer Crossroad 1993)N/A
DownloadCompopic TCC1993 ... 1993 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at The Computer Crossroad 1993)N/A
DownloadHagar ... 1993 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at The Computer Crossroad 1993)N/A
DownloadHit'n'Run ... 1993 Music(#6 C64 Music at The Computer Crossroad 1993)N/A
DownloadComa Light 10 ... 1993 Demo(#5 C64 Demo at The Computer Crossroad 1993)N/A
DownloadSkyhigh #4 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadComa Light 9 and a Bit ... 1993 DemoN/A
DownloadThe TCC '93 Party Demo ... 1993 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadComa Light 9 ... 1993 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Data-Live Conference 93)N/A
DownloadSuck My Dick Bitch ... 1993 Music(#?? C64 Music at Data-Live Conference 93)N/A
DownloadSkyhigh #3 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadPix's Hits II ... 1993 Graphics CollectionN/A
DownloadComa Light sqr(71) ... 1993 DemoN/A
DownloadSkyhigh #2 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadScene Observer #07 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadOut of Coma 2 ... 1993 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Game On Demo Competition 06/93)N/A
DownloadAddybook #12 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadFantasia 3 ... 1993 DemoN/A
DownloadScene Observer #06 ... 1993 DiskmagN/A
DownloadAndre Music Pack 3 ... 1993 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadAndre Music Pack 4 ... 1993 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadBack in Town ... 1993 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadMusic Show ... 1993 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadCompotune ... 1992 Music(#?? C64 Music at The Party 1992)N/A
DownloadOut of Coma ... 1992 One-File Demo(Released at The Party 1992)N/A
DownloadComa Light 6 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadAndre Music Pack 1 ... 1992 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadAndre Music Pack 2 ... 1992 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadOldies ... 1992 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadPix's Hits I ... 1992 Graphics CollectionN/A
DownloadScene Observer #05 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadDigi Designer V1.0 ... 1992 ToolN/A
Download165 Blocks Meeting Scrolltext ... 1992 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadFantasia 2 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadHi-Pic Creator V1.0 ... 1992 ToolN/A
DownloadScene Observer #04 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadThe 'PRI' Sound Sound Collection ... 1992 Music CollectionN/A
DownloadComa Light 7 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadComa Light 6 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadScene Observer #03 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadScene Observer #02 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadComa Light 5 ... 1992 Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992)N/A
DownloadCompopic ... 1992 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992)N/A
DownloadI Can't Dance ... 1992 Music(#?? C64 Music at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992)N/A
DownloadOnce Upon a Time ... 1992 One-File Demo(Released at Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992)N/A
DownloadHitmen Logo Show ... 1992 Graphics CollectionN/A
DownloadFantasia ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadPravda #11 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadScene Observer #01 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadComa Light 4 1/2 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadOne Man is Back ... 1992 Misc.N/A
DownloadCompetition Results ... 1992 Misc.N/A
DownloadScene Observer Preview ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadAngle +2 ... 1992 CrackN/A
DownloadOxyron Intro ... 1992 Crack IntroN/A
DownloadPravda #10 ... 1992 DiskmagN/A
DownloadComa Light 3 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadComa Light 2 ... 1992 DemoN/A
DownloadImproved Plasma ... 1992 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadColorcycling ... 1992 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadContact Andre ... 1992 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadContact Oxyron ... 1992 Misc.N/A
DownloadDie Hard 2 ... 1992 GraphicsN/A
DownloadElectric Boys Logo ... 1992 GraphicsN/A
DownloadExtended Plasma ... 1992 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadMeeting Demo ... 1992 One-File Demo(Released at Oxyron + Trinomic Meeting 1992)N/A
DownloadOxyron cover ... 1992 Disk CoverN/A
DownloadReport from the Aars Party 1992 ... 1992 Misc.N/A
DownloadScene Observer votesheet ... 1992 VotesheetN/A
DownloadBurn It ... 1991 Demo(#?? C64 Demo at The Party 1991)N/A
DownloadComa Light ... 1991 DemoN/A
DownloadPravda #09 ... 1991 DiskmagN/A
DownloadSilence and Pain ... 1991 One-File DemoN/A
DownloadReLIGHTening end ... ??? SuperCPU ReleaseN/A
DownloadReLIGHTening phong ... ??? SuperCPU ReleaseN/A
DownloadSkyhigh votesheet ... ??? VotesheetN/A

Organizer of :
Oxyron's Shining Lethargy Meeting ... 2011  (Germany)
Oxyron Party 2008 ... 2008  (Germany)
Oxyron / Ancients / Arsenic meeting ... 2008  (Germany)
15 Years Oxyron Party 2007 ... 2007  (Germany)
Symposium 1996 ... 1996  (Germany)
Oxyron + Trinomic Meeting 1992 ... 1992  (???)

User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 16 October 2013
Coma Light 13 was sheer perfection. This group is kicking butt big time and can compete with the best.
That is no surprise if you look at the members list. Some top names, both in active and inactive sections. Let's hope the inactive guys will return soon so this group can go 'all out' once more. I can't wait to see the result.

User Comment
Submitted by Optimus on 8 April 2003
The number of demos released by this group, inside the years 92-93 is just too impressive. It's a pitty that I don't know anything about the history of Oxyron because I learned the demoscene too late, but the stories I have heared about TTS coding 24 hours per day at demoparties and finishing whole Coma Light parts there, seems too hard for me to beleive! My favoritest C64 group with the most crazy scene freaks I have ever heard about..

User Comment
Submitted by anonym on 1 April 2002
It was very nice to follow the history of this group, meeting them at parties several times and watching them improve and improve.

I very well remember discussing design issues with TTS in the beginning, and he always used to say that he could not have proper design without having a good graphician ;-)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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