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C64 Charset Minion V0.8 Beta [2015] |
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User Comment Submitted by Monte Carlos on 11 March 2023
Is there some chance for an 1.0 release? | User Comment Submitted by Dr.j on 9 April 2015
Guess it becomes the ultimate charset editor today, can we say Thanks "Faces" for your c64 tool but this one really rocks. thanks a lot SkidRow | User Comment Submitted by Carrion on 7 April 2015
Thannks for quick reply on PM.
I thought I reply here so others can benefit from our PM discussions.
Your program crashed on my VMWare Win7 instance when tryign to save/export to Mac share folder (on OS X host). I'll try to reproduce it again and report the results.
ON CSV thing....
Yes it stands for comma separated values or something.... I use it to read fonts "bitmap" as text strings. every font, line by line. zeroes and ones chars are there to tell me the font type. later I read it as strings - line by line, Java and C# does it without a hassle.
what i can export from my in-house tools (namely Ms Excel ;)) is 0,1,1,1,1,0... kind of file. commas are not needed. if you can export it other string readable way that would be great. byte form is probably OK too but I wasn't able to export due to crash on VMWare mentioned above.
will let you know more about the crash tomorrow when I reporduce it. | User Comment Submitted by CeriX on 7 April 2015
Wow, that was fast!
Thanks for making this usable for me, too! :-) | User Comment Submitted by Carrion on 7 April 2015
the tool crashed when exporting to binary data.
Actually this is a feature I need for my personal project :)
any chance to have an exporter to CSV or other .txt based format? | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 7 April 2015
great tool !suggestion: implement all of the faces font editor functions :) 3x3 + slide + apply transformation to all chars. | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 7 April 2015 User Comment Submitted by Maxlide on 6 April 2015
Requirements: any Windows O/S with .NET Framework 4.5 or higher installed
- supports 1x1, 1x2, 2x1 and 2x2 C64 charsets
- hires & multicolor
- rotating & flipping a char
- possibility to convert True Type Fonts (char by char) which the user has got installed on his system
- no installationroutine for this tool, simply delete the file when you want to get rid of it
- a Linux version will be available aswell once the program leaves beta status
V0.8 beta
- Font Converter: added the possibilty to choose other fontstyles than regular only
- Font Converter: settings are saved after closing the converter window
- toolformsize adjusted to a smaller size so user with a tiny screen should be able to properly use this tool now
- Fixed a bug were the color of the 2nd mulitcolor ($D023) wasn't properly displayed on the icon.
Pixels were not affected by this bug.
- Fixed a bug in the font converter when the regular style of a True Type Font wasn't available. |
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