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Santa 2023_ECM   [2023]

Santa 2023_ECM Released by :

Release Date :
6 December 2023

Type :
C64 Graphics  (PETSCII)

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (2 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Concept .... Lau

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User Comment
Submitted by MMS_Z on 9 December 2023
Well, I lived in Hungary and the BBS was not a really big thing here, also the floppy drives were not so typical for a long time, so I have no clue about BBS stuff at all, it already died when I rejoined the scene.
About the old adventure games with PETSCII gfx: most of them of them were just childish very simple gfx.
So I can say the PETSCII was not liked or hyped in the past, because it was not utilized at it's full potential, and the ECM was even less known and used
ECM just needs a PETSCII fontset to be comparable to a hires screen (though PETSCII fontset could be improved a little).
Evil Skull in SP-ECM Mode
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 December 2023
Not only on BBS - also early games and other stuff. It just wasn't hyped as much as it is today :)
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Submitted by Oswald on 8 December 2023
mms, you are mistaken, petscii was wildly used on BBSes, also I have drawn images similar (albeit more amateurish) to some of the lower ranked petscii images, I believe many did. I even draw a few scenes for a to be type in games and put them into print statements. bathroom, living room, a lake. weird I still remember, it was exciting because I found out I can use d021 as black outlines and d800 as fill color :)
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Submitted by MMS_Z on 7 December 2023
Actually this is a very simple pic compared to the arts some talented guys/ladies do with PETSCII. The most astonishing fact is that you need no trick or any smart programming, the same result could have been done easily in the 80s with the same machine with low level programming knowledge. Somehow the power of the PETSCII (although it was literally at our fingerpads from the very beginning) was not found till the very last years. As a kid I also just try to make multicolor pictures, and there was literally no PETSCII editors (or: I did not see any), although it is much easier to produce such a program, than a hires or multicolor editor.

Crosstools certainly helps a lot now to realize our ideas, but you can get the same result with simple PRINT commands (OK, maybe not so easy in ECM, but in PETSCII).
Just imagine how easy and intuitive could have been a Koala Pad based PETSCII editor with the GUI of Koala Painter.
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Submitted by Oswald on 7 December 2023
Flotsam, same here, I remember drawin a christmas tree in the basic editor, it was magical. (imagine as a wee kid when you havent seen or done anything like it)
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Submitted by PAL on 7 December 2023
MMS_Z / I was ofcourse just kidding...
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Submitted by Flotsam on 7 December 2023
Now, this is nice and comfy. The style brings back the nostalgia of spending Christmas time playing with C64.
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Submitted by MMS_Z on 7 December 2023
@PAL: absolutely not, this ECM pic made from zero with 100% hand drawing with Krissz PETSCII tool.


I use converters for the pictures like this:
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Submitted by PAL on 6 December 2023
looks very converted like with some magic pipeline and all the shit... ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by fieserWolF on 6 December 2023
Wow, very clever use of ECM! I like!
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