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BCC Party #10

BCC Party #10

- Party till your tentacles hurt!

Event Types :
Copy Party, Demo Party, 8 bit Party

BCC #$0A BCC10 BCC 10 CCB BCC#10

Dates :
26 - 28 February 2016

Place :
Kranoldstr. 16, Entrance Hertastrasse 11
12051 Berlin-Neukölln

Website :

Organizers :
hoeppie, TheRyk, Thunder.Bird

Organizer Groups :
C64 Club Berlin

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Tangled Up by DelysidDownload8.6
2The Mayday Show by Mayday!Download8.28.4
3TIS by BonzaiDownload8.2
4From Berlin to Paris and Back by Atlantis, Fantastic 4 Cracking GroupDownload7.9
5Technic Intro by Hokuto ForceDownload8.6
6A Trip from Luebeck to Berlin by GI-JoeDownload6.9
7RyFeeLuv by Mayday!Download
8BoCoCo by q0wDownload
9Little Note For BCC 10 by C64 Club BerlinDownload
10Osama B L by BrainstormDownload

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Oldschool Heaven by c0zmoDownload9.19.5
2Toca Off Alone by SnabelDownload8.8
3Press Space, Release Power by Gaetano ChiummoDownload
4Un'Estate Italiana by UctumiDownload
5Proriad by DJ LenkradDownload
65 Foo Foonkaz by celticdesignDownload
7Schädeltrauma! by Spider JerusalemDownload8.2
8Easy Day by G-FellowDownload
9SYS4000 by SonkiDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Der Wahrsager by Luisa/OniDownload8.7
2Voyage to Pandora by GrassDownload9.5
3Moon by AwsmDownload8.3
4Love by AwsmDownload9.5
5Cascade Logo by Monte CarlosDownload

PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1CRX Race by Atwoods Studios, Delysid (Game)Download
2David Bowie Tribute by Delysid, Finnish Gold (Music Collection)Download8.8
3Stack Up by Delysid (Game)Download

Productions released outside compos :
Crackers Revenge +7DGH by Hokuto Force (Crack)
Dungeon Wizard +DT (Crack)

Attendants : (34)
Achim, Awsm, Brainstorm, c0zmo, CeriX, Dr. Science, Dr.J, Evil Joe, GI-Joe, Greyrat, Hacksoft, helmutx, Henning, hoeppie, Jak T Rip, Kenchis, Luisa, MacGyver, Monte Carlos, nomiStake, Oni, Røly, Seanser, Shay CPC, shock__, Sonki, Spider Jerusalem, The USER, TheRyk, Thorsten Kattanek, Thunder.Bird, ThunderBlade, Titus, Zed Yago

External links :
BCC#10 thread on forum64.de (German)  (http://www.forum64.de/wbb4/index.php?thread/64851-bcc-10-26-02-28-02-2016-party/)
BCC10 on facebook  (http://www.facebook.com/events/886084388156595/)
Hurrican (VD) interviewed Thunder.Bird at BCC#9 Party (german only, sorry)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZABeEkg8zEk)
Photos of BCC#10 by Dr.J for Scene World Magazine  (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.976286599157377.1073741831.259022410883803&type=3)

Releases containing information on this event :
BCC #10 Invitro  
Scene World #26  Party Report in "Party Scene"

User Comment
Submitted by ThunderBlade on 28 June 2016
Yeah it was a really nice party. See you all next year.

User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 28 June 2016
very good review of the party :) credit goes to Geoanas! great memories of fab. party!


User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 9 March 2016
my friend took a vid of David Bowie presentation. unfortunately the quality isn't good :(


User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 4 March 2016
Nice vid, PARA! thanks!

User Comment
Submitted by PARALAX on 2 March 2016
Video report now online.


An extended version with original sound and a short interview with "Thorsten Kattanek" about the "Emu64" will follow on friday in our show.

User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 1 March 2016
nice pix; it's obvious you had a great time at the party! I'll try to come there in the future.
I also see a few kids and that's simply amazing! yeah, bring your family at c64 parties, don't come alone! we absolutely need the new generation. let them feel the scene spirit! :)

User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 1 March 2016
TheRyk, I am just happy that we managed to participate with a release and hopefully put some smiles on your faces. That was the goal of our release :) Whatever you decided to do with the compo(s) is absolutely fine by me. We do this for fun. Cheers.

User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 1 March 2016
I wanna just say thanks for another great BCC party and the nice welcoming , it was lovely to see so many cool dudes. the organization , the releases and the vibes were cool , also the arranging very close hotel and the discount prices. i definitely try to come next year.

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 29 February 2016
Thx for the pics, especially for no-fb-required mode

PS: No worries about CRX... :)

User Comment
Submitted by PARALAX on 29 February 2016
Photos are online now: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.991304874240568.10737.. (No Facebook-Account required for watching)

I hope the disk from CRX racing will appear soon. Would be very pity if this game is lost forever. :-/

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 29 February 2016
First of all, I hope it's some comfort that the only non-trackmo in top 3 was a remote entry and not in the prize-giving, anyway, so in terms of prizes nothing would have changed for ATL+F4CG, and isn't it even more eternal fame to be 4th of 10 than 3rd of 3?

Anyway, I understand you're confused. I followed the tradition of other big parties where everything from crack intro to trackmo ends in one "demo competition" without thinking a lot about it. The sequence in that the entries were shown was more or less alphabetically first onefilers and then trackmos, the smoking break was not meant to signal new category. The category "trackmo" on the Control Splash before the show was more for myself to know what to transfer on which disk/which disk to show when. I can understand that seems a little contradictory to my own "if there's 3 or more, it ends in an own category" policy (which normally was alright to split in demo/gfx/sid/mixed). IIRC it's the first time we had 3 trackmos in BCC history.

Mea culpa. My apologies. Let's continue the discussion on forum64 as soon as we all recovered a little, there's more things that still can be improved, e.g. the voting system from 1-5 was alright and the vote sheets were easy to fill out but not so easy to evaluate etc. etc.

User Comment
Submitted by CeriX on 29 February 2016
Hmmm... Why were the onefile demos and the trackmos mixed up in the results, when they originally were two categories while voting?

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 29 February 2016
CRX Must look for the disk. Hopefully not taken away buy some cr4xX0r... :/

User Comment
Submitted by PARALAX on 29 February 2016
Thanks for our reservation. We really enjoy the party and the very nice releases. Still waiting for the cool racing game (Honda CRX) seen yesterday which seems the only one not uploaded yet (congrats for the first place @ mixed compo btw). Looking forward to the show on friday, 4th march where we will show the best releases in our special show in the videostream on radio-paralax.de. See ya! :-)

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 28 February 2016
C64 Mixed
CRX Race (Game) 238
David Bowie Collection (SIDCol) 233
Stack Up (Game) 206

C64 Graphics
Wahrsager 276
Voyage 2 Pandora 274
Moon 257
Love 252
Cascade Logo 165

C64 Music
oldschoolheaven by 245
Toca Off Alone 226
Press Space Release Power 219
Un Estate Italiana 212
Proriad 209
5 foo foonkaz 208
Schaedeltrauma 207
Easy Day 188
Sys4000 167

C64 Demo
Tangled Up 293
Mayday Show 273
TIS 271
From Berlin to Paris and Back 251
TechnicIntro 216
A Trip from Lubeck to Berlin 214
RyFeeLuv 212
bococo 200
Simple Note 160
Osama B L 133

IIRC, there were 63 valid votesheets with options from 1 (soso) till 5 (great).
Thanks to Hoeppie and Saskia for help with counting.

Thanks all competitors for the nice releases, special thanks to Hokuto Force
for all the remote support but also all our other friends from all over the world
for blasting our compos with their work.

Also thanks all guests and sponsors who made this party possible,
special thanks to C0zmo for piano play with the Karaoke boys ;)

Happy Birthday Thunder.Bird who worked his ass of today, on Friday and weeks before.

Sorry that it took me some time to add final files to CSDb, but restoring the party
room and filling the van with only 4 ppl (thx rbl and Dementor) took a while. :/

Must sleep now,

User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 28 February 2016
What were the official results from the compos? Just curious :)

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 23 February 2016
As some of you asked for it, here's our timetable.
Please don't exceed _both_ remote and live deadlines, can't guarantee delayed remote entries to be shown
and want to have some beers erhm food between live deadline/transferring and show :)

time Program


12:00:00 Remote Deadline
15:00:00 Hand-Over of Keys → Preparing the Party Place
17:50:00 Official Gate Opening → Meet & Greet → Guests Prepare Systems
20:30:00 Official Opening Speech (GU-TEN TAAAG!)
??:??:?? Dinner & Shopping Time → Check out Fast Food Temples of NeuKölln / Buy Booze
22:00:00 Demo Show on Big Screen / Make a wish and we show your favourites
23:00:00 SIDs and Party All Night Long


09:30:00 First Breakfast – You're Invited!
12:00:00 Second Breakfast – You're Invited
14:00:00 Oldschool Game Compo
16:00:00 Hard Synch Compo
18:00:00 Deadline for ALL LIVE ENTRIES
18:00:00 Diner: Enjoy our famouse vegetarian Chili
20:00:00 Compo Show
??:??:?? International Karaoke
00:00:00 NeuKölln Pub Expedition for 1 hour (just around the corner)


09:30:00 First Breakfast – You're Invited!
12:00:00 Second Breakfast – You're Invited
13:00:00 Prize Giving Ceremony
15:51:00 Official End

Round the clock COFFEE!

Guests of the nearby motel, be aware that checkin time there is before 18:00 on Fri/Sat (<- whatever you booked)

User Comment
Submitted by Thunder.Bird on 28 January 2016
Wanna participate? http://www.bcc64.bplaced.net/regis.php

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 19 January 2016
One more thing: The registry form on our homepage does not seem to work for unregistered users due to some wordpress plugin update, well, whatever.

Registering is no must, but if you wanna reserve a table for own hardware, it'd be great if you tell us beforehand, so we can reserve tablle for you.


User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 18 January 2016
Good news about accomadation.

After the appartments of the location are no longer available, we searched and found a solution pretty close (300m from party location) and not overly expensive. Double rooms are 44 € and single rooms 42 € per night pluzs 5% tourist tax. Contact http://www.motelplus-berlin.de via info@motelplus-berlin.de and mention "BCC10" and tell them how many beds/nights you want to reserve. Okay, not really a bargain, the cheaper things we found were either total trash or too far away. If you already booked something further away and/or more expanesive, it might be not too late to cancel reservation in favor of this motel without any cancellation fees.

And remember, there is no entrance fee at the party, breakfast is free at the party room, and so is dinner on Saturday. So beside on some booze from the supermarket you won't spend much money once you're at the party place.

Follow the links above, contact me or other orgas here or on forum64 for further info.


User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 28 November 2015
Dwangi: Personally, I can do without drunk people being filmed and put on YT. However, your assumption might be due to videos mostly being taken at noon/afternoon. As long as they behave in a way that does not lead to hardware damages/serious trouble, every adult is allowed to drink whatever and as much as they want whenever they want, nobody is forced to, however :)

User Comment
Submitted by hoeppie on 23 November 2015
Then you got the wrong impression. Alcoholics are allowed but people, so it seems, do'nt drink near valuable hardware. :D

User Comment
Submitted by Dwangi on 5 October 2015
I have seen some videos from some bcc parties. But i dont see anyone drinking beer. Hmmm......

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 4 September 2015
Most important info for our far-travelling guests: The appartments belonging to the church are no longer hireable. However, you should not have trouble to find even cheaper accomodation in the neighborhood of the partyplace via some hotel search platform if you do not wait too long.

Otherwise, mostly the same conditions as last two years, only that we expect even more guests due to our little jubilee.

Party on!

More info

More to come, or just PM me any questions whatsoever!

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