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RSS-feeds provided by CSDb

You can follow the news on what is going on in the Commodore 64 scene and CSDb as it happens, if you got a news-reader that can read RSS2.0-feeds.
Below here is a list over the feeds that is provided by CSDb:

Latest forum posts This feed will provide a list of the latest posts in the CSDb forum.
Latest releases This feed will provide a list of the latest C64 releases released.
Group releases This feed will provide a list of all the releases by a specific group in the CSDb database. The feed requires that you append ?id=<group_id> to the url, with the id of the group you want releases for.
Latest Additions, Releases This feed will provide a list of all the latest releases that are added to CSDb.
C64 Scene news This feed will report about sceners joining and leaving groups and the scene itself, and also report when groups are formed or disolved.
CSDb Latest User Comments This feed will provide a list of the latest user comments to entries in CSDb.
If comments for a specific entry is wanted, you can add a parameter specifying the entry.
?rid=<release_id>, ?gid=<group_id>, ?eid=<event_id>, ?bid=<bbs_id>, ?sid=<sid_id>
CSDb Upcoming Events This feed will provide a list of the upcoming events in the C64 Scene.

Sugestions for additional RSS feeds are of course welcome. Just post your ideas in the forum, or send your suggestions to the CSDb staff. (Ways of contact can be found in the help section).

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Users Online
Hoild/Ultimate Newco..
Hobbit/Laser Inc.
The MeatBall
Guests online: 176
Top Demos
1 Next Level  (9.7)
2 13:37  (9.7)
3 Mojo  (9.6)
4 Coma Light 13  (9.6)
5 The Demo Coder  (9.6)
6 Edge of Disgrace  (9.6)
7 What Is The Matrix 2  (9.6)
8 Sprite Bukkake 2  (9.6)
9 Uncensored  (9.6)
10 Comaland 100%  (9.6)
Top onefile Demos
1 Layers  (9.7)
2 Cubic Dream  (9.6)
3 Party Elk 2  (9.6)
4 Copper Booze  (9.6)
5 Rainbow Connection  (9.5)
6 Morph  (9.5)
7 Dawnfall V1.1  (9.5)
8 Libertongo  (9.5)
9 Katzen-Video.mp4  (9.5)
10 Onscreen 5k  (9.5)
Top Groups
1 Booze Design  (9.3)
2 Oxyron  (9.3)
3 Performers  (9.3)
4 Fairlight  (9.3)
5 Triad  (9.3)
Top Logo Graphicians
1 t0m3000  (10)
2 Sander  (9.8)
3 Mermaid  (9.5)
4 Shine  (9.4)
5 Pal  (9.4)

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