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Burglar  (BRG)  (1 January 1987 - ??)

Currently member of :
Focus (11/11-2020 -> ), Success + The Ruling Company (1/1-1994 -> ) [web]
Ex member of :
Phreakuenz, Powers of Pain (6-1989 -> 10-1991), Scene Plus Magazine Staff (12-1997 -> 1998), Success (10-1991 -> ) [web]
Functions :
Co-Sysop, Coder, Cracker, FTP Administrator, Modem Trader, NTSC-Fixer, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper, Translator, Webmaster
Founder of :
Phreakuenz, Success + The Ruling Company

Handle alternative spelling :
The Burglar

Trivia :
Sysop of Spankerz Heaven (https://sh.scs-trc.net/)

Other handles used by this scener :(Display all info for all handles)
De Raggende Man

Country :

Organizer of :
C64 Cracking Competition 2015, Transmission64 2024, Transmission64 2025, X'2000, X'2001, X'2008, X'2010, X'2014, X'2016, X'2018, X'2023, X'2024, X'2026, X'95, X'96, X'97 Takeover, X'98

Sysop on BBS :
Divine Ultimatum (Co), The Dungeon (Co), Spankerz Heaven (Main)

User on BBS :
Antidote, Boar's Head Tavern, Crystalball, Disintegration, Divine Ultimatum, Down by Law, Dream Park, Edge of Midnight, Escapade, Forplay, Gee Spot, Holiday Inn Cambodia, In Living Color, Paradize, Phiberc0m, Power Surge, Purgatory, Rebellion, Second to None, South of Heaven, Terminal Obsession, The Bass Planet, The DeadZone, The Dungeon, The Evil Island, The Forum, The Lost Empire, The Mystic Cavern, The Mystical Paradise, The Shaolin Temple, The Soul Pit, Tunnel of Wares, Virtual Reality

Releases released :
DownloadTechno Triad ... 2025 4K Intro
Downloadpng2prg 1.8 ... 2024 Other Platform C64 Tool
Downloadpng2prg 1.6 ... 2024 Other Platform C64 Tool
Downloadpng2prg 1.4 ... 2023 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadWired Al Yankovich ... 2023 Graphics(#30 C64 Graphics at Wired AI Ninja Compo 2023)
DownloadEyeland ... 2023 Graphics
Downloadugo 0.1 ... 2022 Other Platform C64 Tool
Downloadpng2prg 1.2 ... 2022 Other Platform C64 Tool
Downloadpng2prg 1.0 ... 2022 Other Platform C64 Tool
Downloadpng2prg 0.8 ... 2021 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadFree Ammo! ... 2020 One-File Demo
Downloadpng2prg 0.1 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadNothing to See Here ... 2013 One-File Demo

Credits :
DownloadTechno Triad by Burglar ...  2025 4K Intro  (Code, NTSC-Fix)
Downloadpng2prg 1.8 by Burglar ...  2024 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
Download50 Years of Flex by Artline Designs ...  2024 Demo  (Text)
Downloadpng2prg 1.6 by Burglar ...  2024 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
Downloadpng2prg 1.4 by Burglar ...  2023 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
DownloadWired Al Yankovich by Burglar ...  2023 Graphics  (Ripping)
DownloadPartyhol by Silicon Limited ...  2023 One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadApo Tooltest Sessions Vol.1: Knightflies by Artline Designs ...  2023 Music  (Code)
DownloadEyeland by Burglar ...  2023 Graphics  (Idea)
DownloadPropaganda #33 by Genesis Project, Propaganda Magazine Staff ...  2023 Diskmag  (Interviewed)
Downloadugo 0.1 by Burglar ...  2022 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
Downloadpng2prg 1.2 by Burglar ...  2022 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
DownloadEvoluer by Fairlight, Pretzel Logic ...  2022 Graphics  (Code)
Downloadpng2prg 1.0 by Burglar ...  2022 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
Downloadpng2prg 0.8 by Burglar ...  2021 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
DownloadThirty by Focus ...  2021 Demo  (Code, Text)
DownloadVandalism News #70 [reu] by Offence, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff ...  2020 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadPal sine høner by Offence ...  2020 Demo  (Text)
DownloadLogo for Zardax by Focus ...  2020 Graphics  (Code)
DownloadFree Ammo! by Burglar, ChristopherJam, Shine ...  2020 One-File Demo  (Idea, Text)
DownloadVandalism News #70 by Offence, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff ...  2019 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadVandalism News #70 by Offence, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff ...  2019 Diskmag  (Text)
Downloadpng2prg 0.1 by Burglar ...  2015 Other Platform Tool  (Code)
DownloadNothing to PETSCII Here by Sauf Park ...  2015 Crack Intro  (Idea)
DownloadVandalism News #64 by Offence, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff ...  2015 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadReturn of Heracles +15 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  2015 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadNothing to See Here by Burglar ...  2013 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadArtphosis by Hitmen ...  2012 Demo  (Test)
DownloadTRD X2012 Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  2012 Game Preview  (Code)
DownloadJim Slim +8FHP by Success + The Ruling Company ...  2011 Crack  (Crack, Bug-Fix, Loader)
DownloadRecollection #2 by Jazzcat ...  2006 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadVandalism News #42 by Onslaught, Success + The Ruling Company, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs ...  2004 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadTimewaster by Focus ...  2001 One-File Demo  (Help)
DownloadHappy Birthday! by Booze Design ...  1999 One-File Demo  (Text)
DownloadSCS*TRC (X'98) Intro by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1998 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadScene Plus #2 by Fairlight, Scene Plus Magazine Staff ...  1998 Diskmag  (Interviewed)
DownloadScene Plus #1 by Fairlight, Scene Plus Magazine Staff ...  1997 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadSkidmarks Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDomination #9 by Jazzcat ...  1997 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadAssassins Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAlert Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadIce Guys +6 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply, Bug-Fix)
DownloadSquares +F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlox by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlood Hand by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGrav Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSCS*TRC Intro 04 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack Intro  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadMonsters +3F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadVision +3F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadScortia +2 by Laxity ...  1997 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadX-97 Takeover Invitation by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Invitation  (Code)
DownloadBlood Hand Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTower of Terror +9 [pal] by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadReal SIDPlay V4.04 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Tool  (Code)
DownloadReal SIDPlay V4.02 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1997 Tool  (Code)
DownloadDoris 2 +4F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, NTSC-Fix, Loader)
DownloadCar-o-Matic by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (Crack, Loader)
DownloadSCS*TRC Intro 03 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadTerminus 100% +F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (Crack, NTSC-Fix, Bug-Fix)
DownloadRatan Ballads +2 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadMood Preview V2 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOn Ice +F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadInvertus +2F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadNavigator +1F by Success + The Ruling Company, Xenon ...  1996 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadSonny the Snail +4F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadSCS*TRC Intro 21 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack Intro  (Code, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadSCS*TRC Intro 11 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1996 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadMood Preview V2 by Success + The Ruling Company, Tide ...  1996 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLas Vegas Casino by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSCS*TRC Intro 09 by Byterapers, Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack Intro  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadShaman +4F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadBlack Quiz +FT [english] by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadSword of Honour +4 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadCombination +2PF by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadComplex +4 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadWalkerz +2 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1995 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadBlubria +F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadWizland +2F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadPush It +F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadAddgar by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, NTSC-Fix)
DownloadCosmox +5 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadBobix +4 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadEntity +F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadTroddlers Preview V2 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadLemmings +2PF by Empire, Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, Bug-Fix)
DownloadDark Caves +2F by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadSCS*TRC Intro 08 (Blue Bubble) by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack Intro  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadSuper Nibbly +3 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadBlack & White by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBobix Preview by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRetro Torque by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStar Brain +2 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  1994 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadThe Pulse #7 by Regina, The Pulse Magazine Staff ...  1993 Diskmag  (Interviewed)
DownloadLions of the Universe +7 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadPuzzle Mania Preview by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMayhem in Monsterland +6 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
Success IFFL-Skip Intro #2 by Success ...  1993 Crack Intro  (Code, Loader)
DownloadMayhem in Monsterland +6 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadParsec +7 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadMagical Formula Preview by Demonix, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadLiverpool by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSceptre of Baghdad +2 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadQuarx +F by Slaughter, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStoppt den Calippo Fresser +4H by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadQuarx by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBolo +2 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadMoribund +4P by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadSir-Compact IV+ by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Linking)
DownloadHoliday Games by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGalactic Chaos +1F by Armageddon, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadThe Magic Marble +F by Empire, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRowdy +2 by Demonix, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadRowdy +2F by Massive Onslaught, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadReflect Preview by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRelax by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadDes Magiers Kugel by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMoribund +4P by Success, Twins ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadRowdy +2 by Success ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadSir-Compact IV+ by Little Shit Heads 2, Success ...  1993 Crack  (Linking)
DownloadGalactic Chaos +1F by Armageddon, Success, Triangle ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadRowdy +2 by Success, Yela ...  1993 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadFootball Manager 3 +FT by Empire, Ministry of Darkness, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Translation)
DownloadFootball Manager 3 +FT by Empire, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Translation)
DownloadSuccess Intro 07 by Success ...  1992 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadU-96 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadJumble Preview v2 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadCrazy Cars 3 +3F by Empire, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCrazy Cars 3 +3F by Empire, Spooks Factory, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpheron +3FD by Massive Onslaught, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadHagar the Horrible +8 [german] by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadCrazy Cars 3 +2 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadExpire +2MF by Massive Onslaught, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Loader)
DownloadGreystorm +4 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadSuccess IFFL-Skip Intro #1 by Success ...  1992 Crack Intro  (Code, Loader)
DownloadEnforcer +6 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadPharaoh's Revenge +3 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadET's Rugby League by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTetrados +3P by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadBattle Bars by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDragon Hunter +2F by Massive Onslaught, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadDragon Hunter +2 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadSmash Out +1F by Empire, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadSmash Out by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCreatures 2 +3 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadTurbo the Tortoise +4 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Loader)
DownloadCreatures 2 +2 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadCreatures 2 + by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadSpace Gun +5 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadEmpius +D by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadVioris +F by Armageddon, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPotsworth +3 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadVioris by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadNaughty Nudger + by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadNaughty Nudger +F by AFROS, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadKermit-Terminal by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Linking, Docs)
DownloadKangarudy +3 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadLevel AB 1 Fast by Success ...  1992 Tool  (Code)
DownloadLevel AB 1 Slow by Success ...  1992 Tool  (Code)
DownloadStar-Expert V5.2 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Linking, Docs)
DownloadCatalypse +4 by Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadKermit-Terminal V2.2 by Success, Twins ...  1992 Crack  (Linking, Docs)
DownloadCreatures 2 +2 by Pure, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadCreatures 2 +2 by DDM, Pure, Success ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadNaughty Nudger + by Success, Twins ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadSuccess Intro #01 by Success ...  1992 Intro  (Code)
DownloadBoing by Powers of Pain ...  1991 One-File Demo  (Text)
DownloadExcalibur Intro by Excalibur, Success ...  1991 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadMoontorc +6 by Success ...  1991 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
Download64x8 Logo Editor by Success ...  1991 Crack  (Text, Linking)
DownloadNous Sommes Pain by Powers of Pain ...  1991 Demo  (Code, Text)
DownloadTendance by Powers of Pain ...  1991 Demo  (Code, Text, Linking, Loader)
DownloadThe Neverending Story II +5 [german] by Powers of Pain ...  1991 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadTibo's Tale by Digital Arts, Powers of Pain ...  1991 Game  (Code, Loader)
DownloadSensor + by Powers of Pain ...  1991 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadPowers of Pain Intro 04 by Powers of Pain ...  1991 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadSensor + by Italian Cracking Service, Powers of Pain ...  1991 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadEat my Pussy by Powers of Pain ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Text)
DownloadDuck Tales - The Quest for Gold [twosided] by Manowar, North East Crackers, Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Linking)
DownloadPowers of Pain Intro 02 by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadQuadrato by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPowers of Pain Intro 03 by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack Intro  (Code)
DownloadReign in Pain by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Demo  (Code, Text, Charset, Linking)
DownloadMega Paratrooper by RonSoft, Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadKrypton by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack)
Mega Paratrooper by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDance to the Underground by Powers of Pain ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Code, Text, Sampling)
DownloadRainbow Islands by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTopcross +3 by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadIntelpaint V1.0 by Powers of Pain ...  1990 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPower-Mania by Powers of Pain ...  1989 Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadEmorphia by Powers of Pain ...  1989 Demo  (Code, Text)
DownloadDa Newest Pain Intro by Powers of Pain ...  1989 Intro  (Code)
DownloadIntro Preview by Fristies ...  1989 Intro  (Graphics)
DownloadIntro Preview by Fristies ...  1989 Intro  (Graphics)
DownloadThe Future by Powers of Pain ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadScandalous by Powers of Pain ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadElectric Chair by Censure ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadContex Demo ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadWe Need Members by Fristies ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadMusix Collection 2 by Fristies ...  1989 Music Collection  (Code)
DownloadCoop Demo by Fristies, Paradize ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadReal SIDPlay V3.04 by Success + The Ruling Company ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadCallcollector V1.0 by Success ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadSCS IFFL-System by Success ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadSuccess Intro #02 ...  ???? Intro  (Code)

Attended :
Datastorm 2017
Micro X 2005
Mekka & Symposium 1999
X'97 Takeover
SCS+TRC+SCL Meeting March 1994
The Party 1993
Venlo Meeting October 1992
Venlo Meeting September 1992
Genesis Project Copy Party 1992
Silicon Limited Winter Party 1991
Success & Dominators Party 1991
Silicon Limited Summer Party 1991
Silicon Limited + Ruthless Party 1990
Venlo Meeting June 1990
Venlo Meeting January 1990
Vector Sigma Copy Party
Solar + BlackMail Party 1989

User ratings :  
As Co-Sysop:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Coder:*********_  8.8/10 (9 votes)   See votestatistics
As Cracker:*********_  9.2/10 (22 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.2/10 (8 votes) - Public votes only.
As FTP Administrator:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Modem Trader:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As NTSC-Fixer:awaiting 8 votes (5 left)   See votestatistics
As Organizer:**********  9.9/10 (20 votes)   See votestatistics
As Original Supplier:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Swapper:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Translator:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Webmaster:awaiting 8 votes (7 left)   See votestatistics
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About this site:
CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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