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Laxity   (LXT)

- The Right Way To Go!

Founded by :
Mister Magic in 1991

Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group, Magazine Staff, Fixing Group

Base Country :

Trivia :

About the group name:
Some people claim we took the name from the Musician Laxity. The name was selected completely independent from Thomas Petersen. The group was founded in 1991 without contact to the rest of the scene (which we got first contact in 1994). So noone even knew about someone else using this name. Even if it would have been different we would not have cared at all! We were just looking for a cool name and we liked the meaning of LAXITY. LXT was taken as short form because it sounds very similar to the full name.

Some facts from the groups history: (You may also read Didi's scroller in 20 Years Laxity for group history.)
* Laxity started in 1991 as local lame group linking intros made with intro makers or ripped from other groups and modified for own use.
* In June 1993 the local groups Skyline and Phantastix joined forces with Laxity.
* In 1994 Laxity was close to dead because the founder Mister Magic was the only member left.
* In 1994 Mister Magic got in contact with the scene and renamed to Didi.
* 1994 was some kind of rebirth of the group and the first time we got known to the scene.
* Throughout 1995 and 1996 we got known to the scene by releasing nearly every available game with increasing quality.
* Since the end of 1996 we started NTSC fixing own cracks and later also for other groups making us even more competitive.
* Our strongest time was 1997 to 2001, competing with the established old 'elites'.
* 2002 the group went to sleep but was never dissolved.
* 2008 Goat started doing some cracks again from time to time.
* In November 2011 we were once again close to death, when Didi wanted to give away all his C64 stuff on an internal Laxity meeting. But Goat could convince Didi to become active again, so it became a rebirth instead of a farewell. (Read intro scroller of Danger Drive +4FDT.)
* January 2012 also the old member O'Dog came back.
* Secret Man joined in May 2012 as Original Supplier.
* In December 2012 we also got Animalo back to work.
* In 2014/2015 we produced a quarterly released one-file diskmag about game and crack releases called Game Corner.
* We are currently one of the most active cracking groups left on C64 and the leading group regarding first releases since several years.
* We produce quality and quantity!

Special happenings:
* We shocked the cracking scene with the first release of Magical Formula +5F with NTSC Fix by Fungus/Chromance, which was expected to come from one of the big groups. We were faster with uploading our release to the major boards than Alpha Flight. Unfortunately a small fixfile was needed which came slightly too late so we finally lost the first release to Alpha Flight. It was later complained about the NTSC Fix not being 100% because of some flickers, but those also occured in the original at the same place. On the other hand the fix from Alpha Flight was suspicious because the sprite-sorter of the multiplexer only ran each 6th frame (while the spare frame of the slowed down music).
* Also heavily discussed was our first release of the long awaited Maximum Overdrive +6 because noone knew where we got it and it was never discovered. O'Dog was named as supplier so the discussion grew it could be a fake handle of a well known scener, but it was never proved.
* Next discussion was the translated version of Leisure Suit Leo 2 +1TPD [english] which was said to be made with a public available gamemaker and should not be counted as valid first release. The so said gamemaker was never used before nor after and was only available on request. But finally we just got 1 point for the translation without the game itself being counted. (The "gamemaker" was finally sold in 2014 as "D42-Adventure System" through Protovision along with a special edition of the game.)
* Also the release of Turrican 3 Preview +2 caused some trouble because it was copied without permission at a party while the author was asleep. Besides the authors being very angry, the public release brought unwanted attention by the copyright owners of the Turrican series (Factor 5) towards the whole project which finally caused it to be cancelled.
* Next big title was It's Magic +4DT which was released as PAL only version nearly simultaneously by us and Alpha Flight. But this time we won the race by getting our version NTSC fixed by Donar/Onslaught making it It's Magic +4FDT. (Back then a PAL/NTSC fixed Firstrelease beated any PAL only release taking away the releasepoints completely.)
* The last major release before the big sleep was It's Magic 2 +4P, which was released before the paid versions were shipped (read review in Digital Talk #52 [german] (german)).

Over the time we had some co-op releases with Fantastic 4 Cracking Group, Excess and Onslaught.

Current headquarter:
BBS: Reflections BBS, Sysop: Stablizer (May 21th, 2016 - today) - C64 only
BBS: RapidFire BBS, Sysop: pcollins (June 6th, 2017 - today) - C64 only
BBS: Fastline (telnet://fastline.nu:1541), Sysop: Fix (May 14th, 2016 - today) - Multi platform

Former headquarters:
BBS: The Dragon's Tower, Sysop: Mendrake, LXT EHQ (March 1997 - June 1998)
BBS: The Hidden , Sysop: L.A.Style (March - August 1998)
FTP: Acid Nature, Maintainer: Raver (February 1998 - October 1999)
BBS: Colosseum, Sysop: Warlock (February 22nd, 2014 - May 21st, 2016)

User rating:*******___  7.4/10 (38 votes)   See votestatistics
********__  8.2/10 (10 votes) - Public votes only.

All Members :
DanDee (28/3-1997 -> ) .... Graphician, Original Supplier
Didi (1994 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Logo Graphician, Modem Trader, Net Trader, NTSC-Fixer, Organizer, Original Supplier, PAL-Fixer, Swapper, Translator
Durchspieler (28/6-2019 -> ) .... Cracker, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Original Supplier, Tester
Goat (4-1997 -> ) .... BBS Graphician, Co-Organizer, Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, Modem Trader, Original Supplier, Swapper, Tester, Translator
KBS (14/4-1996 -> ) .... Graphician, Public Relations Manager, Swapper
O'Dog (15/1-2012 -> ) .... Cracker, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier
Secret Man   (inactive) (15/5-2012 -> ) .... Co-Sysop, Hardware-Guru, Original Supplier, Tester
Angeldust   (ex) (1995 -> 4-1996) .... Graphician, Swapper
Animalo   (ex) (2-1997 -> 27/6-2019) .... Co-Sysop, Hacker, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Original Supplier, Phreaker, Swapper, Tester
Blender   (ex) (1-1997 -> 7-1997) .... Coder, Graphician
Bleze   (ex) (12/4-1998 -> ) .... Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Calamity   (ex) (1995 -> ) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Colt   (ex) (12-1992 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Creb   (ex) (1996 -> 8-1996) .... Swapper
Criminal   (ex) (6-1993 -> 12-1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Danzig   (ex) (4/1-2018 -> 26/11-2019) .... Coder, NTSC-Fixer, Tester
Dark Track   (ex) (12/9-2016 -> 2/1-2018) .... Cracker
Django   (ex) (1991 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Dr. Dre   (ex) (12-1995 -> 12-1996) .... Coder
Freddie   (ex) (8-1996 -> 1-1997) .... Swapper
Gangstar   (ex) (1995 -> 4-1996) .... Coder, Musician
Gothic   (ex) (7/2-1998 -> 12-1999) .... Modem Trader
Holden   (ex) (12-1996 -> 11/3-1998) .... Swapper
Jer   (ex) (1-1996 -> 4-1997) .... Coder
L.A.Style   (ex) (11/3-1998 -> 26/8-1998) .... Cracker, Sysop
L'Trimm   (ex) (1998 -> 1998) .... Swapper
Mad Dog   (ex) (1991 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Manik   (ex) (11-1997 -> 1998) .... Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Manik   (ex) (8-1995 -> 4-1997) .... Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mendrake   (ex) (11/3-1997 -> 25/6-1998) .... Cracker, Sysop
Merlin   (ex) (1991 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Mindflow   (ex) (11/3-1998 -> 12-1998) .... Mega Swapper
Miraculus   (ex) (6-1993 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Mister Magic   (ex) (1991 -> 1994) .... Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, Original Supplier
Mr. Power   (ex) (6-1993 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
NIC   (ex) (11-1997 -> 1998) .... Coder
O'Dog   (ex) (9-1997 -> 28/6-1998) .... Cracker, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier
R.B   (ex) (10-1996 -> 1-1997) .... Coder, Graphician
Rainbowman   (ex) (6-1993 -> 12-1994) .... Coder, Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Raver   (ex) (26/2-1998 -> 10-1999) .... FTP Administrator
Simple Mind   (ex) (5-1994 -> 12-1994) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Skyhawk   (ex) (1997 -> 19/3-2018) .... Graphician, Modem Trader
Spermbird   (ex) (11/3-1998 -> 1999) .... Swapper
Sush   (ex) (1-1995 -> 6-1996) .... Logo Graphician
The Decadence   (ex) (1998 -> 2001) .... Cracker, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier
Troop   (ex) (1998 -> 2001) .... Swapper
Truss   (ex) (8-1996 -> 6-1997) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
Vague   (ex) (9-1995 -> 12-1997) .... Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Violator   (ex) (12-1995 -> 4-1996) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
Warlock   (ex) (13/11-2014 -> 22/5-2016) .... Sysop, Tester

BBS's :
Colosseum (HQ) from 22 February 2014 to 21 May 2016
RapidFire BBS (HQ) from 6 June 2017
Reflections BBS (HQ) from 21 May 2016
The Dragon's Tower (HQ) from March 1997 to June 1998
The Hidden (HQ) from 11 March 1998 to August 1998

Releases : (1927)
DownloadInvasion Anarchy + ... 2025 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadMach Baron V1.1 +2D [tape version] ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZookeeper +1HPD ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZookeeper +1PD ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Last Z-8 V1.1 +1D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDevolution 2: Eternal Winter +1D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCanyon Tank Duel +1D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMike Mech 2 V1.1 +4D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMike Mech 2 +2D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMike Mech 2 +4D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
Ladybird +4HD ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKuusneppis +1D ... 2025 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Rogueish Preview +1D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
Ladybird +4HD ... 2025 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadLe Bubblo Massacro +1H ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Troubles V1.4 +9D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTiburoncy V1.1 +2HD ... 2025 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Quasimodo's Christmas Caper (R4.3) +9HD ... 2025 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadTutankham Returns V1.2 +6D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTutankham V1.2 +6D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCentipede Emulator +1D ... 2025 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadSchreckenstein-64 +2TI ... 2025 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadGolf Dash Extended +1P ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Troubles V1.3 +9D ... 2025 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHero Fantasy: The King's Sword +4TD ... 2025 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
Download666 Number of the Beast Preview + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadAladdin's Cave +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadApprentice Preview +1D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadHitokiri + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Paw Noir Deluxe +4D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Workout 4 +1PD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSoiled Iron +2DI ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Paw Noir Deluxe +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSoiled Iron +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWeights and Crates Deluxe +8D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDr. Maria V1.1 +3HD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTetris +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNixy and the Seeds of Doom V1.02 +7D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNixy and the Seeds of Doom +7D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNixy and the Seeds of Doom +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMake 10 or 50 +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMach Baron V1.1 +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Light Cycle Duel Deluxe V1.1 + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPaw Noir Deluxe Preview +2 ... 2024 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBattle for Cronos +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Last Z-8 + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMach Baron +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHerra47 +2FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #135 (Hot Handwriting) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMushrooms that Grow in the Woods +6P ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTetris Preview +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadIn The Clouds Preview ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadProject 10 Beta Trial Preview ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadMushrooms that Grow in the Woods +3 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTiburoncy +1D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadPortal Buster +1D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadPortal Buster +1D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
Quasimodo's Christmas Caper (R4.2) +9HD ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Spelunky64 V1.1 +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadLaxity Intro #133 (PETSCII Logo Jumper) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMikael on the Run +2HF ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadStargate +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTsunami Toso V1.1 +1HD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Spelunky64 +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadHydrogen 4k +3HD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Light Cycle Duel Deluxe ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Light Cycle Duel Deluxe + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNixy and the Seeds of Doom Preview +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTsunami Toso +1HD ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadBanana Syndrome 4k +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBat in the Cave +1D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadCracPac +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCrap Basket 4k +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCrap Recovery 4k +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGolf Dash V1.31 +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHydrogen 4k +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadInterceptor + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadInvitation to Leave 4k +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #134 (Terminator Style) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMaze Cleaner 4k +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMoruBoost +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNightmare 4k +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Revenge of the Blobby Thingies + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVesperrari 4k +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWeights and Crates 4k +7HD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadValkyr +5HDT ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGrey Preview 8 +4D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadGrazers +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSplatch! +4HD ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSplatch! +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadMineshaft Gap +D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Rotor Rampage +6 ... 2024 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep +2FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRandomPac V1.3 +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLight Cycle Duel V1.1 + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDidi Fifty ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadRandomPac V1.2 +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNesterin Trail V1.0.1 +DS ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRandomPac V1.1 +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSire Fire +S [english/italian] ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRandomPac +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMemory Man +1F ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadDrip II +4HPD ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadMars Patrol +2HD ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #132 (Colorful Oldschool) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLegend of Wilf V1.1.0 +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLegend of Wilf V1.1.0 +2DI ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDie Kaufmannsgilde V2 +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHuestack +2DF ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #130 (Moving in and out) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadExcalibur +S [english/italian] ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLa Casa +S [english/italian] ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBroken Mirror +DS ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
Good Kniight +4D ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro 7 ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
Party Speedway Extended +1FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadShift +1P ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadDie Kaufmannsgilde +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFirst Blood +1FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBatmio Preview +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadBroken Mirror +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #131 (Tuby) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadShift Preview + ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%, Preview)
DownloadWarzone V1.01 +2D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Timo's Castle +4FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
Timo's Castle +2 ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadDrip +4D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDrip +5HD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBronx +S [english/italian] ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSpinning Image V1.1 +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTutankham Returns V1.1 +6D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTutankham V1.1 +6D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadElasto Mania (bugfixed) +D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSanta's Troubles V1.2 +9D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPhantomas III: The Return of Brok Preview 2 +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Elves of Maroland +DS&Maps ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKazik in the Underworld of Tema +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLegend of Wilf V1.0.1 +2DI ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAlpacalypse +8CD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLegend of Wilf V1.0.0 +1DI ... 2024 Crack (any)
DownloadGridlock +3 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
Gridlock + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBagman Comes Back V1.3 +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBagman Strikes Back V1.3 +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLady Pac V1.9 +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Shining +1FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadPeople Eage's Reloaded Enhanced +4 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSpediteur +D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #126 (Sprite Bouncer) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLock'n'Chase +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDelve Deeper V1.3 +1FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadAd Astra 2420 +4D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadFizz V1.0.5 +DI ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGrid Pix - The New Levels +2D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Troubles V1.1 +9D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPhantomas III: The Return of Brok Preview +2 ... 2024 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadGrey Preview 7 +4D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCorescape +D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadElasto Mania +D ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadNesterin Trail +DS ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPegged + ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVexed +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAlone and Dangerous Preview 2 +1J ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadSchreckenstein-64 RC1 +2T ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
Schreckenstein-64 RC1 +2 ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, Broken, Preview)
DownloadDelve Deeper V1.2 +1FD ... 2024 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #129 (Colorful Aslant) ... 2024 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPaku Paku C64 +1HD ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadStunt Car Racer +6D [cartridge version] ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2024 @ Digital Retro Park)
DownloadDig Dug Revival V1.4 +3D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSuper GP 64 +1D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDig Dug +4D ... 2024 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDig Dug Revival V1.3 +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadA China Miner Christmas +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #127 (Narrow Greenish) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadKick of the Spear 2: Return of Anubis +5D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #128 (Cozy Coast) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSanta's Troubles +9D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFragile Gamebert +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Troubles +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Workout III +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadRace'n'Smash +1HF ... 2023 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadThe Legend of Zelda Preview + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSanta's Workout III +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadRoguebot +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBlastopia DX - Special Edition +6D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDevolution: Global Warming +1D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDevolution: Global Warming +D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #125 (Vertical Logo) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadVampire Vengeance +6D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPongy V1.32.3 + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadColossus +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVampire Vengeance +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadJump'n Crate V1.40 +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%)
Jump'n Crate V1.40 +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadPongy V1.30 + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaserscape +5P ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaserscape +2P ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Holy Cube +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLight Cycle Duel + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGrey Preview 5 +2D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadHell Beneath +2H ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMeteor Shower +5 ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTony - Born for Adventure Preview +D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Holy Cube Preview +D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFizz V1.0.1 +DI ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDoomed PETSCII Pacman +2H ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFizz +DI ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #123 (Chessboard) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure V1.2 +6D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadFizz +D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEscape Room V1.4.1 +2 ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #124 (PETSCII Blades) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure +6D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadEscape Room V1.4 +2 ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadDig Dug Revival V1.2 +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEscape Room V1.1.2 +2 ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadTeacher Busters +3TD [english] ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEscape Room V1.0 +2 ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLunar City +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDig Dug Revival V1.1 +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDig Dug Revival +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTreason Preview + ... 2023 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadEscape Room Preview 3 +3D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCave Diver 2 +2 ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadRBS Preview + ... 2023 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadSPACEX Preview + ... 2023 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadDr. Maria +3HD ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGrey Preview 4 +2D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #122 (Faster Than Light) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMonster Match +D ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadNesterin Trail Preview +D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMission Germany +1TD ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOoze: The Escape +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDeathflood: Dungeon of Doom +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOoze: The Escape Preview +1D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadJump'n Crate V1.39 +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadAztec Tomb Preview + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadCursed Tomb +5D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Last Defender +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZeta Wing II V1.02 +5D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZeta Wing II +1D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZeta Wing II +5D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBeero-City +TS ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPixel Poops 64 +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKick of the Spear +2HD ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSpace Station 23 V2 +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHide & Seek VCC $20 +2 ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKick of the Spear + ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSnake vs Bomb 2 - Canyon Chaos +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSerpland +4TD ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
Snake vs Bomb 2 - Canyon Chaos +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadSpace Station 23 +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFor Speed We Need 3 +5D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #121 (Digital Logo) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSulphur Eye +TS [3dck] ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRambler +3 ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDuotris +2FDT ... 2023 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadGP Cars +4 ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #119 (Crazy Remake) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadGP Cars +2 ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLa Venganza Del Toro Preview +T ... 2023 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #120 (Surrounded 2) ... 2023 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSeawolf II +1F ... 2023 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBlockie +1D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPongy V1.2 +1J ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadScout the Stray V1.1 +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCaim V1.1 +2DS&Map ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPongy V1.16 +1J ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGalasteroids +1D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadGalasteroids +2HD ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadGrey Preview 2 +2D ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
Download2k Crazy Remake ... 2023 Intro(#8 C64 2K Game at Intro Creation Competition 2022)
Download1k DYCP Intro ... 2023 1K Intro(#1 C64 1K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2022)
Quasimodo's Christmas Caper (R3) +7HD ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLady Pac V1.8 +2 ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCaim +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCaim +2DS&Map ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
Quasimodo's Christmas Caper (R2) +7HD ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadAd Astra V1.01 +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLester V1.1 +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAd Astra +3D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
Ad Astra +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadCab Hustle V1.2 +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLester +4D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLester +2D ... 2023 Crack (any, OK)
Quasimodo's Christmas Caper +7HD ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Quasimodo's Christmas Caper +2 ... 2023 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadExtasy+Ikari Fusion (Laxity Intro #118) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)(#9 C64 Fast Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2022)
DownloadCzołgi +F ... 2022 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSnake vs Bomb +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)(#?? WiLD Demo at Snake Fun Competition)
DownloadICC 2019 Results Collection ... 2022 Intro Collection
DownloadLordsfire +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadX-MasSacre V1.2 + ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTerrestrial +2D ... 2022 Crack (OK)
DownloadTerrestrial +2D Trainer ... 2022 Crack (OK)
DownloadScout the Stray +4D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBouldercraft Preview 2 +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadKye +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadCruiser-X 79 +8D ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
Kye +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #117 (Shadow) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadScout the Stray Preview +4D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadDuck Hunt +2 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSlug vs Lettuce +1H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHunchy on Mars +2TJ ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMidnight Express +TD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSubmarine Warfare +2FT ... 2022 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSuperchase Remix +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
Superchase Remix +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadFlappy Night +1HF ... 2022 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCab Hustle V1.1 +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKnight Trap V2 +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKnight Trap +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTenebra 2 +1P ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTenebra 2 +7P ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #116 (Starfield Window) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadOutpost +3S [update 2022-10-17] ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Konia Project + ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOutpost +2 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOutpost +3S ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadGrey Preview +2D ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCab Hustle +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTenebra 2 Preview +1P ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadNew Rally-X 64 RC1.1 +4D ... 2022 Crack (101%, Preview)
DownloadSub Chase 64 +5HD ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSub Chase 64 + ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTenno +2DS [german] ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadDream Walker +D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadLaxity Intro #115 (TMR Tribute) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSilk Dust +DPS ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHammer Down +6D ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro 6 ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadParty Speedway +F ... 2022 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLittle Nippers Deluxe +4HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTopsy Turvy +2DT ... 2022 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadMike Quarter (The Kitchen Porter) +1H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBrainBreak V1.1 +2DI ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadTwenty +1H ... 2022 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIm +8D [rev20220526] ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIo Preview 2 +5 ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadPOKE 4k V1.2 +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDicing With Death 4k V1.2 +3D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
Dicing With Death 4k V1.2 +3D ... 2022 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadBrumBrum V1.01 +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDicing With Death 4k V1.1 +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBrownfinger +1H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDicing With Death 4k +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadJolly Jumper +1H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBrumBrum +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSkyhigh the Prequel - Muck in the Stratosphere +2DF ... 2022 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadDelve!: The Goblin's Grotto +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHead Hunter +1CD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMorubotto +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPOKE 4k +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
BrumBrum +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadLaxity Intro #113 (Scribble Box) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #114 (Slant 3D Logo) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLittle Nippers 4k +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMarble Boy +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMimizuku Saga 4k +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOld Mine Hoist +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSkyhigh the Prequel - Muck in the Stratosphere +2D ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSnake Break +2HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPoing Ultra +2D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBrainBreak +2DI ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadPetaxian Preview 2 +3D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadZoomies! +3H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBall & Chain +1HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCruiser-X 79 Preview 3 +4D ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadTenebra Extended +1P ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTenebra Extended +5PD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Empire Strikes Back +4 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMunchkin 64 +4D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNew Rally-X 64 Preview +4 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadTutankham Returns +6D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaunch Fever ... 2022 Graphics(#15 Mixed at Revision 2022 Online)
DownloadLaxity Intro #112 (Raster Rotator 2) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadRodmän Jr+ +2 ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSever the Wicked +1H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAmaurote Isometric 1.0 +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTasered in the Crotch +4D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBagman Comes Back V1.0.2 +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBagman Strikes Back V1.0.2 +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLady Pac V1.0.7 +2 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTop-Hole Golf V1.6 +D (Final Preview) ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCosmic Meals +4DT ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadBagman Strikes Back +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Machinations +1PD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTutankham +6D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
Tutankham +5D ... 2022 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadSidelines V1.21 +2H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFold'em V1.01 +4D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadT-Rex 64 Preview 5 +3H ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadSidelines V1.2 +2H ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBagman Comes Back V1.0.1 +3 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLady Pac V1.0.6 +2 ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBugs Inc. +4HD ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLane Crazy +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMaster of Tiles +D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPuzzle Bobble Preview +2 ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #111 (Tagged Scratch) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)(#2 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Compo 2021)
DownloadLaxity Intro #110 (Lost in Rasters) ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)(#12 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Compo 2021)
DownloadRobot Jet Action +5FD ... 2022 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro 5 ... 2022 Crack Intro (any)(#13 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Compo 2021)
DownloadRetaliate DX +7D ... 2022 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadSam's Journey Season Special + ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadTenebra +1P ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
Polar Bear in Space +9D ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Polar Bear in Space +3 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadA Space Game Preview 2 +2 ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRandoom +4 ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadHexed Preview 3 +3 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadMunchkin 64 Preview 2 +2 ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadCruiser-X 79 Preview 2 +2 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, 101%, Preview)
DownloadBrainBreak Preview 3 +2D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #109 (Flickering Logos) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPetaxian Preview +2D ... 2021 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPopeye V1 +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRocket Away 2 +4D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSoulless - Special Edition +6D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSoulless +6D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEwe Woz 'Ere DX +4D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEwe Woz 'Ere DX 3-Level-Preview +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadSoulless - Special Edition +6D ... 2021 Crack (any)
DownloadSoulless +6D ... 2021 Crack (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #108 (Path Into Unknown) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadStar Hawx +7D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNight Knight +5HPD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNight Knight +5HPD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNight Knight +5PD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLady Pac V1.0.5 +2 ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #107 (512 Byte Intro No.2) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadThunderground V1.1 +4HD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHexed Preview 2 +2 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadShock Raid +3CD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFast Food +1D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGalaga Preview +1D ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadT-Rex 64 Preview 4 +2H ... 2021 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNixy - The Glade Sprite V1.1 +2 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLady Pac + ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPhoenix Recovered +2M ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Mad Scientist +2 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Kong +3 ... 2021 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadKong +3 ... 2021 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [english] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [french] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [german] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [greek] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [italian] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [polish] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D [spanish] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadDon't Break the Balls +5HD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBad Moon Rising +11TDI ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
Don't Break the Balls +5HD ... 2021 Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled)
Bad Moon Rising +11TDI ... 2021 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadBlue Max Tribute (Laxity Intro #106) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)(#2 C64 Fast Intro at CSDB C64 Fun Compo 2021)
DownloadEnlightenment (Laxity Intro #105) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)(#1 C64 Fast Intro at CSDB C64 Fun Compo 2021)
DownloadNinja Carnage +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadGyro Run +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNixy - The Glade Sprite +2 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadRogue64 Preview +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadSnow Wars +2 ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWitch Rescue Service Preview 2 + ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadWrecking Ball Preview +3 ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadTubes'n'Balls +2F ... 2021 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadHexed Preview ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMario's Cement Factory V1.3.1 +1HD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPara Lander DX +2D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBad Moon Rising +8DI ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKoma +1FD ... 2021 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadC64 RPG Preview 2 +D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #104 (Color-Scroll Logo) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadTetrabits Preview ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFreaky Fish DX +3PD [retail version] ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDabbelklick +FT ... 2021 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadSuper Nova V2 +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKrptar +3DF ... 2021 Crack (PAL fixed, OK)
DownloadSpace Firehawk +5H ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpider Fighter +3 ... 2021 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadF1 +2TJD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadToxic Frenzy +1DF ... 2021 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadInvest and Win +TGD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMono (Reset64 Edition) +4D ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadTed Bear's Rainy Day Games +D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRisky Holding +TGD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRunn'n'Gunn +4D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRunn'n'Gunn +6D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTop-Hole Golf Preview 3 +D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
Download8Bit-Slicks (Update 2021-01-23) ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNightfighter +1D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBig Blocky (Laxity Intro #103) ... 2021 Crack Intro (any)(#9 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2020)
DownloadGreek-themed Tetris +JD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRocket Away +1D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Reactor +1TD ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadKiller Saucers +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSurrounded (Laxity Intro #102) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)(#19 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2020)
DownloadZzapped in the Butt - Deluxe +3CD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTrooper + ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadDon't Block the Box +HD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadChiller 2 +3HD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
Chiller 2 +3HD ... 2020 Crack (any, Broken)
Download711 Quarter Screen (Laxity Intro #101) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)(#18 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2020)
DownloadFold'em 2 +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOyup! (+) ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadOyup! ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSpace Planters ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTents and Trees V1.0 +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMiniMIKE Preview 4 +3 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMonster Catcher +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadTents and Trees Preview 2 +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadTiny Quest +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSnowdown V1.1 +4FD ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadThe Queen's Footsteps V1.1.1 +DPS ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDoc Xmas +4D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRainbow Edge Run DX +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSnowdown +4FD ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFold'em +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadQuiltrex64 Preview 4 +CM ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadTakoNeko Preview 2 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadTwo Days to the Race V2.0 +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadGrid Pix Advent +2 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #100 (The Dragon) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadTenno +2DS ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadThe Conqueror of the Seas +TD ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadShowdown V1.1 +4FD ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadJuanje Juega in Sinverland +5HTD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
Download8Bit Goblin Preview 2 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadSally's Garden Preview 3 +5H ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadDeath Saw Challenge +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadH64 +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
H64 +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadPlanet Balls +2DI ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLoopin' +3HD ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadInfinite Space +2H ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadInfinite Space +2HF ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLoopin' +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRevenge of the Flying Balls +2HF ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadAir Attack Preview +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadBrain Bricks +2 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGranny's Teeth - 2020 Edition +7D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBad Tiling V1.2 +2H ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPoppy Locky +F ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadThe Dragon's Castle +2 ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
The Dragon's Castle +2 ... 2020 Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled)
The Dragon's Castle +2 ... 2020 Crack (any, Broken, Onefiled)
DownloadFlower Man +3TDF ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFlying Saucers +3 ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadPlanet Balls +2D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #99 (Laxity All Around) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadNeptune Lander Elite Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadPlanet Balls +2D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCity Bomber Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMegamania C64 +2D ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadFlying Saucers Preview 3 +2 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadGrid Pix +2D [cartridge version] ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGrid Pix +2D [disk version] ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro 4 ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMillie & Molly V1.1 +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSki Worldcup +TD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadC64Pac Preview 2 + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFighting Survivor Preview ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadJoust +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPlazzle +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadKung Poo Fighter + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpunk +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCover Fire! +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFlappy Space + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #98 (The 512 Byte Intro) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadOrcapult +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRainbow Edge Run + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRescue 64 + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSnout About + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZzapped in the Butt +2D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOthello Revenge +F ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSuper Nova +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadC64Pac Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMario's Cement Factory V1.2 +1HD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTrap Them 64 Preview 2 ... 2020 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #97 (Lego Logo) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMario's Cement Factory V1.1 +1HD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Forever Extending Hungry Snake +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCrown +TD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadDerby Dash Remake Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadStorm Chase +4HD ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
Downloadcc65 Chess V1.01 +D (2-in-1 Version) ... 2020 Crack (any)
DownloadAngiePuffy Quest +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
Download8Bit Goblin Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadTubes'n'Balls Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFlying Saucers Preview 2 + ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadNeptune Lander Preview 3 +2M ... 2020 Crack (OK, Preview)
DownloadBrick's Revenge +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadJuanje Juega in Sinverland Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMaze Eater Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadPsion Attack (Remake) Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadSniper + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Curse of Rabenstein (R11) +DS ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpace Fire +2HF ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadAmok +1F ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFlying Saucers Preview ... 2020 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFold'em Preview 2 + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadToilet Paper Stacker +1HD ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHired Sword +1D ... 2020 Crack (any)
DownloadQuiltrex64 Preview 2 + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadGhost Town 64 +1P ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTiny Quest Preview 2 +3 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLuma V1.1 +PD ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadMerge 64 +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDKJ Game & Watch +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRodMän V1.2 +3 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLuma +FPD ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, Broken)
DownloadThe Curse of Rabenstein +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpace Fire Preview + ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
The Curse of Rabenstein +D ... 2020 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIo Preview +4 ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadKrakens V2 +2D ... 2020 Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #96 (Free Swinging Logo) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMario's Cement Factory Preview ... 2020 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAmok Preview + ... 2020 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadToxic (2020 Edition) +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCatgame Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
Download10x10! +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOld Tower +2 ... 2020 Crack (any)
DownloadOld Tower +3 ... 2020 Crack (any)
Download105 +2D ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Queen's Footsteps +D ... 2020 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadOne on One Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMillie & Molly +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEscape +5HT ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Lord of Dragonspire +3D [cartridge] ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadUnnamed Dungeon Crawler Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadCrackpots +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCrackpots V1.01 +1D ... 2020 Crack (any)
DownloadInto Hinterland World + ... 2020 Crack (OK)
DownloadAlea Preview + ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)(Released at Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2020)
DownloadFlax +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2020)
DownloadThe Towers of Hanoi +T ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
Download8Bit-Slicks (Update 2020-01-05) ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDr Jekyll and Mr Hyde +DPGS ... 2020 Crack (any)
DownloadWords8 +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadColor Clash Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #95 (Colorful Swingers) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)(#17 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadLaxity Intro #94 (Gold & Silver Blocks) ... 2020 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSpoil +3 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSilverwolf +DS ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Dogboy +DPS ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadAtom Splitting +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadFold'em Preview ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLVDVS +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDeer Creek ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadMerry Night Shift ... 2019 Crack (any, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #93 (Circling Logo) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSilverwolf - Part One +DS ... 2019 Crack (any, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Dogboy - Part One +DS ... 2019 Crack (any, Onefiled)
DownloadUnhallowed +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAmazon Tales +5D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIlluminated 64 Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%, Preview)
DownloadFlorida Man Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadPing-Pong Classic +T ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPaccie 64 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLily Lander +H ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCaveman +4 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #92 (Anno 1987) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)(#41 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadLily Lander Preview +H ... 2019 Crack (any, Broken, Preview)
DownloadGold & Silver Blocks ... 2019 4K Intro(#36 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
Download4k Intro 4 ICC 2019 ... 2019 4K Intro(Released at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadSpace Orbs +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpace Ache Preview +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadLuna +3HD ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadTwo Days to the Race V1.7 +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadHalloween-Breakout Preview ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLuna +2HD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #91 (Colorations of Grey) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSpace-Ball +2FDT ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadSpace-Ball II +2FDT ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLet's Make a C64 Game Preview 2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Revenge of Moriarty +DS ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadUnnamed Role-Playing Game Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadIceblox Plus +5HF [sales version] ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadEight Feet Under +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #90 (Stoned in Space) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSuper Goatron V1.0 +6 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
Keystone Kapers +3D ... 2019 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadKeystone Kapers +3D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCroaky +2HF ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadMs Rodmän +3 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCroaky +2 ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadCroaky +2HF ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBrick's Revenge Preview +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #89 (Blocky Jumper) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMafia Assembler Edition Preview [german] ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadCimbo +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
Download4 A Win +F ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBombakereső +CD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHappy Blocks DX +2D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBeat Em Up Preview 2 + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
Download4M Arena +3 [disk version] ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadDuel Intro +1HF ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSwarm 16k V1.1.0 +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #88 (Narrow Printer) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLet's Make a C64 Game Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadSpider Maze Tutorial Preview + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLVDVS Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadC64 Chess Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadStercore 64 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadStercore XD +1D ... 2019 Crack
DownloadGrubs Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadRelentless 64 +3H ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Rocky Horror Show +7SDF [us version] ... 2019 Crack (PAL fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSpace Orbs Preview 2 +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Search for the Nether Regions +DPS ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSwarm 16k V1.0.2 +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDeath Weapon +3HD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRelentless 64 + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSwarm 16k +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDeath Weapon +2D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIce Cold Beer +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOut of INK + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpace Orbs Preview +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadCruiser-X 79 Preview +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Royal Hunt +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDice Skater +2D ... 2019 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadPocket Dungeon V1.1 + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVegetables V2.0 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPocket Dungeon + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRetroGameDev Space Shooter Preview 2 +3H ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadBlastopia DX +6HD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMW Ultra Framework Example Preview +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadAdventure +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHaunted House +2D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSidelines V1.1 +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFire Breath V1.1 +5HD ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadThe Silence of the Stones +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadGalaxy +2D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVegetables V1.3 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe House on the Other Side of the Storm +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadUp Preview + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #87 (Flash Bang) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLet's Invade 2 +7D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMashed Turtles V3 +F ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadPanzer + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadPanzer + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVegetables V1.1 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #86 (Think Big) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadVegetables +1D ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadWormwood Preview +2D ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadMemory +TD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVegetables Preview +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #85 (Retro Pirates) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadRoboZZle64 Preview 2 +MD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMicrofair Madness +Bonus Adventures +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadPolybius Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadSheep is a Key + [final] ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSheep is a Key V1.19 + ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadPacman +3 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPacman II +4 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Original Tetris Game +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
Bruce Lee - Return of Fury +2D ... 2019 Crack (Broken)
DownloadBruce Lee - Return of Fury +2D ... 2019 Crack (OK)
DownloadStarfysh Remix +6HD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSuper Toboggan Challenge +1HD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTwo Days to the Race V1.6 +D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRock 'n Roll Trivia Volume 1 +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadRock 'n Roll Trivia Volume 2 +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadRock 'n Roll Trivia Volume 3 +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadRock 'n Roll Trivia Volume 4 +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadRock 'n Roll Trivia Volume 5 +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadICC 2018 Results Collection ... 2019 Intro Collection
DownloadRunman Construction Set +3TD ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadKami +1F ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadEnigma +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPlanetoids +2H ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZone Runner +3H ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadStreet Defender V1.6 +4D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
Download4M Arena Preview ... 2019 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadHoward the Coder +4CTD ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadIctinius +3TD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #84 (Turned Around) ... 2019 Crack Intro (any)(#40 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadOnline + ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSuper Mole +3D ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadTransporter +2TD ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDice8 +FDT ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadDigiloi +2DS ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadDigiloi + ... 2018 Crack (any)
DownloadAviator Arcade II +6 Trainer ... 2018 Tool
8bit-Slicks ... 2018 Crack (any, Broken)
Download8bit-Slicks ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCybex Escape +1T ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAviator Arcade +4 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAviator Arcade II +6D ... 2018 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadArgos DX +2T ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadPortal +5D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadOverhead Racer Preview ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMashed Turtles V2 +F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFarming Simulator +2D ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLogo Letter Glider (Laxity Intro #80) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)(#23 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadSpider Maze +3D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFarming Simulator +1D ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadBlastopia +6HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIllsavior Preview 2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRush Preview +2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadHibernated 1: This Place is Death (R17) +D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #82 (Plain ROM Charset) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadCounterweight Kate V1.2 +5 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #83 (THX Style) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadRogue Burger One +5F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCrank Crank Revolution - Gubbdata Edition +1F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadStreet Defender V1.5 +4D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadMashed Turtles +F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadWalliball +4HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadGiana Sisters 30th Anniversary Preview 2 +C ... 2018 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadWolfling Preview 2 + ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadShadow Switcher +5C ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadXXV +H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBad Tiling +2H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFood Truck Preview ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadParanoids +2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRogue Burger One Preview 2 +4 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFPRPG Preview ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadDustin' +1H ... 2018 Crack (OK)
DownloadKalle Kloakk 4k +2D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #81 (Wavy Bubbles) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMach Tank +4HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSnake-a-Space +2MHD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTrump Tower +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadWave Hero +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWTF +4D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLabyrinth +4D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadElevator Eric +4 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadEndless World + ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMind the Mines +3 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadShinobiden Zero Preview 2 +1D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadSpace Poker +2H ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadChef Quest +2D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFreaky Fish +2D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRabid Robots 4k +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadToxic +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadComputersville +7FD ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadLaxity Intro #79 (Mystic Mirror) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadDangerous Sports Deadly Sports +FD ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadDodge +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSpikes +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadTacky +2HD ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadVector Runner +1HD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadCraptastic Game Preview ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMissile Blasta - Remastered V2 +3 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPush It Preview +3 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #78 (Tic-Toc Scrollers) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMLsnake Preview ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRogue Ninja V1.1 +5HD ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadAlone and Dangerous Preview +1J ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadRogue Ninja +2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSAFTS - Spin All Four Table Soccer +D ... 2018 Crack (OK)
DownloadBinTris +FD ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadMoon Madness - Episode II +1H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHyperzap 2018 +2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFind Exit Preview +2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadHibernated 1: This Place is Death (R6) +D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadVault Man 2 V1.1 +4H ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadPacman Preview + ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCounterweight Kate V1.1 +5 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRetroGameDev Platform Game Preview +3H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRetroGameDev Space Shooter Preview +3H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRogue Burger One Preview +2 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
Counterweight Kate +2 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, Broken, Onefiled)
DownloadCounterweight Kate +2 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadCrank Crank Revolution +1F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #77 (Logo Letter Ripple) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadDiced-64 +2MD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadJetpac Wars +2F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadDigger Preview 2 +3 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMoonspire: The Draxx War - Preview +6M ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadL.O.V.E. Preview +4D ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadQuad Core +5D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIndeflataball +7HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadStar Toast +2H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTetris MP V1.2 +F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
Indeflataball +7HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, Broken, Onefiled)
DownloadVitamin +4CTD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadIceblox Plus +5HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRetaliate Preview 3 +3 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadSteel Ranger +3C Trainer ... 2018 Tool
DownloadBalloon Flight +HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSteel Ranger +3CD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSteel Ranger Preview +C ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadUFF +2TPDF [english] ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadTetris MP (2in1) +F ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
Download8192 Preview 2 ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadIceblox Plus +3HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadPengo(+) +2D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIceblox Plus +3H ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #76 (Solid Gold) ... 2018 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSpace Conquest +3TD ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSquad 1 +6HF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Import)
DownloadWoodo Intro 2017 +F ... 2018 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadAstex 64 +3TD ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadViljo +3FT ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadSam's Journey +2 Trainer ... 2017 Tool
DownloadSam's Journey +2 Trainer ... 2017 Tool
Sam's Journey +2D ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadSam's Journey +2D ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadStarfysh +6HD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadIK White House (PETSCII/Koala) ... 2017 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at International Karate GFX Competition)
DownloadAkalabeth Preview ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadQWAK 1.3 +4CHD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRapidFire Platoon ... 2017 Graphics(#33 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2017)
DownloadKobo64 (r221) +4D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLunar Lander +1MH ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGiana Sisters 30th Anniversary Preview +9 ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #75 (Simple '88) ... 2017 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadStreet Defender +4D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadVortex Crystals +10D [2017 full version] ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRescuing Orc +5D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #74 (Sky Printer) ... 2017 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadRescuing Orc +3D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadZatacka +F ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadGive That Dog a Bone Preview + ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadHyper Blitz +H ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBacillus Preview 2 +3 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRockit +1H ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadShotgun V1.1 +1KD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRace+ +D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadStranded +F ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadVault Man 2 +3H ... 2017 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadCitadel 2 Preview +2 ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Sky Is Falling +2HD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBubble +3DT ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadStep by Step +1MDS ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Sky Is Falling +2HD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadZwob +TD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSpyders: Chapter 1 +2H ... 2017 Crack (any, 101%)
Spyders: Chapter 1 +2H ... 2017 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadCall Rapid Fire! ... 2017 Intro
DownloadParanoid +1F ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFastline BBS ... 2017 Intro
DownloadCubis +1FDT ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadIgnition +FTD ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadLaxity Intro #73 (Goldie Swinger) ... 2017 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadRowman +2HT [english+spanish] ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadGN2P +F ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadVVVVVV + ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZap Zone +2H ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadICC 2016 Results Collection ... 2017 Intro Collection
DownloadAbu Simbel Profanation +2 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSleepwalker +4D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadFrogs +KD [c128 fix] ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRow Man Preview 2 +3 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFrogs +KD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadApple Cider Spider +4D ... 2017 Crack (any)
DownloadBomb Run 64 +2H ... 2017 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSum-Ka V2 +FTD ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRobotLand +2MF [english+spanish] ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
RobotLand +2M ... 2017 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadCRX Race +4F ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadGPAC Dementia Defender +3CD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThink Twice +TD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOutpost +1D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadC64 Slicks Preview ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadFull Horizontal Directory Logo ... 2017 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at 1st CSDb Dir Art Compo)
DownloadRescue at Rana +4D ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Big Lebowski ... 2017 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at 1st CSDb Dir Art Compo)
DownloadGameboy Tetris ... 2017 Crack (any)
DownloadC64Maze +JD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLabman +3JTD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadMemory (+Editor) +1TD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadWalker +7FD ... 2017 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadWeasel +3MTD ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFire Breath +4HD ... 2017 Crack (any, 101%)
Download2048 +JH ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMad Joker (Laxity Intro #71) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)(#22 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadTrap Them 64 Preview ... 2016 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAntarctica +1H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAttack of the Mutant Cabbages +3D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBonkey Kong +1HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDog +2HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadGoblin +2HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLumberjack +1HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRise and Shine Professor Miggles +1HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSuper Ski +1HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPix-Mas +3 ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHack Attack +FD ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
Fire to Jump +2F ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, Broken)
DownloadFire to Jump +2F ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIm +6D [update 2016-12-15] ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSwing-A-Round (Laxity Intro #72) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)(#44 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadShotgun X-Mas Edition [2in1] +1KD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadJupple Dust Preview ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadWizerior II Preview ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onesided, Preview)
DownloadCompuzzle +TD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadQuadriga +TD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTorussa-Life +TD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSeek'n'Destroy Preview +3 ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadICC 2014 Collection ... 2016 Intro Collection
DownloadPower Gate Preview + ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro 3 ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
Moonspire +6HD&Maps ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLet's Invade! +7D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadColon +1TD ... 2016 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadGranny's Teeth +5D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
Granny's Teeth +5D ... 2016 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadLaxity Intro #70 (Batman PETSCII) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMy Life +5DF ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadSally's Garden Preview +5 ... 2016 Crack (Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadAwakening +1FDW ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadWaffles +3TD [english+german] ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMulti-Player Soccer Manager +MD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #69 (Major Logo) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPhase Out V1.4 +4D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPhase Out V2.0 LPE +4D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadC= (PETSCII) ... 2016 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Arok Party 2016)
DownloadAgent-Test +2T ... 2016 Crack (any)
DownloadSpaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom V1.1 +2MD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #68 (Stripes) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPlanet Golf Preview +1D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIm +6D ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Quod Init Exit IIm +6D ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIm +3D ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, OK)
Quod Init Exit IIm +3D ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadHoney Bee +6D [real sales version] ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #64 (The Right Way To Grow) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadCU @ Reflections ... 2016 Intro
DownloadEvil Garden +4D ... 2016 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadGoodbye Colosseum ... 2016 Graphics Collection
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro 2 ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadQWAK 1.2 +4H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWorkman +5H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCBM Asteroids + ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIcicle Race +2M ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #67 (Floating Window) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPickle's Pod Patrol +7H ... 2016 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadPlatman +7H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadQWAK +4HF ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadKnightshift Preview ... 2016 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadR.I.O.T. Preview + ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, Preview)
DownloadTiger Claw - C64 in Pixels Edition +7D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAlienator +4HF ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBlap 'n Bash Revisited +5HD ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBug Hunt +1H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIcicle Race +2 ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #66 (Borderless) ... 2016 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadPickle's Pod Patrol +4H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPlatman +2H ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadQWAK +3F ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadT.H.E.A. +2D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVortex Crystals +9HD [16kb cartridge] ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPothole Percy +3D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadVote EvilBot ... 2016 Graphics(#6 Mixed Graphics at Revision 2016)
DownloadMini-Penetrator +3HT ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadSheepoid - Frozen in Time +4FD ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadDrugs +5HFDT ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadYlcodrom +1FDT ... 2016 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadStack (My Bitch) Up + ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #65 (Huge Logo Swinger) ... 2016 Crack Intro (any)
Rock Maze (Reset Edition) +4PH ... 2016 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadRock Maze (Reset Edition) +4PH ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLittle Knight Arthur +6HD ... 2016 Crack (any, 100%, Onefiled)
DownloadUnderland Preview ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onesided, Preview)
DownloadBlock'n'Tropic +6 ... 2015 Crack
DownloadGirlguard Preview [german] ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadYloa Preview ... 2015 Crack (Preview)
DownloadQualot +3T [english+german] ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRogue Preview [german] ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadRust'n'Steel +4C ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Catacombs of Cherubim +4 ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadYloa's Complex Preview ... 2015 Crack (Preview)
DownloadGameboy Tetris V2 Preview +J ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadQuadrant 4 +2F ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Import)
DownloadQuadrofender +5F ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadWizard Saga Preview 2 +2 ... 2015 Crack (Preview)
DownloadChest Bump +MF ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadSprint 1 +2H ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGame Corner Q2/2015 ... 2015 Diskmag
DownloadWizard Saga Preview +3 ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadRocket Smash EX 101% +5HD ... 2015 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadUniblast ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMario Run Preview + ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadSpaced Out Preview ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadPixel Pix +3 ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadX-Force +6HD [final sales version] ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadArmer Humin Preview + ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Wall +5 ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadX-Force +6HD [sales version] ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadScramble V1.14 +5H ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
Brilliant Maze V1.1 +5HD ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadBrilliant Maze V1.1 +5HD ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadHessian V2 Preview +2 ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadBreak 64 101% +4M ... 2015 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadRowly +3D ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGravitrix +4PD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadLaxity+Onslaught Intro ... 2015 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBill da Snowman +1JFD ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadGame Corner Q1/2015 ... 2015 Diskmag
DownloadDungeon Crawl +2JF ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadTornado +3TD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTurn Change Preview 3 +2C ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadPixel Pix Preview + ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPole Position +3HD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBimz Preview +2 ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadZyflex Preview +4HF ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadTrance Sector Ultimate +10HD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #63 (Jolly Modern) ... 2015 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadP0 Snake +4FD 100% ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadSpace Ambush +1HJTD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGame Corner Q4/2014 ... 2015 Diskmag
DownloadNibbler +3HFD ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadC64hess - Chess Puzzles +D ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadScramble +5H ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBaffle +2HF ... 2015 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadCharlie and the Jugs +4HD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBrilliant Maze +5HD ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadBunker +5TD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBrick Buster 2015 +3D ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBlazing Castles +4D ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBowman +3D &Editor ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadThe Birds +4TD ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadTutti Frutti 64 +5 ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadShootin' Putin +1FD [lightgun/joystick] ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBig Disco (Laxity Intro #62) ... 2014 Crack Intro (any)(#13 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadMini Arcade: Climax +3FD ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBlackjack aka Twenty-One +2TD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBrilliant Maze +2D ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadFickle +5D ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMini Arcade: Climax +1FD ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadPenultimate Fantasy + ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadPenultimate Fantasy +1F ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFalling +1H ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadCowboy Duel Junior +1FT [english+german] ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadC-2048 +HF ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadHoney Bee +6FD ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCosmic Ark +4HFD ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadLaxity Intro #60 (QR - tilted) ... 2014 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMoonspire Preview +2 ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadKanga +3D ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)(Released at HomeCon 31)
DownloadRocky Memphis Preview 2 + ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadPaper Plane +1HFD ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadLaxity Intro #61 (TranceTro) ... 2014 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadPaper Plane ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadDonkey Kong Junior +5HD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadAviator Arcade Preview +2 ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadX-Force +6D [2in1] ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGame Corner Q3/2014 ... 2014 Diskmag
DownloadHead-On +2D ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadInvader Alert 101% +TD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadI Can Remember +D ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #59 (Remember) ... 2014 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadEelona Preview +2 ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadVallation +6HD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLunar Blitz RX +3HF ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadWarflame RX +2 ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadRemember... (PETSCII) ... 2014 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Nordlicht 2014)
DownloadSuper Pac Twins (Special Edition) 101% +5F ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadAlter Ego +5 ... 2014 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadGame Corner Q2/2014 ... 2014 Diskmag
DownloadMagic Duel (DoReCo Edition 2014) +F ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadMagic Duel [16kb cartridge] +F ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadYour Father's Nightmare +2M ... 2014 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadCaptain Future Preview +3T ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadTreasure Hunt +2HD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAmazon 100% +5FT ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBellringer III V1.5 +4HFD ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #58 (Sky Scroller) ... 2014 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPhase Out +4D [sales version] ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGame Corner Q1/2014 ... 2014 Diskmag
DownloadImmensity Preview 2 ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadSokoban 64 +1D ... 2014 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadVermeer +1TD [english] ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadD-2000 IFR-Trainer - Germany 2 +FTD [english] ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadQuadron +1TD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCosmos V1.2 +7MD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #57 (Binary Simplicity) ... 2014 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadThe Impossible Game +1MF ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCosmos +7MD ... 2014 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadCosmos +7MD ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCosmos +7D ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCosmos + ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRocky Memphis Preview +1F ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCombination Deluxe +4PF ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadParadroid Redux Preview 2 ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadFlappy Bird +MH ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadShaolin+ +2HD +Pic ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadD-2000 IFR-Trainer +FTD [english] ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadLabiraton +4T [english] ... 2014 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadBouncing Ball 101% +4HTD [english+german] ... 2014 Crack (any, 101%)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadD-2000 IFR-Trainer Preview +T ... 2014 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadRudi the Rat +4HTD [english+german] ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadSharky +5HDG ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadVisit Colosseum! ... 2014 One-File Demo(Released at Laxity Meeting 2014)
DownloadCrazy Dog Racing +MDT ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGame Corner Q1-Q4/2013 ... 2014 Diskmag
DownloadTetris +1H ... 2014 Crack (any, OK)
Tetris +1H ... 2013 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadFinal Results of Intro Creation Competition Collection ... 2013 Intro Collection(Released at Intro Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadInvert (Final Edition) +7HF ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadOthello +F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCowboy Duel +1FDT [english+german] ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadOutbreak +1F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Import)
DownloadCowboy Duel +1DT [english+german] ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadPhase Out +4 ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSuperball +F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLabyrinth +2M ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPowerglove +4D [rgcd compo edition V1.2] ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHunt for Bubber's Bathtub 101% +3CFTD [english] ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadCandle Burner V1.1 [16kb cartridge] ... 2013 Game(#13 C64 Game at RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2013)
DownloadInvert [16kb cartridge] +2 ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadInvert [16kb cartridge] +7HFD ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadKobo64 +3 ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #55 (Line Printer) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLinus vs. Simon +F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadMonster Buster ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadMonster Buster +2F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #56 (Old Hotline Style) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadThe Atom U-Boat +TD ... 2013 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadVoltage 101% +4FT ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadCBM Asteroids Preview + ... 2013 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #54 (Raster Rotator) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro Collection II ... 2013 Intro Collection(Released at HomeConnected ♥ You)
DownloadFlin Flon ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #53 (Laxity Unchained) ... 2013 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadAssembloids +2HD [retail version] ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #52 (Big Graffiti Logo) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadThe Vice Squad Preview +4 ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadWoolly Jumper V4 +7HFD [sales version] ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadStalingrad Campaign +D&Map ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMysterix +1TD [english] ... 2013 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadDemo of the Year 2013 ... 2013 Demo(Released at Nordlicht 2013)
DownloadLaxity Intro #51 (Gangsta Graffiti) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadTrance Sector CE +10HFD ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadSheepoid DX +7HFD ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSchlimeisch Mania +F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadUp in the Air Preview 2 +4 ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadFlubble and Squij (+Remix) +8HD ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadPhase Out Preview + ... 2013 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadLights On +6HD ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGuns 'n' Ghosts 101% +9MD ... 2013 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadDanger Valley +2TD ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWar in Space (Krieg im Weltraum) +3FTD ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
Cosmic Conflict +3FTD [bugged] ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, Broken)
DownloadOur contribution to the scene ... 2013 One-File Demo(#10 C64 Demo at Demo of the Year Competition 2013)
DownloadGuns 'n' Ghosts + ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #50 (Scroller Cage) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBerzerk Redux Special Edition +4DF ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Import)
DownloadLittle Sara Sister (Trilogy Edition) +3 ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLittle Sara Sister 1.5 (Trilogy Edition) +7H ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLittle Sara Sister Trilogy 101% ... 2013 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadLittle Sara Sister 2 (Trilogy Edition) 101% +8F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadAssembloids [16kb cartridge] +2HD ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAsteroids Emulator (2013-03-02) +1D ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCounting Parade +1D ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadShaolin+ +2HD ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadThe Fort +HTD [english] ... 2013 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadAsteroids Emulator (2013-02-23) +1D ... 2013 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #49 (Raster Jumper) ... 2013 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMondo Wordo II +3D ... 2013 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadTop 50 of Crack Intro Music Competition 2013 ... 2013 Music Collection(Released at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadComputer TitleBout +D ... 2013 Crack (any, OK, Onesided)
DownloadRevenge of the Tomato 101% +5F ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadRevenge of the Tomato 101% +5FD ... 2013 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadPub Trivia ... 2012 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadYou Have to Win the Game + ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSir Ababol +4FD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSir Ababol +4F ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCandle Burner ... 2012 Game
DownloadOracle III +5FD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCanabalt +3M ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)(Released at Laxity MAX MMXII)
DownloadDeath Zone +4T ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)(Released at Laxity MAX MMXII)
DownloadLaxity Max MMXII ... 2012 One-File Demo(Released at Laxity MAX MMXII)
DownloadBomberland Preview +2 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMatch Buster +3CHFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadLaxity Intro #48 (Medieval) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMonkey Eat Milkey [16kb cartridge] +F ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRent A Cop +4H ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
Super Bread Box + [16kb cartridge] ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadAlien Bash 2 +5F ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
Alien Bash 2 +5F ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, Broken)
DownloadGet 'Em [16kb cartridge] +5H ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadStar Trek (2003) +5H ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPaku Paku Preview +3 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadKosmodrom 101% +1HTD ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadTrance Sector (Standard Edition) +10HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadLaxity Intro #47 (Char Cycler) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadTrance Sector (Premium Edition) +10HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadMy Grand Piano +D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFirehouse Rescue +3FD ... 2012 Crack (PAL fixed, OK)
DownloadLittle People Bowling Alley +D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMEM64! 101% +FD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadDungeon Blaster +8H ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGet 'Em DX +5HD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #46 (Nippon Mirror) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadYucatan +5HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadThe Mollusk +8HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCrimson Twilight Preview +J ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadMagic Wood (Zauberwald) +1T [english+german] ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadPinball Dreams Preview 2 ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadPushover Preview 3 + ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadKnight'n'Grail 2 Preview 2 + ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #05 V2 (Water-mirrored DYCP) ... 2012 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadQuod Init Exit +2HD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #45 (Candy-Rasta) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadThe Mollusk Redux 101% +8D ... 2012 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadAlien Bash 2 Preview +2 ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadJimmy Business +1DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAptitude Preview ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadJourney +1HF ... 2012 Crack (PAL fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #44 (Monochrom) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #43 (Small Logo Swinger) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMarket Forces +1DG 100% ... 2012 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadOn the Farm 2 +7HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadElav +4HD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLittle Sara Sister 1.5 +7HD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSmasheroids +1HD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadBionik Granny Returns 101% +6HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadMini-Golf 101% +D +Pics ... 2012 Crack (any, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadSpace Trip 101% +6HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
Download5 Weeks in a Balloon +6TD ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadAli Baba +1T ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadGanymed +3HFTD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadOn the Farm +6HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRobot +3D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRocket Man +2 +Pic ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPegman +2 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTunnel Trap +1D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVVVVVV Preview + ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCamels in Space +2 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSheep Out! +2H ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSheepoid 101% +7HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadUnderground +5HFC ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadRG Rampage +3HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadFucking Fiona Preview +MD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadUnderground +4HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadWoolly Jumper (Special Edition) 101% +7HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadWoolly Jumper [16kb cartridge] +7 ... 2012 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadSupernatural Preview 3 +2C ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadFuture Lock +5 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSwap It +4PFTD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadGreenrunner +5F ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRedrunner +5MF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadHell Racer +4DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHell Racer +4 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #42 (Laxity-OS) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBah, Humbug! +6D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBomb Chase 2009 Special Edition +5HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCircuits +4MD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #41 (OCEAN-style BBS logo) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadDiagonal Ball 2 +2 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAegean Voyage +3D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBasketball Preview 3 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadEdge Grinder +5HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #40 (Swingin' 3) ... 2012 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadThe Mollusk Redux Preview +4 ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadGo Carts +2H ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadNumber Tumbler +D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadOn the Farm III +8FD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLogic Levels +2D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDiabolo +5 ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLinking Logic +D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMuhtar Preview + ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadPong Machine +DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadSpace Invaders (2000) +3DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadUp in the Air Preview +5 ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadAtlantis (2009) +2FDT 100% ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLa Marque Jaune Preview ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadIsland of Monsters Preview +4PT [english] ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
Atlantis (2009) +2DT ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadMissile Alert +2DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadArena +T ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSub Destroyer +2D ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadBellringer +3D ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadBellringer II +1PD ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadFroggy Goes Splatt +4FD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadProxima Preview ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadBugs in Buggyland Preview +2 ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadKnightlore Preview ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadMorph +3MF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLights On Preview +2PD ... 2012 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadBeam +1HFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadQGame +PFD ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadScramble 2010 Preview 2 + ... 2012 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadMagic Square +SDT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadProvi Stars Quiz +TD [english+german] ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadProvi Stars Quiz 2 +FTD [english+german] ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRubikon +DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSudoku +DT ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCascade 100% +H ... 2011 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCurly Squirrel Preview ... 2011 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadOmidar +4DT ... 2011 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTubyx +3DT ... 2011 Crack (any, OK)
Download20 Years Laxity ... 2011 One-File Demo
DownloadDanger Drive +4FDT ... 2011 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)(Released at Laxity Meeting 2011)
DownloadKnight'n'Grail 2 Preview + ... 2011 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadThe Mollusk Preview +3 ... 2011 Crack (PAL only, Broken, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #39 (Boombastic) ... 2011 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSwap It +4PTD ... 2011 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLady Kakerlak +3DT +Editor ... 2011 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadOn the Farm 2 +3 ... 2011 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadR8ro! +7 ... 2010 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadGR9 Strike Force +2 ... 2009 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadElektrosmog + ... 2009 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadWalking on the Moon +4 ... 2009 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadReaxion Extended +1CHF ... 2009 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSub Hunter Preview 2 +2 ... 2008 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadKik-Start C16 +2 ... 2008 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadShotgate +3MPD ... 2008 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadZoo Mania Preview V2 +2 ... 2008 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadBFP 2007 Invite ... 2007 Invitation
DownloadBoombastic! ... 2005 4K Intro(#9 C64 4K Intro at Breakpoint 2005)
DownloadHow I Like It ... 2003 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at LCP 2003)
DownloadFord GT40 ... 2002 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2002)
DownloadReaxion Extended +1CHF ... 2001 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadSplidge's Snowball Caper +3 ... 2001 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadBalloonacy V1.2 +3 ... 2001 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadBalloonacy +3D ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadBalloonacy Preview 4 + ... 2001 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadIt's Magic 2 +4P ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, OK, Onesided)
DownloadSharkz +F ... 2001 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRobot +2F ... 2001 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadShaolin +2 ... 2001 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDefuzion 3 +3F ... 2001 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadDreamCars ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadDreamCars +H ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadDropdown +3F ... 2001 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadThe Ball Preview ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadMetal Warrior 3 +2 ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadBlood +3HF ... 2001 Crack (NTSC fixed, 100%)
DownloadMetal Warrior 3 + ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadMetal Warrior 3 + ... 2001 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadKestrel - Bird of Prey Preview ... 2001 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadDelectation Preview ... 2001 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadDenker 2000 ... 2000 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at The Party 2000)
DownloadIndiana Jones and the Golden Head + ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadFreespace 2075 +2 ... 2000 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadFreespace 2075 +2F ... 2000 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadMagyk +2 ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMissile Busters +2 ... 2000 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadMissile Busters II +2 ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMoon Madness +2 ... 2000 Crack
Download2pac Preview ... 2000 Crack
DownloadAcid +F ... 2000 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadBloo's Magic Trip +3D ... 2000 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadÅke Gets Mediaeval + ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAbrakadabra Preview ... 2000 Crack
DownloadMetal Warrior 2 v1.1 +5 ... 2000 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadMetal Warrior +5S 100% ... 2000 Crack (PAL only, 100%)
DownloadGravity +3 ... 2000 Crack (101%)
DownloadHeavy Metal Solid Preview ... 2000 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadLittle Batty + ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMetal Warrior 3 Preview ... 2000 Crack
DownloadPum Preview ... 2000 Crack
DownloadQuadtron +F ... 2000 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadRevenge Preview ... 2000 Crack (PAL only, 101%, Preview)
DownloadSlither +2MF ... 2000 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadTarget-X +1F ... 2000 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadThunder Arena ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTitanic ... 2000 Crack (any, OK)
Metal Warrior +5S ... 1999 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadMetal Warrior 2 V1.0 +4 ... 1999 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadTwinball +3F ... 1999 Crack (Import)
DownloadBeauty and the Beast Preview ... 1999 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #38 (Disco) ... 1999 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBaccy's Nightmare ... 1999 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCatch +2F ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadAbhor +4F ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadInsobada +1MF ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadGo-Kart +1HF ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Onefiled)
DownloadBlitz 3000 +6FD ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadCyberwing +4HF ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadCrush 101% +5 ... 1999 Crack (PAL only, 101%, Onesided)
DownloadLaxity+Excess Intro ... 1999 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadBeat Bouncer ... 1999 4K Intro(#17 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadCrest's Mah Jongg ... 1999 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCrest's Pacman +3 ... 1999 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadDamned Preview ... 1999 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDe'sign +3F ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadDouble +4F ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadEscape from New York +6M ... 1999 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadFerris's Christmas Caper +2 ... 1999 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadMental Kombat +1F ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadMetal Warrior 2 Preview +7M ... 1999 Crack (Preview)
DownloadQ-Billion +1P ... 1999 Crack
DownloadScrewy Screws +1MF ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadWord +3F ... 1999 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadFloppy98 ... 1998 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Floppy 1998)
DownloadPrimitive Ping-Pong +F ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadQuadris ... 1998 Crack (any)
Download4 by 4 +1D ... 1998 Crack
DownloadDouble Trouble +2PF ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadDevil Inside ... 1998 Graphics(#10 Mixed at Willow Party 1998)
DownloadNew Style ... 1998 Misc.(#11 Mixed at Willow Party 1998)
DownloadTurrican 3 Preview +2 ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #37 (OldsCool) ... 1998 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMillennium Assault +3 ... 1998 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #36 (Big Upscroller) ... 1998 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadCo-Axis 105% +5F ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadBlocks +1HF ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLeisure Suit Leo 2 +1PD [german] ... 1998 Crack
DownloadNeedle in the Haystack +1F ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadHawk Preview ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadJust for Fun ... 1998 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1998)
DownloadIt's Magic +4FDT ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadReflect +4PH ... 1998 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadLeisure Suit Leo 2 - The Soundtrack ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadLeisure Suit Leo 2 +1TPD [english] ... 1998 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadMaximum Overdrive +6 ... 1998 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadIt's Magic Preview + ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSilent Down +2M ... 1998 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIons +5FD ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadStroke World +6PFH [english+german] ... 1998 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #33 (Small Window) ... 1998 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadBlood Hand +2 ... 1998 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadBombsweeper 64 +T ... 1998 Crack (any)
DownloadCine Preview +3 ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadIt's Magic +4DT ... 1998 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #34 (Wagging Logo) ... 1998 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #35 (Fractal Zoomer) ... 1998 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSector Preview +3 ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadShove +5 ... 1998 Crack
DownloadTamagotchi Preview ... 1998 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTurrican 3 Preview +2 ... 1998 Crack (Import, Preview)
DownloadR - The Ultimate Joystick Killer + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadBombmania +F +KB ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)(Released at The Party 1997)
DownloadCloux ... 1997 Crack
DownloadFliptris +1H ... 1997 Crack
DownloadGirltris +2 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadColee +3 ... 1997 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #30 (Narrow) ... 1997 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadDir Master V7.4+ ... 1997 Tool
DownloadPenny +8P ... 1997 Crack
Download5x5 +F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #32 (Blue Logoswinger) ... 1997 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadFind the Pair Preview + ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDidi's Birthday ... 1997 One-File Demo(Released at Laxity Meeting 1997)
DownloadFicken fuer ne Mark ... 1997 One-File Demo(Released at Laxity Meeting 1997)
DownloadBlox +MusicRip ... 1997 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #29 (Big Rotating Cube) ... 1997 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMagical Formula +5F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK, Import)
DownloadNinja Commando + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadMap Race 2 ... 1997 Crack
Samber +5H ... 1997 Crack (Broken)
DownloadSweepminer +T [english] ... 1997 Crack (any, Broken)
DownloadMystery +4 (Miracle Designs/Magna Media) ... 1997 Crack (101%)
DownloadFast-Intro ... 1997 Intro(#13 C64 Fast Intro at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadSymposium '97 Partyscroller ... 1997 One-File Demo(Released at Mekka & Symposium 1997)
DownloadVision +3MH ... 1997 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadCannon Craze +3 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadInterlaced Pairs +D ... 1997 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadTanks Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadUpside Down V2 +3CP [iffl] ... 1997 Crack (101%)
DownloadTarget +2M ... 1997 Crack
DownloadScortia +2 ... 1997 Crack (100%)
DownloadSpace Tracker Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBombmania Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadContact Laxity ... 1997 Misc.
DownloadCross Invert 2 Preview +2 ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDays of Thunder +2 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadDeadly Messenger +2 ... 1997 Crack
DownloadDominoes ... 1997 Crack (101%)
DownloadFugitive + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadIce Guys +12 ... 1997 Crack (100%)
DownloadLabe Me Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #31 (Twirling Dots) ... 1997 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity+Chromance Intro (unused) ... 1997 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadLegend of Kyril Preview V2 ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMaximum Overdrive Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMr. Setam Lady Killer + ... 1997 Crack
DownloadOn Table Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadOutside Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPhantasm and Fantasy Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPicman Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPlasm +5M ... 1997 Crack (101%, Onefiled)
DownloadSamber +5H ... 1997 Crack (100%)
DownloadScortia Preview + ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSquares ... 1997 Crack
DownloadStarfighter Preview + ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSweepminer +T [english] ... 1997 Crack (100%)
DownloadTerminus 2 Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe Run Preview + ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTrazz Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTric Trac ... 1997 Crack
DownloadTric Trac ... 1997 Crack
DownloadUpside Down +3CPE ... 1997 Crack
DownloadUtopia Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadWords Don't Come Easy +2F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadXiom +4P ... 1997 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro Collection ... 1996 Intro Collection(Released at The Party 1996)
DownloadDave Speed +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadDestiny +4P ... 1996 Crack (any)
DownloadDionysus 3 Preview +4 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDoris 2 +4C ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #27 (Mini-HiRes) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadAcinna +1F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #28 (BBS Logo Swingin') ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadTime Out +6F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadSmokey ... 1996 Graphics
DownloadLaxity Intro #25 (Colorful Scroller-Jumper) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadSmoking ... 1996 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Assembly 1996)
DownloadDenniffia +10 [IFFL] ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #23 (Plasma Zoomer) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #24 (Half-Screen/Last Unicorn) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadDenniffia +10 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadThe Great Giana Sisters +7M ... 1996 Crack
DownloadIce-Mania +1H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadMoonwalker +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #22 (Dull Upscroller) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #21 (Swingin' 2) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMood Preview +2 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadInsanity +1M ... 1996 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadAknakeresö ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #20 (Jewel) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadTime Out +6 [IFFL] ... 1996 Crack
DownloadOn Ice +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFortress +4T ... 1996 Crack
DownloadBomb Mania +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFields of Hades +7 ... 1996 Crack (101%)
DownloadMagic Fields +2C ... 1996 Crack
DownloadHope to Hopp II +3 +Music ... 1996 Crack
DownloadDelite +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadBlob +4HFT ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #16 (Texture Scaler) ... 1996 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadSpeedy Slug +6 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #19 (Chains) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadIt's GFX Time ... 1996 Graphics Collection(Released at Acrise+Excess Party 1996)
DownloadRed 20 Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe Zinj Complex +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadWonky Worms +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadA.P.E.X Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAction Replay Worm ... 1996 Crack
DownloadAddgar +3P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadApollo 14 Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadArcade Classic +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadAstro-Mine Preview +3 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBobix +6 ... 1996 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadBouncy Balls Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBrave +5P ... 1996 Crack (101%)
DownloadBrave +5P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadCar-o-Matic +2 ... 1996 Crack (Broken)
DownloadCar-o-Matic Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCentric Preview + ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadColony Preview 2 + ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadColors ... 1996 Crack (100%)
DownloadCrazy News Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCubic +5 ... 1996 Crack (100%)
DownloadCuster ... 1996 Crack
DownloadCyberblocks +P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadDave Speed Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDefensive Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDumi +5F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadDune II Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadEcho Hawk +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFields + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFirefox +6 ... 1996 Crack (Broken)
DownloadFirefox +6 ... 1996 Crack (Broken)
DownloadFred the Fruiter +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFred's Back +4 ... 1996 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadFred's Back II +4 [iffl] ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFruitmania +5H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFuture Tetris Preview 2 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFuture World Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadGet It +C ... 1996 Crack
DownloadInsanity 2 Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadInto the Nature +8 ... 1996 Crack (101%)
DownloadKick Your Brain Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadKikugi +HFT [english] ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadLaxity Intro #17 (Scroller Effects) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #26 (Oldschool Logoswinger) ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity+F4CG Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLegend of Kyril Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadManganoid Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMegabrain +2H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadMood Preview 2 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPaddles + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadProject S.O.L. +4H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadRigor Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadScorpion Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadStar Wars Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTechnoplyn +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTetris (576 kByte) +HFT [english] ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadThe Brave African Huntress ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTime Out +7C ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTit Bit 2 +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTronik +5 ... 1996 Crack (101%)
DownloadTry 2 Swap With Me ... 1996 Misc.
DownloadVin Tim +2T [english] ... 1996 Crack
DownloadWacky Races +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadWords Don't Come Easy Preview ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadFascinating ... 1995 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at The Party 1995)
DownloadHave a Drink ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at The Party 1995)
DownloadRAM-X Toolcollection 2 ... 1995 Tool Collection(Released at The Party 1995)
DownloadBallz 1 Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadColonial Trader +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #05 (Water-mirrored DYCP) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadLaxity Intro #18 (Rainbow Logo) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadShoot Out ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTuc Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadWing Commander Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBlob +3H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaced Tiles +1P [IFFL] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDoris +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadBombel Preview + ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFred's in Troubles +7 [iffl] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #02 (2x2 Cursor) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadSpherebrain +5CP ... 1995 Crack
DownloadBlockbuster Preview +2 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadIntro Collection ... 1995 Intro Collection
DownloadDungeon Warriors +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDungeon Warriors +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadShaman +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadAmnesia +5 ... 1995 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadLaxity Intro #15 (Scrolling Backwards) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadMc Rat +2 ... 1995 Crack (Broken)
DownloadPieces Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #13 (Everything's moving) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadFun Duel ... 1995 Crack
DownloadNumm +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #12 (S-Express Scroller) ... 1995 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadColdiarus ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDungeon Master Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #11 (Narrow Graffity-Logo) ... 1995 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadArtris ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDangerball 2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadGuesser + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMemologie + ... 1995 Crack (100%)
DownloadBlack It +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadIkkiuchi +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #09 (Giant Logo, little Jumper) ... 1995 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadLaxity Intro #10 (Swingin' Dual-Scroll) ... 1995 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadCyberball +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #08 V2 (Raster-Logo) ... 1995 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadBombi [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFruitmania +3HI ... 1995 Crack
DownloadKlepkomania +3T [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPacball +4PH ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPayday ... 1995 Crack
DownloadJimbo +3H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTectron ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTronic Force +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadArtris Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTimtris +FT [english] ... 1995 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadLatent Fusion +4H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCastor ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPra-Se ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSpook +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMastermind +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCombination +4P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadEnzyme +1H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #06 V2 ... 1995 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #08 V1 (Raster-Logo) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadLethal Bombs +4T ... 1995 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadPozitronic + ... 1995 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadBeatball +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadBlack Quiz [german] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadBubble Mania +5 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCapture ... 1995 Crack (Broken)
DownloadColora 2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadColouration +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadColoured +4 ... 1995 Crack (101%)
DownloadCraft +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCronic the Badger Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCubin' 1992 +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCyberwing Preview + ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDeri Colours +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDioroid + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDream Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDungeon Warriors ... 1995 Crack
DownloadGenocide Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadGeometric +3P [IFFL] ... 1995 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadGeometric II +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadHangman Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadImperoid +1C ... 1995 Crack
DownloadInto the Nature Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadJOSH +4PH ... 1995 Crack
DownloadKoncept +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLaced Tiles Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLaxity Intro #04 (Jack Alien Style) ... 1995 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #14 (Plasma & Sprites) ... 1995 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro #14A (Plasma) ... 1995 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadLogic +2H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadLong Life Preview + ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMagazine +3P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMagical Formula Preview V2 +3 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMc Rat +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMega Force ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMega Phoenix +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMinesweeper ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMinitron [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMoppel the Nekroklast Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMorfix +3 [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMorfix +3T [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMystery +6 (CP Verlag) ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMystery Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNocturno +3HT ... 1995 Crack
DownloadNumm +4T [english] ... 1995 Crack
DownloadOgraton 2 +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadOverload + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPill-Box ... 1995 Crack (101%)
DownloadPolonaese +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPumpkin Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPure Seed +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadRAM X Toolcollection ... 1995 Tool Collection
DownloadScumm +3P ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSilva Pod +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSpeed +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSuper Pac Twins Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSystem-4 +4 ... 1995 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadTechnodream Preview + ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTetrisack ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTHC Bros Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe Worm +2CH ... 1995 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadTiffany +1H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTranslogic +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTrooze Preview + ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTube Madness +3H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadWalkerz Preview + ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadWatch It Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadReflexis ... 1994 Crack
DownloadReactor 2 +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadIketa ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBlitz 2000 +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #06 V1.2 ... 1994 Crack Intro (PAL fixed)
DownloadMotley Tetris ... 1994 Crack
DownloadKitron ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro (mini/grey) ... 1994 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadBaby Blues +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #06 V1.1 ... 1994 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadOracle II +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #07 (Logo Letter Blinker) ... 1994 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadBrain Spasm +H ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #06 V1.0 ... 1994 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadPuzzlacki ... 1994 Crack
DownloadQueens ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCosmox +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadNova 2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadShogun + [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPush It ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLemon Blues + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSnake Attack +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro (simple sideborder scroll) ... 1994 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadOrb + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadEntity ... 1994 Crack
DownloadThe Golden Pyramids ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSperanza ... 1994 Crack
DownloadDark Caves +4 ... 1994 Crack (101%)
DownloadPac Family ... 1994 Crack
DownloadQuiz Show [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBlack & White ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTibo's Tale ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCrystalcave Deluxe ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPuzzle Master ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCheeky Twins +2C ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBubbles ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCashman + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadFred's Back 3 +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSmash Ball + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadRock'n'Roll Fahnder [german] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadStarray ... 1994 Crack
DownloadReactor + ... 1994 Crack (100%)
DownloadDeclem +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadDuel Strike ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPerplex 2 +C ... 1994 Crack
DownloadAl the Fish Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBatman the Movie +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBoingmaster + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadDetonators +7 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadHeavenbound +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadIntruder + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro #03 (Scroller Swing & DYCP) ... 1994 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadMarble Springs +3H ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMindbreaker ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMission Nada +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMove +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadParanoimia +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadPlural +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSaliva Kid +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSnake Mania +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadStar Brain ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSteel Heros ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSysiphus +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLions of the Universe + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadZillion ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBounce It +2H ... 1993 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro (simple scroll) ... 1993 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadNova ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThe Darksword + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadDisc-o-very ... 1993 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro (BZ Mod 2) ... 1993 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadMagnetic ... 1993 Crack
DownloadQuadrant ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPair of Memory ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBattleship ... 1993 Crack
DownloadCrystalcave ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGhost Driver ... 1993 Crack
DownloadParsec +5 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadShards + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPipe ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPlay a match ... 1993 Crack
DownloadOgraton ... 1993 Crack
DownloadOstfriesland Games +D ... 1993 Crack
DownloadFly Harder ... 1993 Crack
DownloadWozzle +2 ... 1993 Crack (101%)
DownloadHirnris ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPsychic Kaos ... 1993 Crack
DownloadReversi GTI ... 1993 Crack
DownloadEnforcer +3DT ... 1993 Crack (OK)
DownloadSnake or Die ... 1993 Crack
DownloadOrion + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadEon ... 1993 Crack (100%)
DownloadLaxity Intro (BZ Mod) ... 1993 Crack Intro (any)
DownloadLaxity Intro (PD Mod) ... 1993 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadPerfect Symetrie ... 1993 Crack
DownloadToyballs +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadSnowman ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNo Deeper Meaning ... 1992 Crack (100%)
DownloadNibbly '92 +2H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTable Tennis Manager [german] ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSolitax + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMovie Business [german] ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro (HTL Mod) ... 1991 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadApoxoly +2 ... 1991 Crack (101%)
DownloadClystron +2D ... 1991 Crack (100%)
DownloadD.I.S.C. +H ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFirepit +1H ... 1991 Crack
DownloadI Want More Diamonds +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLaxity Intro (Blocky) ... 1991 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadLaxity Intro (TRIAD mod) ... 1991 Crack Intro (PAL only)
DownloadMove Out + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadStarforce +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTake 'em (+Editor) ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDiscsample ... ??? Music

Organizer of :
Laxity Meeting 2024 @ Digital Retro Park ... 2024  (Germany)
Intro Creation Competition 2020 ... 2020  (???)
Intro Creation Competition 2019 ... 2019  (???)
Intro Creation Competition 2018 ... 2018  (???)
Crack Intro Music Competition 2017 ... 2017  (???)
Intro Creation Competition 2016 ... 2016  (???)
Intro Creation Competition 2014 ... 2014  (???)
Laxity Meeting 2014 ... 2014  (Germany)
Longplay Music Competition 2014 ... 2014  (???)
Christmas Fun Competition 2013 ... 2013  (???)
Intro Creation Competition 2013 ... 2013  (???)
Font Creation Competition 2013 ... 2013  (???)
3-Color-Logo Competition 2013 ... 2013  (???)
Crack Intro Music Competition 2013 ... 2013  (???)
Laxity MAX MMXII ... 2012  (Germany)
Laxity Meeting 2011 ... 2011  (Germany)
Big Floppy People 2007 ... 2007  (Sweden)
Big Floppy People 2006 ... 2006  (Sweden)
Floppy 2003 ... 2003  (Sweden)
Floppy 2002 ... 2002  (Sweden)
Laxity Meeting 1997 ... 1997  (Germany)
Laxity Meeting 1996 ... 1996  (Denmark)

User Comment
Submitted by Sander on 6 December 2020
No class. By releasing a preview of a game, deliberately disqualifying the author from the intended competition, and even removing her name. Simply angers me. Destructive to your own game.

User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 23 February 2014
What have you been doing for these 10 inactive years, you lazy asses!? ;-)

User Comment
Submitted by Truss on 8 April 2012
Great to see Didi is back :) - Would love to see some more IDE64 stuff from them :)

User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 21 April 2008
Boy, laxity has his own personal fan club named after him! :-D

User Comment
Submitted by laxity on 26 January 2005
The knowledge continues

User Comment
Submitted by laxity on 26 January 2005
Laxity is live and well

User Comment
Submitted by Crossfire on 10 July 2004
Took their handle from a famous Danish musician formerly a member of 2000 AD and other groups in the 80ies
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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