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Into Hinterland World + [2020] |
Released by : Laxity
Release Date :
27 January 2020
Type : C64 Crack
Proper release: OK
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User Comment Submitted by Faayd on 29 January 2020
I think Goat talked with the Game Coder like me, he don't like a Trainer in Level 1 because its too easy then for everyone.
Sure its a fast Firstrelease to get Points, but thats the play. Be fast and get Points or be slower with a better trained Version and get the fame. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 29 January 2020
Because Jazzcat is never wrong. :) | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 28 January 2020
the voters are at times a bit wacko :) | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 28 January 2020
Lol! Obviously not what the voters thought ;D | User Comment Submitted by sailor on 28 January 2020
In terms of competition, it required some trickery, I expected Didi to release this.. We may have a bit differing opitions on the trainer, other than that, Well done :) | User Comment Submitted by El Jefe on 28 January 2020
I second David and at the same time Laxity. No need to train L1. This is given by the game itself, I understand!
It is no lack of quality of the release, all the contrary! | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 27 January 2020
I see nothing wrong with this conscious decision on how to handle level 1. the release is fine, if others have differing views then they should just release their own versions. | User Comment Submitted by Goat on 27 January 2020
You simply can't train something that's not counted. The game doesn't count shields on level 1. Instead it offers unlimited lives.
Installing unlimited lives on all levels would've been a lives trainer, but the game would still have been far too hard. So we decided to offer unlimited shield, where they are counted instead. | User Comment Submitted by sailor on 27 January 2020
Just trying to understand, and perhaps comparing pears with apples.. but would you ignore installing levelskip on [insertgamenamehere] level 1 because its "easy" ?.. I'd say common practise is to train all levels.. What you think is easy might be troublesome for someone else.. Trainers serve a purpose and a service for players needing/wanting assistance. Now those in need will never,ever see level 2.. :(... :D | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 27 January 2020
The game is not that easy. I just don't see the reason for training level 2 and upwards, but not level 1? It sounds to me like fishy whitewashing, and I still don't understand the logic. Sorry. But perhaps I am an idiot. And Sailor too. | User Comment Submitted by Goat on 27 January 2020
Because the game doesn't count shields on level 1. Instead it gives you unlimited lives already. We didn't promise "invulnerability" with our trainer. And level 1 is really easy without enemies and with unlimited lives. | User Comment Submitted by sailor on 27 January 2020
With all respect, I must side a bit with Hedning on this. Unlimited lives is not same as the shield cheat. Why leave out trainer for level 1 ? | User Comment Submitted by Goat on 27 January 2020
You always have infinite tries on level 1, so no need to train it. There are no enemies, the difficulties start with level 2... nothing really to train on level 1 as it already has unlimited lives included.
Is this some kind of new low point for idiotic comments? | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 27 January 2020
Can you elaborate on WHY you guys decided to actually ship this release with the trainer deliberately defunct on level 1? Writing it out in the trainer menu won't save you. Is this some kind of new low point for stressing out firsties? |
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