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Event Type :
C64 Only Party

X-23, X2023, X23, X'23, X-2023, X 2023

Dates :
2 - 4 June 2023

Place :
De Hoof 18
5712 LM Someren

Website :

Organizers :
Burglar, DJS, Dylotic, Mace, Mr.Ammo, Oxbow, Spectator, Tim

Organizer Groups :
Silicon Limited, Success + The Ruling Company, Xenon

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Next Level by PerformersDownload9.79.9
2Mojo by Bonzai, Pretzel LogicDownload9.610.0
3Wonderland XIV by Censor DesignDownload9.69.8
4No Bounds by Genesis ProjectDownload9.69.8
5Multiverse by Nah-KolorDownload9.49.7
6Hiraeth by XenonDownload9.39.5
7Hues by FairlightDownload9.59.8
8Kinetics by TriadDownload9.19.6
9White Lines by PlushDownload9.49.6
10Event Zero Trailer by LethargyDownload9.0
11Operation Eindhoven by Resource, The DreamsDownload8.8
12Deep Space 64 80% by Abyss ConnectionDownload7.7
13We Love PETSCII by Low Spirit, NordischsoundDownload9.2
14Staying Alive by YouthDownload8.9
15Cosmodrome Teaser by Gorbat SoftDownload8.4
16Onslaught On Tour by OnslaughtDownload9.2
17X-2023 by CreatorsDownload7.7
18Partyhol by Silicon LimitedDownload8.7
194kefrenzy by OnslaughtDownload9.5
20Nous Etions là! by Fantastic 4 Cracking GroupDownload
212 Broke Gurlz by ChocotrophyDownload
22Spray Paint by 8 Bits HighDownload
23X-Copy - The Intro by HoaxersDownload8.3
24Tears in Runes by Macx, MartinlandDownload7.8

C64 4K Intro
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Boo! by ReflexDownload10.010.0
2The End Is 2023 by CycleburnerDownload9.79.8
3Phuture by AriseDownload9.7
4Raster Fun X2023 4kb Intro by TREXDownload
5Screenshot Commando by LethargyDownload

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Pixelated Neon Nights by LMan/SunflowerDownload9.89.8
2Arrive by psych858oDownload9.99.8
3Sledgejammer by JammerDownload9.99.8
4Levitating by JuzdieDownload9.89.9
5Cold Fusion by VincenzoDownload9.69.9
6Ballad for Jeff by ShogoonDownload9.910.0
7Pops! by Magnar HarestadDownload9.8
8Don't Hassel De Hoof by ToggleDownload9.69.9
9Good Old Times by NordischsoundDownload9.39.7
10Platform Hopping by LftDownload9.5
11Brothers in Oscillators by MibriDownload9.910.0
12On Borrowed Wings by StinsenDownload9.7
13Mooj Joom by The SyndromDownload9.7
14SID85<3o3 by GI-JoeDownload9.0
15Yesteryears by ApollyonDownload9.8
16Sheds on a Sea-Girt Isle by LinusDownload9.8
17Chord Explorer by MCHDownload9.4
18Lookback by WarlordDownload
19Rumblr by OMPDownload
20Disc Drive Dancing Delight by Qdor/FegolhuzzDownload
21The World is Burning by Spider JerusalemDownload
22X2023 by SadDownload
23Electric Doobeedoo by Warp 8Download9.6
24Light from Above by SIDWAVEDownload
25They Call It Scene Funk by UneksijaDownload9.2
26Yildizlarin Cennet by SoNiCDownload9.8
27Hanka Salmi by MoraffDownload9.2
28Disco n' Derlando by HairdogDownload
29X-Istence by NecroPoloDownload
30Ye Olde Forest by RølyDownload
31Teeth2grind by PicrardDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1The Man of Many Hours by DuceDownload9.89.9
2Broken by ElectricDownload9.89.9
3I Love Reyn by FacetDownload9.69.8
4Summertime Snack by The SargeDownload9.89.9
5Sol Invictus by TalentDownload9.79.7
6Dopamine Girl by SuleviDownload9.510.0
7The Lookout by LManDownload9.5
8Someren är Kort by ApollyonDownload9.49.9
9Me Love You Longtime by Der PiipoDownload9.310.0
10Stargazing by LeonDownload9.3
11Splash! by MikaelDownload8.99.7
12A Bright Future by NithDownload9.2
13Staredown by ArchmageDownload
14Sore Loser by HaniDownload8.8
15Seven Ghosts of Rämenevaletto by ibuxDownload9.39.4
16Looking for X by Sebaloz/KatonDownload9.09.6
17Spitfire by BooDownload8.7
18Tapedrive by BlackWineDownload8.0
19Nice Guy by HairdogDownload
20Catrina by NanzeeDownload
21Trash by GoerpDownload8.3
22Party Animal X2023 by ExileDownload
23Erwin the CaterpillarDownload

Mixed Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Faun by ExtendDownload9.710.0
2Wise & Fat by Atlantis, Pretzel LogicDownload9.6
3Skully and His Pal by Censor DesignDownload9.3
4Best Buddy by AtlantisDownload9.3
5Flat Floater by Artline DesignsDownload8.9
6Alpha-Mecha by TriadDownload
7Fresh Horses by Mayday!Download
8WTF Am I Looking at Here? by Mayday!Download9.3
9Oblivion Grounds by CommocoreDownload
10Irony by AMIDDownload
11Popeyed Mystery by Nah-KolorDownload
122 my Pal Eddie by ChocotrophyDownload
 X-filés by ExtendDownload
14Smoke by ExtendDownload9.1
15Sharing is Caring by TerwizDownload
16Céparfé! by D-FaktoryDownload
17Granny by PaduaDownload
18Mari by CultDownload

Productions released outside compos :
Flappy Trappy + by Genesis Project/Triad (Crack)
Flying Saucers Extended +3D by Excess (Crack)
Hans Kloss +5DTF [jewel] by Demonix/Excess (Crack)
Limbo Rolling Boulder Preview by Excess (Crack)
Limbo Rotten Branch Preview by Excess (Crack)
No Bounds Diskcover (Disk Cover)
No-Skip Mix (2022 Edition) by Mayday! (Music Collection)
Retro Debugger V0.64.64 (Other Platform Tool)
rremix (Other Platform Tool)

Attendants : (294)
AceMan, Acied, ADD, Adder, Aggressor, Airwolf, Alta, Angel of Death, Anonym, Anus, Apollyon, Archmage, Argasek, Aslive, Assassin, Astray, B.A., Bacchus, Background, Bago Zonde, Baktus, Barfly, Beftex, Bert, Bitbreaker, BlackWine, blala, Bolleman, Bonefish, Borys, Boz, Brix, Browar, Brush, bSr, Buff, Bugjam, Burglar, Calypso, Carrion, Case, CBA, centaur2, Cinder, Codetsu, Comos, Conrad, Copyfault, Count Zero, Creeper, Cresh, CRT, CSixx, Cycleburner, da Blondie, Danko, Dano, DeeKay, Demoniac, Der Piipo, Devia, Dezert, DJS, Don Kichote, Dr. Science, Drees, Duce, DuncanTwain, dyme, Ebster, Edhellon, eLBAN, Elder0010, Electric, Elko, Enthusi, Exile, Facet, Ferrara, fieserWolf, finchy, Firehawk, Flex, FRaNKy, Fred, Freestyle, Faayd, Genius, Ghost, GI-Joe, Gideon, Goerp, Gorzalek Ochlalek, grasstust, grip, Groepaz, Hagar, Hairdog, Han Solo, Hani, Harvey, Heavy Head, heavymett, Henne, Hexhog, Higgie, Honcho, Honk, ilesj, Intruder, Irata, jab, Jack-Paw-Judi, Jammer, Jangler, Jeroen Tel, Juzdie, KBS, kenji, Knight Rider, Knut M. Clausen, Kordiaukis, Kreator, Krikkit, L.A.Style, LDX#40, Leon, Lft, Linus, LKP, LMan, Lord Brainwave, Lord Crucifier, Lotus, Low Spirit, Luke, LZwerch, M.Bob, Mace, Macx, Maestro, Magic, Mahoney, Markus Schneider, Martijn Schutten, Martinland, marty, Mason, Maxlide, MdZ, Megabrain, Merlin, Methos, Mibri, Microtop, Mikael, Moraff, Moren, Morpheus, Mr. Curly, Mr. SID, Mr.Ammo, Mysdee, NecroPolo, New Design, NiM, Ninja, Nith, Nonax, Norrland, Nosferatu, nucleus, Nyke, OhLi, OMP, Orkyd, Oswald, Oxbow, Pad, Pastoelio, Peacemaker, Peiselulli, Picrard, psych858o, Pyle, Python, Quiss, Raf, Rayden, Razdee, Razy, Ream, Rebok, redcrab, Retroluzzer, Reyn Ouwehand, Rhythm, Rob Hubbard, Rodney, Rolex, Roody, Rub, Røly, Sad, Sander, Sandfly, Scan, SCI, Scorpie, Scorpion, Scout, Scythoior, Seba, Sebaloz, Shez, Shocker, Shodan, Shogoon, SIDWAVE, Sister Despair, SkY, Slajerek, Slaygon, Smasher, SMC, Snabel, Snacky, SoNiC, Sonix, Sounx, Sparta, Spider Jerusalem, Splatterhead, St0fF, Stainless Steel, Steel, Steffan, Stinsen, Stone, Stormfront, Stratford, Subjik, Sulevi, SVW, Swallow, Talent, Teo, Terwiz, Tetsuo, The Beast, The Human Code Machine, The Mysterious Art, The Sarge, The Syndrom, The USER, the_JinX, TheRyk, Thundax, Thunder.Bird, Tim, TLR Designs, Toggle, Topy44, Tough Grafix Inc., TPM, Trap, Trasher, TropicalTrevor, TWW, Tyger, Uneksija, Unlock, Veto, Viceroy, Vincenzo, Visac, Visage, Viscid, Vortex, Wacek, Walt, Warlord, Warp 8, wbochar, Weasel, Wix, Wurstgetrank, WVL, Youth, YPS, Yugorin, Zaphod, Zephyr, Ziona

External links :
x2023.zip containing all releases and results  (https://temp.scs-trc.net/x2023.zip)
All releases + offical visitor list  (ftp://ftp.scs-trc.net/pub/c64/Party/2023/X)
Rob Hubbard interview by Flex streamed via SceneSat (starts at 11:00)  (https://scenesat.com/videoarchive/65611146-021c-11ee-931f-00505685775e#show-65611146-021c-11ee-931f-00505685775e)
Live Demo Compo Recordings by Magic/Nah-Kolor  (https://www.youtube.com/@NahMagic/search?query=x2023)
FairLight TV #79, "We are going to X 2023"  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUDJu_gmYk8)

Releases containing information on this event :
Digital Talk #114 [german]  Short Report by Thunder.Bird
Operation Eindhoven  Party scroller (Ninja only)
Overshadow #38 [hungarian]  invitation
Overshadow #40 [hungarian]  results
Propaganda #33  Interview with Burglar about X'23 planning and background
Propaganda #34  Party Report
RapidNews #26  Partyreport
reMETA #15  Posts and comments from the party visitors on the reMETA 8-bit social media platform.
True Lies #01  Travel and Party Report
Vandalism News #74  
Violence #7 [hungarian]  results (top 10)
X-2023  complete attendee list in the partygreetings
X'24 Party Scroller  party reports

User Comment
Submitted by Magic on 30 December 2023
I Made a X2023 Youtube playlist! Lots of live recordings, full compo recordings, gigs and normal recordings. Do enjoy!

Click url here:

User Comment
Submitted by Low Spirit on 30 June 2023

i'm looking for a live recording of my "we love petscii" demo.
Since Stormfront/Excess was recording the demos I didn't see the need to record myself
and so enjoyed the show on the big screen. Unfortunately, my demo was NOT recorded.
So I'm hoping that one of the other guys who recorded the demos live also has mine and will send it to me.


User Comment
Submitted by El Jefe on 20 June 2023
Not sure if im right, but i think I noticed a trend to more sids combined with amiga mods/samples in the compo.

While I recognize the technically superior sound and possibilities, I mostly lack that raw feeling in this releases that a plain sid tune release gives me.

Lots of great stuff released at X23 (checked all gfx and msx compo entries now).

User Comment
Submitted by Raf on 16 June 2023
if you missed my "NOT ONLY BLACK BOX - Cartridges developed in Poland" lecture then

User Comment
Submitted by Mibri on 11 June 2023
I've just uploaded a replica of the set I did on the Friday night - this time with relatively fewer goofs! :)


User Comment
Submitted by BroneCk on 6 June 2023
I highly regret that I couldn't make it this year. Mindblowing productions!!!! Congratulations to all

User Comment
Submitted by Mibri on 5 June 2023
I made a cheap and cheerful little video of my X2023 experience, if anyone would like to see it: https://youtu.be/RSLt6U8pD3A

User Comment
Submitted by NoiseEHC on 5 June 2023
Hmmm, looking at the entries, maybe next year there should be a new category besides Demo and 4K, called PowerPoint Presentation...

User Comment
Submitted by katon on 4 June 2023
Good evening Scene C64. X'2023 is an event that will stay in my memory forever! I watched this party online and just every time I was amazed by the quantity and quality of the production it's so amazing I beak I have no words to describe yo! Hundreds of talented people of the C64 Stage mass of Talents I personally congratulate all the sceners and groups for so many excellent productions! The C64 is a piece of equipment that simply surprises and surprises me so far I don't understand what happened in the Demo competition. Definitely, the demo program has gained another dimension, the bar has been moved to another dimension! Once again, congratulations to the organizers of the Party and to all you wonderful talented people C64 Scene <3 <3 <3

User Comment
Submitted by Viscid on 4 June 2023
The Party was a blast! Wonderful people, Rob Hubbard on site. Great concerts from Shogoon, Romeo Knight, Jeroen Tel, Reyn Ouewehand and so on. The weather was on our side and beer for free (and cold!). Then we got a punch into the face in the DemoCompo, in the best positive way... What a time. What an inspiration. Hell YEAH! ;)

User Comment
Submitted by lft on 4 June 2023
X-cellent party in every respect! Great organizing, weather, atmosphere, concerts, and compos, all culminating in an incredible demo show last night.
If anyone found a short C64 A/V cable with yellow and white RCA connectors, please let me know. (But on the bright side, losing it has allowed me to fit a few more stroopwafels in the luggage.)

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 4 June 2023
                                    X 2023


                             Competition Results

Music Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Pixelated Neon Nights      LMan/MultiStyle Labs^Mani...  168 1464 8.714
  2 Arrive                     psych858o/MultiStyle Labs     183 1541 8.421
  3 Sledgejammer               Jammer/MultiStyle Labs        174 1380 7.931
  4 Levitating                 Juzdie/Artline Designs        160 1237 7.731
  5 Cold Fusion                vincenzo/Le Thargy            163 1240 7.607
  6 Ballad for Jeff            Shogoon/MultiStyle Labs/ESM   172 1305 7.587
  7 Pops!                      Magnar/Censor Design          160 1205 7.531
  8 Don't Hassel De Hoof       Toggle/Padua                  162 1172 7.235
  9 Good old Times             Nordischsound/Excess          163 1174 7.202
 10 Platform Hopping           lft                           158 1120 7.089
 11 Brothers in Oscillators    Mibri/Atlantis/MultiStyle...  174 1232 7.080
 12 On Borrowed Wings          Stinsen/G*P                   176 1244 7.068
 13 Mooj Joom                  The Syndrom/Pretzel Logic     160 1119 6.994
 14 SID85<3o3                  GI-Joe/Mayday!                158 1093 6.918
 15 Yesteryears                Apollyon/Artline Designs      168 1161 6.911
 16 Sheds on a Sea Girt Isle   Linus/MultiStyle Labs         158 1080 6.835
 17 Chord Explorer             MCH/MultiStyle Labs           173 1167 6.746
 18 Lookback                   Warlord/ph0bos team           169 1130 6.686
 19 Rumblr                     OMP/Prosonix                  169 1122 6.639
 20 Discdrive Dancing Delight  Qdor/Fairlight                173 1145 6.618
 21 The World is Burning       Spider Jerusalem/MYD^TRSi...  159 1052 6.616
 22 X2023                      Sad/Padua                     166 1079 6.500
 23 Electric Doobeedoo         w4rp8/Atlantis                172 1117 6.494
 24 Light from Above           Sidwave/The Supply Team       171 1094 6.398
 25 They Call It Scene Funk    Uneksija/Sven On Acid         171 1075 6.287
 26 Yildizlarin Cennet         SoNiC/Onslaught               165 1019 6.176
 27 Hanka Salmi                moraff/Gorbat Soft            166 1018 6.133
 28 Disco n' Derlando          Hairdog/Boom!/Dream           160  939 5.869
 29 X-Istence                  NecroPolo/Lethargy            171  981 5.737
 30 Ye olde forest             Røly/Mayday!                  163  889 5.454
 31 teeth2grind                picrard/Mayday                146  774 5.301

PETSCII Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Faun                       Electric/Extend               163 1442 8.847
  2 Wise & Fat                 Mikael/Pretzel Logic          163 1313 8.055
  3 Skully and his Pal         LMan/Censor Design            160 1234 7.713
  4 Best Buddy                 Honcho/Pretzel Logic & At...  161 1200 7.453
  5 Flat Floater               jab/Artline Designs           160 1190 7.438
  6 alpha mecha                wbochar/triad                 157 1085 6.911
  7 Fresh Horses               TheRyk/MYD                    161 1112 6.907
  8 WTF am I looking at here?  The USER/Mayday!              157 1037 6.605
  9 Oblivion Grounds           Bago Zonde/Commocore          159 1032 6.491
 10 Irony                      Drees/AMID                    156  884 5.667
 11 Popeyed Mystery            Coaxcable & Magic/Nah-Kolor   156  874 5.603
 12 2 my pal eddie             nanzee/cty                    157  862 5.490
 12 X-filés                    Duce/Extend                   157  862 5.490
 14 Smoke                      Sulevi/Virtual Dreams^Extend  156  854 5.474
 15 Sharing is caring          Terwiz/Alumni                 157  736 4.688
 16 Céparfé!                   oRKYd/D-FaKtORy               158  696 4.405
 17 Granny                     Sad/Padua                     156  674 4.321
 18 Mari                       visac/Cult                    156  612 3.923

Graphics Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 The Man Of Many Hours      Duce/Extend                   178 1646 9.247
  2 Broken                     Electric/Extend               174 1592 9.149
  3 I love Reyn                Facet/G*P / Bonzai            177 1587 8.966
  4 Summertime Snack           The Sarge/Fairlight           174 1531 8.799
  5 Sol Invictus               Talent/Censor Design          177 1553 8.774
  6 Dopamine girl              Sulevi/Virtual Dreams^Extend  168 1420 8.452
  7 The Lookout                LMan/Censor Design            172 1370 7.965
  8 Someren är kort            Apollyon/Artline Designs      166 1316 7.928
  9 me love you long time      der piipo/orange/extend       170 1337 7.865
 10 Stargazing                 Leon/Singular/ Chorus/ Re...  174 1346 7.736
 11 Splash!                    Mikael/Pretzel Logic          168 1275 7.589
 12 A bright future            Nith/Triad                    167 1227 7.347
 13 Staredown                  Archmage/Fossil               170 1247 7.335
 14 Sore Loser                 Hani/Gorbat Soft              171 1246 7.287
 15 Seven Ghosts of Rämene...  ibux/Artline Designs ^ On...  168 1217 7.244
 16 Looking for X              Katon+Sebaloz/Lepsi De        168 1212 7.214
 17 Spitfire - BOO/Creators    BOO/creators                  167 1178 7.054
 18 tapedrive                  blackwine/dreamweb            170 1198 7.047
 19 Nice Guy                   Hairdog/Boom!/Dream           166 1152 6.940
 20 catrina                    nanzee/cty                    171 1173 6.860
 21 Trash                      Goerp/F4CG                    166  898 5.410
 22 Party Animal               Exile/Anubis / Cracker Fo...  167  898 5.377
 23 erwin the caterpillar      Lzwerch/mayday!               168  851 5.065

4K Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Boo!                       Quiss/Reflex                  162 1485 9.167
  2 The end is 2023            Cycleburner                   161 1459 9.062
  3 phuture                    wacek/arise                   154 1197 7.773
  4 Raster Fun X2023 4kb In... Knight Rider/Trex             153  861 5.627
  5 Screenshot Commando        Lethargy                       95  382 4.021

Demo Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Next Level                 Performers                    199 1896 9.528
  2 Mojo                       BZPL                          200 1882 9.410
  3 Wonderland XIV             Censor Design                 191 1774 9.288
  4 No Bounds                  Genesis Project               194 1697 8.747
  5 Multiverse                 Nah-Kolor                     190 1610 8.474
  6 Hiraeth                    Xenon                         191 1532 8.021
  7 Hues                       Fairlight                     188 1422 7.564
  8 Kinetics                   Triad                         191 1433 7.503
  9 White Lines                Plush                         196 1416 7.224
 10 Event Zero Trailer         Lethargy                      191 1371 7.178
 11 Operation Eindhoven        Resource + The Dreams         192 1364 7.104
 12 Deep Space 64              Abyss Connection              188 1303 6.931
 13 we love petscii            Low Spirit & Nordischsound    195 1281 6.569
 14 Staying Alive              Youth                         194 1238 6.381
 15 Cosmodrome Teaser          Gorbat Soft                   196 1204 6.143
 16 Onslaught On Tour          Onslaught                     193 1185 6.140
 17 X2023 Demo                 TWW/creators                  189 1120 5.926
 18 Partyhol                   Silicon Ltd                   193 1108 5.741
 19 4kefrenzy                  dyme/Onslaught                190 1063 5.595
 20 Nous  étions là!           F4CG                          194 1041 5.366
 21 2 Broke Gurlz              Eddie/chocotrophy             191  998 5.225
 22 Spray Paint                8 Bits High                   192  974 5.073
 23 X-COPY - The Intro         Hoaxers                       193  956 4.953
 24 Tears in Runes             MartinLand & Macx             191  874 4.576

Winner Onefile Award: White Lines by Plush

Party Releases
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
    No-Skip Mix 2022           Spider Jerusalem/MYD^TRSi...    2   18 9.000
    Limbo Rolling Boulder P... Faayd/EXCESS                    2   17 8.500
    Limbo Rotten Branch Pre... Faayd/EXCESS                    2   17 8.500

                     Results generated by votox 3.3.16dev

User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 4 June 2023
Thank you! I couldn't come, but I took a glimpse on streams. Yesterdays one kept me awake until after midnight. This is a party to remember. So much talent, creativity and productivity. Unbelievable. Awesome. I love you.

User Comment
Submitted by Jericho on 3 June 2023
Broadcast is here: https://demozoo.org/parties/4449/

Click on Twitch link

User Comment
Submitted by katon on 2 June 2023
Good morning Scene C64! Will there be an online broadcast from this amazing event which is X 2023?

User Comment
Submitted by uneksija on 1 June 2023
Hi, just wondering if anybody is traveling to the party place tomorrow (Friday) afternoon from Amsterdam by train? My plane arrives at 12:25 and I'll try to catch the earliest train I can. Would be nice to travel with fellow sceners if it is possible.

User Comment
Submitted by Danko on 23 May 2023
I am very excited to announce X2023's elite guest: Alfatech!

User Comment
Submitted by Rub_0201 on 9 May 2023
Rob Hubbard - big fan of his music.
Thats one more reason to come to X!

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 4 May 2023
We are very excited to announce X2023's elite guest: Rob Hubbard

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 16 April 2023
Important X'23 Update

As previously shared, we have now opened up all remaining bed/room reservations to everybody.
Every person can buy a ticket and reserve a bed/room on a first-come, first-served basis.

Only buying a ticket and reserving a bed/room will guarantee you a sleeping spot at X.


The X Organizers

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 11 April 2023
Important X'23 update for everyone who did not buy a ticket yet.

On Sunday 16 April we will open remaining bed/room reservations for everybody. Regardless of what you selected, every visitor (registered or not yet registered) can buy a ticket on a first-come, first-served basis.

For the persons who originally pre-registered for a bed/room (sleeping at X) and did not buy a ticket yet:

On Sunday 16 April your pre-registration will expire. Only buying a ticket and reserving a bed/room will guarantee you a sleeping spot at X.

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 31 March 2023
All paymentlink emails have been sent out to all registered visitors.
If you run into any issues or have questions please contact us via email at xparty@high5.nl

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 31 March 2023
We have started sending out payment links to registered visitors in order of reservation number and have already received the first payments. Everything appears to be working flawlessly.

Watch your email inbox :)

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 22 March 2023
quick update: we are almost done with setting up the payment process, just a slight delay, we plan to go live next week.

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 15 February 2023
Due to the staggering amount of reservations the entrance tickets for X-2023 will be sold online to registered people only. Sale is expected to start mid March. More info soon!

User Comment
Submitted by LKP on 18 January 2023
Wow 500 registrations ! It is gonna be great ! 馃暪馃摵

User Comment
Submitted by Viscid on 24 December 2022
Great idea, but those as***les won't see them or learn. Hope there will be a X-Party with a great bonfire on the right place with dozens of nations united together around the breadcase.

User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 29 November 2022
let's make a demo about that!

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 28 November 2022
It's a bloody shame however, especially if this was arson to prevent refugees from being moved there as the article states. same shit happened here in GER few weeks ago twice, once in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and once in Saxony.

User Comment
Submitted by Mibri on 28 November 2022
Brilliant news, thanks Burglar.

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 28 November 2022
no worries, there's some damage, but nothing to jeopardize X

User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 25 November 2022
https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/11/farm-where-refugees-were-.. english article.

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 24 November 2022
we just heard as well, we don't have any info yet.
we will share something when we hear more.

User Comment
Submitted by Flotsam on 24 November 2022
Must be the work of those evil ZX Spectrum guys.

User Comment
Submitted by Ghost on 24 November 2022

User Comment
Submitted by LKP on 24 November 2022
It seems there was a fire at this location. Any info from the organizers ?
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About this site:
CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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