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Triad   (3AD)

- Dealer Quality Software

Founded by :
Ixion, Skydive, The Arrow, Fred, Lucifer, Mr. Z & RND on 28 July 1986

Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group, Import Group

Base Country :

Website :

Trivia :

A few days before the foundation of Triad, this could be read in The Boring Message V1, written by The Arrow:
"Crackers of the Damned + Lucifer Crackings ULTD 3001 + RND = The golden Triangle of SWEDEN". This is the first trace of what would become Triad. Also see Triad (Intro).

User rating:*********_  9.2/10 (110 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.6/10 (40 votes) - Public votes only.

All Members :
4gentE (5/12-2022 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
Adder (7/7-2021 -> ) .... Coder
Bedrich (30/12-2018 -> ) .... Graphician
bepp (28/1-2011 -> ) .... Co-Organizer, Webmaster
Cash (5-1993 -> ) .... Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper
dalezy (1/3-2005 -> ) .... Musician
DJ Gruby (1/1-2024 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Webmaster
El Topo (6/10-2019 -> ) .... BBS Graphician, Tester
Frost (9/2-2020 -> ) .... Graphician
Houbba (13/2-2012 -> ) .... Coder
Icon (8/4-2012 -> ) .... Coder
iopop (21/11-1994 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker
JFK (3-1992 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
King Fisher (9-1990 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker
Lynx (16/12-2011 -> ) .... Cracker
Moloch (22/11-2014 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker
MtnBuffalo (22/2-2016 -> ) .... Diskmag Editor
ne7 (28/2-2005 -> ) .... Musician
Nith (28/10-2014 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician, Musician
Powerslave (12-2017 -> ) .... Coder
S64 (26/3-2023 -> ) .... Original Supplier
Sailor (8-1992 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, NTSC-Fixer
Skyhawk (19/3-2018 -> ) .... Graphician, Modem Trader, Net Trader
Tao (28/7-1994 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker, Sysop
Taper (6-1996 -> ) .... Organizer, Swapper, Sysop
TDM (9-1990 -> ) .... Musician
Twoflower (8-1993 -> ) .... Co-Sysop, Graphician, Musician
wbochar (12/10-2019 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
Aton   (inactive) .... Graphician
Bismarck   (inactive) (9-1990 -> 1994) .... Cracker, Graphician, Swapper
CMP   (inactive) (29/7-2007 -> ) .... Coder
Con   (inactive) .... Musician
Disaster   (inactive) (6-1996 -> ) .... Modem Trader
Gilligan   (inactive) (2003 -> ) .... Coder
Horrid   (inactive) .... Coder
Ixion   (inactive) (28/7-1986 -> ) .... Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper, Sysop
Logger   (inactive) (1-1998 -> 1999) .... Coder
Lucifer   (inactive) (28/7-1986 -> ) .... Cracker
Mindflow   (inactive) (25/5-1999 -> ) .... Musician
Motion   (inactive) (2014 -> 1/1-2015) .... Diskmag Editor
Quorthon   (inactive) (6-1996 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker
Raphis   (inactive) (18/7-2019 -> ) .... Graphician
Romppainen   (inactive) (7/9-2011 -> ) .... Graphician
Sergeant Pepper   (inactive) (9-1988 -> ) .... Coder, Musician
Sparrow   (inactive) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Musician
Tango   (inactive) (8-1993 -> ) .... Coder
The Deathangel   (inactive) (3-1992 -> 1-1993) .... Coder, Swapper
Trick   (inactive) (2001 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
Wiggen   (inactive) (1998 -> ) .... Graphician
3D   (ex) (9-1986 -> 12-1987) .... Coder, Cracker, Original Supplier
801 DC   (ex) (7-1987 -> 6-1991) .... Coder, Graphician
Abaddon   (ex) (10/4-2012 -> 12/1-2017) .... Coder, Musician
Achilles   (ex) (1-1994 -> 9-1994) .... Cracker, Swapper
Acidchild   (ex) (10-1996 -> ) .... Swapper
ACU   (ex) (10/5-1988 -> ) .... Cracker
Adam   (ex) (2-1988 -> ) .... Coder, Musician
Adrian   (ex) (1988 -> 1988) .... Coder
AGG   (ex) (25/12-1986 -> 22/3-1987) .... (unknown function)
Akay   (ex) (1991 -> 1991) .... Graphician, Swapper
Aktie   (ex) (9-1990 -> 3-1993) .... Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Alfatech   (ex) (4-1991 -> 1993) .... Coder, Cracker
Archimedes   (ex) (18/12-2011 -> 31/12-2012) .... Cracker
Arcon   (ex) (3-1993 -> 3-1994) .... Swapper
Aristotle   (ex) (7/2-2012 -> 15/8-2012) .... Coder, Cracker
Avalon   (ex) (22/4-2011 -> 18/9-2011) .... Musician
Avatar   (ex) (1-1994 -> ) .... Graphician, Swapper
Bob   (ex) (1989 -> 6-1989) .... Coder, Swapper
Brego   (ex) (7-1991 -> 11-1991) .... Swapper
Cecile   (ex) (8-1991 -> ) .... Musician
Chorus   (ex) (3-1991 -> 19/8-1991) .... Graphician, Swapper
Chorus   (ex) (1-1990 -> 9-1990) .... Graphician, Swapper
Clerasil   (ex) (6-1991 -> 9-1991) .... Cracker
Cleric   (ex) (3-1991 -> 4-1991) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
Codex   (ex) (8-1989 -> 10-1989) .... Coder
Contring   (ex) (1989 -> 9-1989) .... Coder
Cop   (ex) (9-1991 -> ) .... Graphician
Coroner   (ex) (3-1992 -> 1994) .... Graphician
Cozmo   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Coder, Graphician
CRT   (ex) (4-1989 -> 6-1989) .... Coder
Crusader   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Musician
Curlin   (ex) (4-1991 -> 9-1991) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Original Supplier, Swapper
Cybernoid   (ex) .... Coder, Graphician, Sysop
Dane   (ex) (8-1993 -> 4-1996) .... Graphician, Musician
Dark Lord   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Daw   (ex) (1-1990 -> 8-1991) .... Coder, Musician
Decompracid   (ex) (28/4-2006 -> 1/1-2009) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician
Deejay   (ex) (2-1988 -> 12-1988) .... Coder, Cracker
Despair   (ex) (24/11-2005 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker
DJ Gruby   (ex) (1/10-2014 -> 22/12-2023) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Webmaster
Dr. Disk   (ex) (10-1995 -> ) .... Cracker
Dr.Cool   (ex) (12-1988 -> ) .... Swapper
Dragon   (ex) (4-1989 -> ) .... Graphician
Dutch   (ex) (3-1991 -> 2-1992) .... Mega Swapper
Dynamic   (ex) (1989 -> 4-1990) .... Graphician
Elric   (ex) .... Coder, Swapper
Euzkera   (ex) (1989 -> ) .... Coder, Swapper
Exodus   (ex) (1987 -> 1987) .... Cracker
Faith   (ex) .... Swapper
Father Dagon   (ex) (6-1996 -> 1996) .... Coder
Flamingo   (ex) (12-1988 -> 1989) .... Coder, Logo Graphician
Fred   (ex) (28/7-1986 -> ) .... Graphician
Gabbe   (ex) (1987 -> ) .... Coder
Ged   (ex) (1990 -> ) .... Graphician
Golem   (ex) (4-1989 -> 1989) .... Swapper
Groepaz   (ex) (1990 -> 1990) .... Coder
Groms   (ex) .... Musician
Guran   (ex) (9-1988 -> ) .... Coder
Han Solo   (ex) (1988 -> ) .... Graphician, Musician
Heavy Head   (ex) (4-1994 -> 9-1994) .... Swapper
Hero   (ex) (9-1990 -> 3-1991) .... Coder, Cracker
Hi-Tec   (ex) (15/1-1988 -> 10-1988) .... Coder
Hollowman   (ex) (1-1998 -> 10-2001) .... Coder, Graphician
Holly   (ex) (2-1988 -> ) .... Musician
Ian   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Coder
Ibanez   (ex) (3-1998 -> ) .... Coder, Swapper
Icetray   (ex) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
ilesj   (ex) (15/11-2013 -> 12/1-2020) .... Graphician
Incubus   (ex) (1-1993 -> 1-1994) .... Mega Swapper
Injun   (ex) (1989 -> 8-1990) .... Coder, Cracker
Itch   (ex) (4/3-2012 -> 9/11-2015) .... Coder
Itch   (ex) (23/7-2009 -> 8/8-2011) .... Coder
Ixior   (ex) .... Coder
Jadawin   (ex) (1990 -> 4-1990) .... Coder
Janitor   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Coder, Cracker
Jarri   (ex) (1992 -> ) .... Coder
Jayce   (ex) (8-1991 -> 4-1992) .... Coder
Jeff Smart   (ex) (15/1-1988 -> 10-1988) .... Author, Coder, Cracker, Swapper
Jerry   (ex) (9-1988 -> 20/9-2010) .... Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Organizer, Swapper, Sysop
Johan   (ex) (8-1993 -> 9-1993) .... Coder
JR   (ex) (1988 -> ) .... Coder
Kaktus   (ex) (1987 -> 1987) .... Coder
Killsquad   (ex) (3-1992 -> 12/9-2010) .... Coder
Kravin   (ex) (4-1991 -> 3-1995) .... Coder, Logo Graphician, Musician
Kronos   (ex) .... Swapper
Linus   (ex) (30/1-2006 -> 9/3-2008) .... Musician
Mahoney   (ex) (1987 -> 1987) .... Coder
Malmix   (ex) (10/2-2013 -> 24/2-2014) .... Coder, Graphician
Mancer   (ex) (3-1992 -> 1-1993) .... Swapper
Mawkish   (ex) (1990 -> ) .... Coder
Maxlide   (ex) (19/1-2019 -> 4/10-2020) .... Coder, Cracker, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier, PAL-Fixer
Mc-T-Fly   (ex) (2-1992 -> 5-1992) .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Swapper
Mega-Master   (ex) (1990 -> 8-1991) .... Coder
Mercy   (ex) ( -> 11-1992) .... Graphician, Logo Graphician
Metal Maniac   (ex) (7-1990 -> 4-1991) .... Coder
Metallica   (ex) .... Modem Trader, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mic   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Coder
Midnight Mover   (ex) (5-1993 -> ) .... Sysop
Mike   (ex) (2-1988 -> ) .... Musician
Modesty   (ex) (1990 -> 6-1990) .... Swapper
Moskwa TV   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Mr. Pinge   (ex) (10-1987 -> 9-1988) .... Coder, Cracker, Swapper
Mr. Z   (ex) (28/7-1986 -> 6-1987) .... Coder, Cracker
Mr.Ammo   (ex) (11-1992 -> 6-1997) .... Modem Trader, Phreaker, Swapper
Owen   (ex) (1-1994 -> 9-1994) .... Graphician
Pacific   (ex) (6-1992 -> 1-1993) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
Pantaloon   (ex) (9-1996 -> 12-1996) .... Coder
Pezac   (ex) (10/2-2013 -> 24/2-2014) .... Coder, Musician
Pimpernel   (ex) (1991 -> 4-1991) .... Swapper, Sysop
Powpin   (ex) (1990 -> 4-1990) .... Graphician
Psycho   (ex) (1989 -> 6-1989) .... Coder, Cracker
Quizkid   (ex) .... Swapper
Racoon   (ex) (4-1991 -> 9-1991) .... Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Ravage   (ex) (1991 -> 1991) .... Swapper
Rave   (ex) (8-1993 -> 4-1996) .... Swapper
Raven   (ex) (1992 -> ) .... Original Supplier
Ream   (ex) (1992 -> 1993) .... Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Original Supplier
RND   (ex) (28/7-1986 -> 1987) .... Cracker
Roadrunna   (ex) (4-1994 -> 11-1994) .... Coder, Cracker
Rooster   (ex) (3-1990 -> 3-1990) .... Graphician
Rowdy   (ex) (22/4-1988 -> 9-1988) .... Coder, Cracker
Ruk   (ex) (13/2-2012 -> 24/4-2014) .... Coder
Scope   (ex) (3-1993 -> 25/3-1993) .... Graphician
Seal   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Cracker, Original Supplier
Sensei   (ex) (1989 -> 6-1989) .... Graphician
Shakin'   (ex) (8-1991 -> 4-1992) .... Coder
Shark   (ex) (1989 -> 9-1989) .... Coder, Sysop
Sirols   (ex) (2/1-2011 -> 31/8-2012) .... Graphician
Skydive   (ex) (28/7-1986 -> 26/6-1987) .... Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
Skyie   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Coder, Graphician
Skywize   (ex) (1991 -> 7-1991) .... Graphician
Slaygon   (ex) (1989 -> 10-1989) .... Coder, Musician
Slice   (ex) (1-1993 -> 9-1993) .... Coder
Sliver   (ex) (6-1996 -> 6-1997) .... Graphician
Sony   (ex) (11-1988 -> ) .... Cracker
Spirou   (ex) (3-1991 -> 4-1991) .... Sysop
Spot   (ex) (2003 -> 22/3-2012) .... Graphician
Squelch   (ex) (8-1989 -> 10-1989) .... Coder, Graphician
Stanze   (ex) .... Graphician
Stiff   (ex) (9-1991 -> 11-1992) .... Graphician, Logo Graphician
Swallow   (ex) (1989 -> 9-1989) .... Coder
Switch   (ex) (8-1992 -> ) .... Original Supplier
T'Kay   (ex) (1-1988 -> 10-1988) .... Coder, Cracker
Taito   (ex) (4-1989 -> 6-1989) .... Graphician
Tech   (ex) (8-1992 -> 5-1993) .... Swapper
The Arrow   (ex) (28/7-1986 -> 3-1987) .... Graphician, Swapper
The Cook   (ex) .... Swapper
The Gronk   (ex) (10-1987 -> ) .... Coder
The MeatBall   (ex) (6-1996 -> 6/10-1997) .... Coder
The Sarge   (ex) (10-1987 -> 1988) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Thunder   (ex) (6-1993 -> ) .... Graphician
Thunder   (ex) (4-1991 -> 9-1991) .... Graphician
Titan   (ex) (1987 -> 4-1989) .... Swapper
Tracer   (ex) (11-1990 -> 1991) .... Cracker, Modem Trader, Swapper
Tranziie   (ex) (4-1991 -> 7-1994) .... Original Supplier, Swapper
Trident   (ex) (8-1992 -> 9-1994) .... Musician
Trisect   (ex) (9-1991 -> ) .... Swapper
Twilight   (ex) (6-1987 -> ) .... Swapper
Tycoon   (ex) (1990 -> 8-1990) .... Cracker
Vain   (ex) (8-1994 -> ) .... Swapper
Vent   (ex) (17/3-2013 -> 2/2-2018) .... Graphician, Musician
Verdun   (ex) (1990 -> 4-1991) .... Coder
Violator   (ex) (6-1996 -> 12-1996) .... Mega Swapper, Original Supplier
Watchman   (ex) (1989 -> 1989) .... Coder, Cracker
Wilson   (ex) (1990 -> 1991) .... Graphician
Wingo   (ex) (8-1992 -> 4-1996) .... Swapper
Wizard   (ex) (1987 -> ) .... Coder
Wrathchild   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Xior   (ex) (1987 -> 1987) .... Coder
XXer   (ex) .... Cracker
Zcram   (ex) (29/4-1987 -> 1987) .... Original Supplier, Sysop
Zeke Wolf   (ex) (1987 -> ) .... Graphician

BBS's :
Splash One ((Unknown))
Alcatraz (HQ)
Antidote (HQ)
Corrosion of Conformity (HQ)
Illusion of Reality (HQ)
Power Engine (HQ)
Terminal State (HQ) from February 1991 to April 1991
The American BBS (HQ)
The Studio (HQ)
The Viking's Citadel (HQ) from December 1990 to January 1991
Virtual Light (HQ)
Wares Domine (HQ)

Releases : (2536)
DownloadScream ... 2025 Graphics
InfeZtation +4D ... 2025 Crack (101%)
DownloadOne in the Landscape ... 2025 Graphics
DownloadOPS ... 2025 One-File Demo
DownloadWatering a Flower ... 2025 Demo(#8 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2025)
DownloadAu Revoir, Simone ... 2025 Graphics(#7 Mixed at Fjälldata 2025)
DownloadProphecy ... 2025 Graphics(#9 Mixed at Fjälldata 2025)
DownloadThe Crab ... 2025 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2025)
DownloadThe Final Exercise in Futility ... 2025 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2025)
DownloadReboot ... 2025 Graphics
DownloadThe Pretzelves +3 ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadThe Pretzelves +3 ... 2024 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSanta's Ice Crisis +1D ... 2024 Crack
DownloadTrinity Sampler +S ... 2024 Crack
Download2B ... 2024 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64 2024)
DownloadÁgyrács [2sid] ... 2024 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Deadline 2024)
DownloadAmong the Living ... 2024 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Flashparty 2024)
DownloadBlob Tunes [bugfix] ... 2024 Music Collection
DownloadUptown ... 2024 Graphics(#7 Mixed at Deadline 2024)
DownloadBlob Tunes ... 2024 Music Collection
DownloadPlasma Intro ... 2024 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Blob Preview 2 +4 ... 2024 Crack (Preview)
DownloadRiver City Ransom Loading Screen ... 2024 Graphics(#12 Mixed Graphics at C64GFX.com Game Loading Screen Compo 2024)
DownloadRish ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadData Circlets ... 2024 Music(#7 C64 Music at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadDEDEDEDE ... 2024 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadKojak ... 2024 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadKojak - Who loves ya, baby! ... 2024 Intro(Released at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadPågacover '24 ... 2024 Disk Cover(Released at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadSurfchamp +D ... 2024 Crack (100%, Onefiled)
DownloadTriad Heart Melon ... 2024 Graphics(#12 Mixed Graphics at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadWhoNeedsNukes ... 2024 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadZeitgeist ... 2024 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadÖsten ... 2024 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Pågadata 2024)
DownloadLearn to Read with Prof, Level 1, Part One, Prof plays a new Game ... 2024 Crack (101%, Onefiled)
DownloadAttitude #22 ... 2024 IDE64 Release
DownloadKeebordboi ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadAttitude #22 Diskcover ... 2024 Disk Cover
DownloadAttitude #22 ... 2024 Diskmag
DownloadPebbles ... 2024 One-File Demo
DownloadElf Girl ... 2024 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at X'2024)
DownloadJanissimus ... 2024 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at X'2024)
DownloadPathfinder ... 2024 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at X'2024)
DownloadChromium ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadPower Pong +D ... 2024 Crack
DownloadBibi ... 2024 Graphics
DownloadSajnálom Az Elefántokat, Mert Nem Tudnak Piszkálni Az Orrukban ... 2024 Music(#1 C64 Music at BCC Party #18)
DownloadTriad ... 2024 Graphics(#41 C64 Graphics at C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024)
DownloadDqs ... 2024 Graphics(#108 C64 Graphics at C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024)
DownloadAngrboða ... 2024 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadAt Lefty's ... 2024 Graphics Collection(#6 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadBeppscii ... 2024 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadBold as Love ... 2024 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadCoitus Interruptus 2 ... 2024 Graphics(#12 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadMe & Batman ... 2024 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadMirrored ... 2024 Graphics(#5 Mixed at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadPrejudice ... 2024 Graphics(#10 Mixed at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadSaggy Tits ... 2024 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Fjälldata 2024)
DownloadPaku Paku C64 +2HDI ... 2024 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadPenguin Tower +4 ... 2023 Crack
DownloadCyberload Tools ... 2023 Tool
DownloadGary Linekers Superskills +5D ... 2023 Crack (101%, Onefiled)
DownloadPaperback Writer 64 ... 2023 Crack(#?? C64 Game at Who's Really the Best?)
DownloadForever Friends ... 2023 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed at Silly Venture 2023 Winter Edition)
DownloadBlack Hole ... 2023 Graphics(#11 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 2023)
DownloadThousand Hills ... 2023 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2023)
DownloadPeople Too ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadLincolnshire Poacher ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadBattle Khaos II +DF ... 2023 Crack (NTSC fixed, Onefiled)
DownloadWarhorse ... 2023 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed at Stupid Rainbows Compo)
DownloadFlora ... 2023 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed at Stupid Rainbows Compo)
DownloadFény és varázslat [2sid] ... 2023 Music(#2 C64 Music at Deadline 2023)
DownloadInto Darkness ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadCricket Maths +D ... 2023 Crack
DownloadZoltar Speaks ... 2023 Intro
DownloadChess +D ... 2023 Crack (101%)
DownloadCocktail II ... 2023 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Pågadata 2023)
DownloadEngelbart ... 2023 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Pågadata 2023)
DownloadLaservapen ... 2023 Graphics(Released at Pågadata 2023)
DownloadTake a Bow ... 2023 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Pågadata 2023)
DownloadCursed Tomb +5D ... 2023 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadFlappy Trappy + ... 2023 Crack(Released at X'2023)
DownloadA Bright Future ... 2023 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at X'2023)
DownloadAlpha-Mecha ... 2023 BBS Graphics(#6 Mixed Graphics at X'2023)
DownloadKinetics ... 2023 Demo(#8 C64 Demo at X'2023)
DownloadZoltar ... 2023 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Pågadata 2023)
DownloadMuddy Racers +10D ... 2023 Crack (101%)
DownloadWired/weird ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadEverything Leaks ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadSpace Blaster +2D ... 2023 Crack (101%, Onefiled)
DownloadInside ... 2023 Music(#3 Mixed Music at BCC Party #17)
DownloadLángoló Delfineken Lovagolunk át a Boldogság Kráterein ... 2023 Music(#2 C64 Music at BCC Party #17)
DownloadError/Time ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadCheckboard ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadLost Realms of Murkasada Episode 2 +2 ... 2023 Crack
DownloadTodbereit ... 2023 One-File Demo
DownloadAs Crimson ... 2023 Graphics(Released at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadMachine EP ... 2023 Music Collection(Released at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadRoyal Editor ... 2023 Tool(Released at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadSlowbrother ... 2023 Graphics(Released at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadSUXX-Editor 5.0+ ... 2023 Tool(Released at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadBachtracking ... 2023 Music Collection(#6 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadClub Ascension ... 2023 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadExercise in Futility II ... 2023 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadMartin Ljungs Pung ... 2023 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadRevenger ... 2023 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadStretching It! ... 2023 Graphics(#2 WiLD Demo at Fjälldata 2023)
DownloadCastle Shadowgate +DS ... 2023 Crack (any, Onesided)
DownloadGathering ... 2023 Graphics
DownloadKukulcan ... 2023 Graphics(#?? Mixed Graphics at Snake Fun Competition)
DownloadXerox 1K Intro ... 2023 1K Intro(#2 C64 1K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2022)
DownloadKvidinge Data City ... 2023 Disk Cover(Released at Pågadata 2023)
DownloadNotation ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadCzołgi ... 2022 Crack
DownloadXmas Caper +1D ... 2022 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMuppet Adventure +1D ... 2022 Crack (101%)
DownloadUncle Petscii Presents Good King Wenceslas ... 2022 Demo
DownloadInbread +2 ... 2022 Crack
DownloadJungle Scare ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadPseudoceltic ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadAlphaville ... 2022 Graphics Collection
DownloadDark Shadows ... 2022 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadFekete Fém ... 2022 Music(#11 C64 Music at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadFracture ... 2022 Intro(#1 C64 Fast Intro at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadRemission ... 2022 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadPieces II +3P ... 2022 Crack
DownloadShinetro ... 2022 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Burger Ninja ... 2022 Crack (OK)
DownloadAttitude #13 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #12 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadOutpost 2.0 +2 ... 2022 Crack
DownloadAttitude #11 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #10 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #9 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #7 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #8 ... 2022 IDE64 Release
DownloadKivi Borotva ... 2022 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Deadline 2022)
DownloadFülbemászó ... 2022 Music(#61 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2022)
DownloadThe Bogdanoffs ... 2022 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Edison 2022)
DownloadMovie Quiz Preview 2 + ... 2022 Crack (Preview)
Download6502/680x0 Rules! ... 2022 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadCoppernicus ... 2022 One-File Demo(#6 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadSalem's Lot ... 2022 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadSir Arthur Preview +2 ... 2022 Crack (Preview)(Released at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadUqbarensis ... 2022 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadVa' den grön får du en ny ... 2022 Music(#5 Mixed at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadDra skinnet bakåt ... 2022 Music(#3 Mixed at Gubbdata 2022)
DownloadMiner 2019er +5D ... 2022 Crack (101%)
DownloadPrimetime ... 2022 Music Collection
DownloadAz Én Leguánom Nem Viselhet Cipőt ... 2022 Music(#8 C64 Music at BCC Party #16)
DownloadScramble Infinity V1.2 +4D ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, 101%)
DownloadScramble Infinity V1.2 +4 ... 2022 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSonic the Hedgehog V1.2 +5 ... 2021 REU Release
DownloadCT-Fishing Mini Game Preview + ... 2021 Crack
DownloadGyro Shoc Preview +2 ... 2021 Crack
DownloadSonic the Hedgehog +5 ... 2021 REU Release
DownloadSonic the Hedgehog V1.1 +5 ... 2021 REU Release
DownloadSonic the Hedgehog +5 ... 2021 REU Release
DownloadAttitude #21 Diskcover ... 2021 Disk Cover
DownloadAttitude #21 ... 2021 Diskmag
DownloadSUPER 16 ... 2021 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Transmission64 2021 Fall Edition)
DownloadSanta's Workout +2 ... 2021 Crack (OK)
DownloadKatabatia V1.1 +1D ... 2021 Crack
DownloadDisznóklub [2sid] ... 2021 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Deadline 2021)
DownloadAttitude #6 ... 2021 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #5 ... 2021 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #4 ... 2021 IDE64 Release
DownloadSoulless 2 - The Armour of Gods +3D ... 2021 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadGraviton +1C ... 2021 Crack (any, OK, Onefiled)
DownloadEzer Róka Kapacitással ... 2021 Music(#14 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2021)
DownloadI I I, the Abyssgazer ... 2021 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Edison 2021)
DownloadCoitus Interruptus ... 2021 Graphics(#9 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadGerontoeroticon ... 2021 Graphics(#16 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadMad Scientist ... 2021 One-File Demo(#8 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadTjardalen ... 2021 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadUncle Petscii's Droids of Star Wars ... 2021 Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2021)
DownloadSoftwired ... 2021 4K Intro
DownloadHörru! ... 2021 BBS Graphics
DownloadTrudelutt ... 2021 BBS Graphics
DownloadSparwasser ... 2021 Graphics(#22 C64 Graphics at Transmission64)
DownloadUncle PETSCII Agent 0x007h ... 2021 Graphics(#22 Mixed Graphics at Transmission64)
DownloadVérszagra gyűl az éji vad ... 2021 Music(#17 C64 Music at Transmission64)
DownloadTerminal Fighter Preview V3 +4 ... 2021 Crack (PAL only, Preview)
DownloadMonstro Giganto +5D ... 2021 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTriad/GP Intro 4 ... 2021 Crack Intro
DownloadTegnap Este ... 2021 Music(#?? C64 Music at Last Night (melody compo))
DownloadMini-Zork II +SM ... 2021 Crack (any)
DownloadSoftwired ... 2021 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2020)
Download8Bit-Slicks ... 2021 Crack
DownloadK-2S0 ... 2021 Graphics
DownloadJóga Yodával ... 2021 Music(#9 C64 Music at Filterless Single Channel Compo 2020)
DownloadSancik Preview ... 2020 Crack (Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadToxic Frenzy +D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadMovie Quiz Preview +S ... 2020 Crack (101%, Preview)
DownloadAkhnaten ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadUncle PETSCII's Christmas Show ... 2020 Demo
DownloadRabbit Runner +H ... 2020 Crack (101%)
DownloadChiller 2 +2D ... 2020 Crack (OK)
DownloadOutrage Preview 2 +4 ... 2020 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadChars Sucks ... 2020 One-File Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Only Sprites Compo)
DownloadTitkos alagút a Berghain alatt ... 2020 Music(#37 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadNem érzi magát olcsón ... 2020 Music(Released at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadBécsi szelet reggelire ... 2020 Music(#15 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadPoszeidón villa nélkül ... 2020 Music(Released at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadA Józsefvárosi utcák ... 2020 Music(Released at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadÉdes a zsiráf ... 2020 Music(#27 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadSurvival Messenger Adventure +FSMap ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadAttitude #1 ... 2020 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #2 ... 2020 IDE64 Release
DownloadAttitude #3 ... 2020 IDE64 Release
DownloadOxyron (Logo) ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadParty Quiz +HFDMJ ... 2020 Crack (101%)
DownloadSonic Deception ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadShrimp Approve ... 2020 Graphics
DownloadGrid Pix +1PD [disk version] ... 2020 Crack
DownloadTRIAD All Borders Swinger ... 2020 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Falcon ... 2020 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Decrunch 2020)
DownloadDC-19 ... 2020 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Solskogen 2020)
DownloadAngel of Salvation ... 2020 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Edison 2020)
DownloadBecoming Danko ... 2020 Music Collection(#3 Mixed Demo at Edison 2020)
DownloadZunea Zunea ... 2020 Music(#5 Mixed Music at Edison 2020)
DownloadEwe Woz 'Ere + ... 2020 Crack
DownloadMeteor Math +2 ... 2020 Crack
DownloadSocial Distancing ... 2020 One-File Demo(#8 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadFightdPwr PETSCII ... 2020 Graphics(#7 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadThe Boars Head Tavern ... 2020 BBS Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadVid ålaboden ... 2020 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadTerminal Fighter Preview V2 +2 ... 2020 Crack (Preview)
DownloadJustice ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadHired Sword II +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadItt nincs Túró Rudi ... 2020 Music(#10 C64 Music at 2020 Quarantine Emotional Music Compo)
DownloadChiller 2 Preview 2 +3H ... 2020 Crack (Preview)
Wormhole +FD ... 2020 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadAtic Atac +1D ... 2020 Crack
DownloadInto Hinterland World +4 ... 2020 IDE64 Release
DownloadAz ég leesik ... 2020 Music(#1 C64 Music at BCC Party #14)
DownloadOld Tower +3D ... 2020 Crack (any, 100%)
DownloadMillie & Molly +2 ... 2020 Crack
DownloadThe Great Lake Monster ... 2020 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2020)
DownloadThe Reincarnation ... 2020 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Fjälldata 2020)
DownloadThe Thief (he eats peas) ... 2020 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2020)
DownloadUkulele Girl ... 2020 Music(#3 Mixed Music at Fjälldata 2020)
DownloadKalaspuffs Expressen +6H [swedish] ... 2020 Crack (any, 101%)(Released at Fjälldata 2020)
DownloadFire! + ... 2020 Crack
DownloadCrackpots +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCrackpots V1.01 +1D ... 2020 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadInto Hinterland World +4 ... 2020 Crack (101%)
DownloadAttitude #20 ... 2020 Diskmag
DownloadA Petite 4 Calamari ... 2020 Graphics(#155 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadMicro Skull X Bones 2x2 ... 2020 Graphics(#194 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadRU Sara? ... 2020 Graphics(#231 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadC-BEE-M 8032 8x8 ... 2020 Graphics(#150 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadMicro Basic 8x8 ... 2020 Graphics(#212 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadRoad Runner ... 2020 Graphics(#93 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadVandal by Heart (fixed version) ... 2020 Music
DownloadTriggered ... 2020 Intro(#4 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadJetdroid +2D ... 2019 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadMagnetoball +1D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadUFO Cownapper Preview +2 ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSantas Funky Factory +1D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadBrain Death +2PF ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadChiller 2 Preview +3 ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadChristmas Reforged ... 2019 Crack Intro
DownloadFreeze64 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadSantron +3 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSantron +3 ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadNinja Invasion Simulator Preview V3 +2 ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadHypochondriac +DS ... 2019 Crack (any, Onefiled)
DownloadMesmerizer ... 2019 Crack Intro(#3 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadArne Alligator ... 2019 One-File Demo
DownloadNo More Grey Dots ... 2019 4K Intro(#5 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadFrostbite +4D ... 2019 Crack
DownloadSpace Orbs +1D ... 2019 Crack
DownloadThe Hidden ... 2019 BBS Graphics
DownloadZoo Much Information ... 2019 Music(#14 C64 Music at Zoo 2019)
DownloadAz útolso busz ... 2019 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Deadline 2019)
DownloadSuper Off Road Homage ... 2019 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2019)
DownloadKeystone Kapers +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadVegetables Deluxe V1.0 +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTrogue64 +5H ... 2019 Crack
DownloadMr T Meets His Match +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadMr T's Alphabet Games +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadMr T's Money Box +D ... 2019 Crack (any)
Download3adio ... 2019 Crack Intro
DownloadBanana Republic Preview +3D ... 2019 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadChopper Command +3D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadIt's Magic 2 +6HDP [cartridge] ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadIt's Magic 2 +6HDP [cartridge] ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadIt's Magic 2 +6HDP [cartridge] ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, Broken, Onesided)
DownloadCrystal Caverns +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadCash Heart GP ... 2019 One-File Demo(#13 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadFat Albert ... 2019 One-File Demo(#10 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadFloppy in Action ... 2019 Music(#5 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadHello I Love You ... 2019 BBS Graphics(#11 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadSamantha Fox Strip Poker Pro ... 2019 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadSuper Goatron +2 ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTerminal Fighter Preview + ... 2019 Crack (Preview)(Released at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadRun Demon Run +1D ... 2019 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadPocket Dungeon + ... 2019 Crack
DownloadMiniMIKE Preview V2 + ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadTrzask Tensorskiego +1T ... 2019 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadFrantic Freddie II +3 ... 2019 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadBandersnatch Preview ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe Age of Heroes +8D ... 2019 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadDUBCRT +3D ... 2019 Crack
DownloadEdu-Intro ... 2019 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadRaster Compleeto ... 2019 Crack Intro (NTSC fixed)
DownloadDanny ja Armi ... 2019 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadEdu-Intro ... 2019 Crack Intro(Released at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadI Want to Love You Tender ... 2019 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadNew Faces ... 2019 Graphics Collection(#5 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadSlicka en flicka ... 2019 Music(#8 Mixed Music at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadStolen Properties ... 2019 One-File Demo(#8 C64 Demo at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadToyshop & Lollipops +D ... 2019 Crack (Onefiled)(Released at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadTRIAD at Fjälldata Disk Cover ... 2019 Disk Cover(Released at Fjälldata 2019)
DownloadBeach Bar +4D ... 2019 Crack (any)
DownloadSuper Galax-I-Birds +4MF ... 2019 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadMonopoly Preview V2 +D ... 2019 Crack (PAL only, Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadMiniMIKE Preview ... 2019 Crack (Preview)
DownloadL'Abbaye des Morts +2DS ... 2019 Crack
DownloadAttitude #19 ... 2019 Diskmag
DownloadNinja Invasion Simulator Preview + ... 2018 Crack (OK, Preview)
DownloadRaster Compleeto ... 2018 Crack Intro(#10 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadRasterblues ... 2018 Intro(#15 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadDeath in the Caribbean +DS +Map ... 2018 Crack (101%)
DownloadO-Pat-Ko-No +DF ... 2018 Crack (NTSC fixed, OK)
DownloadAviator Arcade II +7D ... 2018 Crack (any, 101%)
DownloadSpace Moguls +2D ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadRevolution Intro ... 2018 Intro(#7 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadMega Ukulele ... 2018 One-File Demo
DownloadMega Ukulele ... 2018 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at X'2018)
DownloadScrew It! ... 2018 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at X'2018)
DownloadCow & Chicken Preview ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadLaura64 Preview V2 +2T ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadSzalonna Csillag ... 2018 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Deadline 2018)
DownloadCock McNuggets Wrap ... 2018 Disk Cover(#2 C64 Disk Cover at PETSCII disk cover competition)
DownloadMemory-Safe +2 ... 2018 Crack (101%)
DownloadMind the Mines + ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTrump Tower + ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadConga 4096 + ... 2018 Crack (OK)(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadDancing Keith ... 2018 Crack Intro(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadG7000 Racer! +1H ... 2018 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadGoodlife ... 2018 Misc.(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadOrbs + ... 2018 Crack (OK)(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadTechnolo-G ... 2018 Music(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadWave Hero + ... 2018 Crack (OK)(Released at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadSoft Machine ... 2018 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadWalk of Shame ... 2018 Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Gubbdata 2018)
DownloadOrganism +6D ... 2018 Crack (101%)
DownloadReflections ... 2018 One-File Demo
DownloadAttitude #18 ... 2018 Diskmag
DownloadBewitched Preview 2 +2 ... 2018 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadWhat's going on? ... 2018 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Graphics at He-Man Jr. Compo)
DownloadGenerated ... 2018 256b Intro(#27 C64 256b Intro at The 128b Font Compo)
Download15 Years of Friendship ... 2018 Music(#3 C64 Music at Fjälldata 2018)
DownloadKim ... 2018 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Fjälldata 2018)
DownloadSam's Journey +9D ... 2018 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadMegatanoi Preview V2 +D ... 2017 Crack (OK, Preview)
DownloadLuftrauserZ +2 ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadSlipstream +2 [sales version] ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
Download..then I had a Boss ... 2017 Graphics(#17 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2017)
DownloadOnce I Had a Friend ... 2017 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2017)
DownloadCross Chase +2 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadYour Intrusion Is My Illusion ... 2017 Music(#1 C64 Music at Deadline 2017)
DownloadGrafx2-C64 Tools ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadFunkymonkey ... 2017 Graphics(#5 Mixed at Psykoz 2017)
DownloadPlanet Golf +3 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadTRIAD Front Intro ... 2017 Crack Intro
DownloadGalencia V1.1 +2 ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadAqualung, My Friend ... 2017 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at Vammala Party 23)
DownloadDreadnought ... 2017 Music Collection(Released at Gubbdata 2017)
DownloadItchtris Preview +2 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK, Preview)(Released at Gubbdata 2017)
DownloadPengon +1HD ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadGalencia Preview + ... 2017 Crack (PAL only, OK, Preview)
DownloadCheeseCutter 2.9.0 ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSlipstream +2 ... 2017 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadSoda Shop +4 ... 2017 Crack (any)
DownloadEquinox +4 ... 2017 Crack (any)
DownloadOhnesorg ... 2017 One-File Demo(Released at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadSuburbia Sprawling ... 2017 Graphics(Released at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadIncarnations ... 2017 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadNeon ... 2017 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadRear View ... 2017 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadZoo 2017 Invitation ... 2017 Invitation(#4 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2017)
DownloadTeleport to Tuhero ... 2017 Graphics(#5 Mixed at KozMOS 2017)
DownloadMunchkin 64 Preview ... 2017 Crack (OK, Preview)
DownloadO-pat-ko-no Preview V2 ... 2016 Crack (Preview)
DownloadPong +D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadYuleintro ... 2016 Crack Intro(#45 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadO-pat-ko-no Preview ... 2016 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadCactus Joe ... 2016 Graphics(#5 Mixed at Syntax 2016)
DownloadZoo 2017 Invitation ... 2016 Invitation
DownloadGozerian Society ... 2016 Music(#2 Mixed Music at TRSAC 2016)
DownloadHack Attack Preview +D ... 2016 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadPandora's Slate ... 2016 Graphics(#7 Mixed at Psykoz 2016)
DownloadSami Hedberg -darra ... 2016 Graphics(#4 Mixed at Psykoz 2016)
DownloadHit and Run Baseball +D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHex Charset ... 2016 Graphics
DownloadAncient Legends Preview +D ... 2016 Crack (any, Preview)
DownloadSounds of the Amiga #4 ... 2016 Music Collection
DownloadUnit-A intro screen for SOTA#4 ... 2016 Graphics
DownloadDie! Alien Slime +8D ... 2016 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadAtt17ude ... 2016 Graphics(Released at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadAttitude #17 ... 2016 Diskmag(Released at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadIntrotune for Itch ... 2016 Music(Released at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadSpace Invadaz Extra Preview ... 2016 Crack (Preview)(Released at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadCock Picture ... 2016 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadMonochrome ... 2016 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadBlaster Twins Preview ... 2016 Crack (any, Onefiled, Preview)(Released at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIm +8D ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, 100%)
DownloadQuod Init Exit IIm +3D ... 2016 Crack (PAL only, Broken)
DownloadGubbdata 2016 Invite ... 2016 Invitation
DownloadSCT2D V2.0 ... 2016 Tool
DownloadRing on a String ... 2016 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadSlime Deluxe +3 ... 2016 Crack (any)
DownloadHessian +5 ... 2016 Crack (OK)
DownloadTriad/GP Intro 3 ... 2016 Crack Intro
DownloadSlime + ... 2016 Crack (any)
DownloadGimp cbmplugs 1.2.2 ... 2016 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSpectacular Copy - Turbo to Disk V1.2 ... 2016 Tool
DownloadAttitude #16 ... 2015 Diskmag
DownloadSquirm 2 Preview ... 2015 Crack (any, OK, Preview)
DownloadCheeseCutter 2.8.0 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadScorched Earth Preview ... 2015 Crack
DownloadJoin the Cosmic Caravan ... 2015 Music(#4 C64 Music at Zoo 2015)
DownloadOrbital Impaler ... 2015 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2015)
DownloadVaakataso ... 2015 Music(#11 C64 Music at Zoo 2015)
DownloadSprint 1 +2 ... 2015 Crack (any)
DownloadNuclear Nick Preview + ... 2015 Crack
DownloadHeroes & Cowards +D [english/german] ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, OK)
DownloadTriad/GP Intro 2 ... 2015 Crack Intro
DownloadLabyrinth of Crete &DS &Map ... 2015 Crack (any, 101%, Onesided)
DownloadSankara Stone +S ... 2015 Crack
DownloadHangman's Hazard +2DF ... 2015 Crack (PAL fixed)
DownloadGravitrix +2P ... 2015 Crack
DownloadM45 Preview ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, Preview)
DownloadMoonfall (early) Preview +D ... 2015 Crack (PAL only, Preview)
DownloadBruce Lee II V1.9 + ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadReturn of Heracles ++MD+Map ... 2015 Crack(#2 Mixed Game at C64 Cracking Competition 2015)
DownloadSounds of the 80s ... 2015 Music Collection(#4 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2015)
DownloadBruce Lee II + ... 2015 Crack (any, OK)(Released at Gubbdata 2015)
DownloadJungle Drums Intro ... 2015 Crack Intro(Released at Gubbdata 2015)
DownloadAutomatic Gentleman ... 2015 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at BCC Party #9)
DownloadUpshift! ... 2015 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at BCC Party #9)
DownloadMy Sleazy Valentine ... 2015 Graphics(#18 Mixed at KozMOS 2015)
DownloadCheeseCutter 2.7.1 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadConfused? +D ... 2014 Crack
DownloadLost & Found ... 2014 Demo
DownloadInside the Cube ... 2014 Crack Intro(#3 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadDonkey Kong Junior +6HD ... 2014 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadDonkey Kong Junior +3D ... 2014 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadGravitrix Preview +2 ... 2014 Crack
DownloadOut Run Memories ... 2014 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at X'2014)
DownloadHelicopter Attack Preview +3FT ... 2014 Crack (NTSC fixed, Preview)
DownloadAttitude #15 ... 2014 Diskmag
DownloadEngage charmode, begin pursuit ... 2014 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at CSDb Science Fiction Graphics Competition)
DownloadD64EIC ... 2014 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadCheeseCutter 2.6.1 ... 2014 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadDarkipede +H ... 2014 Crack
DownloadDarkness +6DS ... 2014 Crack
DownloadAïe! Mon tentacule! ... 2014 Graphics
Download2048 +2 ... 2014 Game
DownloadCrankintro ... 2014 Crack Intro
DownloadKur pelite tu tuceji + ... 2014 Crack
DownloadSpacefacelift ... 2014 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2014)
DownloadContinuum ... 2014 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2014)
DownloadTruckstop Alaska ... 2014 Music(#16 C64 Music at Datastorm 2014)
DownloadRolloverture +3D ... 2013 Crack
DownloadHell Santa ... 2013 One-File Demo(#5 Mixed at Christmas Fun Competition 2013)
DownloadAnim8.4 ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadMonster Buster +2 +SwinSID-Fix ... 2013 Crack
DownloadKobo64 V2 +2M ... 2013 Crack (OK)
DownloadKobo64 V2 +2M ... 2013 Crack (Broken)
DownloadTRIAD "Disco intro" ... 2013 Crack Intro(#4 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadOolong Preview ... 2013 Crack
Download45theorum ... 2013 Music(#11 C64 Music at Zoo 2013)
DownloadJust Now I Feel Fairly Light-headed ... 2013 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Zoo 2013)
DownloadZootoyoo ... 2013 Music(#6 C64 Music at Zoo 2013)
DownloadStereo-type ... 2013 Graphics(#26 C64 Graphics at Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013)
DownloadAnim8 ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadBomberland +5PD ... 2013 Crack
DownloadHelsings Hunt +2 ... 2013 Crack
DownloadKickAss Cruncher Plugins 1.0-beta ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadBack to School ... 2013 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Sundown 2013)
DownloadAttitude #14 ... 2013 Diskmag
DownloadRelease the Cheese Music Disk ... 2013 Music Collection
DownloadLemmings Preview + [unofficial] ... 2013 Crack (Preview)
Download2x1 Font ... 2013 Graphics(#47 C64 Graphics at Font Creation Competition 2013)
Download3x4 Pixel Font ... 2013 Graphics(#30 C64 Graphics at Font Creation Competition 2013)
Download4x2 Font ... 2013 Graphics(#36 C64 Graphics at Font Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadSardonic ... 2013 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Font Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadSolaris ... 2013 Demo(#4 C64 Demo at BFP 2013)
DownloadBFP 2013 Invite ... 2013 Invitation
DownloadCheeseCutter 2.5.0 ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadRadar Simulation +D ... 2013 Crack
DownloadArkijuusto (toinen siivu) ... 2013 Music
DownloadPonk ... 2013 Crack
DownloadArkijuusto ... 2013 Music(#7 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2013)
DownloadBabu ... 2013 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Gubbdata 2013)
DownloadChicago Song ... 2013 Music(#13 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2013)
DownloadCircadin ... 2013 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2013)
DownloadSubtlety is not my Business ... 2013 Music(#5 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2013)
DownloadSuddenly I Felt the Heat Under My Cloak ... 2013 Graphics(#36 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013)
DownloadAsteroids Emulator (2013-02-23) + ... 2013 Crack
DownloadQRule World ... 2013 Graphics(#83 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013)
Download20 Years Later ... 2013 Graphics(#81 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013)
DownloadTRIAD blue ... 2013 Graphics(#45 C64 Graphics at 3-Color-Logo Competition 2013)
DownloadManifold 28A ... 2013 Music(#16 C64 Music at Datastorm 2013)
DownloadRevolved ... 2013 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2013)
DownloadSt. Joaquin ... 2013 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Datastorm 2013)
Downloadbullocks ... 2013 Music(#29 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadStarfish ... 2013 Music(#6 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadStarfish [extended version] ... 2013 Music
DownloadTone-Loco ... 2013 Crack
DownloadPub Trivia ... 2012 Crack
DownloadNight Bacon Love for m0d ... 2012 One-File Demo(#2 Mixed Demo at the Ultimate Meeting 2012)
DownloadExodus Preview ... 2012 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFuzzball Preview V2 + ... 2012 Crack (Preview)
DownloadOtherworld +4F ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%, Import)
DownloadWonderland V2 +4 ... 2012 Crack
DownloadDunzhin +D ... 2012 Crack (any, OK)
DownloadHeavy Metal Deluxe Gold +4HF ... 2012 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadCheeseCutter 2.4.0 ... 2012 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadTrainjams ... 2012 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Sundown 2012)
DownloadAttitude #13 ... 2012 Diskmag
DownloadLiberation ... 2012 Graphics Collection(Released at TRIAD Rakvattnet II 2012)
DownloadAirliner +D ... 2012 Crack (101%)
DownloadBurden of Grudge ... 2012 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at Flashback 2012)
DownloadBurden of Grudge ... 2012 One-File Demo
DownloadGertie Goose + ... 2012 Crack
DownloadSlicker Puzzle +D ... 2012 Crack
DownloadSpeed Duel + ... 2012 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "White intro" ... 2012 Crack Intro
DownloadChicanery ... 2012 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Gubbdata 2012)
DownloadKickback ... 2012 Music(#3 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2012)
DownloadSuper Short Shooter ... 2012 Music(#4 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2012)
DownloadCrack of Doom +D ... 2012 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Raster Revenge intro" ... 2012 Crack Intro
DownloadClouded Memories ... 2012 Music(#4 C64 Music at Datastorm 2012)
DownloadCubes! ... 2012 Crack
DownloadAlien Zoo ... 2012 Crack
DownloadSpace Shuttle +D ... 2012 Crack
DownloadDrone Processor Preview ... 2012 Crack
DownloadRainbow Challenge ... 2011 Crack
DownloadPot Nabber + ... 2011 Crack
DownloadSupernatural Preview 2 +3 ... 2011 Crack
DownloadSupernatural Preview +2 ... 2011 Crack
DownloadIt's All in Your Head ... 2011 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Rambo Revisited - GFX Compo )
DownloadBits'n'Pieces ... 2011 Demo(#9 C64 Demo at LCP 2011)
DownloadHigh Stakes ... 2011 One-File Demo(#11 C64 Demo at LCP 2011)
DownloadRambo. A Chronicle Of.. ... 2011 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at LCP 2011)
DownloadAttitude #12 ... 2011 Diskmag
DownloadBewitched Preview +2 ... 2011 Crack
DownloadSounds of the Amiga #3 ... 2011 Music Collection
DownloadCargo ... 2011 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at C64pixels.com Double Screen Compo)
DownloadSalvage ... 2011 Crack
DownloadHydra ... 2011 Music(#10 Mixed Music at Revision 2011)
DownloadFly Bird Fly ... 2011 One-File Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Datastorm 2011)
DownloadUndead Preview ... 2010 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAttitude #11 ... 2010 Diskmag
DownloadErdkönig ... 2010 Graphics(#11 C64 Graphics at X'2010)
DownloadSounds of the Amiga #2 ... 2010 Music Collection(Released at X'2010)
DownloadSummoner ... 2010 Music(#3 Mixed Music at Sundown 2010)
DownloadPieces II Preview +P ... 2010 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadAnother Kingdom Preview + ... 2010 Crack (Preview)
DownloadVertical Too ... 2010 256b Intro
DownloadSpectacular Copy - Turbo to Disk ... 2010 Tool
DownloadKnucklebastards ... 2010 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Breakpoint 2010)
DownloadManifold ... 2010 Music Collection(Released at Datastorm 2010)
DownloadWhat Time is Love? ... 2010 Music(#7 C64 Music at Datastorm 2010)
DownloadThe Wild Bunch v2 +D ... 2009 Crack
DownloadBubbler ... 2009 Crack
DownloadThe Wild Bunch +D ... 2009 Crack
DownloadWaiting for Sundown ... 2009 Music(#3 Mixed Music at Sundown 2009)
DownloadKnight Rider - The Board Game ... 2009 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Outlined intro" ... 2009 Crack Intro
DownloadU-101 ... 2009 Crack
DownloadCoptic Script ... 2009 Music(#5 Mixed Music at Breakpoint 2009)
DownloadSounds of the Amiga #1 ... 2009 Music Collection
DownloadThe Alien Team +2 ... 2009 Crack
DownloadVoyager 19 ... 2009 Crack
DownloadSub Duel ... 2008 Crack
DownloadNot Even Human ... 2008 Crack
Downloadvicky pollard does brighton ... 2008 Music(#6 Mixed Music at Sundown 2008)
DownloadTristate ... 2008 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at St LCP 2008)
DownloadEnforcer 2 Preview V2 +4M ... 2008 Crack
DownloadPoisonous Injection ... 2008 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at GREP Green 2008)
DownloadSpace Chase ... 2008 Crack
Downloadplattenbauknecht ... 2008 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Breakpoint 2008)
Downloadmetroid tune 5 ... 2008 Music(#10 C64 Music at C64.sk Cover Compo #1)
DownloadAssault On Precinct 13 ... 2008 Music(#21 C64 Music at C64.sk Cover Compo #1)
DownloadAdventstid ... 2007 One-File Demo
DownloadDevistation ... 2007 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Sundown 2007)
Downloadiopopped ... 2007 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Sundown 2007)
DownloadSweetness X ... 2007 Music(#10 C64 Music at Assembly Summer 2007)
DownloadEven My Old Friends Envies Me Now ... 2007 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Big Floppy People 2007)
DownloadOn the Road Again ... 2007 One-File Demo(#11 C64 Demo at Big Floppy People 2007)
DownloadOrange ... 2007 Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Big Floppy People 2007)
DownloadSwallow&Contring ... 2007 One-File Demo(Released at Big Floppy People 2007)
DownloadPass Your Driving Test ... 2007 Crack
DownloadHorizon ... 2007 Music(#1 C64 Music at Maximum Overdose 8)
DownloadBFP 2007 Invite ... 2007 Invitation
Downloadatomic pretzel ... 2007 Music(#1 C64 Music at Breakpoint 2007)
DownloadMemoires ... 2007 Demo(#6 C64 Demo at S:T Lars Meeting III)
DownloadSankt Lars Diskcover ... 2007 Disk Cover(Released at S:T Lars Meeting III)
DownloadToo Little Too Late ... 2007 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at S:T Lars Meeting III)
DownloadJoe Gunn Preview ... 2007 Crack (Preview)
Downloadcorvus ... 2007 Music(#9 C64 Music at Nightshift 2007)
DownloadStranded +2P ... 2007 Crack
DownloadFragments ... 2007 Music(#5 C64 Music at 15 Years Oxyron Party 2007)
DownloadSkyclad ... 2007 Misc.(#1 C64 Graphics at 15 Years Oxyron Party 2007)
DownloadBattle Throne ... 2007 Crack
DownloadBolts and Screws ... 2007 Disk Cover
Downloaddoppelnord ... 2007 Music
DownloadThe Final Countdown ... 2006 Music
DownloadUnnamed Art 2 ... 2006 Graphics
DownloadI Swore a Vow on My Dying Breath ... 2006 Music(#2 C64 Music at The SID Compo VI)
Downloadpaisley ... 2006 Music(#29 C64 Music at The SID Compo VI)
DownloadRenovation ... 2006 One-File Demo(#8 C64 Demo at X'2006)
DownloadThe Wild Bunch ... 2006 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at X'2006)
DownloadThe Getaway ... 2006 Music(#11 C64 Music at X'2006)
DownloadBlockhopper ... 2006 Crack
Downloadbullsid ... 2006 Music(#6 C64 Music at Primary Star 2006)
DownloadRevolution ... 2006 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Primary Star 2006)
Downloadalto voltaje ... 2006 Music(#5 C64 Music at Arok 2006)
DownloadElectronaut ... 2006 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Big Floppy People 2006)
DownloadFirst diskcover ... 2006 Disk Cover(Released at Big Floppy People 2006)
DownloadI Paint da World ... 2006 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Big Floppy People 2006)
DownloadPrincess L ... 2006 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Big Floppy People 2006)
DownloadUnnamed Art ... 2006 Graphics(#14 C64 Graphics at Big Floppy People 2006)
DownloadMarble Logic ... 2006 Crack
DownloadAt MO7 ... 2006 Music Collection
Downloadlotus 3 ... 2006 Music(#1 C64 Music at Maximum Overdose 7)
Downloadpleiades ... 2006 Music(#8 C64 Music at Maximum Overdose 7)
DownloadRide the High Country ... 2006 Music(#2 C64 Music at Maximum Overdose 7)
DownloadWhen I was a kid ... 2006 Music(#6 C64 Music at Maximum Overdose 7)
DownloadPushover 64 Preview ... 2006 Crack
DownloadAnother Rush of Blood ... 2006 Music(#5 C64 Music at Breakpoint 2006)
DownloadSPLTTRMNKY ... 2006 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at Breakpoint 2006)
DownloadFloating in Scope ... 2006 Music(#11 C64 Music at Forever 7)
Downloadpearls before swines ... 2006 Music(#12 C64 Music at Forever 7)
DownloadBowling ... 2006 Crack
DownloadStillout ... 2006 One-File Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Sankt Lars Meeting 2006)
DownloadStripe ... 2006 Tool(Released at Sankt Lars Meeting 2006)
DownloadStroke ... 2006 Tool(Released at Sankt Lars Meeting 2006)
DownloadFungus II +3 ... 2006 Crack
DownloadParralax Percs ... 2006 Music
Downloadspotlight ... 2005 Music(#4 Mixed Music at tUM 2005)
DownloadError 23 ... 2005 Music(#11 C64 Music at The SID Compo V)
DownloadAmazing Maze ... 2005 Crack
DownloadFalconian Invaders + ... 2005 Crack
DownloadElian ... 2005 Crack
DownloadHaunk ... 2005 Crack
DownloadOpal ... 2005 Crack
DownloadRamses ... 2005 Crack
DownloadRobbie ... 2005 Graphics Collection
DownloadMarble Logic Preview ... 2005 Crack (Preview)
DownloadWonderful Feeling ... 2005 Music(#2 Mixed Music at Sundown 2005)
DownloadTour de France 2005 ... 2005 Crack
DownloadSphaeristerium ... 2005 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at LCP 2005)
DownloadTRIAD "iopop intro" ... 2005 Crack Intro
DownloadOut of Booze Experience ... 2005 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Breakpoint 2005)
DownloadHipship ... 2005 4K Intro(#8 C64 4K Intro at Breakpoint 2005)
DownloadStella by Screenlight ... 2005 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2005)
Download78-80 ... 2005 One-File Demo(Released at Floppy 2005)
DownloadAntidote ... 2005 BBS Graphics(#4 Mixed Graphics at Floppy 2005)
DownloadImminent Threat ... 2005 One-File Demo(Released at Floppy 2005)
DownloadInvaderzim ... 2005 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2005)
DownloadThe Throckmorton Device ... 2005 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Floppy 2005)
DownloadBeatnik ... 2005 Music Collection
DownloadCoccinella ... 2004 Crack
DownloadLight Cycles [2 player] ... 2004 Crack
DownloadPhong! ... 2004 Crack
DownloadSquid Preview ... 2004 Crack
DownloadDodgem64 Preview ... 2004 Crack
DownloadFlubble and Squij Preview V2 +4H ... 2004 Crack (Preview)
DownloadExtreme Force Preview ... 2004 Crack
DownloadBomb Preview ... 2004 Crack
DownloadAnt Eater +2T ... 2004 Crack
DownloadSpace Warriors ... 2004 Crack
DownloadWavegame Preview ... 2004 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSpace Ric-o-Shay ... 2004 Crack
DownloadAttack of the Blue Bomber Preview +2 ... 2004 Crack
DownloadMole Attack ... 2004 Crack
DownloadCrack Mainia +4H ... 2004 Crack (100%)
DownloadOnslaught & Triad Intro ... 2004 Crack Intro
DownloadTyger Tyger ... 2004 Crack (OK)
DownloadBorderline ... 2004 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at LCP 2004)
DownloadDoktor Lasers Modala Experiment ... 2004 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at LCP 2004)
DownloadPride ... 2004 One-File Demo(#7 C64 Demo at LCP 2004)
DownloadScarlett ... 2004 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at LCP 2004)
DownloadTrac Troopa +3 ... 2004 Crack
DownloadDUX +2 ... 2004 Crack
DownloadSolitaire ... 2004 Crack
DownloadSuper Zaxxon-Cart +3 ... 2004 Crack
DownloadZaxxon-Cart +3D ... 2004 Crack
DownloadKid Grid 2: Kid vs. Kid +5 ... 2004 Crack
DownloadBerlin-Tegel Flughafen ... 2004 Music(#6 C64 Music at Floppy 2004)
DownloadCidade de Deus ... 2004 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2004)
DownloadUnder the Edge ... 2004 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Floppy 2004)
DownloadSolar Jetman +9D ... 2004 Crack
DownloadBaby Blues +3DF [lightgun] ... 2003 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadCandy ... 2003 One-File Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Year 2003 Christmas Demo Competition)
DownloadCosmic Storm +3D [lightgun] ... 2003 Crack
DownloadGhost Town +2DF [lightgun] ... 2003 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadGoose Busters +1DF [lightgun] ... 2003 Crack (NTSC fixed, 101%)
DownloadGunslinger +1D [lightgun] ... 2003 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadOperation Wolf +6 [lightgun] ... 2003 Crack
DownloadMetal Warrior 4 +2D ... 2003 Crack (100%)
DownloadBlax +5 ... 2003 Crack
DownloadHockey Mania Preview ... 2003 Crack
DownloadWeird World ... 2003 Crack
DownloadA.T.T.A.C V1.0 ... 2003 Tool
DownloadMad about Dane ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadPearlplate ... 2003 Tool
DownloadPetvjuscii ... 2003 Tool
DownloadThe Set Up ... 2003 One-File Demo
DownloadCollapsar +2 ... 2003 Crack
DownloadBlue in Green ... 2003 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at LCP 2003)
DownloadArmageddon Preview ... 2003 Crack (Onefiled, Preview)
DownloadAgeema Blues ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadTeam Patrol Preview ... 2003 Crack
DownloadMacho Programming ... 2003 Demo
DownloadA Rotten One! ... 2003 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2003)
DownloadHarmonious ... 2003 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Floppy 2003)
DownloadMacho Programming ... 2003 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2003)
DownloadTRIAD "Lightgun Intro" ... 2003 Crack Intro
DownloadChopper 1 ... 2002 Crack
DownloadFrogger Clone ... 2002 Crack
DownloadTron II ... 2002 Crack
DownloadOnslaught & Triad Intro ... 2002 Crack Intro
DownloadSceptre of Baghdad Uncut +DW ... 2002 Crack (OK)
DownloadLost Robot 2 Preview ... 2002 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCapture 2 102% ... 2002 Crack
DownloadBeatnik ... 2002 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at LCP 2002)
DownloadCompoPic ... 2002 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at LCP 2002)
Download10000 Years ... 2002 One-File Demo
DownloadLinko ... 2002 Crack
DownloadBounch! Preview + ... 2002 Crack
DownloadThe Run +3 ... 2002 Crack
DownloadHeli-Jump +2 [english] ... 2002 Crack
DownloadDevil's Gallery +4 [english] ... 2002 Crack
DownloadAlea Jacta +3 ... 2002 Crack
DownloadOver the Edge ... 2002 One-File Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Floppy 2002)
DownloadTheory and Practice ... 2002 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2002)
DownloadBOFH +8 ... 2002 Crack
DownloadBOFH Beta ... 2002 Crack
DownloadFirebird +D ... 2001 Crack
DownloadSlimer ... 2001 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Tao intro 1" ... 2001 Crack Intro
DownloadAniso + ... 2001 Crack
DownloadBubbles ... 2001 Crack
DownloadFloppy 2002 - the Invite ... 2001 Invitation
DownloadSnoopy II Preview ... 2001 Crack
DownloadWalker ... 2001 Crack
DownloadLucy ... 2001 One-File Demo
DownloadBallonacy Preview V3 ... 2001 Crack
DownloadFlowers vs. Heman ... 2001 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at LCP 2001)
DownloadMajakovskij ... 2001 Graphics(#1 Mixed Graphics at LCP 2001)
DownloadDetective Takashi Preview ... 2001 Crack
DownloadManhood 2 ... 2001 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at LCP 2001)
DownloadOppression ... 2001 One-File Demo
DownloadEmission ... 2001 One-File Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadLingo ... 2001 Crack
DownloadBuffy ... 2001 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Floppy 2001)
DownloadFeedback ... 2001 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Floppy 2001)
DownloadMetal Warrior III + ... 2001 Crack
DownloadOktober ... 2001 One-File Demo
DownloadCheeky Twins 3 Preview ... 2001 Crack
DownloadChicken Race ... 2001 Crack
DownloadChicken Race Preview V2 ... 2001 Crack (Preview)
DownloadManhood ... 2000 Demo(#2 WiLD Demo at DreamHack 2000)
DownloadLife Is a Bitch, Then You Get Cancer ... 2000 Music(#?? C64 Music at X'2000)
DownloadMicro Fighter ... 2000 Crack(Released at X'2000)
DownloadMetal Warrior III Preview ... 2000 Crack
Download26 Kg ... 2000 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at LCP 2000)
DownloadCompopic ... 2000 Graphics(#?? Mixed Graphics at LCP 2000)
DownloadÅke 3 +4 ... 2000 Crack
DownloadBjuv2k ... 2000 One-File Demo(Released at Bjuv2k)
DownloadRazor Preview ... 2000 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAbrakadabra Preview ... 2000 Crack
DownloadMetal Warrior 2 +6S ... 2000 Crack
DownloadHorsing Around ... 1999 Demo(#1 WiLD Demo at DreamHack '99)
DownloadTriad's da Name 99 ... 1999 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Remedy 1999)
DownloadTribute 2 My Biatch ... 1999 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Remedy 1999)
DownloadGo-Kart +H ... 1999 Crack
DownloadJoakim Allstar + ... 1999 Crack
DownloadPacmacx Preview ... 1999 Crack
DownloadDeath ... 1998 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Floppy 1998)
DownloadLil' Bastard ... 1998 Graphics(#?? Mixed at Floppy 1998)
DownloadPenguinism ... 1998 Music(#1 C64 Music at Floppy 1998)
DownloadThe Meltdown ... 1998 Music(#1 C64 Music at Floppy 1998)
DownloadUntitled ... 1998 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Floppy 1998)
DownloadSpice Up Your Life ... 1998 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at LCP 1998)
DownloadRefugee ... 1998 Demo
DownloadPast 'n' Present ... 1997 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at X'97 Takeover)
DownloadFalu Mix ... 1997 Music(#3 C64 Music at Kernel 1997)
DownloadSuper Hang-On ... 1997 Crack
DownloadByte-Buster V4.1 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadDeadly Messengers ... 1997 Crack
DownloadDeep Void +F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadMr. Setam Lady Killer +F ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadR - The Ultimate Joystick Killer Preview ... 1997 Crack
DownloadReversi ... 1997 Crack
DownloadStroke World +3P [english+german] ... 1997 Crack
DownloadX-Tris ... 1997 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadÅke 2 Preview ... 1997 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDark Minion ... 1996 Graphics(#17 C64 Graphics at The Party 1996)
DownloadLiquid Sword ... 1996 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at The Party 1996)
DownloadBubble Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTriad Xmas Intro ... 1996 Crack Intro
DownloadDave Speed +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLiquid Sword ... 1996 One-File Demo
DownloadMindexpander ... 1996 One-File Demo
DownloadDenniffia +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadNightmare ... 1996 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Flag 1996)
DownloadMood Preview V2 +2 ... 1996 Crack (Preview)
DownloadCuster ... 1996 Crack
DownloadAknakeresö ... 1996 Crack
DownloadDelite + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadAmbient Logo ... 1996 Graphics
DownloadBacon & Egg ... 1996 Misc.
DownloadBrave +4PF ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadByte-Buster V4.0 ... 1996 Tool
DownloadCar-o-Matic Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadCoined Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFields of Hades +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadFlower Cubes +F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadFred the Fruiter +1F ... 1996 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadFuture Tetris Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadHope to Hopp II +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadIce-Mania +2H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadInsanity + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadInsanity 2 Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadInto the Nature +4 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadKick Your Brain Preview + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadLaxity Logo ... 1996 Graphics
DownloadMah Jongg ... 1996 Crack
DownloadMayhem +3H ... 1996 Crack
DownloadOn Ice ... 1996 Crack
DownloadScorpion Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadSpeedy Slug +3 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadStarfighter Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadSwap with Triad ... 1996 Misc.
DownloadTerminus +3F ... 1996 Crack
DownloadThe Run Preview ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTime Out + ... 1996 Crack
DownloadTronik +5 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadUpside Down +4P ... 1996 Crack
DownloadVin Tim +3 [english] ... 1996 Crack
DownloadWords Don't Come Easy Preview +2 ... 1996 Crack
DownloadMidislave Manager V1.1 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadKurt Cobain ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at The Party 1995)
DownloadBomb Mania +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadDungeon Warriors +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "3angeltro intro" ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadTRIAD "Sailor Intro 1" ... 1995 Crack Intro
DownloadThe Awakener ... 1995 One-File Demo
DownloadGamers Guide #25 ... 1995 Diskmag
DownloadColora ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCubic +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadCubic Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDioroid + ... 1995 Crack
DownloadFred's in Trouble +4 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadInto the Nature Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadJerry / L.T.N.S ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadLaced Tiles ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMastermind ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMayhem Preview +3 ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMoppel the Nekroklast Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMorfix +2 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadPieces Preview ... 1995 Crack (Preview)
DownloadShaman +3 ... 1995 Crack
DownloadSilva Pod +3 ... 1995 Crack (101%)
DownloadTechnodream Preview ... 1995 Crack
DownloadThe Hacker Crackdown Part 1 ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadThe Hacker Crackdown Part 2 ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadThe Hacker Crackdown Part 3 ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadThe Hacker Crackdown Part 4 ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadThe Worm +2H ... 1995 Crack
DownloadMidislave Manager V1.0 Beta ... 1994 Tool
DownloadCompo Picture ... 1994 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Tribute 1994)
DownloadNo Control ... 1994 One-File Demo(#6 C64 Demo at Tribute 1994)
DownloadStrictly Core ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994)
DownloadWeather Wax ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994)
DownloadThe Unbits ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadGamers Guide #24 ... 1994 Diskmag
DownloadCube Magik ... 1994 Crack
DownloadGenloc Preview ... 1994 Crack (Preview)
DownloadAddgar +2P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLazarus Preview ... 1994 Crack (any, OK, Preview)(Released at Triad Summercamp + Vansinne 1994)
DownloadLemon Blues +1P ... 1994 Crack(Released at Triad Summercamp + Vansinne 1994)
DownloadTRIAD "Tao intro 2" ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadBouncy Cars ... 1994 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #23 ... 1994 Diskmag
DownloadMove +4 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #22 ... 1994 Diskmag
DownloadFred's Back 3 +2 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMusic-Assembler V1.4 ... 1994 Tool
DownloadTRIAD "Big block intro" ... 1994 Crack Intro
DownloadGamers Guide #21 ... 1994 Diskmag
DownloadDuel Strike +H ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTraveller ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadAstatin +P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadBlack and White ... 1994 Crack
DownloadCyberblocks + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadGeometric II + ... 1994 Crack
DownloadHairy Legs ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadIn Despair ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadJewel Chest ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLater Preview ... 1994 Crack
DownloadLemmings +P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadMastermind ... 1994 Crack (101%)
DownloadMini Office II - Ordbehandlaren [swedish] ... 1994 Crack
DownloadNo Control Preview ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadPortfolio II ... 1994 Graphics Collection
DownloadReactor ... 1994 Crack
DownloadRetro Torque ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSplitter ... 1994 Crack
DownloadSuper Nibbly +3P ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTit Bit 2 +3 ... 1994 Crack
DownloadTrident Music Collection ... 1994 Music Collection
DownloadWild Thing ... 1994 One-File Demo
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadDemon Mistress ... 1993 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at The Party 1993)
DownloadInto Oblivion ... 1993 Music(#15 C64 Music at The Party 1993)
DownloadJarre Freak ... 1993 Music(#14 C64 Music at The Party 1993)
DownloadTwinworld +4 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadCross'n'Circle ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMadrax +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadSuper Penetrator [polish] ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #20 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadFred's Back II +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadLittlesister ... 1993 Misc.
DownloadPair of Memory + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadParsec +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPortfolio ... 1993 Graphics Collection
DownloadTriad Intro ... 1993 Crack Intro
DownloadHans Kloss +3T ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #19 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadAtlantis ... 1993 Crack
DownloadKaramalz Cup ... 1993 Crack
DownloadAcid Runner ... 1993 Crack
DownloadDetonators +5 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadEoroid ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPsychic Kaos +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThe Unbits ... 1993 One-File Demo
DownloadWoody the Worm +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadEon +4D ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #18 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadGrell & Falla +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMove On + ... 1993 Crack(Released at The Computer Crossroad 1993)
DownloadThe Unbits ... 1993 One-File Demo
DownloadGamers Guide #17 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadArnie 2 +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBounce! + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadColor Buster ... 1993 Crack
DownloadFist Fighter + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadFrogger '93 + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadInternational Truck Racing + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #16 ... 1993 Diskmag
DownloadAlderan + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadConnection Gravity +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Alfatech Intro" ... 1993 Crack Intro
DownloadAction Replay 6 Hacked ... 1993 Tool
DownloadBall Land +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBallfever +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBallfever Preview + ... 1993 Crack (Preview)
DownloadBee 52 +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBolo +4 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadBounce It +4H ... 1993 Crack
DownloadCarnage ... 1993 Crack
DownloadCircuit +3P ... 1993 Crack
DownloadCollisions +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadColors ... 1993 Crack
DownloadCue Boy ... 1993 Crack
DownloadDaedalus + [seuck] ... 1993 Crack
DownloadDes Magiers Kugel ... 1993 Crack
DownloadDisc-o-Very ... 1993 Crack
DownloadFeeling ... 1993 Music
DownloadFlix + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadHektic II +3H ... 1993 Crack
DownloadIllusie ... 1993 Music
DownloadInternational Sports Challenge ... 1993 Crack
DownloadInternational Table Tennis ... 1993 Crack
DownloadJOSH +2PH ... 1993 Crack
DownloadKniffel+6 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadLemmings Preview ... 1993 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLogik-trainer ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMagic Fields + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMagnetic ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMayhem in Monsterland +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMcDonaldLand +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMega Starforce + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMethodos +7 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMind Control ... 1993 Demo
DownloadMiss Mind Ania ... 1993 Crack
DownloadMuehle ... 1993 Crack
DownloadNova ... 1993 Crack (101%)
DownloadOrion +2P ... 1993 Crack
DownloadOstfriesland Games ... 1993 Crack
DownloadP.P. Digger + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPerplex 2 +P ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPipe ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPlay a Match ... 1993 Crack
DownloadPlis +4 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadQuadris ... 1993 Crack
DownloadReversi GTI ... 1993 Crack
DownloadRowdy +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadSceptre of Baghdad + ... 1993 Crack
DownloadSensitive ... 1993 Crack
DownloadServant ... 1993 Music
DownloadShards +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadStix +P ... 1993 Crack
DownloadStroika ... 1993 Music
DownloadTamer + [seuck] ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThe Computer Crossroad 1993 - Photo Album ... 1993 Misc.
DownloadThe Darksword +3 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThe Party 93 Info ... 1993 Invitation
DownloadThe Quest of Kron ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThink Fast ... 1993 Crack
DownloadThunderboy +3H ... 1993 Crack
DownloadTrimatic v1.1 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadTune #02 ... 1993 Music
DownloadTwix Preview +2 ... 1993 Crack
DownloadWorking Stone +2P ... 1993 Crack
DownloadWorld Championship Squash ... 1993 Crack
DownloadZillion ... 1993 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #15.5 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadBallerup +2H ... 1992 Crack(Released at The Party 1992)
DownloadCaptain Dynamo +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadHideous +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBangers & Mash + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadInsane Hibisch ... 1992 Misc.
DownloadCross It +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadET's Rugby League ... 1992 Crack
DownloadFastback Writer V1.0 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadTriad Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadBattle Bars ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSensitive ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBlue Baron +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadRed Storm ... 1992 Demo
DownloadExis +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Gun +3 ... 1992 Crack (Import)
DownloadWacky Races +2 ... 1992 Crack (Import)
Download3rd Stone from the Sun ... 1992 Demo
DownloadHavin' Fun ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadJustice ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadAlien Killers + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadInternational Ice Hockey ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Alfatech trainer intro" ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadTurbo the Tortoise +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide Note Special ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadSoccer Pinball +3 ... 1992 Crack(Released at Light + Phenomena Easter Party 1992)
DownloadBrain Artifice ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDemon Blues Preview + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDouble Dare +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPot Fun + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPotsworth +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadStone Preview ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSuper Seymour + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadXiphoids +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAnother World +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "King Fisher Intro" ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadWinzer [german] ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAfterworld +7 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAngle +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAnnihilator + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadArnie + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAugie Doggie and Doggie Daddy +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBacktracking ... 1992 Music Collection
DownloadBlack Hornet +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBonanza Bros +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBouncer + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBubble Dizzy + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBubble Dizzy +6 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCatch ... 1992 Crack
DownloadChi-Taowon ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadComet Preview +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadConstruction of Confusion +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCool Croc Twins + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCorx Rebel Racers + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCreatures II +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCruel Zone ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDark Cosmos ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDeliverance +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDiamenty +1PT ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDiamenty +1PT ... 1992 Crack (101%)
DownloadDie Hard 2 +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDodge ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDr. Foster +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDreadnought II +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDuonoid +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDylan Dog +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadEmpius ... 1992 Crack
DownloadEruca ... 1992 Crack
DownloadEscape from Mars Preview + ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFlex Preview ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadForester +5H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGeo Matrix + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGrid + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadHektic +8 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadHook +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadHyper Aggressive ... 1992 Crack
DownloadIduna Preview +2 ... 1992 Crack (Import)
DownloadIduna Preview +2 ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadInternational Ninja Rabbits +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadJordgubbar ... 1992 One-File Demo
DownloadKangarudy +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadKilling Fields ... 1992 Crack
DownloadKlipp Barten av Hallvard Flatland ... 1992 Game
DownloadKoncept +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadKopido +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadKopido +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadLocomotion +3P [german] ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMagic Mouse in Goblin Land +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMission Nada +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMultris ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMunch ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMurray Mouse Super Cop + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMusic Collection ... 1992 Music Collection
DownloadMusic-Assembler V1.3 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadMuzzy Zoophyte +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNaughty Nudger +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNeuronics +2 ... 1992 Crack (Import)
DownloadNeuronics +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNibbly '92 +3H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNot Guilty ... 1992 Misc.
DownloadNova Aetas ... 1992 Crack
DownloadOskar ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPatternia +4H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPerplex ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPharaoh's Revenge +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPlasto ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPlexonoid +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPlutonium ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPot Fun ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPotsworth +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPush'em ... 1992 Crack
DownloadRainbow ... 1992 Crack
DownloadRed Storm ... 1992 Demo
DownloadRoad Runner + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadRobocop 3 Preview ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadRoll It + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSchere Stein Papier ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSlide + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSnowman + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSolitax + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Crusade ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Gun +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Towers +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpaze Duell Preview ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadStagger + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSteg the Slug + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadStop the Calippo Eater + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadStriker in the Crypt of Trogan +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSuper Seymour +6 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTai Chi Tortoise + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTai Chi Tortoise +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTechnotica ... 1992 Demo
DownloadTetrados +6 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Bod Squad +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Bod Squad Preview +2 ... 1992 Crack (Preview)
DownloadThe Golden Pyramids ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Jetsons +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThunder Jaws +6 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTimepuzzle ... 1992 Crack
DownloadToyballs +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTranslogic +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTreasure + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Dutch intro 1" ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadTRIAD "Dutch intro 2" ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadTRIAD "Wisdom intro" ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadTriplex ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTwin Down ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTwist ... 1992 Crack
DownloadUltrix + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadVioris ... 1992 Crack
DownloadWacky Races +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadWozzle +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadYathzee ... 1992 Crack
DownloadAtomic Robo-Kid +2 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
Download3D Stock Cars 2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCisco Heat + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadOracle + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadShot Away + [seuck] ... 1991 Crack(Released at Uppsala Hangover v3.0)
DownloadGamers Guide #15 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadFinal Fight +4 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadOne-Way-Trade ... 1991 Misc.
DownloadSpellbound Dizzy +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadRator +3 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadTriad & Fairlight Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadTurbo Charge +3D ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFinal Fight +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #14 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #13 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadPanic Dizzy +H ... 1991 Crack
DownloadShoikan ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #12 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadOut Take II + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadBouncing Heads +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCoalminer +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFlik Flak +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFlik Flak +2M ... 1991 Crack (100%)
DownloadIkarus ... 1991 Crack
DownloadKlotblixt ... 1991 Crack (any)
DownloadWinter Camp Preview ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadClystron +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #11 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGoodbye John ... 1991 Misc.
DownloadKrymini + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTip Trick +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadHalifax ... 1991 Crack
The July Rankings '91 ... 1991 Charts
DownloadGamers Guide #10 ... 1991 Diskmag
Download3D Scacchi Simulator ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPsycloid +2 ... 1991 Crack(Released at Uppsala Hangover v3.0)
DownloadTriad Intro ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadBack to the Future III +7 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #9 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadCygnus +6 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Hero intro" ... 1991 Crack Intro
DownloadGamers Guide #8 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #7 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadLate April ... 1991 Misc.
DownloadGamers Guide #6 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #5 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #4 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadLast Hojt ... 1991 Misc.
DownloadUtopia ... 1991 Demo
DownloadGamers Guide #3 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #2 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #2 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadExterminator +4 ... 1991 Crack
Download3D Construction Kit ... 1991 Crack
Download500cc Motomanager ... 1991 Crack
DownloadApoxoly +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadBeatball +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadBill & Ted's Excellent Adventure + ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadCavemania +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadChip's Challenge +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadChubby Chester +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadCompany Director 64 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDark Angel + [seuck] ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDeath in Effect +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDeri Colours +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDevotion ... 1991 Demo
DownloadDip Diver +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDomino ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDomino +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDomino +2 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadDouble Sphere ... 1991 Crack
DownloadDream Raider Preview ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadEinstein +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadEmlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz ... 1991 Crack
DownloadEngland Championship Special ... 1991 Crack
DownloadEvil Dream ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadFinal Fight +4 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadFirepit + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadFourty Five + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #3 NTSC ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGamers Guide #4 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadGilded Age + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGrafik Demo ... 1991 Graphics Collection
DownloadHammer Boy +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadHazar ... 1991 Crack
DownloadHazar ... 1991 Crack
DownloadI Play 3D Chess ... 1991 Crack
DownloadI Play 3D Soccer ... 1991 Crack
DownloadI Want More Diamonds +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadInsane Story Adventure ... 1991 Crack
DownloadInspector Hecti in the Inter Change +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadJahangir Khan Squash ... 1991 Crack
DownloadJocky Wilson's Darts Compendium ... 1991 Crack
DownloadJump Out ... 1991 Crack
DownloadL.A. Police Department +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLeague Soccer '91 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLethal Zone +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLethal Zone Preview ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadLevel-Squeezer V2.0 ++ ... 1991 Tool
DownloadLogical +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadLupo Alberto +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMad Springs ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMadness ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMadness + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadManchester United Europe ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMark, Set, Go! ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMastermind ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMastermind [german] ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMechanicus Preview ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMindbreaker ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMontrix +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMoonfall ... 1991 Crack
DownloadMusic-Assembler V1.1 ... 1991 Tool
DownloadMusic-Assembler V1.2 ... 1991 Tool
DownloadNarco Police +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadNinja Rabbits +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadNorth & South + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadNova Editor V1.0+ ... 1991 Tool
DownloadOby 1 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadOilmania +5 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadOut Take II + ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadOver the Net ... 1991 Crack(Released at Uppsala Hangover v3.0)
DownloadPhileas Fogg's Balloon Battles +5 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPick'n'Pile +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPredator 2 +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPride +1P ... 1991 Crack
DownloadPro-16 V2.3 ... 1991 Tool
DownloadPsycloid +2 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadPure Seed +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadQuick Draw McGraw +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadR.B.I. Baseball 2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadRator + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadRator Preview + ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadReaction ... 1991 Crack
DownloadRed October ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadRolling Ronny Preview ... 1991 Crack (Preview)
DownloadScumm +3H ... 1991 Crack (100%)
DownloadSentence +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSkull and Crossbones +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSleepwalker + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSmash TV + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSpikey in Transylvania +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadStack Up + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadStar Control ... 1991 Crack
DownloadStone Edge +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSuicide Solution ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSuper Cars +8 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSuperkid in Space +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSWIV +5 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadSynex +2 ... 1991 Crack (101%)
DownloadTanks ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Ball Game ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Crypt ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja III + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Simpsons - Bart vs. Space Mutants +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThe Ultimate Event + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadThruster Ball +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTime Out ... 1991 Demo
DownloadTough Guys +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTriad Disk Cover #2 ... 1991 Disk Cover
DownloadTriad Graphics Demo ... 1991 Graphics Collection
DownloadTriad Ranx #27 ... 1991 Charts
DownloadTube Madness + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTunnels of Terror +2 ... 1991 Crack (Recrack, Import)
DownloadTwin Morg Valley + ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTwinky Goes Hiking +2 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTwinworld +4 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadTwinworld +4 ... 1991 Crack (Import)
DownloadVincent +15H ... 1991 Crack
DownloadViNews #10 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #8 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadViNews #9 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadViz + ... 1991 Crack (100%)
DownloadWarrior +3 ... 1991 Crack
DownloadWisdom ... 1991 Demo
DownloadWorld Championship Soccer (v1) ... 1991 Crack
DownloadWorld Championship Soccer (v2) ... 1991 Crack
DownloadGamers Guide #1 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadE-Swat +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUN Squadron +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMicroleague Football ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Amazing Spider-Man + ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadAtomic Robo-Kid +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe Spy Who Loved Me +6 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "King Fisher Intro 2" ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadClue - Master Detective ... 1990 Crack (Import)(Released at Uppsala Hangover)
DownloadAircop 2000 +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCelluloid +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Sony intro" ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadThe System 3 '90 Transfer ... 1990 Tool
DownloadTime Machine + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDynasty Wars +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadIn Bergen ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Cyberlevels Transfer ... 1990 Tool
DownloadTriad-90 Demo ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadLooks Sharp II ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadJack the Nipper II + ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadCastle Master ... 1990 Crack(Released at Horizon Easterparty 1990)
DownloadImmortal ... 1990 Demo(Released at Horizon Easterparty 1990)
DownloadSonic Boom +4 ... 1990 Crack(Released at Horizon Easterparty 1990)
DownloadDan Dare III +7 ... 1990 Crack(Released at Horizon Easterparty 1990)
DownloadE-Motion +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadKo Opperation ... 1990 Demo(Released at Haninge Meeting)
DownloadBlack Tiger +5 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadScramble Spirits +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadContact Us ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadCowboy Kidz +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPower of Voice #2 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadPower of Voice #3 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadChaos + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDaily Double Horse Racing ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMountain Bike Racer +7 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadWorld Soccer ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHandmade ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadJan10-1990 ... 1990 Misc.
DownloadSuckpipe ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadPower of Voice #1 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadToxic-Stranger ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadWastelands +5 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAfter the War +8 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAnders Limpar's Proffs Fotboll ... 1990 Crack
DownloadArcade Fruit Machine - Cash'n'Grab +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAtom Ant +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBack to the Future II +5 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlood Money +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlue Angels ... 1990 Crack
DownloadChampionship Jet Ski Simulator +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCollection ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadDragon's Kingdom +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadFantasy World Dizzy + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadFor Kicks ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadGalacty Force ... 1990 Crack
DownloadGalaxy Force II +2 ... 1990 Crack (Onesided)
DownloadGreat Courts ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHellhole +6 ... 1990 Crack(Released at Uppsala Hangover)
DownloadHighlander ... 1990 Crack
DownloadJungle Patrol ... 1990 Crack
DownloadLickpipe ... 1990 Demo
DownloadMaze Mania +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMega Co-Demo '90 ... 1990 Demo
DownloadMetaplex +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadP-47 Thunderbolt +3 ... 1990 Crack (101%)
DownloadParallel Cables - Drive Repairs ... 1990 Misc.
DownloadPotrzebie ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadPower of Voice Special Issue #2 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadPravda ... 1990 Demo
DownloadSarge Show ... 1990 Graphics Collection
DownloadSkatin' USA +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSnow Strike ... 1990 Crack (100%)
DownloadSpace Harrier II +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSpi Preview ... 1990 Crack (Preview)
DownloadSteel Eagle +4 ... 1990 Crack (101%)
DownloadStormlord 2 - Deliverance + ... 1990 Crack (100%)
DownloadStudio Releases ... 1990 Misc.
DownloadStun Runner + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSummer Camp +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSuperkid + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTape-Turbo ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadTetroid +5 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe Amazing Spider-Man + ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Ninja Warriors +5 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe Wombles + ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Wombles + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTime Machine + ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadTime Machine +1D ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadTime Machine +1D ... 1990 Crack (Recrack, Import)
DownloadTriad 4 Years ... 1990 Demo
DownloadTunnels of Terror +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTurbo Kart Racer +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTurn It +2 ... 1990 Crack(Released at Uppsala Hangover)
DownloadWobbler + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadX-Out Preview ... 1990 Crack
DownloadYogi Bear & Friends in the Greed Monster +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadFifi ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadRingwars ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadRingwars ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSnare +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFilthy 801 ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadThe End of Slaygon ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadThe FSK-Demo ... 1989 Demo(Released at Venlo Meeting November 1989)
DownloadContinental Circus + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMassacre ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadProphecy II ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadTerry's Big Adventure +4 ... 1989 Crack(Released at Horizon Micro Meeting 1989)
DownloadSept 25 89 ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadBatman the Movie +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadHippopotamus ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadMegapuke! ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadCaptain Fizz - Meets the Blaster-Trons +6 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadNibCopy V1.0 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTriad Aug 22 89 ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadBest of Guran ... 1989 One-File Demo(#?? C64 Demo at DatorMagazin Competition)
DownloadSummertime Blues ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadMotorhead +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadVigilante + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLamercity ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadProject Hell-Storm ... 1989 Crack
DownloadQuad +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMums i afton ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadNo Virgin ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadWonderland ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadNo Booze ... 1989 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Horizon & Equinoxe 1989)
DownloadGrand Monster Slam ... 1989 Crack(Released at Horizon & Equinoxe 1989)
DownloadSuper-Mega-Extra-Plus-Boulder-Dash + ... 1989 Game
DownloadTank Action ... 1989 Crack
DownloadOxxonian +4H ... 1989 Crack(Released at Horizon & Equinoxe 1989)
DownloadHard'n'Heavy +6 ... 1989 Crack
Speedball ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSpeedball ... 1989 Crack
DownloadAn Explanation of Things ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadPartyfreax ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadRaster Blast ... 1989 One-File Demo(Released at Horizon & Triad Meeting 1989)
DownloadVinter Mums ... 1989 One-File Demo(Released at Horizon & Triad Meeting 1989)
DownloadDemon's Winter ... 1989 Crack(Released at Horizon & Equinoxe 1989)
DownloadFirst Over Germany ... 1989 Crack
DownloadDark Fusion +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSome Stuff ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadShanghai Warriors +3F ... 1989 Crack (NTSC fixed, Import)
DownloadAdvanced Pinball Simulator +1H ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCarlsberg and Tuborg ... 1989 Demo(#?? C64 Demo at Ikari & Zargon Party 1989)
DownloadZygon Warrior + ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadCocktail ... 1989 Demo(#6 C64 Demo at Rawhead, Bros, Suppliers Party)
DownloadEdelweizzz ... 1989 Music
DownloadHZ Head 1/4 ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadParty ... 1989 Music
DownloadSam Fox OO ... 1989 Music
DownloadStraight ... 1989 Music
DownloadAnd Out Comes Georg ... 1989 Music
DownloadDealer Quality Software ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadJumpsword ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadTriad ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadTriad+Light-Co ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadSinus Maker V1.0 ... 1989 Tool
DownloadF-14 Tomcat +F ... 1989 Crack (PAL fixed, 100%, Import)
DownloadLED Storm ... 1989 Crack
DownloadUB40 ... 1989 Music Collection
DownloadDon't Stop at the Top ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadSpacewalker ... 1989 One-File Demo(Released at Triad Bålsta Meeting 1989)
DownloadSplit ... 1989 One-File Demo(Released at Triad Bålsta Meeting 1989)
DownloadTank Attack + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBert the Bug Bites Back ... 1989 Crack
Download3x3 Editor ... 1989 Tool
DownloadAspar Grand Prix Master ... 1989 Crack
DownloadAspar Grand Prix Master ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBlast Ball +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBlasteroids ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBlue Angel 69 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBojo ... 1989 Crack
DownloadChase HQ +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadChicago's 30 + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadChuck It ... 1989 Misc.
DownloadElectro World ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFallen Angel +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFast Break ... 1989 Crack(Released at Ikari & Zargon Party 1989)
DownloadHillsfar ... 1989 Crack
DownloadKings of Comedy + [seuck] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLight+Triad+Oneway Party ... 1989 Invitation
DownloadMeg II ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadMeg II Writer ... 1989 Tool
DownloadMonolith Tank + [seuck] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMusic Producer Preview ... 1989 Crack (Preview)
DownloadMusix from Microsoccer ... 1989 Music
DownloadNeutralizor + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadPoga ... 1989 Crack
DownloadPowerboat Simulator ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRally Cross +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRed Heat +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRenegade III + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRetirement ... 1989 One-File Demo
DownloadRings'n'Up ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRun the Gauntlet ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSnare + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadStrider +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTiger Hell + [seuck] ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadTiger Tank ... 1989 Crack
DownloadToobin + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadWar Zone + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadWEC Le Mans + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadZygon Warrior + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTwin Cobra +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadTwin Cobra + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadTwin Cobra [seuck] ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadDisk Note Dec 12 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadSlayer + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadCelebrate ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadKim Wilde ... 1988 Music
DownloadRun801D(M)C ... 1988 Music
DownloadYf Naf ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadAlien Kill + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadAlien Kill II - The Final Encounter + [seuck] ... 1988 Crack
DownloadGuest Talk ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadNot More Martians + [seuck] ... 1988 Crack
DownloadRoad Duels + [seuck] ... 1988 Crack
DownloadViper +5 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadT-bomb ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadVa fan du vill ... 1988 One-File Demo(Released at Alvesta Party November 1988)
DownloadThe Last Ninja II +3 ... 1988 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadCybernoid 2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadArt of '88 ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadDracula II ... 1988 Crack
DownloadArt of '88 ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadFashion ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadIncubator ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadInsect ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadTran-sarge ... 1988 Graphics Collection
DownloadXecution 6 ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadTaking a Break ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadPC-Pert ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadArkanoid + V2 ... 1988 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadDi-Art ... 1988 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadMessage To My Contacts! ... 1988 Misc.
DownloadDizzy + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadIllegal #29 ... 1988 Papermag
DownloadTo Mega Therion ... 1988 One-File Demo(Released at Jewels/Danish Gold/Dominators/Upfront Party 1988)
DownloadParsec Ten Preview ... 1988 Crack (Preview)
DownloadNavcom 6 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadDark Side +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadFade Away ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTaking a Break ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadFade Away ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadMain Frame ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Chase on Tom Sawyer's Island ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadManiax + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadOhhh No ... 1988 Crack
DownloadNight Racer + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPsyco Car ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadThe Bard's Tale III + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadInvade-A-Load + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Bard's Tale III + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadRejection ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadAaarrgggh! ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadPower ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadBeyond the Ice Palace +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadLorin ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadMasters ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadPoltergeist +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPsyco Car ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadIt's Me ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadManiax + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadVixen +H ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadDraconus +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadSub-culture ... 1988 One-File Demo
Download2x2 Genius ... 1988 Tool
DownloadIllegal #28 ... 1988 Papermag
Download2x2 Genius ... 1988 Tool
DownloadKraftwerk "We are the Robots" ... 1988 Music
DownloadKarnov +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadIO +4 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadP.O.D. +4 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadCamshaft ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadCanonrider + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadVivaldi's 4 Seasons - The Autumn ... 1988 Music
DownloadVivaldi's 4 Seasons - The Spring ... 1988 Music
DownloadVivaldi's 4 Seasons - The Summer ... 1988 Music
DownloadVivaldi's 4 Seasons - The Winter ... 1988 Music
DownloadG.U.T.Z. +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadHeavy Metal ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadClassic Concentration ... 1988 Crack
DownloadSinbad and the Throne of the Falcon ... 1988 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadDraconus +H ... 1988 Crack
DownloadToxic Trace ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadIllegal #27 ... 1988 Papermag(Released at Venlo Meeting March 1988)
DownloadPartytime ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadArkanoid II +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadTarget Renegade +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadGee Bee Air Rally ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadCybernoid + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadDeviants +3 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThrust 2 +1H ... 1988 Crack
DownloadDragon ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadIntro Dust ... 1988 Intro Collection
DownloadThe Movie ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadThunder Light Preview +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadIllegal Demo March ... 1988 Diskmag
Download2x2 Genius ... 1988 Tool
DownloadMad ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadXecution 4 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Games: Winter Edition ... 1988 Crack (PAL fixed, Import)
DownloadTRIAD "Import intro" ... 1988 Crack Intro
DownloadXecution 5 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTiger Hell [seuck] ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Cure ... 1988 Music
DownloadIO +4 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadSubterranea + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadSuper Hang-On ... 1988 Crack
DownloadCracker League ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadIO +4 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadCracker League ... 1988 Crack
DownloadAdvanced Tactical Fighter ... 1988 Crack
DownloadIn the Middle! ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Games: Winter Edition +F ... 1988 Crack (NTSC fixed)
DownloadIntro Dust ... 1988 Intro Collection
DownloadTiger Hell +F [seuck] ... 1988 Crack (NTSC fixed, Import)
DownloadRastan +3 ... 1988 Crack (101%, Import)
DownloadIllegal #26 ... 1988 Papermag(Released at Venlo Meeting February 1988)
DownloadMusic Wipp 001 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadPossessed ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadScout +3H ... 1988 Crack
DownloadShort VIII ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Corporation ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadArkanoid II - Revenge of Doh +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadRolling Thunder +5 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadArkanoid II +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadCaza ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadHumanoid ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadIllegal Demo March ... 1988 Diskmag
DownloadLet's Kill ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadSinbad and the Throne of the Falcon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadXecution 4 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadArkanoid II +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadRockford +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadTask III +2H ... 1988 Crack
DownloadKatakis Preview ... 1988 Crack (Import, Preview)
DownloadIllegal #26 Preview ... 1988 Diskmag
DownloadTiger Hell [seuck] ... 1988 Game
DownloadIllegal Demo February ... 1988 Diskmag
DownloadF.A.M.E. Demo #6 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadGryzor +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadNew Triad Intro ... 1988 Intro
DownloadBeastie B ... 1988 Music
DownloadBedlam ... 1988 Crack
DownloadI-Ball II +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPower at Sea ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadLED Storm ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadOutrageous Pages ... 1988 Crack
DownloadCatz ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadI-Ball II +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadIllegal #25 ... 1988 Papermag
DownloadXecution 2 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTraz ... 1988 Crack
DownloadArkanoid II - Revenge of Doh + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadArkanoid II +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadBlack Lamp + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadDeviants +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadF.A.M.E. Demo #1 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadFirefly +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadFirefly +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadMad ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadOver Gold ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadRockford + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadXecution 1 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadXecution 3 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadReturn ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadHate ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon +4 ... 1988 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadPlatoon +4 ... 1988 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon +4 ... 1988 Crack (Broken, Import)
DownloadKnight Games II - Space Trilogy ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadGorbatjov ... 1988 Music
DownloadKraftwerk "We are the Robots" ... 1988 Music
DownloadThe Cure ... 1988 Music
DownloadZZ-Top ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadATV Simulator +M ... 1988 Crack
DownloadBasket Master + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadGryzor ... 1988 Crack
DownloadIllegal #25 Preview ... 1988 Diskmag
DownloadOctapolis + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadRastan +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadScumball ... 1988 Crack
DownloadStarpic ... 1988 One-File Demo
Download1943 - The Battle of Midway +4 ... 1988 Crack
Download2x2 Genius ... 1988 Tool
DownloadAl Kadaffi ... 1988 Music
DownloadAlf - The First Adventure ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadAlien Shit ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadAliens ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadAnnals of Rome ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadArkanoid II - Revenge of Doh ... 1988 Crack
DownloadAssassin ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadBack Up ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadBarbarian +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadBasket Master ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadBlack Lamp + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadBlood Brothers + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadBMX Kidz + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadButton & Badge Maker ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadC'mon Nik of Ikari ... 1988 Misc.
DownloadColossus Mah Jong (and Tutor) ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadCosmic Causeway + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadCracker League ... 1988 Crack
DownloadCrackies V2.4 ... 1988 Tool
DownloadCrackies V2.5++++ ... 1988 Tool
DownloadCybernoid ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadCybernoid + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadCybernoid + ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadDeviants +3 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadDi-Art ... 1988 Game
DownloadDouble-Act ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadDracotunes ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadDream Warrior +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadEl Kadaffi ... 1988 Music
DownloadFCG Intro 01 ... 1988 Intro
DownloadFirezone ... 1988 Crack
DownloadG.U.T.Z. +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadGarrison +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadGösta ... 1988 Music
DownloadHawkeye +5 ... 1988 Crack (Broken)
DownloadI-Ball II +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadIkari ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadIkari Warriors 2 [seuck] ... 1988 Game
DownloadIkari Warriors II ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadIllegal #30 Preview ... 1988 Diskmag
DownloadIllegal Preview April ... 1988 Diskmag
DownloadIncubator 2 ... 1988 Graphics
DownloadIntro 88 ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadKatakis Preview ... 1988 Crack
DownloadKnockup ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadLivercool ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadMask III - Venom Strikes Back +3 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadMetallized ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadMetron ... 1988 Crack
DownloadMindblower ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadMosh It Up ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadNew Triad Intro ... 1988 Intro
DownloadOctapolis + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadOh No! +H ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPeace Sells ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon Part 1 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon Part 2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadPotty Painter +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadPower ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadPredator +6 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadProphecy ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadPurgatory ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadQuestron II ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadRaid Over DK ... 1988 Misc.
DownloadRedled ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadRepentance ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadReptilia Demo ... 1988 Graphics Collection
DownloadRoadblasters +4 ... 1988 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadRobocop ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadRollaround + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadROM-Mon V1.0 ... 1988 Tool
DownloadSabotage ... 1988 Crack
DownloadSanxion ... 1988 Crack (Onefiled)
DownloadSavage Intro ... 1988 Crack
DownloadShackled +5 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadSmall Vector Demo ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadSmall'n'Mean ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadStarball 2  ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTarget Renegade +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadTarget Renegade +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Corporation ... 1988 Crack
DownloadThe Games: Winter Edition ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Three Stooges ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Vindicator +7 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadThird Demo ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTimes of Lore ... 1988 Crack
DownloadTimes of Lore ... 1988 Crack
DownloadTo Be on Top ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTo Hell and Back +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadToxic Tragedy ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTraz ... 1988 Crack
DownloadTraz Music ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTri-Field ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTriad Meets Fame ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTriad Meets Fame ... 1988 One-File Demo
DownloadTroll + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadTwin Cobra [seuck] ... 1988 Game
DownloadTwin Cobra +2 ... 1988 Crack (Import)
DownloadVector Ball ... 1988 Crack
DownloadVindicator Music ... 1988 Music
DownloadVixen +H ... 1988 Crack
DownloadWheelies + ... 1988 Crack
DownloadZodia +2 ... 1988 Crack
DownloadR.I.S.K. +3 ... 1987 Crack (101%, Import)
DownloadHunter's Moon +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadHunter's Moon + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMadballs + ... 1987 Crack(Released at Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987)
DownloadDeflektor + ... 1987 Crack(Released at Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987)
DownloadDiscovery + ... 1987 Crack(Released at Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987)
DownloadI-Alien ... 1987 Crack(Released at Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987)
DownloadMasters of the Universe - The Movie +2 ... 1987 Crack(Released at Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987)
DownloadPoint X + ... 1987 Crack(Released at Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987)
DownloadPoint X + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadGalactic Games ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadFireTrap +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadGreatest ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadSozzled++ ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Cat ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadThunder ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadColossus Mah Jong (and Tutor) ... 1987 Crack
DownloadFireTrap +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGalactic Games ... 1987 Crack
DownloadInside Outing + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadLegions of Death ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadOut Run + ... 1987 Crack (101%)
DownloadCombat School +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
Download720° ... 1987 Crack
DownloadOut Run ... 1987 Crack
Download500cc Grand Prix ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadCosmic Causeway + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDemo of the Year '87 ... 1987 Demo
DownloadEscape from Paradise + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadFalcon + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMadballs + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadPlasmatron + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadPoint X + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRogue Trooper + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSailing ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSerpent Picture ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadSkyfox II ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTranzor ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadSelf Portrait ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadStrange.. ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Trichar Packer V1.71 (+sourcecode) ... 1987 Tool
DownloadQuedex +M ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadR.I.S.K. ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadShoot 'em Up Construction Kit ... 1987 Crack
DownloadYogi Bear ... 1987 Crack
DownloadCombat School +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadInside Outing + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadInspector Gadget +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNebulus +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadOkinawa +P ... 1987 Crack
DownloadOperation Iceberg - The Battle for Okinawa ... 1987 Crack
DownloadR.I.S.K. +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRampage + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRygar + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadYogi Bear + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMusic from Inspector Gadget ... 1987 Music
DownloadFront 242 ... 1987 Music
DownloadEsfpetanof ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadThundercats +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Chessmaster 2000 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTrantor + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBobsleigh ... 1987 Crack
DownloadR.I.S.K. ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEddie ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadA New Dimension ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadInspector Gadget ... 1987 Crack
DownloadChanged ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadDriller ... 1987 Crack
DownloadQuedex +M ... 1987 Crack
DownloadIce ... 1987 Graphics
Download1 Hour ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadAnnals of Rome ... 1987 Crack (Import)
Freddy Hardest + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadAnnals of Rome ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDruid II +2H ... 1987 Crack (101%)
DownloadFreddy Hardest + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadIK+ + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMask +2 ... 1987 Crack (101%)
DownloadPassengers on the Wind 2 + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSuperstar Soccer ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMask +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Janitor intro" ... 1987 Crack Intro
DownloadStar Trecking ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadArtificial ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1987 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadAirborne Ranger ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadConnection '87 ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadHysteria +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadJack the Nipper II ... 1987 Crack
DownloadJack the Nipper II + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadStreet Sports Basketball ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSuper Sprint +2 ... 1987 Crack (101%, Import)
DownloadThunderchopper ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTrans Am ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadAthena + V2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHysteria ... 1987 Crack
DownloadWater Polo ... 1987 Crack
DownloadAthena + V1 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHunter's Moon Preview ... 1987 Crack (Preview)
DownloadHysteria +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadRoadblasters ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadAsteroid ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadSuper Sprint +2 ... 1987 Crack (101%)
DownloadArmageddon Man ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadCleanup Service + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadR-Type ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadSpecial Agent +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTunnel Vision ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadEurythmicars ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadHa Ha ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadQuedex ... 1987 Crack
DownloadCleanup Service + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBubble Bobble + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHead to Head Karate ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBismarck [english] ... 1987 Crack
DownloadPlasmatron + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadX-15 Alpha Mission ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMotos + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadKaos + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadPlasmatron + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSolomon's Key + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSlot Car Racer ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSaboteur II + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMega Apocalypse + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadIntergalactic Cage Match ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadIntergalactic Cage Match ... 1987 Crack
DownloadLast Mission + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMega Apocalypse + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadPool 87 & Snooker 87 (Mastertronic) ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMr. Weems ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMr. Weems ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMr. Weems ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadReturn of the Mutant Camels ... 1987 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadReturn of the Mutant Camels ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSaboteur II + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBreaker Picture ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadHang Over ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRapid Fire +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadStarfox + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadWiz + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadJoe Blade +4 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadJoe Blade +4 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadJoe Blade +4 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRampage Demo ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSwamp Fever + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSwamp Fever + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSwamp Fever + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArmageddon Man ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEvening Star ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRedled + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadAnarchy + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDeath Wake 2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadFront 242 ... 1987 Music
DownloadLivingstone I Presume + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNBA Basketball ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTunnel Vision ... 1987 Crack
DownloadVegas Gambler ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadFried Chicken ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadGraphix Magic Jr ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadHigh Frontier ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile +1P ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile +1P ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadACE 2 + ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadACE 2 + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadACE 2 + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadACE 2 + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGood Name ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Inheritance - Chaos in Scotland + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBop'n Rumble ... 1987 Crack (NTSC only, Import)
DownloadDeep Strike + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Guild of Thieves ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Inheritance - Chaos in Scotland + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Inheritance - Chaos in Scotland + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDeep Strike + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTop Fuel Eliminator ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadExolon +5 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadHigh Frontier ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Living Daylights +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNew International Standard ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadRevs Plus ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Enforcer ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Living Daylights +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadNew Int. Standard ... 1987 Misc.(Released at Danish Gold Copy Party 1987)
DownloadGame Over ... 1987 Crack
DownloadConvoy Raider ... 1987 Crack
DownloadConvoy Raider ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadArkanoid Editor ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDefender of the Crown +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDefender of the Crown +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRe-Bounder + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadFrenesis ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRe-Bounder + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRealm ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadStar Paws + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadStar Paws + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Fifth Quadrant ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadS.P.U.D. ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBride of Frankenstein + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBride of Frankenstein + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSnap Dragon + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMax Torque ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadLaurel & Hardy ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadLaurel & Hardy ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTrans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTrans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge ... 1987 Crack
DownloadPassengers on the Wind ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadPassengers on the Wind ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGribbly's Special Day Out +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMax Torque ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMax Torque ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadQuartet + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadShadow Skimmer + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSlap Fight +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSlap Fight +5 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadIQ +D ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRogue Trooper + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSlap Fight ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSlap Fight +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadQuartet + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadShadow Skimmer + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThing Bounces Back + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadFalcon + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadKat Trap + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEagles + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGribbly's Special Day Out +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTop Gun +D ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHades Nebula + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMag Max + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRogue Trooper + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadWizball + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadWonderboy + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBarbarian Part 1 and 2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEscape from Paradise + ... 1987 Crack (NTSC only, Import)
DownloadCharming ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadThe Three Musketeers ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGun Runner + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEscape from Paradise + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHead Over Heels + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMetro-Cross + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid ... 1987 Crack (Broken, Import)
DownloadTemple of Terror ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDogfight 2187 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadCyborg + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadExpress Raider + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGunstar +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadPneumatic Hammers ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThanatos + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEnduro Racer +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadEnduro Racer ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArmy Moves + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMario Bros + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSamurai Trilogy ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTwin Tornado ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSee Seasickness ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadNemesis the Warlock +4 ... 1987 Crack
Download500cc Grand Prix ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRIP-004 ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadRIP-017 ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadRip-057 ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadThe Great Escape ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDeath or Glory ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNether Earth ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSun Star ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTiger Mission + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadShockway Rider +3 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNo Mercy ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadScrollmaker V2.1 ... 1987 Tool
DownloadStar Raiders II ... 1987 Crack
DownloadFire Track ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDelta + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBig Trouble in Little China + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNemesis - The Final Challenge + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadRanarama + ... 1987 Crack
Download1943 - One Year After ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadSailing ... 1987 Crack (Import)
Download10th Frame ... 1987 Crack
DownloadAftermath + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMurder off Miami ... 1987 Crack
DownloadPresident ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "3D Z intro" ... 1987 Crack Intro
DownloadInto the Eagle's Nest + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTerminator + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadLaserwheel ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Curse of Sherwood ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHe-Man and the Masters of the Universe + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSailing ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Equalizer + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid + V2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid +2 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadP.O.D. ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Mr. Z intro" ... 1987 Crack Intro
DownloadMoon Crisis 1999 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadStrejk ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadGalax-i-Birds + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadBomb Jack II + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadShao Lin's Road + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadGunslinger ... 1987 Crack
DownloadKobayashi Naru + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadKobayashi Naru + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadKrakout + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMutants + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadFootball Fortunes ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe 5th Axis + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadLeviathan ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadLeviathan + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadNosferatu the Vampyre ... 1987 Crack
DownloadExplorer ... 1987 Crack
DownloadShort Circuit + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHe-Man and the Masters of the Universe - The Adventure ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTerraquake ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTerror of the Deep ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Mr. Z intro 2" ... 1987 Crack Intro
DownloadRaid 2000 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHyper Bowl ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSport of Kings ... 1987 Crack
DownloadAliens ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadChameleon ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadLucifers Revenge ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadScrollmaker V1.1 ... 1987 Tool
DownloadDouble Take + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadAliens ... 1987 Crack
DownloadChameleon ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDiskbusters V2.0 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSuperkit ... 1987 Crack (PAL only)
DownloadJail Break ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadJail Break + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadCobra + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTomahawk +D ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadChameleon ... 1987 Crack
Download221b Baker Street ... 1987 Crack (Import)
Download801 / Cazzoni Demo ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadAirborne Ranger ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadAliens ... 1987 Crack
DownloadArkanoid +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadAthena + V1 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBig Trouble in Little China + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadBoing-boom-triad ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadBulldog ... 1987 Crack
DownloadCleanup Service + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadCommando ... 1987 Crack
DownloadConvoy Raider ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadCyrus II ... 1987 Crack
DownloadCyrus II ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDeath or Glory ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadEnduro Racer ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadEnduro Racer ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadFantasy ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadFireTrap +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadFreddy Hardest + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadGee Bee Air Rally ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHellgate ... 1987 Crack
DownloadHover Bovver ... 1987 Crack
DownloadImportant! ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadInvade-A-Load + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadJail Break ... 1987 Crack
DownloadKayleth ... 1987 Crack
DownloadLaser Gun ... 1987 Crack
DownloadLoader Game ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMag Max + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMario Bros + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMega Apocalypse ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadMega Apocalypse + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadMr. Z Compress ... 1987 Tool
DownloadNo Comments ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadOperation Iron Hawk Preview ... 1987 Crack
DownloadParadroid - Competition Edition ... 1987 Crack (100%)
DownloadPhobia ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadPool 87 & Snooker 87 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRedled + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRIP-027 ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadRip-028 ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadRip-029 ... 1987 Misc.
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadSailing ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSailing ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSailing ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSanxion ... 1987 Crack
DownloadSlap Fight ... 1987 Crack
DownloadStar Paws ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadSuperkit ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTerra Cresta ... 1987 Crack
DownloadTerror of the Deep ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadTerrorpods ... 1987 Game
DownloadThe 5th Axis + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Curse of Sherwood ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Equalizer + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile +2 ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadThunder Force ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadTriad and FairLight Copyparty 1987 Invitation ... 1987 Invitation
DownloadTriad Piccy ... 1987 One-File Demo
DownloadWizball + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadWizball + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadWonderboy + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadWonderboy + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadWorld Games ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadWorld Games ... 1987 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadX-29 Fighter Mission ... 1987 Crack
DownloadYogi Pic ... 1987 Graphics
DownloadZolo + ... 1987 Crack (Import)
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape + ... 1986 Crack
DownloadFootballer of the Year ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTomahawk ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadTomahawk ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDandy ... 1986 Crack
DownloadFuture Knight ... 1986 Crack
DownloadStar Soldier ... 1986 Crack
DownloadStarglider ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHoward the Duck + ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHoward the Duck ... 1986 Crack
DownloadBlood 'n Guts ... 1986 Crack
Download221b Baker Street ... 1986 Crack
DownloadArcticfox ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHypa-Ball ... 1986 Crack
DownloadLegend of Kage ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTerra Cresta ... 1986 Crack
DownloadArnie's America's Cup Challenge ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDefcom ... 1986 Crack
DownloadAvenger ... 1986 Crack
DownloadCrystal Castles ... 1986 Crack
DownloadXeno ... 1986 Crack
Download1943 - One Year After ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDonkey Kong ... 1986 Crack
DownloadFirelord ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHeartland ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "Lucifer intro 2" ... 1986 Crack Intro
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadXevious ... 1986 Crack
DownloadBreakthru ... 1986 Crack
DownloadExtra Ignored ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadTarzan ... 1986 Crack
DownloadScooby Doo ... 1986 Crack
DownloadBoulder Dash Construction Kit ... 1986 Crack
DownloadYie Ar Kung-Fu II ... 1986 Crack
DownloadChampionship Wrestling ... 1986 Crack
DownloadMission Assault ... 1986 Crack
DownloadWarrior 2 ... 1986 Crack
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack (Recrack)
DownloadPanther ... 1986 Crack
DownloadStrike Force Cobra ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "3D intro" ... 1986 Crack Intro
DownloadAuriga ... 1986 Crack
DownloadCamelot Warriors ... 1986 Crack
DownloadCaptured ... 1986 Crack
DownloadErebus ... 1986 Crack
DownloadGalivan ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSeek and Destroy 1 ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadTRIAD "Lucifer intro 1" ... 1986 Crack Intro
DownloadDestroyer ... 1986 Crack
DownloadFist II - The Legend Continues ... 1986 Crack
DownloadBrilliant Triad! ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadSanxion ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTRIAD "3D intro 2" ... 1986 Crack Intro
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDeactivators ... 1986 Crack
DownloadThai Boxing ... 1986 Crack
DownloadPub Games ... 1986 Crack
DownloadRead the 64'er ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadAsterix and the Magic Cauldron ... 1986 Crack
Download7.55 with Triad ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadBrev nr. 1 ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadThe Triad Letter ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadSupermessage V1.0 ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadJust Greetings ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadMetalpart ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadSuper Greetings V1 ... 1986 Misc.
Download1942 ... 1986 Crack
Download801 Intro ... 1986 Intro
Download801 Letter #5 ... 1986 Misc.
Download801 Letter #6 ... 1986 Misc.
Download801 Letter #7 ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadChampionship Wrestling ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadDan Dare ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDeactivators ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadDemo of Triad ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadDonkey Kong ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDruid ... 1986 Crack
DownloadFCopy V3.0 ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHighlander ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHighlander ... 1986 Crack
DownloadIt's a Knockout ... 1986 Crack
DownloadJack the Nipper ... 1986 Crack
DownloadJudge Dredd ... 1986 Crack
DownloadKettle ... 1986 Crack
DownloadKwah? ... 1986 Crack
DownloadLegions of Death ... 1986 Crack
DownloadLightforce ... 1986 Crack
DownloadLocation Demo ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadOllo ... 1986 Crack
DownloadPaperboy ... 1986 Crack
DownloadPaperboy ... 1986 Crack
DownloadPaperboy ... 1986 Crack
DownloadParallax ... 1986 Crack
DownloadParallax ... 1986 Crack
DownloadPowerplay ... 1986 Crack
DownloadRambo: First Blood Part II Themes ... 1986 One-File Demo
DownloadS-10 ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadSanxion ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSerenade ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSigma Seven ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSky Runner ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSnorisar ... 1986 Misc.
DownloadSoldier One ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSpace Harrier + ... 1986 Crack
DownloadThe Legend of Sinbad ... 1986 Crack
DownloadThe Prodigy ... 1986 Crack
DownloadThe Trap Door ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTrailblazer ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTrailblazer Construction Set ... 1986 Crack
DownloadTriad (Intro) ... 1986 Intro
DownloadUridium II + ... 1986 Crack
DownloadWarrior 2 ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadWarrior II ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadXevious ... 1986 Crack (Import)
DownloadYie Ar Kung-Fu II ... 1986 Crack
Download1943 ... ??? Crack (Import)
Download1943 - One Year After ... ??? Crack (Import)
Download1943 - One Year After +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
Download801 Letter ... ??? Misc.
Download801 Letter #9 ... ??? Misc.
DownloadACE 2 + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadAlleykat ... ??? Crack
DownloadAntiriad ... ??? Crack
DownloadAzimuth ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadBack Again ... ??? Misc.
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... ??? Crack
DownloadBangkok Knights +3 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadBarbarian Part 1 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadBig Trouble in Little China + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadBig Trouble in Little China +1D ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadBlood 'n Guts ... ??? Crack
DownloadBobby Bearing ... ??? Crack
DownloadBubble Bobble + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadCarrier Command ... ??? Graphics
DownloadCoherasser ... ??? Music
DownloadCracking Super Cup ... ??? Crack
DownloadCyrus II ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadDandy ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadDandy ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadDeath in Effect +4 ... ??? Crack
DownloadDeath in Effect +4 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadDeathwish III +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadDevotion ... ??? Demo
DownloadDirectory Master ... ??? Tool
DownloadDirectory Master 8K ... ??? Tool
DownloadDracula II ... ??? Crack
DownloadDragon's Lair II - Dirk's Escape ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadDussinvara ... ??? Misc.
DownloadDutch Ranx #12 ... ??? Charts
DownloadEnduro Racer ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadEnduro Racer ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadEnduro Racer ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadEnduro Racer +2 ... ??? Crack (Recrack, Import)
DownloadEnduro Racer +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadFast Break ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadFireTrap +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadFix'em Up Kit ... ??? Tool Collection
DownloadFuture-Composer V4.1 ... ??? Crack
DownloadGame Testing V1.04 ... ??? Misc.
DownloadGnylf V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadGnylf V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadGnylf V1.2 ... ??? Tool
DownloadI-Ball II +2 ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadIntergalactic Cage Match ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadJail Break + ... ??? Crack
DownloadJust Triad ... ??? Misc.
DownloadKobayashi Naru + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadKrakout 3 ... ??? Crack
Level Timer V3.03 ... ??? Tool
DownloadLivin' On ... ??? Misc.
DownloadLoader Disk ... ??? Tool Collection
DownloadLupo Alberto +4 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadMalicious 2 Preview ... ??? Crack (Preview)
DownloadMatrix Maker V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadMetro-Cross + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadMicro Painter - Loader Game ... ??? Crack
Moons + ... ??? Crack
DownloadMusic Disc ... ??? Tool Collection
DownloadNew Uridium + ... ??? Crack (100%)
Nuts ... ??? Crack
DownloadOrrie Lister V3.j ... ??? Tool
DownloadParanoimia +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadPlatoon ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadPlatoon ... ??? Crack (Import)
Puzznic +2 ... ??? Crack
DownloadQuick Draw McGraw +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadRampage + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadRampage + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadRoad Runner +2 ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadRoadrunner & Kikstart II - The Construction Set ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadRogue Trooper + ... ??? Crack
DownloadRound About ... ??? Crack
DownloadSabotage ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadSlap Fight ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadSoccer Pinball +3 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadSoldier One ... ??? Crack
DownloadSpeedball ... ??? Crack (101%, Onefiled)
DownloadSuper Diskdoc ... ??? Crack
DownloadSupport us ... ??? Misc.
DownloadSaab 90000 ... ??? Misc.
DownloadTAGE V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTAGE V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTao-Boot V1.03 ... ??? BBS Software
DownloadTao-Mod V1.0 ... ??? BBS Software
DownloadTBoard-Painter V1.0 pro ... ??? Tool
DownloadTBoard-Painter V1.1 Pro ... ??? Tool
DownloadTemple of Terror ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadTerra Cresta ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadThe 5th Axis + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Hunt for Red October +9 ... ??? Crack
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Last Ninja +2D ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile +1P ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadTime Crunch V4.01 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTomahawk ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadTRIAD "Kravin intro" ... ??? Crack Intro
DownloadTSEQV. 1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTSEQV. 1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTSEQV. 1.2 ... ??? Tool
DownloadTurbo Charge +3 ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadTwin Down ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadWonderboy + ... ??? Crack (Import)
DownloadWorld Games ... ??? Crack (Recrack)
DownloadZoedemo ... ??? One-File Demo

Organizer of :
Fjälldata 2025 ... 2025  (Sweden)
Fjälldata 2024 ... 2024  (Sweden)
Fjälldata 2023 ... 2023  (Sweden)
Zoo 2017 ... 2017  (Finland)
Gubbdata 2016 ... 2016  (Sweden)
Zoo 2015 ... 2015  (Finland)
Zoo 2013 ... 2013  (Finland)
BFP 2013 ... 2013  (Sweden)
Release the Cheese ... 2013  (???)
TRIAD Rakvattnet II 2012 ... 2012  (Sweden)
LCP 2011 ... 2011  (Sweden)
LCP 2009 ... 2009  (Sweden)
Big Floppy People 2007 ... 2007  (Sweden)
Big Floppy People 2006 ... 2006  (Sweden)
Floppy 2003 ... 2003  (Sweden)
Floppy 2002 ... 2002  (Sweden)
Floppy 2001 ... 2001  (Sweden)
Floppy 1998 ... 1998  (Sweden)
Triad Summercamp + Vansinne 1994 ... 1994  (Sweden)
The Highland Conference 1994 ... 1994  (Sweden)
Triad Summer Meeting 1991 ... 1991  (Sweden)
Light Bålsta Party 1989 ... 1989  (Sweden)
Triad Bålsta Meeting 1989 ... 1989  (Sweden)
Triad & Fairlight Copy Party 1987 ... 1987  (Sweden)

User Comment
Submitted by St0rmfr0nt on 24 October 2013
TRIAD just rocks !

A group which was already there as long as I can remember... And still with power !

Ass kickin'

User Comment
Submitted by Isildur on 28 July 2011
Happy birthday!
Triad is one of my favourite groups.

User Comment
Submitted by TWR on 10 June 2008
My vote for Triad (which almost as well could be a 10) is for the legendary team which brought quality cracks to me and thousands of other "lamers" back in the days - and has nothing to do with the Triad in the later part of the 90's 'til now.

User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 17 June 2007
Triad released many wonderful cracks. Some of their demos are also worth mentioning but why are members who havent released anything in 15 years still considered as being "active"? ;)

User Comment
Submitted by Richard on 23 March 2007
Triad, over 20 years old and still active. :)

User Comment
Submitted by Torch on 13 January 2007
no other like Triad. nice simple intro, great titles and loads of them :)

User Comment
Submitted by Captain Kidd on 20 July 2004
One of the legendary groups which still exists - congratulations!

User Comment
Submitted by Richard on 25 January 2003
Dealer quality software. They keep to their tradition, which is a good thing for a cracking scene :)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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