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Revolution   [2006]

Revolution Released by :
Triad [web]

Release Date :
6 August 2006

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
Primary Star 2006

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Primary Star 2006 :  #2

User rating:*******___  6.5/10 (10 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Tao of Triad
Music .... 6R6 of Blues Muz', Nostalgia, Onslaught, SHAPE
  dalezy of Triad
  Dane of Booze Design
  Metal of Bonzai, Camelot, Vibrants
  ne7 of Rebels, Retroguru, Triad
  Twoflower of Triad
Graphics .... Dane of Booze Design
  Decompracid of Triad
  Hollowman of Fairlight
  Tao of Triad
  Twoflower of Triad
Text .... Tao of Triad
Concept .... Tao of Triad
Loader .... Fungus of Cosine, Nostalgia, Onslaught
  King Fisher of Triad
  Tao of Triad

SIDs used in this release :
Nordic Scene Review #01(/MUSICIANS/Z/Zardax/Nordic_Scene_Review_01.sid)
The Curse(/MUSICIANS/B/Blues_Muz/Gallefoss_Glenn/Curse.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 6 December 2006
Funny, I keep on mistaking the screen shot image for the apocalypse
User Comment
Submitted by Aki on 17 September 2006
It's awesome! This demo should win, not the AC's one...
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 19 August 2006
Yay, one more of my 1994 worktunes released to the public. :D
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 6 August 2006
Entertaining! 8)
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 6 August 2006
Twoflower: Indeed you have. I didn't create this entry... I've fixed the credits now.

Oh, and could that be because you *are* a naïve socialist utopist? =)
User Comment
Submitted by Twoflower on 6 August 2006
Hmm, didn't I have a tune in this demo aswell? And I still like the naive utopist socialist propaganda-style.
User Comment
Submitted by yago on 5 August 2006
Some Parts are superflous, other are very good. I like Sierpinsky-Triads.
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 5 August 2006
all in all a good demo.
the 2nd tune, by dane? is so cool!
@dangilgrass, morfar demos uh?
User Comment
Submitted by Gildan Jondal on 5 August 2006
Nice old school type stuff, but seems to me like it tried to hard to be like the Morfar demos and missed by a long way
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 5 August 2006
Radiantx: Thanks. +5 Insightful.
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 5 August 2006
Triad are to the best of my knowledge not explicitly leftist, other than that they used quite a lot of communist imagery back in the day to piss Strider/FLT off. I guess the communist imagery in this demo should be viewed more as one of several comments on the state of the world, just like in Red Storm. Just because you show a symbol doesn't mean you automatically promote its ideology.
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 5 August 2006
Tao: let's call it plain naiveness then, unless the first part is irony. If a demo is called Revolution, made by a "leftist" group Triad, with red all over it (ok, just on the background), then yes, I connect the ideas presented in the first part's text to socialism/marxism/communism/overall-leftism, especially when a Triad-logo is floating at the Center of demonstrating revolutionaries, who are holding flags on a red background =) And the star-image doesn't help either. Or maybe I need to watch this demo again...
User Comment
Submitted by Melkor on 5 August 2006
Realy loved the oldschool feeling in most of the parts. Didn't care much for the texts tough.
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 5 August 2006
Hollowman: the graphics that weren't as good as the rest was probably the ones I made myself. Or maybe you mean your own creations? =)
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Submitted by hollowman on 5 August 2006
a nice mellow watch, i like how tao makes demos in what feels like a true triad style. only let down was that some of the gfx werent as good as the rest, and that not all texts were that interesting
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Submitted by A3 on 5 August 2006
Finally a demo that made me intrigued and that I happily loaded up once more, when I was done watching it for the first time. Great Work !!!!
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 5 August 2006
TDJ: I spent almost the entire BFP working on this demo, but didn't manage to fix the loader in time. Good thing too, since the extra week allowed me to add Revonotion too.

The reason this demo isn't really coherent is because it was created through short bursts of activity spread over a time-span of 12 years.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 5 August 2006
Somehow it feels like this demo & Tao's contribution to BFP have been switched .. Anyway, some nice stuff but like said below, didn't feel like a unity. Political messages swapping places with mathematical figures?
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 5 August 2006
Tempest: Naïve socialist utopism? My, you're really missing the target. By a wide margin. Try again, and shoot more Center (pun intended).
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Submitted by LordNikon on 5 August 2006
always thump up "naive socialist utopism" ... good work, guys!
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 5 August 2006
A bit fragmented but some parts are really nice!
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 5 August 2006
Classic Triad-stuff with naive socialist utopism. Glad to hear Twoflower's laid back funk tune "Deranged" used in a demo.
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 5 August 2006
Too much blabla, slow and the seperate parts didn't form a unity.
Missed opportunity, imo.

Anyway, nice to see Tao back in the scene tho.
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