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Datastorm 2013

Event Type :
Demo Party

Dates :
8 - 10 February 2013

Place :

Website :

Organizers :
Coffe, MagerValp, Sixx, Spot, Yonx, Ziphoid

Organizer Groups :
Genesis Project, SceneSat, Up Rough

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Revolved by TriadDownload9.39.6
2Too Old to Ror and Rol by Fairlight, Offence, ProsonixDownload8.99.1
3What Is the Matrix by Censor DesignDownload8.2
4Time Machine [party version] by Booze DesignDownload8.0
5Dum Ikea 92% by CamelotDownload8.99.3
6Dansa in by Hack n' TradeDownload8.69.0
7Safe VSP by LftDownload9.19.7
8Deuce by FatzoneDownload8.0
9Algae by Hack n' TradeDownload6.0
10Dead Zone by Zone 45Download6.9
11No Shit! by DinasoursDownload6.6
12Fumisugium by SenexDownload6.4
13Veggiestorm by ActiveDownload
14From Votze with Love by MetalvotzeDownload1.3

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Monophono by MahoneyDownload9.69.9
2Alpha Bitch by DaneDownload9.1
3Multiverse by WiklundDownload
4The Grandness of the Canaries - Part 2 by OMPDownload8.0
5Air on a Rasterline by LftDownload8.8
6ekkelt8580 by GromsDownload8.7
7Random Waltz by Mr.DeathDownload8.0
 Datastorm 2013 by MaktoneDownload
9Trainwreck by StinsenDownload9.3
10I Was Born in 1969 by SIDWAVEDownload6.3
11The Storm is Coming by FegolhuzzDownload
12Stinsen åker motorbåt by QdorDownload
13Jag Kommer (Datastorm 2013 remix) by Magnar HarestadDownload7.3
14Metrograd Station (Part 2) by radiantxDownload
15My Personal Storm by Sonic WandererDownload
16Manifold 28A by ne7Download
17dr.ghetto by Goto80Download
18C-Rash by ZyronDownload8.2
 bzt by BalrogDownload
20Keine Begrenzung by CorpsicleDownload
 Storm by ZabutomDownload
21dbwud by lindeDownload
23Truckstop Tanzen by X-jammerDownload8.5
242000 KR! by DeviaDownload
25Vrooom by CHR$(142)Download

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1I Will Show That Stupid Bunny by redcrabDownload9.610.0
2St. Joaquin by TwoflowerDownload9.49.5
3Future Sphere by ProwlerDownload9.1
4Tjärn by ekgDownload7.1
5Crossing the Chinese Border by MalmixDownload9.39.4
 Composition with Red (This Is Not Art) by FrostDownload5.8
7Hypnosnail by gripDownload6.1
8I Wish I Could by Magnar HarestadDownload6.6
9Releif by SkyffelDownload6.6
10Floppies to Cassettes by Definitely not PopeDownload5.3

Mixed Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Fågel by Hack n' TradeDownload7.5

Productions released outside compos :
Demolicious by Onslaught (Demo)

Attendants : (122)
AcidT*, Alfatech, Archmage, Artlace, bepp, Bernie, Berry, BHF, Bjørn Røstøen, Blackis, BlackWine, bob, Bob, Booger, Bordeaux, Brandon Walsh, Britelite, Cash, Cogline, Corpsicle, Cruzer, Dane, Devia, Devistator, ekg, Fedja, Fegolhuzz, Fix, fnord, FRaNKy, Fred, Frost, Geggin, Goto80, Gouafhg, grip, Groms, Hammerfist, Havocplague, HCL, hedning, Hollowman, Houbba, Icon, Ikilledher, Illmidus, Infant, iopop, It, Itch, JackAsser, Johey, Klegg, Kribust, Lavazza, Lft, linde, Lloyd, Lotus, Lusius, Macx, Magic, Magnar Harestad, Mahoney, Maktone, Malmix, Mason, Metalux, Mindcooler, Morphfrog, Motion, Mr.Death, ne7, Nova, OMP, Optiroc, Pal, Pantaloon, papademos, Pernod, Perplex, Prowler, Puterman, Qdor, radiantx, Randy, redcrab, Riddler, Ruk, Sailor, Saruman, Savestate, Sebaloz, SIDWAVE, sLASH, Slaygon, Slummy, Sonic Wanderer, Spot, Stein Pedersen, Stinsen, Tao, Taper, The.Fox, TMC, Total Chaos, Twoflower, Vedder, Waffel, Widdy, Wiklund, X-jammer, z-nexx, Zabutom, Zaner, Zaphod, Zer0-X, Ziphoid, zoi, ZXShoe, Zyron, ZZAP69

Releases containing information on this event :
Attitude #14  Party report
Datastorm 2013 Invitation  Invitation...
Vandalism News #60  Party report

User Comment
Submitted by grip on 8 March 2013
Yes, thanks for an awesome party!
I agree with previous speakers that the compos could have started a bit earlier. I realize that it takes a lot of planning and logistics to make things run smoothly. But by being stricter on the deadlines, starting the compos at say 18:00 instead of 21:00 could perhaps be possible. If people know the deadlines will absolutely not be pushed back, I have a feeling they will have their entries ready on time as well.
Again thanks for making Datastorm happen!

User Comment
Submitted by Xiny6581 on 5 March 2013
Finally it comes what you all have been waiting for!

Another true recording from real hardware, correct SID Models :)

User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 25 February 2013
Thanks for the positive feedback, much appreciated. It's one hell of a job but worth it every god damn time. See you guys on LCP!?

User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 25 February 2013
Ops!. Noticed that I have missed to comment on the DS Party.
Thanking orgas for a fabulous party, this was our second party since the comeback, It just was a hell of a fun, and I can't understand why we ever stopped? carriers perhaps, C64 being childish?
FTW... This is the SHIT! everything pales in comparation... DS makes it happen! Contributes to the scene as one of the coolest parties it was simply great,awesome, cool had everything ;) what a demo compo :) well organized indeed, excellent spirit boyz keep up the job. don't dare to stop the DS ;) it is highly wanted...
Love the cozy feeling with sofas around and the cool bar, dimmed lights fantastic atmosphere :) Nice to have a drink or two or three..... X beers with the fellowship of the Scene ;)

User Comment
Submitted by taper on 23 February 2013
Totally awesome party, guys! I know how much hard work party organizing is, and you really make every DS shine! I had an excellent time!

I agree that 7 hours of compo is too much of the good, but as Magervalp says it's not that easy to remedy it. Back when The Party were running in DK, they utilized a jury to sort out the worst and simply canned what they did not like to cut down the number of entries in the compos. Some years they also recorded everything to VHS tape and then ran the VHS at compo-time to cut back on hardware trouble and in-between waiting.

Personally, I'm not sure either of those things would be good. I could live with fakereleases being ditched before compo though, to save some time if entries are plenty.

User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 19 February 2013
Speaking as a fellow party organizer I feel MagerValp's pain... Organizing compos is a hell of a lot of work, especially if you have to coordinate physical media as well. With ~100 entries across different platforms it becomes a nightmare...

That said, I think it's possible to have compos that run on time and don't take too long, but it requires lots of preparation and planning. I think running graphics/music compos early in the afternoon might actually be feasible, and also take a lot of stress away later on. Early deadlines aren't necessarily a problem if people are aware of them before the party starts (at Revision for example, there are some deadlines already on the first day), and you can just make it clear that no entries can be handed in while the compos are running.

User Comment
Submitted by macx on 19 February 2013
Magervalp wrote: "Still, in the end it's an assload of fun despite the stress and hard work, and I would love to have the compo done by midnight so I can grab a beer and socialize a bit, so I'm happy we're having this discussion."

Yes, we should be able to discuss this topic without me having to state the obvious which is that DS WAS A HELLUVA PARTY AND YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. You know that is true, as does the organisers of X, but I am not alone when it comes to wanting to be able to be alive for a while after the compos.

User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 19 February 2013
@MagerValp: Yeah WTF, you guys seem to be working your asses off while there's a party going on in the same building ;D. Thanx for a great party, you make it happen!

User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 19 February 2013
That requires the entries to be finished by 13.00, and the PA and voting systems to be checked and ready by 14.00. I'd also guess that people would try to deliver gfx and demo entries while the music compo runs, which would be a clusterfuck. As it is now we barely have time to eat and breathe between breakfast on Saturday and the compo starting, so we'd need to do some major restructuring in the organization. We'd probably need another C64 organizer so that one can handle collection and sorting of the compo entries, and the other can concentrate on getting the compo systems running. We could also streamline entry handling a bit by being nazis about one entry per d64, not help make entries runable and tested, ditch the real 1541 disk requirement, and be tougher about rejecting entries after the deadline... but that doesn't sound like fun at all, for either party.

So yes, it could be moved earlier, but it's not as simple as setting a new deadline.

Still, in the end it's an assload of fun despite the stress and hard work, and I would love to have the compo done by midnight so I can grab a beer and socialize a bit, so I'm happy we're having this discussion.

User Comment
Submitted by macx on 19 February 2013
Regarding the compos:

What about starting music-compos at 1500, graphic-compos at 1800 and demo-compos at 2000. That would mean back to socialising and partying at ca 2200 - and would make actual discussion over the releases possible. And with prizes handed out at 2400 I may for once be there, rather than fast asleep.

What ZZAP69 said, we need the sleep. We are old geezers and have small non-sleeping kids and early-day jobs to attend to Monday morning.

User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 19 February 2013
Thanks for the feedback Zzap69!

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 18 February 2013
The best Datastorm to this date. I slept like a baby in the golden sofa and had a blast when I didn't sleep! Great with two bigscreens!

User Comment
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 18 February 2013
Seven hours of compos in a row is pretty much. Yes there were some breaks, but how about having the compos even earlier and even longer breaks? We are getting old and need to sleep to maintain our beauty, SKÖNHETSSÖMN! :)

Thanks for using two screens. Also some minor sound set up in the bar would be nice.

User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 11 February 2013
Datastorm C64 visitors statistics: approximately 180 visitors this year of which 115 was C64 sceners. (2012: 99. 2011: 55. 2010: 49). Full scan of the visitors list will be uploaded tomorrow.

There were definitely lots more than 8 C64 setups at the party and many Amigas as well as other platforms. Belive me.. These kinda questions are something we organizers are very aware off and constantly discuss.

Thanks for the feedback, last year the volume were a problem, this year i belive everyone were happy. We welcome constructive criticism!

User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 11 February 2013
"less than 8 real c64s"? You cannot be serious?... Why??? That'd be a real shame if it were true...

My €0.02: I do support the disk-rule (simply because entries are run off real hw as they should be, and you cannot expect the orgas to transfer all the stuff!). If you spend so many hours on creating your entry, transferring it to disk (and even if you didn't bring your own 1541, there's *always* someone around with xfer hw!) in a few minutes can not seriously be considered too much work!...

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 11 February 2013
I love that you have to hand in C64 releases on C64 media - it should be standard procedure, and I will happily help out next year as well, or every other party I attend to, because there is one thing I love more than real HW, and that is seeing real hw being used. If we follow SIDwaves logic we could all stay at home and watch emulator captures of demos on Youtube and have a virtual copyparty. That is what will kill the scene.

My frustration this year was that I ran out of floppies, had about 5 litres of urine in my bladder and couldn't go to the bathroom, had to be fed by X-Jammer (thanx man!), and I did not know that Gunne sold new floppies 4 metres from where I sat. Next year: support him and buy a floppy, then come to me. I will team up with Redcrab if you guys still need us. (Maybe you have bought a 1541U2, a 1541-II and a real C64 until then!) :)

I enjoyed talking to all nice people that came to me - especially Bob/Censor that delivered about 3 litres of red wine after release tranfer and intense testing on real hw. ;)

User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 11 February 2013
Yes, it's a royal pain in the ass to require 1541 disks for the entries. And if you think that transferring one disk is annoying, remember that I have to transfer and sort 50+ floppy disks. This year was a record low though, since I think Hedning was the only other person at the party with a 1541 and transfer hardware. The poor man had to work until his fingers ached, and I hope you all at least bought him a beer as thanks. Which I know you didn't as in that case he would have been too drunk to stand, so shame on you.

So while I agree with Jan, I don't want to see the C64 scene degenerate (further!) into an emulamer scene. We already have entries that fail when run on a real disk drive, or that have music sync 300 ms off since they were timed in VICE.

User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 11 February 2013
There are several reasons why to all of your questions Jan, but i wont bother answer any of them. What amazes me is that it's the fourth Datastorm party and people who's been attending ALL years still come with a fucking SD card with their C64 compo entry.. BTW, i can answer ONE of your questions: It's a fucking mess just having all the Amiga entries submited on "modern" media. We're six guys working our asses off to make DS possible, and frankly it's annoying as hell hearing the same bullshit over and over again about the hassle bringing your -C64- compo entry on a fucking floppy. If that's such a major problem, then just don't compete.

Glad you liked the party, we did our best.. Hope to see you next year.

User Comment
Submitted by SIDWAVE on 11 February 2013
Some observastions and kritik:

having to fill stuff on a website, with no upload from usb/sd card port was fail.

submitting info 2 times.. why ?
had to write the same stuff on the disk.

why disks ?

there was less than 8 c64 at party, and as usual people run around to transfer their stuff to real disk.

in the end, you run the things from a sd car/ultimate etc, anyway.

it makes no sense.

if you want to stick to "use real", then you have to really enforce all the people, to leave their laptop at the entry, and not bring it even, and not show up.

the digital age is here since long time, and they all use laptops, and you know it.

so take entries from sd cards/usb stick please.

this hassle it creates not doing it, is a pain in the ass, this goes for all parties.

otherwise, great party!

User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 11 February 2013
Thanks for another awesome party! As usual I was totally psyched out most of the time, not knowing where to be and what to do to experience as much as possible during the short but intensive time I tried my best to be everywhere at the same time. :)

User Comment
Submitted by Berry on 11 February 2013
Check out the out of compo entry by Anal0k Br0thers


User Comment
Submitted by Berry on 11 February 2013
Check out the out of compo entry by Anal0k Br0thers


User Comment
Submitted by Cresh on 10 February 2013
Dope party release wise.
C64 has datastormed the compo.
Amiga? Please.

User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 10 February 2013
Thanks to all 183 (!) visitors, you're the best. Scans and adding of percipants will be datadatat in the databate later tonight or tomorrow. Congratulations to all participants, great entrys this year. <3 Please mail photos from the party to me at sickanboy@gmail.com. SCENE ON!

User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 10 February 2013

User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 10 February 2013

User Comment
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 13 January 2013
It is decided.

EDIT:And thanks for a great party!

User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 18 December 2012
Can FATFROST come to the party??


User Comment
Submitted by Ikilledher on 7 November 2012
There are inherent dangers involved in pursuing hazardous weather. :-E

User Comment
Submitted by Berry on 6 November 2012
Booked the hotel already and we will be driving up north (althought DS is held in the south) ;-)

User Comment
Submitted by ruk on 12 September 2012

User Comment
Submitted by BrandonWalsh on 12 September 2012
I'm game.

User Comment
Submitted by Total Chaos on 12 September 2012
If it is the will of the Goat, I will be there...

Cruzer, I hope you can make it, bring Slammer and Jeff and I'll bring Devil and Swoffa and we'll make the ultimate Goat/Camel party-demo ;)

User Comment
Submitted by Stinsen on 11 September 2012
A given visit :)

User Comment
Submitted by bepp on 11 September 2012
I'm here too =)

User Comment
Submitted by Queen bittin on 11 September 2012
as Cruzer said

User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 11 September 2012
I clicked "maybe" on facebook :)

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 11 September 2012
I feel so lonely... ;)
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