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Released At :
Datastorm 2013
Credits :
Code | .... | Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid |
Music | .... | Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid |
| | SoNiC of Onslaught, Smash Designs, The Art Project Studios, The Obsessed Maniacs |
Graphics | .... | Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid |
| | Almighty God of Ancients Pledge Inc., Inside, Level 64, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff |
| | CONS of Onslaught, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. |
| | Joe of Crest, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs |
Design | .... | Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid |
Linking | .... | Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid |
Concept | .... | Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid |
Loader | .... | Krill of Plush |
Test | .... | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Macx of Chromance, MaZZA, Offence, Onslaught, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
Help | .... | Macx of Chromance, MaZZA, Offence, Onslaught, Senex, Vandalism News Staff |
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User Comment Submitted by Sith on 28 March 2014
Since Algo is straight, he should restrict it to boobies with dildos then, Groepaz. ;) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 31 December 2013
yeah algo, next time give us more penis! | User Comment Submitted by PARALAX on 31 December 2013
Technically nice but too much heterosexist (boobies) for my taste. So I can't vote this positive. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 28 October 2013
Thanks for the positive comments.
Indeed spending more time would boost the quality of the demo considerably. The mistake that was made was to spend too much time with PC tools for the processing of some of the data in the demo (resulting in only a few tools put to use - eg the all border animation converter,CI-FLI, MCOL-CI etc)
In the end there was a very limited amount of time for the demo itself - Literally the whole c64 part of the demo took around a day and a half to create... In the end it was rushing to fill the disk sides as quickly as possible.
Next one will be something rather special indeed. Just need to try and find the time to code :-) | User Comment Submitted by Sith on 27 October 2013
Some of the best picture conversion quality on the 64 but too monotonous demo for my taste. Throw in more other stuff too!
The RGB dancing girls, the transformer, and of course picture quality in general are the highlights for me.
The audio speech was shit though. But on the other hand, I really liked the music: simple but catchy.
I have mixed feelings about this demo: some parts are ordinary, other parts are inspiring. All in all a decent demo with some brilliant touches here and there. Your demos would be top if you put more time into each one.
You are made of the right stuff and you are the master of picture conversion. Put more time into each demo so you can really wow us! ;) As they say: the good things come to those who wait, and most people in here would like to wait longer because working on it longer will boost the general quality. | User Comment Submitted by Chris537 on 27 August 2013
Looks pretty good for hooking it up on a PAL C64 in the usa, thru a liteon dvd recorder so i can see it in color... I greatly enjoyed it and definitely a keeper. | User Comment Submitted by Jak T Rip on 5 July 2013
In my eyes your best demo so far, algorithm! Great hi resolution zoomer, great bitmap manipulations and quite varied. Also very good soundtrack. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 23 April 2013
Thanks all for the positive comments. I try to ensure that there are at least some innovative sections in a demo part (whether or not they are a new gfx mode, new method of audio/video compression etc). I understand that some people may not like this style, but like i said before, i do it because i want to, not to please other people. All the whiners complaining about flickering this, flickering that and other types of comments like this, carry on.. :-) my code, my rules :-). Considering time constraints, two new gfx modes, and a new method of speech compression were introduced in this demo.. | User Comment Submitted by Data on 22 April 2013
My taste of female beauty may not resonate with Algorithm's, i may dislike the design, but i simply can't turn my back on great inventions and implementations that Algorithm brought to our scene. So i look at Algotech productions, as a tech demos, and even if i would not see any single one brunette or redhead in his future prods, i would still keep ranking them as high as SounDeamoN and Mahoney prods. In my opinion they provide us the new possibilities, at least they does now.
So Dude, keep up the good work. Stick to gfx data of Your choice.
P.S. At the end of part one after sample playback there's a lack of proper SID oscillator mute/reset code. Would be nice to fix this in non-party version. | User Comment Submitted by Bob on 6 March 2013
The beatifull art did it for me alone ;)
but imagine as many people already said what if you spent some like another 44 hours what could we expect then ;) thay would be PORN ;)
I liked the demo, keep up the work, its unique in my eyes. | User Comment Submitted by BHF on 19 February 2013
Have to agree with uneksija on this one. I Like the code and Im impressed with the timeframe here. Cool picure by Joe !
Btw, wonder what will happen if Algorithm code a demo for a couple of months ! :D | User Comment Submitted by uneksija on 12 February 2013
I think this is a really nice demo! Cool effects and good atmospheric music... IMO definitely not unstylish at all! Keep up the good work! | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 12 February 2013
sexism? come on... I like the code pr0n and the gfx pr0n as well and also look 4wd to final v. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 11 February 2013
Good point deekay. Even though the speech was packed at 128:1 compression. The equivelant of 0.065 bits per 8 bit sample would have been more impressive with the text. Altough sounds better than the 1 bit digi that only offers 8:1 compression which this one offers 32 times the amound | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 11 February 2013
Kristian: Haha, actually I've been thinking about that for quite a while! ;-) Using our MUIFLI (or NUIFLI) orfcourse, since I'd like to be able to lay hand on the conversion result..
Algo: Told you - could you please finally get a real machine for fuck's sake? ;-) It's not like 64s are hard to come by!
As for the tits: Never fail to appreciate them, although i have to admit I would enjoy if there was a balance with other, differently themed stuff, just for variety reasons! ;-D
And yes, the demo did also have pixelled stuff, Joe's pic is really nice, even though it looks quite different to the non-lace version posted on FB! ;-D
One more thing: The 90bytes/sec Digis really are awful, even though they may be a nice technology showcase! <:-) The problem is that you neglected the #1 rule for making parts with barely audible vocals: ALWAYS print the text of the digi on the screen in realtime! 8) As demonstrated by Mahoney's Storebror , PWP's "The Next Level": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u7z5wXq9Y0 (VIC20) or (core) by Wamma: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh6QPB6U7xc (Atari VCS). This simple rule can turn a "what's the point?" reaction into deep appreciation, see f.ex. the scene.org award's deep love with "The Next Level"! ;-) | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 11 February 2013
There was at least a few original pieces in there by Agod, CONS and myself which noone mentioned sofar, as being refered to some converted shite on the way. Don't forget the real stuff ;)
Edit: That goes for the hard-core work of the code as well! | User Comment Submitted by Paul Bearer on 11 February 2013
Those graphics on the second side look simply incredible. Great work. Too much Sylvia Saint for my taste, and I didn't like the music at all. | User Comment Submitted by Kristian on 11 February 2013
Time to revamp Samantha Fox strip poker? | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 11 February 2013
This one worked just fine from the floppy on my PAL C64 harware and a 1541 (Alps mech, 1983). Yes, credits part worked too.
| User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 11 February 2013
I too would prefer converted images from the 'demoish objects' topic from pouet over porn ladies, and animated phong toruses or some shadow casting cube formations, etc. Ammazing though that you can create so much content in 30-40 hrs, for me it would take 4x time or more I think :) The CI Hires stuff is ammazing indeed, you get rarely such a realistic skin and other soft colors so smoothly blending into eachother. I'd also say to get a good designer on board :) | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 11 February 2013
Jazzcat: I understand. Looking forward to the final version! | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 11 February 2013
OMG the hypocrites, like they never wanked to porn. LOL! Keep up the good work algo. | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 11 February 2013
Spider: thanks for your comments! Yes, this was tested on real hardware and real drives (like all our releases) and we found that it worked only on the 1541U and not on normal drives. Because the party supported the 1541U we decided to release this 'party version'. A fixed version will be presented by Algorithm shortly together with some other little tweaks. Cheers. | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 11 February 2013
Deekay: Thumbs up for your comment: Instead, why don't you make your own demos with hot males to counter algotech's? 8)
Can't stop laughing!!! :) | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 10 February 2013
Excellent technical work, as always. Concerning style: I agree with Yazoo, it's a little boring.
But the major issue is that I also had black screen instead of credits on my real machine with 1541 (as mentioned in Goofs). Get yourself a real C64 + disk drive and test your releases! | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 10 February 2013
I love beautiful women in general, whether they're nude or not. Can't see what's wrong with that...
However the 90s called and they want Silvia Saint back :)
| User Comment Submitted by Yazoo on 10 February 2013
what tao and veto say.
nice demo, but the music on the first diskside really wasnt my cup of tea (too repetitive).
besides i think there may be some really good coding included.
so i wish algorithm would team up with a good musician, designer and graphician to get rid of those conversions because i think i can see some big potential for really really nice demos.
i agree to what someone said already. it would be interesting to see what comes out of when algorithm works for more than 30 hours on something. it should be a blast
dont get me wrong. i dont dislike this demo - i just think it could be so much more.
i dont care too much about sexism or no sexism in demos. i just find it boring to only see girls faces and bodies in so many demos. but thats only my 2 cents (thats what this comment feature is made for i guess). and everyone should make his demo as he likes. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 10 February 2013
@Deekay you are correct. I just would ignore these people. I create the demo actually for myself and not forced to please others with stuff i am not interested in. If people dont like tits etc, then so be it, dont watch it and vote a 0 or 1 :-).
I agree that the lack of style leaves a lot to be desired, should spend more time on it (perhaps 300 hours this time :-)) | User Comment Submitted by MagerValp on 10 February 2013
Voted up for the awesome escos rotator and awesome CI-FLI mode, but voted back way down again for the awful rushed design and boring porn babes. Try to have something interesting to show and tell with that awesome code of yours. | User Comment Submitted by Dane on 10 February 2013 User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 10 February 2013
Wacek: He's entitled to his own opinion, sure, but what pisses me off is the lecturing bit what "grown sceners" should use as motifs. Like hot women suddenly went out of style and are just something for pubescent boys to appreciate, yeah right..
I'm just fucking fed up with the anti-sexism hitmen squad showing up everywhere. They're on Facebook and they pissed everyone off on the CCC hacker congress in December by handing out "creeper cards" to people that they deemed "sexist". And I for sure don't need them in the demoscene and on demoparties..
It's funny how we all of a sudden have a problem with sexism, islamists, foreigners and jobless people JUST at the time when the financial crisis hit. Divide & conquer anyone? Ofcourse, you need to fight sexism in forums and hacker congresses, while women *still* don't get paid the same as men - that concerns businesses and is hence off limits in the sexism debate!...
Edit: Oh, and I also don't consider calling something "crap" criticism... That's just rude and begets a similarly harsh reaction... | User Comment Submitted by Dr.Science on 10 February 2013
Difficult one - From the point of a Coder, this is great stuff. From point of style - well, yes it lacks style. I have no problem with the pictures chosen, but there is some Visual/Stylish potential left in this Demo. I hope you take this as 1) constructive critic 2) a challenge for your next demo :-)
I am sure you can blast us away!!!! | User Comment Submitted by wacek on 10 February 2013
@DeeKay: no offence mate ;) but Tao has the same right to say what he thinks about Algo's choice, as he has the right to put whatever he wants in his demo. That's like the weakest argument ever. Otherwise, nobody can criticise anything. Honestly, Algorithm can (and probably will :D) defend himself, I don't think he needs you to set-up a "Sceners Against Defaming P0rn" group because that's not even a fucking thing ;)
You're too subjective in this, what strikes me also is that still after almost 3 years from the premiere of "Farm Song" on X'2010 you are not comprehending what happened there. Say what you want (and I agree that it's demomaker's right to choose whatever content he wants to use), but you're missing the fact that there is a big part of the scene community that taste-wise are not there anymore. Move to the next phase from "denial", I beg ya ;)
Oh, and starting any discussion with "get the fuck out" - bitch, please.
I would really like a demo from Algorithm that is not done in 30 hrs, but at least 30 days. And one that looks different from the other. I think that would be my biggest concern, that watching those demos is like watching a revised version of a previous one with different graphics. That's what's preventing me from appreciating the codework to the full extent of it's potential - lacking in style/visual department brings the whole 'value' down. I hope this criticism can be received as constructive ;) | User Comment Submitted by Dr.j on 10 February 2013
@Algo: even if you create demos like Style Design you can expect for negative comments, some of them maybe okey buy some of them are beyond my understanding. its so damn hard to create a good demo , appreciate this folks. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 10 February 2013
Thanks for the positive comments everyone. Deekay, i should get a real c64 to test how it looks on the real thing (although i have used Micro64 with its great crt/pal emu at 50hz) I know, i know eheh :-) For those that gave negative comments, Try coding, linking and creating a whole two sided demo with PC converters on your own in 30 hours :-). (Well. around a few hours a week for two months, but you get the jist of it :-)). | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 10 February 2013
Oh, and What Veto said! 8) | User Comment Submitted by Tao on 10 February 2013
@Deekay: because adding "hot males" would be just as sexist? | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 10 February 2013
Nice demo, has some really interesting and fun looking parts, although it does still lack in the styling department! ;-) That new CI-FLI or whatever it's called looks amazing, i cannot wait to see what it looks like on the real machine! Side 1 music wasn't much to write home about... Oh, and Tao: GTFO, hot chicks have been and always will be a staple of c64 demos (and gfx), and if Algotech likes that a lot it's his choice and you should just shut the fuck up with your "sexism" BS and not lecture him on his gfx choice in his own demo - and the whole scene on what "grown sceners" should choose as motives... Instead, why don't you make your own demos with hot males to counter algotech's? 8) | User Comment Submitted by Xiny6581 on 10 February 2013
I liked this demo alot. It introduced new graphic-modes, in a good way. Many nice converted pictures, blended with extremly nice effects! The music is awesome!! Somehow, I am a big big sucker for Sonic's amazingly music! The music made this demo fine, nice and fun to watch! :) | User Comment Submitted by v3to on 10 February 2013
personally speaking algo's demos feel like watching a science show. being a graphician the bulk of visuals are too generic for my taste (thanks to the massive presentation of converts) - but always get the impression watching something innovative. straight from the lab. which is entertaining in its way. | User Comment Submitted by Angel of Death on 10 February 2013
aka. Ode to Sylvia and Kristanna! ;)
Always been a sucker for converted graphics, if done properly.
And you is the bestest! | User Comment Submitted by Dr.j on 10 February 2013
Algo Im intersted to know how did you converted the images from A to Z if its not a secret. the pics are very quality ones . the demo is very cool to my opinion . | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 10 February 2013
I like it very much! Has some cool innovative things and the girls were displayed decently so why be offended? | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 10 February 2013
I just love the rgb women dancing. Supercool those... | User Comment Submitted by Tao on 10 February 2013
The music on the first side was awful, the choice of images befit of a pimply teenage boy from before the time of the Internet, not a grown scener. Sexism, nothing more.
Oh, and the sound quality of the speech was painstakingly bad. No matter if you could squeeze in an hour of speech it'd still feel pointless when the quality is this shitty.
If the only purpose of this demo was to show off compression and conversion algorithms, then it would serve its purpose (except that you should stick to a less immature choice of test data), but for a demo to be released in a party competition? Crap. | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 10 February 2013
For the gfx modes and graphic convertion algorithms, there is nothing to say other than "WOW!". this demo is also powerful effectwise. Fullscreen rotator, huge bitmap mover, scrolling interlace graphics... I really enjoyed watching it. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 10 February 2013
The result of 30-40 hours of Work on C64 and PC side (the converters, encoders etC). The second side mainly consisting of a new method of gfx conversion resulting in very high quality interlaced images. More info on the demo later. |
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