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Assembly Summer 2007

Event Type :
Demo Party

Dates :
2 - 5 August 2007

Place :

Website :

Organizers :
Jope, Sivu

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
5No Direction by UpstarsDownload7.1

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Decade of Dekadence by BriteliteDownload6.0
2Glide by !CubeDownload9.0
10Sweetness X by ne7Download
??W by Player OneDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Sweet Chili O'Mine by DuceDownload9.69.7
2Flamboyant Flower Beetle by RandomDownload8.7

Attendants : (24)
Adam, Astro, B, Bass Cadet, Britelite, Chaj, Curt Cool, Gargaj, H7, Havocplague, Jaffa, jmagic, Marq, ne7, Nosfe, Player One, Roz, Sir Garbagetruck, Sivu, SounDemoN, Spiikki, Suckho, Zer0-X, zoi

User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 4 August 2007
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ASSEMBLY Summer 2007 was held on 2.8.2007 - 5.8.2007 in Helsinki, Finland.

[ Fast music competition ]

1   2434p   Hey Man, It's the Eighties by Little Bitchard
2   2322p   koli-mela-Samulin melan kolina by ilmarque & pahamoka / wAMMA 
3   2003p   Chocolate Chips in Assembly by Jadajada
4   1483p   Salvador by Aikapallo
5   1382p   Alcohol Fusion by maraz
6   1099p   Electronic Cosmonaut by Latwis
7   894p    Puoli kolmen sänki by tArzAn/tAAt
8   813p    Nightfish by Bugg
9   673p    Hard Handwork by Sauli Korhonen / Tekotuotanto
10  630p    Hüäänipoiss Mati by Terminus / Team scene.ee
11  527p    Who Loves You by Castor / Immersion
12  501p    Vesuri by Wolfboy
13  396p    Zeven by Seqondez

Compo organizers:

Members of the jury:
ams / IGIOS (Mikko Tiusanen)
Heikki^ / Insomnia (Heikki Hyyti)
Maksim Korobkin / IGIOS
turol / IGIOS (Turo Lamminen)
Peter Ciszek / Tekotuotanto
Angel (Line Cecilie Barfod)
JoonasD6 (Joonas Mäkinen)
Crash / IGIOS (Risto Koskenkorva)
Rajunen (Matti Pajunen)
Signal (Juho Korhonen)
Erodix / AsmOrg (Jaakko Pero)

[ Fast graphics competition ]

1   3892p   Tornado Surfers by Random/Gfxile
2   3526p   Luomu by Venni
3   3483p   Hermit by maxon / fake.
3   3483p   Primate Grab by john peeba
5   2835p   I know I promised you the stars, but how about the moon? by devil
6   1744p   Over the Edge by flea
7   1189p   its_a_bit_windy_outside by Saeru
8   1082p   Yritä ite piirtää salama öljyväreillä by paparazzi/tAAt
9   1003p   I wouldn't try either one by Flundra
10  990p    Something Found by MacGywer
11  615p    Quick brown fox flies over the lazy dog by antris
12  538p    Special Bunny by Hasso Neurath Foundation
13  448p    matonen by Noora Tikkala
14  265p    polar and stuff by Zagupi

n/a 2.43    Jumping Jack by Orca
n/a 2.29    Work work! by Oblis
n/a 2       Syö poika pullaa! by Timo Perämaa
n/a 2       Thor at Himalaya by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
n/a 2       at sea with son by noini
n/a 1.86    Natural Extremes at Vacation by Poro
n/a 1.86    California by Oozie
n/a 1.71    Orkku puussa by Catana
n/a 1.43    It's only a state of mind by Exca
n/a 1.43    OMFG by Zerphed
n/a 1.14    liian isot by nakitjamuusi

Compo organizers:

Members of the jury:
pahamoka / naemok & wAMMA & trilobit (Pekka Jääskeläinen)
Fraeon (Eric Hartin)
Hkelukka (Aki Greus)
McLad (Joona Poikonen)
john peeba / Gfxile (Antti Tiihonen)
Inopia (Seppo Erviälä)
Random / Gfxile (Lauri Mäki)

[ Instrumental music competition ]

1   1741p   Scaremongers Guild by Aikapallo
2   1421p   Rotterdam '87 by Virtaava
3   1416p   hope u dig this jazz o' mine by djh
4   1288p   Miami-wAMMA by Roz
5   1261p   Will You Take Me to El Dorado? by Sauli Korhonen / Tekotuotanto
6   1237p   Hiding From Death by S. Syrjänen, J. Kalilainen
7   1153p   Don't do it by Anomic
8   1139p   Blue Bomber's Return by Signal
9   1079p   Winds Of War by Meridian / Clockwork Music
10  737p    Sleep, Sleep My Darling by Prophecy
11  686p    Life Inside a Music Box by Kim Wirtanen
12  657p    Silver 8-Bit Monkey Rampage by Rajunen
13  652p    Runaway From Reality by damage / wAMMA
14  483p    Right Fold by Shuriken

n/a 2.8     Yksisarvinen goes trance by Lahjaton
n/a 2.7     Dark Corners by Spetsnaz
n/a 2.6     Ambush by Coloneil
n/a 2.6     Flight of the Walrus by maraz
n/a 2.4     Blue Mist Jungle by SpeaK
n/a 2.4     Jamming with Susanna by Eino Keskitalo
n/a 2.2     Fear, Sadness & Anger ([2012]) by Mischa Sildén
n/a 2.2     Black by Orbis
n/a 2.1     Come show me love by Castor
n/a 1.8     White Science by Takomo
n/a 1.8     Amusement by Bearded Seal Project
n/a 1.7     blipeti blopeti by kk/immersion
n/a 1.7     sinus by lemonade / sitruslapset
n/a 1.4     Olipa kerran by Joni Koskimaa
n/a 1.4     Exterminator by La Nausée
n/a 1.2     Tracked system by Acxu
n/a 1.2     Twisted Mind by Zeroch

Compo organizers:

Members of the jury:
Signal (Juho Korhonen)
Peter Ciszek / Tekotuotanto
Heikki^ / Insomnia (Heikki Hyyti)
Angel (Line Cecilie Barfod)
JoonasD6 (Joonas Mäkinen)
Crash / IGIOS (Risto Koskenkorva)
Gwaur / TVT (Pauli Marttinen)
ams / IGIOS (Mikko Tiusanen)
turol / IGIOS (Turo Lamminen)
Erodix / AsmOrg (Jaakko Pero)

[ Drawn themed graphics competition ]

1   7258p   Mom, look what was under my bed! Can I keep it? by Kinnerean
2   2973p   Don't take my precious, teh guage is legal by MacGywer
3   2967p   Red Dawn by Venni
4   2253p   Grumpy Giraffe by Random/Gfxile
5   1233p   Goldfish summoner by Caratra
6   1010p   Vesipostimies by maxon / fake.
7   959p    Musiikkileikkikoulu by john peeba
8   891p    The Past, The Future by SDg
9   874p    Ivy of Infinity by Hasso Neurath Foundation
10  775p    Will You Marry Me? by Tethys
11  644p    Heads up! by ibuxal
12  580p    Aunt Lily's Place by Edum
13  577p    Shut up my Dearest Jewel by Supuun
14  556p    love slave carneval by BabyNeko
15  486p    Mutual Admiration by Saeru
16  344p    Kallen ankat by McLad
17  115p    I did it my way by flea

n/a 4.6     What do I see in a mirror by Catana
n/a 3.4     The new generation discovers the old one by Kurppel
n/a 3.2     Zebra Crossing by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
n/a 2.75    Ahh, whatta heck... by stRana
n/a 2.6     360CowGrind by Timo Peramaa
n/a 1.2     Chuck Norris' roundhousekick exhibitions were always short by devil

disq        Mixing the remix by Partikle
            Reason: Racism (Nazi cross), over 45 degress erection (dick) etc.

Compo organizers:

Members of the jury:
Angel (Line Cecilie Barfod)
Tethys (Leo Koivistoinen)
random / gfxile (Lauri Mäki)
McLad (Joona Poikonen)
stRana (Sara Kapli)

[ Freestyle music competition ]

1   2210p   War Against the Machines by Paavo "Tarantula" Härkönen
2   1187p   Dreck für die Massen by Genetic Gemini
3   849p    Close Your Eyes Don't Say A Word Now by Olli-Serkku feat. Emmi
4   743p    Closer to God by Kim Wirtanen
5   722p    First Machine (Edit) by Little Bitchard
6   687p    nerd by shroomi
7   529p    Kuvittele maailma by Coloneil
8   495p    Dip it down low by KEiTO
9   481p    Storming the Fortress by Signal
10  451p    Hetki Hulluutta by foppa
11  387p    Confused? by Dick Flacid / Lo-kiwi
12  275p    Inferior descendants of hurutusmus by grip

n/a 2.5     Overload by Byproduct
n/a 2.5     Elektrohousu by Tenor's Modest Paramour / Lo-Kiwi
n/a 2.5     AsmGasm by JakeZilla
n/a 2.5     kk by please delete this one
n/a 2.4     trigger_hurt by Vesikauhu
n/a 2.4     The Loneliness by Onomatopoetic Justice
n/a 2.4     Fuck Your Vorpal Blade by Zug
n/a 2.3     Ectoplasm by Mörkö.
n/a 2.2     Lost Childhood by Roz
n/a 2.2     AD/CP by Tehonörtit
n/a 2.1     Now Recruiting by Sauli Korhonen / Tekotuotanto
n/a 2.1     Digit&angreal by Galaksinvartija
n/a 2.1     Come show me love by Castor feat. Ziri
n/a 2       Shuffle by Sublevels
n/a 2       Shuffle by Sublevels
n/a 1.9     Dark Tech by sole & r08028
n/a 1.8     Helvetillinen Kesä by HARBL
n/a 1.67    CrossRoad by Nobody/WildLight
n/a 1.4     Rose's Dream by ne7 / triad and Glittermouse
n/a 1.33    Kuutamo by Joni Koskimaa

disq        *omo *omo thg (daft mix) by Legend & Little Bitchard
            Reason: RIP

Compo organizers:

Members of the jury:
Erodix / AsmOrg (Jaakko Pero)
turol / IGIOS (Turo Lamminen)
Heikki^ / Insomnia (Heikki Hyyti)
Anni Asikainen / #hämy
Paula Siljanmäki / #hämy
Signal (Juho Korhonen)
Leblane (Lewis Jackson)
Denarr (Mikko Katava)
Monakhos / IGIOS (Mona Taponen)
Sarah Gamage / UKscene

[ Freestyle graphics competition ]

1   2631p   J.C. Harassing a CS Undergrad by Migugi / fake.
2   2015p   Like a bull by maxon / fake.
3   1960p   Don't Press Any Key by DeCoder / lucid
4   707p    cunning murder by spikey
5   648p    The Outskirts by Hasso Neurath Foundation
6   612p    Underneath by Venni
7   560p    An Unexpected Obstacle on the Race Track by asasel
8   431p    Michelle by Malakai
9   430p    Falling by Division
10  359p    Albeit love can be ill-fated... by Xtrusi
11  351p    A Fairytale Dream by SaeruZerphed
12  166p    Pimp My Bug by Random/Gfxile
13  101p    Merfolk by Partikle

n/a 4.13    Meditating Badger by Lupinewolf
n/a 4       Out of the Office by Glittermouse
n/a 3.63    Oldscool by isw
n/a 3.38    Urbanization by Tsr
n/a 3.25    I HAS MOUNTAIN by Maraia
n/a 3.25    Medieval Outpost by Nappe1 / Future Vision
n/a 3.13    Racing Stripes by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
n/a 3.13    meteoriittimies by ibuxal
n/a 3       Rebellion, Kapina by Sami Hakkarainen
n/a 3       Psychedelic Window by SaZu / wAMMA
n/a 2.88    Swordmaster by Nemerosa
n/a 2.75    Where my inspiration is by Timo Peramaa
n/a 2.25    Time by Peksu
n/a 2.13    Giant checkerboard tigers are all but extinct by devil
n/a 2       Vicky by Noora Tikkala
n/a 1.88    A Small Human by b. o. w.
n/a 1.63    Concentrated Juggler by Joni Rainasto
n/a 1.13    Auringonkukka by ankkis / sitruslapset
n/a         A Fairytale Dream by SaeruZerphed

disq        Final Defense by SkyWay
            Reason: No stages or info file

Compo organizers:

Members of the jury:
Felof (Antti Hamara)
Joonasd6 (Joonas Mäkinen)
spikey (Ilari Lehtinen)
Angel (Line Cecilie Barfod)
stormi (Peter Finnberg)
Malakai (Matti-Pekka Rituola)
random / gfxile (Lauri Mäki)
McLad (Joona Poikonen)
stRana (Sara Kapli)

[ Oldskool music competition ]

1   3295p   Decade of Dekadence by Britelite / Dekadence
2   2277p   Glide by !Cube
3   1739p   Skeleton Swing by Inphernic
4   1252p   Equilibrium the 3rd by DJ Joge / Brainstorm
5   1184p   Agent Hippel To The Rescue by !Cube
6   1009p   dandelion bites by ->LUKE<- / Amazement ^ Numedia Cyclops
7   908p    Hammers by Roz
8   837p    Where's My Cadillac? by Signal
9   537p    Menuralli by Little Bitchard
10  532p    sweetness by ne7 / triad

n/a 1.73    Platform Lounge by Curt Cool / Depth
n/a 1.6     Hot salsa by Castor
n/a 1.53    Say Hi to 1999 by Eino Keskitalo
n/a 1.27    W by Player One / Dekadence

Compo organizers:
Dr. Doom and Jope

Members of the jury:
Gasman, Jaffa, Lars Herde, Sarah Gamage, Blokey, Leblane,
Legenda, Gr. Truck, Viznut, Thoron, Ne7, Frequent, Searock, Ravel

[ Oldskool graphics competition ]

1   6293p   Sweet Chili o Mine by Duce of Extend
2   4003p   Flamboyant Flower Beetle by Random/Gfxile
3   3614p   Mind Invaders by moroz1999
4   2660p   Eagle by Jedi
5   1455p   titsorgtfo by Unseen / Pen15
6   1246p   My precious by naamioitukostaja
7   855p    Dragon by Vassa
8   781p    Eye Spy by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops

Compo organizers:
Dr. Doom and Jope

Members of the jury:
Gasman, Jaffa, Lars Herde, Sarah Gamage, Blokey, Leblane,
Legenda, Gr. Truck, Viznut, Thoron, Ne7, Frequent, Searock, Ravel

[ Oldskool demo competition ]

1   6223p   High Hopes by aspekt
2   5430p   Impossiblator 3 by PWP
3   3947p   TOM/JONES by Trilobit
4   3712p   Out of Beer Error by Dekadence
5   721p    NO DIRECTION by Upstars

Compo organizers:
Dr. Doom and Jope

Members of the jury:
Gasman, Jaffa, Lars Herde, Sarah Gamage, Blokey, Leblane,
Legenda, Gr. Truck, Viznut, Thoron, Ne7, Frequent, Searock, Ravel

[ Mobile demo competition ]

1   9231p   Beertime X by Dekadence
2   6195p   mixtape memories by prostyle corp.
3   6033p   Pink Velvet Fluffer by Immersion

Compo organizers:

No jury was arranged due to the low number of entries

[ Browser demo competition ]

1   6342p   ADHDTV by Evoflash & BombSquad
2   5257p   Continuum by Minority
3   3866p   Pangea Ultima by Pyrotech
4   2608p   Lost In Lava Lamp by Lume Crew
5   2128p   pixtures by komplex & slengpung
6   1695p   Oral Tentacle by wdc

n/a 1.64    Pastel Penetration by Reykjavik Elk Pi
n/a 1.36    100101100 by ITM
n/a 1       Suhero by Ahtiala Productions

disq        Finding Numbers #3 by Jugi Kaartinen
            Reason: Did not work in the jury 

Compo organizers:
ferrix, Jyrsa, and Erodix

Members of the jury:
Poro (Petri Sarasvirta)
Jukka Wallasvaara
Blokey (Neil Caunt)
Gawain / Minority (Janne Ramstedt)
ferrix / Ramones (Ferrix Hovi)
Endymio / Cubicle (Janne Kaistinen)
hannu_ (Hannu Pelkonen)
Jalava / Evoflash (Jalmari Raippalinna)
Tuomas Hara
Exca (Henri Sarasvirta)
Jyrsa / AsmOrg (Jyry Suvilehto)

[ Short film competition ]

1   7862p   Realtime demo wannabe by maxon / fake.
2   6369p   ToyZone 2 by Random & McLad & Nitro
3   6021p   Youscope by tvt
4   2863p   The Light at the End of the World by Teemu Erämaa
5   1263p   Vahapurnukan taukotuokio by Kurppel of Plaumau pluki pluki
6   607p    Jack And The Bus by Alphapolygon
7   430p    Star City by Team scene.ee

n/a 2.44    Burger Time by Tekotuotanto
n/a 2.4     raivoNapina by tAAt
n/a 2.3     Asm live act demo by rbits
n/a 2.2     Pyllyssä Santaa by Senseless Bricklayer Animations
n/a 1.9     Pelaamisen sietämätön keveys by JokuRandom
n/a 1.6     Viimeinen matka? by Saya, Aini, yms.

Compo organizers:
ferrix, Jyrsa, and Erodix

Members of the jury:
CountZero / TBH (Jussi Hämäläinen)
Crazyguy (Tero Miettinen)
Gwaur / TVT (Pauli Marttinen)
JJaska / AsmOrg (Jaakko Setälä)
Britelite / Dekadence (Peter Halin)
Tethys (Leo Koivistoinen)
SK / Tekotuotanto (Sauli Korhonen)
Jyrsa / AsmOrg (Jyry Suvilehto)
Koovee / Welhofilmi (Kristian Viding)
Ferrix / Damones (Ferrix Hovi)

[ 4k intro competition ]

1   9218p   Candystall by Pittsburgh Stallers vs Loonies
2   4055p   Stiletto by rgba
3   3509p   RetroPedro by PuavoHard
4   2088p   Step Back by Northern Dragons
5   1528p   CLUSTERSTORM by Loonies
6   1522p   Rose Shank by XZM + tAAt
7   1494p   Bully by Unknown Artists
8   1409p   Kartoonikum by ExHouse & NecroStudios
9   1045p   Organica by Juippi, Trilkk & Warma
10  820p    Tsunami by kiirala
11  176p    MAAKAASU by brainlez Coders!

n/a 2       Hörpöntti the Blazing Red Whale by Lasi Interactive (feat. Hipo)
n/a 1.11    We're Having Light Satellite Disorder by lucid

Compo organizers:
astrax, visy, pahamoka

Members of the jury:
Lars Heide
Frequent / Ephidrena (Asmund T Johansen)
Akahito / Lasi Interactive (Tuomas Kristola)
Itchi / Lonely Coders (Miika Sell)
Zouppen / 2nd point (Joel Lehtonen)
Apaksi / Lasi Interactive (Kristian Kristola)
kiirala (Niko Kiirala)
Konstantin Koll / Mystic Bytes Software
Trilkk / Faemiyah (Tatu Kilappa)

[ 64k intro competition ]

1   6838p   Basic Facts About Design by Immersion
2   6746p   En Kikkare by PuavoHard
3   6702p   GERM by Atomic Destruction

Compo organizers:
astrax, visy, pahamoka

No jury was organized due to the low number of entries

[ Demo competition ]

1   9539p   LifeForce by Andromeda Software Development
2   3120p   STS-06: Microdots by Synesthetics
3   2735p   media error by cncd, fairlight and orange
4   2627p   evoid droid by excess process
5   2526p   f07 by Conspiracy
6   1564p   TiVi by Dope
7   1376p   The Chasm by Division
8   1218p   Break Dance not Hearts by Time Scratchers
9   1010p   Helium Copper by wAMMA
10  910p    The Inner Flame by Adapt
11  841p    It's Red Outside by Unknown Artists
12  455p    The Sky is the Limit by Brainstorm + Traction
13  362p    The Stellarea by mfx
14  258p    Sundown 07 Invite by Bobby Davro Snooker Experience
15  187p    Sokuseki by XPLSV

n/a 1.92    these dreams fuel my anger by jumalauta

Compo organizers:
astrax, visy, pahamoka

Members of the jury:
Zafos / nlogn (Zafiris Galanopoulos)
Navis / ASD (Kostas Pataridis)
Sarah Gamage / UKscene
Konstantin Knoll / Mystic Bytes Software
Blokey (Neil Caunt)
Lars Heide
Leblane (Lewis Jackson)
Endymio / Cubicle (Janne Kaistinen)
hb / Kewlers (Kaisa Seppänen)
Sauli / JML (Sauli Lehtinen)
Zania / bASS (Zania Sovijärvi)
Jamcar / LAG (Teemu Turkki)
Legenda / wAMMA (Tuomas Tauriala)
Frequent / Ephidrena (Asmund T Johansen)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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