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Horizon Easterparty 1990

Event Types :
Copy Party, Demo Party

Dates :
13 - 16 April 1990

Place :
Vårby, Stockholm

Organizers :
Bagder, Zagor

Organizer Groups :

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Eldorado by Origo DreamlineDownload8.88.9
2Brutal II by LightDownload8.6
3Party Attraction by Flash Inc.Download
4Enjoy the Silence by ReactionDownload
5Typical by Beyond ForceDownload
7Sliresopp by Warriors of TimeDownload
 Conqueror by HoaxersDownload
9Deluge by PaduaDownload
??Propp by NoiceDownload
??Mutant Mutta by The Killer MuttonsDownload
??Second to None by Level 11Download
??Nameless by ParagonDownload
??Fitterull by War Deal LamersDownload
??Goatbeard by OnewayDownload8.99.4
??Ingen Pant by Browbeat, MotionDownload
??Grymme by Swedish Commodore Cracking ServiceDownload
??Fillie Bub by DepredatorsDownload
??Grov-sopor by VirusDownload
??Infected 2 by AntimonDownload
??Conquest by RizingDownload
??Midnight Oil by Science 451Download
??Magic Bytes by WarrantDownload
??Get Up by NoiceDownload
??Metal Generation by RoyaltyDownload
??Undeniable by FenixDownload
??No Trend by The Ruling CompanyDownload
??Zwieback by Sex ExpressDownload

Productions released outside compos :
Castle Master by Depredators (Crack)
Castle Master by Triad (Crack)
Cross-Logo by Zyntetic (Graphics)
Crossroads by Cross (Demo)
Cultronic by Rizing (One-File Demo)
Dan Dare III +5 by Ikari/Talent (Crack)
Dan Dare III +6 by Oneway (Crack)
Dan Dare III +7 by Royalty (Crack)
Dan Dare III +7 by Depredators (Crack)
Dan Dare III +7 by Triad (Crack)
Demo from LTH by Lightflash (One-File Demo)
Fantastic Soccer by Zyrox (Crack)
Five a Side Footy by Ikari/Talent (Crack)
Glad Påsk by Choice (Demo)
Hypnosis #1 by Cryptic Tales/Twins (Diskmag)
Immortal by Triad (Demo)
Light Logo by Cryptic Tales (One-File Demo)
Liquid Preview by X-Rated (One-File Demo)
One Year by Zone 45 (Demo)
Operation Thunderbolt +3H by Ikari/Talent (Crack)
Operation Thunderbolt +4 by NATO (Crack)
Pappa Bagder by Oneway (One-File Demo)
Pixel Magic by Panoramic Designs (One-File Demo)
Que!! by Full Force (Demo)
RS Coless by Logic (Demo)
Selv-sugeren by The Shadows (One-File Demo)
Skumslik #28 by Depredators (Diskmag)
Snake or Die by Horizon (Demo)
Sonic Boom + by Cross (Crack)
Sonic Boom +2 by Depredators (Crack)
Sonic Boom +4 by Triad (Crack)
The Blood Elf Express 00002 by Full Force (Diskmag)
Tranquilize II by Traxion (One-File Demo)
Troppi Mammia by Abase (One-File Demo)
Wonderland 6 (Fake Demo)
X-Rated Logo by Creeping Death Designs/Cryptic Tales (One-File Demo)

Attendants : (203)
Acty, Aktie, Alfatech, Algar, Alice, Alpha, Anonym, Anxiety, Apollyon, Axeman, B2, Bacchus, Bagder, Barfly, Bezerk, BHF, Bluez, Bod, Bom, Boogaloo, Buff, Butch, Buzz, BX, Cash, Challenger, Codex, Control, Crash, Crite, CRT, Cruel, Cult 73, Cycleburner, DAE, Danko, Dastard, Dealer, Defcon, Dexxah, Doc, Dr. Star, Dr. Suffi, Dr.Cool, Drac, Dreamline Design Studios, Droid, Eagle, Edge, ELA, Euzkera, Evony, Excell, Fierce Fellow, Flamingo, Fletch, Flex, Fox, Garfield, Gastie, Goblin, Grapple, Griffin, Grue, Hazor, Helix, Highlander, Hitman, Haavar B. Hojem, I-Man, Icarus, Icecube, Icon, Infix, Infocomie, Injun, Iznogoud, Izor, Jadawin, Jason, Jason, JCH, Joe, Jonas, Judge, Just Ice, Kaiser, Karl XII, Kerish, Killer, King Fisher, Kjer, Kruger, Kwon, Lars Hoff, Lester, Lex 2001, Macro Nit, Marius Skogheim, Master Jam, Matrix, Mavrick, Merlin, Merlin, Metal Maniac, Mixer, Moppe, Morpheus, Motley, Newscopy, NiM, Olav Mørkrid, OMP, Palle, Pernod, Pharynx, Pi, Pompom, Powpin, Prizma, Probe, Probe, Psycho, Punch, Quan, Rastan, Razy, Redstar, Richard, Rico, Rockstar, Rogi, Rooster, Rygar, Sage, Sage, Sam, Sasq, Scorpie, Scorpio, Scorpion, Seagull, Servant, Shadow, Shark, Sharp, Sir Alec, Skylord, Slaygon, Sledge, Sodapop, Sonix, Spirit, Spirou, Spy, Stanze, Status, Stein Pedersen, Stormbringer, Stylos, Suicide, Swoffa, Sy-Klone, Tamtrax, The Beasty Boy, The Dark Judge, The Golden Child, The Hunter, The Leader, The Lord, The Predator, The Producer, The Russian, The.Fox, Tiger, Tiger Jack, TNT, Tommi, Trent, Tronic, Twix, Tycoon, Unifier, Useless, Vacuum, VIP, Vodka, Walker, White Lion, Whizzy, Wild, Xerx, Xiny6581, XTRO, Zagor, Zan, Zaphod, Zealot, Zinus, Ziphoid, Zizyphus, Zodiac, Aaron

External links :
paper invitation for the party  (http://www.byterapers.scene.org/museum/pieces/index.html)
Google Earth location link  (http://www.sid.fi/~grue/horizon1990.kmz)
Picture from the big hall of the Horizon Party 1990  (http://bayimg.com/oAMogaabA)
Photos from the party  (http://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/117140368085264751178/albums/5079308974237954721)

Releases containing information on this event :
Ars Puplica #5  Party Report + Results
Bad Taste  Rygar rambling on about Euzkeras C64 and a crack of Dan Dare III, getting lost on the pendeltåg to Norsborg. According to CSDb it still seems to be lost. :-)
Conquest  A couple of partyscrollers...
Easter-Party  Invitation
Flamingo Message  Compo result report
Frema Datortidning #2 [swedish]  Party report (in swedish)
Frontpage #5  Mentions that at this party World Wide Expressive died.
Lethal News #4  Party Report + Results
Magic Bytes  Partyscroller...
Mamba #06  Small party report
Mutant Mutta  Party remarks in the scrollers
Party Result  Official results file
Propp  A couple of partyscrollers...
Scene Press Issue April 1990  Small Party Report
Second to None  A couple of partyscrollers...
Serious #03  Partyreport
Sliresopp  A couple of partyscrollers...
Slowpoke #1  Party Invitation
Slowpoke #2  Party Invitation
Slowpoke #3  Party Report + Results
Undeniable  Some scrollers written at the party...
Zwieback  Contains a lot of party scrollers written by random guys on the party.

Party Reports :
Party Report from Mamba #06
- Submitted by hedning (hedning) on August 2 2016

User Comment
Submitted by Tomse on 11 October 2015
Thanks to Trap/Bonzai, I've added the party invitation here: http://www.retro-commodore.eu/2015/10/11/horizon-party-invitati..

User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 20 October 2010
Also attended by some guys called Dr.Drug, Eagle, Nogodnic and Philby.

User Comment
Submitted by Grue on 9 August 2004
Beyond Force entry in demo competition was infact disqualified because demo wasnt ready, but it still managed to get #5 on the competition. 100% version of demo was released later after the party
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