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Edge of Disgrace   [2008]

Edge of Disgrace Released by :
Booze Design

Release Date :
25 October 2008

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at X'2008 :  #1

User rating:**********  9.6/10 (313 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.8/10 (124 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Dane of Booze Design
  HCL of Booze Design
Music .... Dane of Booze Design
Graphics .... Dane of Booze Design
  HCL of Booze Design
  Jailbird of Booze Design
Design .... HCL of Booze Design
  Jailbird of Booze Design
Linking .... HCL of Booze Design
Loader .... HCL of Booze Design

SIDs used in this release :
Edge of Disgrace(/MUSICIANS/M/Mitch_and_Dane/Dane/Edge_of_Disgrace.sid)
Edge of Disgrace (note)(/MUSICIANS/M/Mitch_and_Dane/Dane/Edge_of_Disgrace_note.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Sasq on 5 March 2024
@Raistlin: Shouldn't you give it a 10 in that case... ?

EDIT: Just checked Uncensored; you comment that it should be 12/10 but you voted 8. Do you have have an evil twin that down-votes Booze demos ? ;-)
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Submitted by F7sus4 on 10 November 2023
Whether the best or not, whatever that would mean, it's definitely the Starstruck/TBL of C64 scene.
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Submitted by Strepto on 10 November 2023
I agree with Raistlin, this is the best c64 demo IMHO. The music the flow the transitions the effects with beautiful pixels can hardly get better than this.
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Submitted by Raistlin on 18 June 2023
There are some new contenders for the crown of best C64 demo, sure.. but for me, still, this one is #1. It set a new standard for demo flow with excellent code porn and effects, smooth transitions and a new era for the C64 demoscene.

I’ve heard people complain that some effects repeat. They do, it’s true, but always with variations - and I’d much rather that than “filler”.

Brilliant demo and, for me, still the one to beat.
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Submitted by csio on 15 June 2023
all-time best!!!!
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Submitted by EnzoOttoBit on 26 April 2023
really beautiful !
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Submitted by ThunderBlade on 10 January 2023
I watched it today, again. The code is mind-blowing. What prevents me from voting a full 10 is the soundtrack. I grew up with PRI (Oxyron) and PVCF (Reflex) music in demos. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by DeMOSic on 25 August 2022
YKW, watched the demo Fully a while ago, this is THE best demo on C64!
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Submitted by DKT on 23 April 2022
Yep, the best trio eva
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Submitted by katon on 23 April 2022
Great production just mega wonderful!
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Submitted by Shadow on 12 March 2022
More than a dozen years have passed, but for me, I still think this is the #1 demo of all time.
There have been other demos released later that might have some effects that surpass even this technical masterpiece, and demos with tighter design etc. but still nothing has matched this veritable onslaught of effects just piling on, one after the other.
User Comment
Submitted by DeMOSic on 15 February 2022
AWESOOOME!!! This is my top 3 fav demo. 2nd is eclectic and 1st is Coma light 13.
User Comment
Submitted by EnzoOttoBit on 15 February 2022
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 18 August 2021
Just growing and growing... it actually outshine absolutely all demos on the c64, also all booze demos released after this beast of a masterpiece... How could I ever think someone could actually beat the tightness of this... how was it even possible that I thought this was not that (like in thaaaaahht...) great. It is fantastix!
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Submitted by Mr.C on 20 November 2020
Lovely. I had no idea that c64 could do half of this.
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Submitted by Dr.j on 21 May 2020
still #1 top best demo on C64
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Submitted by Raistlin on 13 February 2019
Watching this again today, and hearing the reception of it live (through Youtube, sadly, as I slept all the way through 2008).. wow.

Absolutely the best demo I've seen. Stunning effects, transitions, music, graphics.. OMG.

Amazing stuff - and still so 10 years later.

X2020 will be EoD2, right?
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 21 June 2018
it stands there as the best c64 demo ever created... I thought it could be beaten, but I only think it can be beaten by you!
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Submitted by Chico on 7 June 2018
What SHOULD go on here ?? ;-)
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Submitted by ws on 30 May 2018
What is going on here?
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Submitted by jailbird on 12 November 2015
Jak T Rip: Finally it's beaten that Tawnee Stone slideshow ;)
Nooooo but whatever as long as w beat the Atari suckers with their batman shit.
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Submitted by Karmic on 11 November 2015
Jak T Rip: Finally it's beaten that Tawnee Stone slideshow ;)
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Submitted by Jak T Rip on 11 November 2015
20500+ downloads!
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Submitted by PAL on 5 May 2015
There is only one FIREHAWK Joe....
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Submitted by Joe on 5 May 2015
...However since someone brought HCB on the subject. The editor.. Brilliant zoom and editing possibilities, only joystick but..
But why oh, could someone not code that 4th color replace rout or at least have one key as erase (background color)?
User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 20 November 2014
groep: hopefully not necessary. guess everybody can imagine the difference between strict converts and handcrafted pixels for the moment...
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 20 November 2014
are you going to post some terrible converts here as well?
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Submitted by Oswald on 20 November 2014
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Submitted by bepp on 26 February 2014
Gee, anon dude vote 1
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Submitted by theWizard on 5 December 2013
lol judging by the time it took to scroll down this might be good ..or bad , btw that guy under me is he joking or being a nob lol i couldnt tell
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Submitted by G-Fellow on 29 October 2013
Is Crest dead? Do Crest fear the new powerful groups? Or Crest come soon with a 100% C64 demo with all limits that the C64+Action Replay has, to beat Offence-Fairlight-Prosonix, Booze Design, Censor, Triad, Hitmen and all the other groups? (Maybe on X-2014)

Btw. I love Edge of Disgrace like many other new demos... (ofcourse alot old demos, too).
User Comment
Submitted by der_ton on 29 October 2013
what Total Chaos said :)
I watched it again (with the same headphones I've been using for years) and the music has some details that I seem to have missed, or maybe my ears have gotten better. I'm still so impressed with this extraordinary piece of human creativity.
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Submitted by Total Chaos on 15 October 2013
..still impressed...
(and I love the music even more now than I did back when it was released)
12/10 would watch again!
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Submitted by Sith on 25 September 2013
This demo totally blew me away when I first saw it. It's a killer. It raised the benchmark in the demo scene significantly. How much further can the 64 be pushed?

Oh btw, this demo is what got me started on collecting scene demos. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 16 September 2013
Jailbird I really wanna just say that logo is Fukien hot damn.... Good werkk.....
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Submitted by HCL on 30 July 2013
Bob, constantly overreacting. I wonder who is in shock here :P. Now stop abusing the comment field plz willya..
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Submitted by macx on 29 July 2013
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Submitted by Bob on 29 July 2013
Hype? pfff... we R here to stay.
too bad boyz, you guys just have to live with it.. ;)

looks that Booze is in shock? 8)=) It is a normal reaction, the Censor rash :), it used to be like that even at the good old Days.

people got ticks and shit.. Hacker foots when being around/against us... and not with us ;)

Dusty Shed?... 18 yearz of absence do make old stuff grown in .. we have done our cleaning and have our empire up and running as in the good old days.
the motto is to make those days pale in comparation 8)=)

User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 29 July 2013
Me join Censor? Sorry Bob, been there, done that, didn't even get a t-shirt :P. Besides, Booze is everything that Censor is not. When you have built your own castle the way you want it, you are not leaving it for some dusty shed, eventhough there might be free beers and naked girls.. :)

Mirage, you are welcome when you're ready.. when the Censor-hype is over perhaps :).
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 9 July 2013
Bob, we would never abandon Jackasser, as we need his mansion for our bi-annual barbecues!
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Submitted by Bob on 9 July 2013
HCL How about returning to Censor then ;)
Dane some colorful changes in life perhaps ? ;)
While we are at it.. Why not whole Booze joining Censor except Jackasser :)
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Submitted by Mirage on 30 June 2013
Jackasser: maybe! but not yet :)
User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 25 June 2013
this demo will be always special for me.
x2008 was the first demoparty i ever attended. not aware what is going on with c64 stuff and then i saw this...
definitely one of the reasons why i became active again...
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Submitted by Yazoo on 25 June 2013
hehehe, i see bob go for a bloodbath ;-)
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Submitted by Dane on 25 June 2013
Yes, WTF not? :D
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Submitted by Bob on 25 June 2013
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Submitted by JackAsser on 24 June 2013
@Mirage: You're welcome to join Booze and leave Censor. ;)
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Submitted by Mirage on 20 June 2013
Dane, Jailbird, HCL - I adore you!
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Submitted by wysiwtf on 30 May 2013
in my opinion this is carried mostly by DANEs really awesome music.
The code might be impressive (cant judge) and the effects all look very polished including the transitions but there was too little flow and too many plasmas to make this #1 in my book.
CL13 has leading.
User Comment
Submitted by xpo on 19 February 2013
Only three guys need to make the best c64 demo. Impressive!!!
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Submitted by Bob on 10 October 2012
11/10 what can I say!
HCL it is sad that U didn't continued in Censor you would have every ones blessing to lead it fwd ;)
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Submitted by Magic on 5 September 2012
My upmost respect for making this demo! I hope there is another big booze design demo next month! :)
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Submitted by TomoAlien on 14 August 2012
Oh man, that 2x version sounds better than the final product IMO.
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Submitted by The Stoned Exorcist on 13 August 2012
a true work of art :->
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Submitted by celticdesign on 21 July 2012
where's the doubelspeed sid? ;-)
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Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 20 July 2012
@Dane - now I'm waiting for a complete Double-Speed remix of the EoD soundtrack ;)
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Submitted by Cresh on 20 July 2012
Indeed. Esp. that double-speed.
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Submitted by Dane on 19 July 2012
Some might find this a little interesting:
and this:
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 7 June 2012
Yikes!! Is it really 4 years since this baby was plopped out?!?!?
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Submitted by DeeKay on 4 June 2012
Newsflash: Comedy tends to simplify and exaggerate in order to get the joke across! <:-)
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Submitted by jailbird on 4 June 2012
The secret ingredient is beer. A lot of sweet, sweet beer.
Edit: and fuck you DeeKay, I'm not from Swederland :)
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Submitted by DeeKay on 9 May 2012
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Submitted by Mr Wegi on 8 April 2012
This is nothing new - but I must say IT - this is extra ordinary demo. When HCL coding - this is more than code, HI playing by code :) Every one aspect of this demo is perfect - fluent, timing, effects and COSMIC linking! Really this is demo not for XXI but for XXII century
User Comment
Submitted by PARALAX on 18 March 2012
From technical view the best demo I've ever seen on C64, even the disk turn part seems to stretch the music depending from the time you need to turn the disk over. Crazy idea and one of the perfect parts of this demo. Hope to see much more in future from Booze Design.
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 9 February 2012
One of the sections that I liked was the ‘strip of rectangles’ that scroll left to right then zoom in, only to reveal a new part.
It reminded me of the NIN video Survivalism.
Even the movement of the ‘strip of rectangles’ is reminiscent.

NIN Survivalism
User Comment
Submitted by OMP on 6 February 2012
I agree with Stein… Heh - I also decide to re-visit this page to comment… After checking this out again this weekend, I got blown away. Very impressive indeed - but my source of embarrassment is not recognizing the music for what it is. GENIUS! Must have been "I don't know how many hours" of work to get that music to it's present level. Not even counting the composing.

I remember saying "Meeeh - newschool SID. sounds great, but the composition isn't all that fantastic."

Screw that - I love it! :) It's a masterpiece. it's stuck in my head now. I'll do a crap cover of it, in Soundmonitor or Future Composer. :)

Looking forward to x2012, for more eye - and ear-candy
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Submitted by bepp on 5 February 2012
How many downloads?
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Submitted by Stone on 4 January 2012
When I returned to the scene a little over 3 years ago, this was one of the first demos I was shown and I'm almost embarrassed to say this: I wasn't blown away. I was impressed, for sure, but I thought it was "just" an endless line of transitions. Now, after having watched it countless times, I can safely say that I am blown away. By everything, really. The technical skill, the artistry, the flawless and creative stitching together of effects and not to mention the sheer amount of blood, sweat and tears that must have gone into making this amazing demo. I think I had forgotten how much work it actually is to make something on this machine, but that doesn't really excuse my ignorance. So in conclusion, this demo remains the shining beacon for C64 demo makers and most likely will never be surpassed, except perhaps by the Boozers themselves. We can only hope!
User Comment
Submitted by plagueis on 22 October 2011
Still the best demo ever made.
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Submitted by Dream on 2 October 2011
For a scener coming back after leaving in the late 90's. I have been blown away. Completely blown away. Not only have this given me my memories back but it has blown them off the canvas. This makes me love my beloved c64.

Awesome guys.
User Comment
Submitted by ferris on 23 May 2011
Instant classic. Epic in every imaginable way. Just insane!!
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Submitted by macx on 29 March 2011
This is what EoD looks like when run on a MCC (I asked the producers if it would work, and they sent me this YT-flick):
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Submitted by Echo on 23 March 2011
Gorgeus like Alizee, Beautiful like a first Spring Rose...

Amazing Job !
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 4 February 2011
It is a beautiful demo, now I even dig the music... he he... I just want to say that it is so cool that people are creating stuff on the love one... Gotta love this one even more as it is one of the best demos I know of... It is like a rolling stones album, it just grows on me, but it takes time, but sure it just is there in my membrane. HCL, thanx for loving our Another Beginning and for creating this and a lot of other demos from booze... I love IT!
User Comment
Submitted by aricz on 19 January 2011
The magnus opus of c64 demos. And the music by Dane. Pheeeeew.. from start to end of part 1, amazing. Up, up, up, higher, higher and hiiiiigher! KABOOOOOOOOOOM! *SCHPLATT*

One of my favourite demos any platform. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Oxbow on 4 December 2010
brilliant in its every aspect. what a demo. damn. BOOZE kicks all!!!!
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Submitted by lemming on 8 September 2010
Finally tubed from hardware to a single vid :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBqimxejYpg
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Submitted by Mr. SID on 18 August 2010
@Wile Coyote: I guess it ends on the cube because that one is gouraud shaded while all the objects before that are only flat shaded...
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Submitted by Jode on 29 June 2010
This was definitely coded by an ALIEN. This kind of hardcoding was simply unthinkable in our times in the heydays - at 90 to 94. (May I call that the "Golden era" of the c64 scene) Amazing how relative the boundaries (and _borders_ too) are...

User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 24 April 2010
Excellent demo, one of the best on c64. The opening sequence is just brilliant, the EoD logo fantastic, and the audio impressive.

As great as the demo is, there were one or two moments I wondered why?

‘P R E S E N T S’ the style didn’t fit the demo
The turn disk part could have been better.
The part featuring the excellent 3D shapes ends on a cube? I didn’t get that. It didn’t need the cube.
Towards the end, there’s a really bland tiling pattern that could have been so much better.

As much as I liked the part that pans into the females eye, it made me wonder if the parts that did make it into EoD could have been used here. Obviously without seeing the unused parts, can’t really comment.

Niggles-a-side. Great demo :D
User Comment
Submitted by Chotaire on 24 March 2010
this demo is an atomic bomb!
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Submitted by tnu on 4 March 2010
How can a person give this demo a 3 - it is just not logical...

..its the scene of today....
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Submitted by DRAX on 4 March 2010
How can a person give this demo a 3 - it is just not logical...
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Submitted by 6R6 on 14 January 2010
( Just vacuum cleaned my C128D and applied some nail polish to the 1571 read head. )

And then I tested this demo (loader) again:

"note of disgrace" bugs on my C128D, grey blank screen.

C128D Booting from Disk 0:
The demo only seem to work if you insert disk 1 before you type run.
(Looks to be a 1571 problem with identyfing disk swap.)

C128D Booting from Disk 1:
It works ok when booted from disk 1.

Maybe my disk was faulty but:
One of the parts on disk 2, had some serious bugs.. crashed
on me once..
Dont know if the loader handles read errors ?

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 5 November 2009
Groepaz: I think you are totally right here. I have seen this demo over and over again and it grows on me both because I like the effects and transitions better and better... and also due to me getting a bit more know how on how slow it is to load while displaying parts and so on... I guess you would have to mind me a bit because I really did not think how much work everything was again... But I can promise you that I know and understand more how massive the work is in this demo more and more now when we are actually creating a demo on the c64 again... he he... we are quite rusty we have got to learn again, and do the hard way now...

I thought one just could put an image in thimantes nowadays and it autodithered itself in a way... ha ha... it sure is not just like that...

One of the best demos ever... and yes, I guess one will miss transition-effects this great in our new demo... hmmm...
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Submitted by booker on 5 November 2009
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 23 July 2009
A splendid demo, one of the best ever created, but very booring vipes. and the vipes take alot of the display time in this demo...

just wait until you release your demo - and people will complain about the lack of transition effects =D
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Submitted by Mr. SID on 22 July 2009
For me it's the way in which the zoomer (just before the turn disk part) is introduced. Brilliant!
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Submitted by ready. on 22 July 2009
what Stainless Steel said. Transitions harmonize the whole thing, making it a constant flow. I would have hate it if it had the press-space-bar thing.
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 22 July 2009
I strongly disagree about the transitions being too much. They are so awesome to watch.
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Submitted by clonK on 22 July 2009
Every time I watch this demo, the music transition from the gas mask pic to the floor part makes me hold back tears of exultation every time!
A SID masterpiece timed to perfection within the demo.
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Submitted by Mathman on 19 July 2009
When I saw this the first times, I thought by far this was the greatest c64 demo ever.

The tech is still pure perfection, but in hindsight I think the design and feel was too much like Cycle+ to make a huge emotional impact on me. Maybe the effect was also lessened by that it's a extremely smooth demo, too smooth to make any part stand out in particular.

"Just" 9/10
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 4 July 2009
Voted 7 of 10 beacause of all the vipes or moving onto the nxt part... they really make the demo be more powerpointish in a way... hate those vipes after the seccond one... withouth the wipes and even press space to the next part it would be 9+ from me, but then one should not disply that alot of plasmas!

A splendid demo, one of the best ever created, but very booring vipes. and the vipes take alot of the display time in this demo...
User Comment
Submitted by Steppe on 9 June 2009
How come this fabulous demo hasn't been downvoted yet? Not one fucking time...! I guess the Booze Designs crew must be a bunch of bootlickers that everyone likes... (me included). ;-)
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Submitted by assiduous on 9 June 2009
Sasq- http://www.demoscene.tv/page.php?id=172&lang=uk&vsmaction=view_.. (recorded by Mr.Mouse)
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Submitted by Sasq on 9 June 2009
Bah, can't somebody put up a real video instead of all these lame emulator captures...
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Submitted by Cresh on 8 June 2009

hires capture.
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Submitted by null on 29 May 2009
I'm pretty sure HCL used this tool as well

$d020 Editor
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 26 May 2009
i think hcl converted all his code using timanthes. right? =P
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Submitted by Dane on 26 May 2009
Same here actually.
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Submitted by jailbird on 26 May 2009
Quoting PAL
I guess thimantes were used for alot of dithering here?

As far as my part is concerned, not at all. Most of my graphics were done in Project One V0.5.
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Submitted by PAL on 27 April 2009
WOW! Impressive... but I dear to say that cycle with the track 1 selected is even nicer... You are making such good demos...thanx for alot of inspiration! Very cool! I guess thimantes were used for alot of dithering here? really cool graphics and code and all.

PAL of Offence
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Submitted by Jammer on 11 April 2009
steppe >> harder better faster stronger ;) by daft punk, naturally :)
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Submitted by The Phantom on 11 April 2009
How Baked Fish Smells :D
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Submitted by Steppe on 11 April 2009
What's HBFS?
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Submitted by Jammer on 11 April 2009
i've just launched note and... this rendition of HBFS is top notch! \o/ imho better than demo tune :P
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Submitted by TomoAlien on 14 March 2009
This demo is an instant jawdropper!
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Submitted by Conrad on 7 March 2009
Dam you HCL for destroying all of an adequate coder's chances!! :)
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Submitted by plagueis on 18 February 2009
The dot plotter parts were my favorite too, the heart, torus, and nested spheres. Also all the zoom effects and especially the zoom scroller. Good stuff!

-Darth Plagueis
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Submitted by Dane on 17 February 2009
An exclusive gentlemen's club.
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Submitted by daison on 17 February 2009
What's EC?
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Submitted by Dane on 17 February 2009
Ah, but it was at EC I learned the secret formula to making a great demo....one coder, a very small chair and lots of junk food!
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Submitted by Sledge on 16 February 2009
This is damn good! My god what a cool demo. Stellan, you have advance pretty much since your early days at EC ;)

Amazing stuff! The voting speaks for itself... great!
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Submitted by FMan on 10 January 2009
Pretty good demo.
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Submitted by Testa on 8 January 2009
i just saw this demo again after a short period of time, and wauw this one is the shit... amazing effects, great graphics, nice soundtrack....... it really makes me forget everything around me.... everything is so smooth, fast, etc... a true peace of art!

User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 25 December 2008
Sorry for a kind of late response :)

extremely well executed demo. Probably the best coded demo ever in my eyes. The best ever vectors... it's an honour to have my 3d dots record broken(figured out) by this demo :) multiple vic madness simultaneously... My only criticsm is tha it felt a bit too long for me. I would rather have this demo at 2/3rds of its size and another smaller demo with the left overs.

Music starts great and is great at times but I think it also suffered from being too long. it probably is nearly impossible to keep a catchy tune catchy for that long.

Graphics are very high caliber too. the initial credits graphics are my favorite.

Hats off to the authors
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Submitted by Jammer on 24 December 2008
'turn disk' piccy owns ;) not to mention transition to it which kicks major asses ;)
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Submitted by algorithm on 12 December 2008
Great demo. This should be the standard now for all trackloaders. As with other people the 'proudly presents' was the let down in the demo. Reminded me a bit of the 'Creatures/mayhem in monsterland credits part.

The use of a new gfx mode was great. Now the c64's attribute limitations have been halved (8x4) rather than the (8x8)
Transition wise, the only demo to have came close was H2K by plush. Its always nice to see the limitations of the c64 pushed back further and further each time :-}
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Submitted by Jammer on 12 December 2008
so, let's release 101% version with better 'proudly presents' and be the king \:D/
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Submitted by CreaMD on 12 December 2008
"proudly presents" is okay.. but what spoils it for me is that sprite sinuswave-x-y-zoomed hand over chesboard in the beginning. I know why sprite are there, but that crap lookng gfx doesn't belong to otherwise mature and decent demo. ;-) Replace it by chessboardgfx and it will have sense there.
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 12 December 2008
I have to agree with Jammer. The only gripe i have with this marvelous demo is the "proudly presents" screen which totally does not fit with the rest of the spectacular demo.
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Submitted by Steppe on 11 December 2008
Having watched it a dozen times now I have to say it doesn't really have the lasting impact of the first two times I've watched it. The whole thing feels a bit - hm, how to say - empty, almost too polished, even thin at times, as opposed to Natural Wonders 2 or Pearls for Pigs which have constantly grown on me - mostly due to the great atmosphere they create. EoD's a great demo, don't get me wrong: it has probably the best flow and transitions of all demos on the C64, also maybe the best and most advanced effects. But it's not among the three demos I would take to a lonely island. Had to downvotegrade it to a 9, sorry.
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Submitted by HCL on 10 December 2008
@Jammer: Hmm.. yea, agree :/.
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Submitted by Jammer on 10 December 2008
i have to say this - 'presents' in the beginning is pretty lame and spoils the impression :D big spank for the designer(s) :P
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Submitted by vedos on 5 December 2008
...and they like it. =)
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Submitted by vedos on 5 December 2008
bestest! this is a first demo i show to my friends who don't know anything about (C-64) demoscene.
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Submitted by Mäestro AmN on 5 December 2008
What should i say? The numbers of rating, downloads, commets tell everything about this quality material.
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 3 December 2008
One of the best demo soundtracks of all time.
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Submitted by Red Wizard on 2 December 2008
...Please make it possible that thiz fantastic Demo runs on a c128D! Dont Work.. on It C128/D/DCR :-)
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Submitted by xIII on 29 November 2008
O M G !!
I thought C64 was dead !
What a great demo this is in all its aspects !
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Submitted by nooly on 17 November 2008
this demo has everything =)
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Submitted by Oswald on 14 November 2008
this demo brings me back to the old times, when I kept hacking the code of the better demos to learn new tricks. and the code in here is fucking brilliant. So is the music&gfx. but still, as 50fps/sideborder is not what makes my dick hard it leaves me with the feeling of wanting more.
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 11 November 2008
200 \o/
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Submitted by Fanta on 10 November 2008
Indeed the best C64 demo so far. Lots of effort went into this one. But luckily it's not perfect and seems surpassable. Phew :D
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Submitted by Red Wizard on 8 November 2008
Great Demo, but it Dont Work on my C128D!! :-(((((
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Submitted by doZe on 8 November 2008
so far, this is the best demo ever ! unbelievable such a quality product in 2008, code/gfx/zak = premium. my hair is spreading again *lol*
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Submitted by Sampaguita on 7 November 2008
I'm totally loving it. Every part is very well executed, runs smooth und fits to the music. The parts are nicely connected, so all in all a really big show.
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Submitted by Total Chaos on 6 November 2008
After seeing it again today I must agree, this is *the* best demo (yet) on the C64.

The trailblazer/disco-dancefloor/whetever-you-call-it effect is made of PURE awsomness with the music fitting perfectly.

/me haxxes csdb and gives the demo a vote of 11
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Submitted by HCL on 5 November 2008
@Krill: Yeah!! That's the spirit :D.
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Submitted by Krill on 5 November 2008
Indeed the best C64 demo so far. Lots of effort went into this one. But luckily it's not perfect and seems surpassable. Phew :D
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Submitted by Klegg on 5 November 2008
Pure awesomeness! I can't even find words for it. Definitely _the_ best demo I've ever seen!
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Submitted by Linus on 2 November 2008
What GRG said ... thanks for an *amazing* show, HCL, Dane and Jailbird!
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Submitted by Dane on 2 November 2008
Absolutely right, Glenn! Making the music was a bit like putting together a quilt. :D Big thanks to everyone for kind words and comments about our demo, hope it inspired a couple of people to finish their own stuff!
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Submitted by 6R6 on 2 November 2008
Watching this demo together with 200 C64 freaks at X08 was amazing. Many thanks for a great demo HCL, Dane & Jailbird. And Dane : I assume the 2 rasterline music player was used for the 'escos' sprite zoomer. ?
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Submitted by lbp on 2 November 2008
Fabulous. What a pace, what a show. The first chess zommer + wanker effect plus thumping music is ace. I especially dig the multicolor BD logo zoomer before the plotters near the end, which looks so smooth! How exactly is that possible on the C64? :) Are there any other demos showing that? The fullscreen zoomer is also cool. Big respeKt to the DB crew. Thanks for the experience. 10/10
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Submitted by DeeKay on 2 November 2008
Total Chaos:
Plasmas are NEVER boring! ;-) Nicest one to date IMHO is the double-sine AFLI one in Risen from Oblivion - which is why I forced xbow to include it! ;-)
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Submitted by Total Chaos on 2 November 2008
First I was like: mmm.. plasmas.. boring.... and then I was like.. plas... WTF! HOLY CRAP!

A milestone.. HCL, Dane and JB.. you guys owe me a new jaw (my old broke when it dropped on to the desk)

and I saw RASTERBARS! *kyss i ljumsken*
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Submitted by Style on 2 November 2008
@TDJ: tried it, same thing..... just sits there, taunting me....... :)
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Submitted by Jucke on 1 November 2008
This demo is like snorting cocaine in a swedish sports bar while looking at a picture of Lasse Berghagen in the mobile phone. It's ok HCL, you can retire now.
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Submitted by Spectator on 1 November 2008
I finally got around to watching this at home - what a viewing pleasure!

Thumbs up to HCL, Dane & JB for delivering indeed the best demo to date. And i'm glad to see we're not the only ones working for 8 years on a demo. ;)

For me this demo really kicks in when the new gfx format is introduced. I loved the painting style used, really refreshing. That combined with some excellent transitions, wow. The audio track is a real swinger too. ;)

Let's all be inspired.
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Submitted by Medicus on 31 October 2008
@bigfoot: thats only the sid of the first diskside... got more? ;) appreciate it
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Submitted by Medicus on 30 October 2008
I LUV THE SOUNDTRACK!!!! Absolutely marvelous.
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Submitted by null on 30 October 2008
I think this demo also wins for having the most comments and goofs posted ;_D
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Submitted by CreaMD on 30 October 2008
...more than 45 minutes spent watching this demo already and still loving it.. I think this says something.
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Submitted by Puterman on 29 October 2008
That was my first 10 for a demo at CSDb.

This is the first time since the early 2000's that I was really impressed with a code heavy demo as a whole. Like I was with Soul, Deus Ex Machina, Plush2k and Digital World.

Thank you for the vectors.
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Submitted by blackdroid on 29 October 2008
Really nice demo.
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Submitted by Clarence on 29 October 2008
Amazing stuff. The amount of work and quality put into this is admirable.
The three highlits on which the demo stands upon for me are the X-Rotator, the dither vector, and the refined quality Graham fullscreen zoomer. Without these 3 the other 20+ effect would not impress as much alone in my opinion. :) The pace and linking quality beats +H2K by far, which is quite something, but I miss some more syncing to the music at places.
I wish the other demos in the X compo top 4 would get a little more appreciation as well as this demo, since they all contain similar quality as this one (in a bit smaller doses)...
Oh HCL, and thanks for making some effects on my idea list so I won't have to realise them anymore. ;)
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Submitted by BiGFooT on 29 October 2008
Get the ripped soundtrack at http://www.freespace.hu/EdgeOfDisgrace.sid

I don't know it's good or not, but poke Dane for the "real deal".
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Submitted by ptoing on 29 October 2008
As far as stylish goes I dunno. Transform still wins that one for my and parts of Wild Bunch are also way stylisher imo.
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Submitted by assiduous on 29 October 2008
the most stylish demo on the C64. coding wise its impressive too,alot of difficult(although not as ground breaking as one could anticipate from the comments)and well executed effects are included. afew minor drawbacks have already been pointed out before in the comments so it wont make much sense to repeat it(1 visual bug that could have been easily avoided is in the goofs section). excellent job and kudos for the amount of time that was spent on creating this gem.
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Submitted by Danzig on 29 October 2008
To Mr.David Malmborg himself: Dear David, I know you for quite some years now and I'm a BD-fan for about 16 years already. I hereby express my deepest respect to you; especially for NOT letting me peek into EoD before the compo, it would have influenced "the experience" in a negative way ;) Thank you. Keep them coming...
(Edit typo)
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Submitted by HCL on 29 October 2008
Thanx for all the positive reactions on this demo. It has been most entertaining to read also the riot of comments before the demo was released :). Some like it, others don't. It's probably impossible to make a demo that appeals to everyone. I can just take a look at myself, i like cracks with no trainers at all ;).

It's fairly obvious that we won the X-compo by looking different and being bulldozer with ~double the amount of parts etc. Still i think many of the other demos in the compo had more fresh effects, and felt more modern in a way. No wonder though, most of the effects in here are quite old. The newer ones were released in Cycle/Tsunami/etc..

Of course i'm not 100% satisfied with the demo, but on such a huge project you simply have to cut some good shit and add some bad if you ever want to release it. I'm sure +H3k and MeetCrest would be better, but sadly they will never be released >;). As some ppl mentioned, there are alot of plasmas and zoomers. Yepp, zoomers was like the coolest thing you could do in 2002, but plasmas i don't know :P. I was aware of it a long time, but didn't change it :/.

About fast loading.. Well, ByteBoozer does a great job, eventhough it's not really optimized for speed (yet). I guess my coding style also fits well to ByteBoozer since i always work with code generators (like teh great Graham :). But i have also been working quite a bit with the linking, finding ways to load stuff earlier or later to avoid pauses. ..like "What is loading during the vector part?" Answer: half of the vector part :). We in BD don't need to slow down our vectors to do loading, you know ;). The vector is realtime calculated, don't worry about that.

I have so much to say about this demo, of course.. it's been an essencial part of my life for at least the last year.. I'll probably write more comments on it later, but for now: Thank you everyone! Without you, this demo would never have happened.
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Submitted by Martin Piper on 29 October 2008
I had to give this demo a 10. The execution of it was very good apart from the very start where the decompression left a mess on the screen and the "please insert" message. It wouldn't have been too hard to add a nice tidy and quick loading boot loader.
But I very much liked the layered effects, one effect, OK, then another effect over the top of it, oh yes. :)
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Submitted by Morpheus on 29 October 2008
A tremendous effort. A straight 10.
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Submitted by Ksubi on 29 October 2008
Absolute masterpiece. Great for the scene also ---> an injection of excitement / hype / new ideas and new limits to possibly (?) break. Good to see some PC sceners acknowledging the brilliance of this production.
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Submitted by CreaMD on 29 October 2008
As far as dots are concerned, I write two dots instead of three very often that it de facto became my standard. ;-)
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Submitted by SIDWAVE on 29 October 2008
Have I already commented ? it's impossible to tell with all these comments. Ofcourse it must be a 10! but its not the best demo ever, just the hardest code ever.

@Dane: do you even realize what you have done ?
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Submitted by Akira on 29 October 2008
holy,fkn, shit...
i have nothing else to say for now.
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Submitted by Hate Bush on 29 October 2008
I don't know shit about coding. EoD SEEMS like something almost impossible to do. A lot of work done at the archmaster level has been put into this.
However, Zyron's comment about 'lack of content' hits the nail on the head pretty well. I mean... this is a show of pure technique, pure form. So I understand that people actually may not like this demo at all and vote it far below 9. It depends on expectations one has from a piece of art. So please stop the 'some people suffer from a compulsive nonconformism' (by the way, it's called 'anticonformism') stuff. If you don't understand someone else's point of view, you don't have to, but do respect it please. I have done the opposite in the past, to the utter regret later.
Personally, I have never seen effects so smooth and fast, and the pace is astonishing, it's all shining like a Goldwasser, and that's enough really. Therefore. HCL, D, JB - 10/10 and I bow down. Mrvlz wrk.
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Submitted by DeeKay on 29 October 2008
Quoting wec

I’d had preconceptions of David and Victoria Beckham appearing, Dane style

I really wonder why! <:-) Is it because the Demo is called "Edge of disgrace"?
Speaking of which, Boozers: Why exactly *did* you choose that name for the best demo (IMHO) in c64 history so far? 8)
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Submitted by Sir Garbagetruck on 29 October 2008
I knew I had to see this on real hardware. _SO_ worth getting the stuff all worked out to write to real disks.
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Submitted by The Phantom on 29 October 2008
I totally loved the 3d vector dots.
The music was kick ass as well!!!

Tasty design and played well. I do love how BOOZE simply acts like the side-borders don't exist.

I still think Last Traktor 3 (by horizon) kicks major butt, but this one comes darn close to my newest favorite.

Great Job BOOZE DESIGN....
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Submitted by Shaun_B aka C02 on 29 October 2008
Okay, I've eliminated the problems: it must be the 1571 in the D-Cr - maybe also problems with the 1570? I managed to find a working C64 and 1541 MK-II. The last screen on side 2 said 'Booze' and then currupt at the bottom. Hopefully, the demo doesn't require my nearly 2 decade old 1541 to be in near perfect working order. The Basts!

As for the demo, nice to see some old-skool alike vector effects in there. Very pretty, but I don't think that I've seen all of it because of the currupt screen. Looks like a lot of effort. Good work.

Edit: Just watched the demo on YouTube; apparently, the screen just currupted on the last logo for me. Also, the colours are vastly different on my Commodore, but I seem to remember that I had a Rev-A C64. I think this might be why the screen looks so very different to the online vid, especially from the start up screen.
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Submitted by Mr.Ice on 28 October 2008
@Hein: Yeah, why not coding 10 better demos in parallel? So that "Edge..." will be out of top 10 demos here at CSDB:)))))))))))
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Submitted by trident on 28 October 2008
Amazing, of course. Almost every single byte of 6510 code in this demo is stunning and insanely impressive. The graphics is extremely beautiful. The music is very good, very subtle (the Terminator theme, for example), and well executed.

Unfortunately, however, the transitions are just TOO polished for me. As a coder, I really appreciate those stunning effects that leave me at a complete loss as to how they are done (and there are a lot of those here!). But those transitions are just ... frustrating. There seems to be an insane amount of work that has gone into making those so smooth, and the thought of all those hours of work just get me really stressed out :)

With rawer transitions, this would easily have gotten a 10+. Now my vote is only 9 :(
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Submitted by Shaun_B aka C02 on 28 October 2008
Hi, I tried this demo on a Commodore 128D-Cr - it says "insert side 1a" and goes no further. I've unplugged my SCPU + RL, and the serial lead to the FD4000 and HD, and still nothing. To transfer it, I used geoBeap to extract the D64 to a 5.25" diskette. Is this the wrong way to go about things? I don't have any other ways to transfer D64s to a real Commodore at the moment. If this transfer method doesn't work then I don't suppose that I've lost anything. It is, afterall, only a demo ;-)
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Submitted by Mr.Ice on 28 October 2008
@HCL: You are fucked:) Do you think that you are able to beat yourself?;)
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Submitted by GMBigB on 28 October 2008
I agree with Dbug - some effects are shown too often. And I personally don't like mixed effects like the plasma with the zoomed star/fist. Great coding, but it does not look very aesthetic to me. Better improve the effect itself instead of combining it with other stuff. Nevertheless the best C64 demo ever! The dithered vectors and the 3d dots impressed me most. Awesome job! Very close to a 10, but still a 9. :-)
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Submitted by Shadow on 28 October 2008
The bar for what is possible on the C64 has been raised again, maybe for the final time.

This is a stunning piece of work, such an attack of effects, after watching it for the first time I could not believe that 15 minutes has passed!

First of all - who the hell can you fit all this into a little more than 2 disk sides? Also the loading/decrunching must be very effective since the demo keeps a steady flow without notable loaderbreaks. If this is HCLs advertisement for the ByteBoozer system, I'm sold! :D
Then the graphics are totally gorgeous, the Edge of Disgrace logo seen in the screenshot for example is one of the finest I've ever seen on the C64!
Music, Dane does a fine job as usual, I love the little Terminator-cover-part!
Code...oh my the code! HCL proves that he is indeed from another planet or something. At one point when watching the demo, I think it was during the FLI4x4 zoomer when the sprites suddenly appeared, I just said "Nä nu får han fan ta och ge sig!" out aloud. I don't know if sitting alone talking to your 1084 is sane though...
And the final touch is the transitions - so much attention to detail, and completely ignoring the sideborders (for which I personally always had a healthy dose of respect!)
Special thanks to HCL for writing a lengthy note with all the details of the coderporn!
That new half-char mode is really intriguing to me, is it really fetching d800 vals twice in a 8x8 block? I didn't think that was possible. Well, I guess that topic lends itself better to a new thread in the coding forum, rather than cluttering the comments thread.

OK, it turns out I've written an entire essay, sorry about that.

To sum it up - The utter insane amount of work that has gone into this is staggering, and deserves the utmost respect.
10/10 from me of course.
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Submitted by Megabrain on 28 October 2008
Great peace of work! This demo has it all.
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Submitted by tempest on 28 October 2008
nothing more to add I guess... great demo from the booze power trio.
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Submitted by Dbug on 28 October 2008
As it is, I gave 9, remove half of the plasmas and zoomers, I give a 10.
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Submitted by Trash on 28 October 2008
@TDJ: Of course you are allowed to vote below nine, you can vote anything you you want! I just stated that it would be REALLY interesting to watch a demo voted as a ten from those who vote below nine on this production...
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Submitted by Richard on 28 October 2008
That demo was incredible. Has to be the best demo of 2008. One of my all time favourite demos, since DEUS EX MACHINA. F**k I am very stunned. Can anyone beat this incredible work of art? This must be a well deserved *** Demo of the year *** :oD
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Submitted by Cruzer on 28 October 2008
Mods: Please ban all that vote below 10 for this ;)
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Submitted by TDJ on 28 October 2008
@Burglar: well, I'm gonna do so, just to spite you. In fact, I'll vote 'pi', I guess HCL will appreciate that ;)
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Submitted by Hein on 28 October 2008
Absolute killer demo. So much work went into this, matching the hardcore elements with perfect transitions. Despite the fact there is no concept behind it, other than impress the world with super skills, it's been an enjoyable roller coaster ride. Now, let's all sit together (except HCL, Dane and JB) and conspire to overthrow this demo chart dictatorship. 10/10!
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Submitted by Burglar on 28 October 2008
no tdj, you are not allowed to vote under 9 ;)
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Submitted by TDJ on 28 October 2008
@Trash: am I allowed to vote below 9 according to you? I mean, I still want to view the demo on the c64, but I'd like to know beforehand what my options are ..

All these 'you cannot vote below 9' statements are utter bullshit of course. Ever heard of the expression 'to each his own'?
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Submitted by Jammer on 28 October 2008
wec: i think the one with belucci wasn't too pretty. i was stunned by the zoomer: woman -> moon. as far as i recognised, it was a couple of graphics with a different amount of zoom, each one appearing in a sequence :)
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Submitted by Skate on 28 October 2008
Since I'm not a graphician or musician, I will focus on the programming of this demo.

Code Review:
EoD is one of the best c64 demos ever done in scene history, that's for sure. A straight 10/10.

Nowadays, it's really hard to make demos techically impressive. Many people believe that every vic trick has already been done on c64. Maybe that's true (not likely) but this demo shows us there is still much to discover.

Many effects (zoomers, plasmas, vectors etc.) have been done many times before. EoD is all about pushing the limits, combining effects together, spending all the cycles with great ideas and having smooth transitions.

About zoomers and plasmas, since we all know HCL's coding skill on these kind of effects, they were not surprising for me but great parts to watch. And they were definetely the best examples of their kind ever done.

About dithered vectors... I'm speechless. Maybe you can say "hey, Graham's vectors were also great". I agree. Who said I was able to speak when I've seen them? :) But HCL definitely improved that kind of vectors. Many faces rotating with high speed (much higher than I was expected), it's just incredible.

Another improvement is the dot rotator. It's nice improvement since this method is already on the edge. HCL, I was expecting a 321 plots torus but you failed ha? ;) jk.

Personal Thoughts:
Not only this demo but also some other X'2008 demos ruined my unreleased original effects :) That was great because now I have to work two times harder. Thank you for stealing my sleep :) And thank you for giving me higher targets.
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Submitted by raven on 28 October 2008
Don't know whats the "best 64 demo ever", its a matter of personal taste, just like any piece of art.

But this thing is one piece of beautiful art.
As close to perfect execution as I've ever seen, on any platform.
The highest compliment I can give it is this: after watching it last night, the first thing I did after was go to my 64 & start coding.

So, hats off to all involved, I know what it feels like to work on a demo for years & then let it go :)
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Submitted by Trash on 28 October 2008
I am impressed, well worth the frustrating wait! Now lets see if someone can create a demo worth a 10 or a 9 for the guys who voted below 9!
Code and Graphics: 10 Music: 9 (one point deducted for not being my cup of tea) Overall: 10, no doubt!
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Submitted by titan_ae on 28 October 2008
Not the best c64 demo ever to me, but i think the makers can live with my voting of 7-music 9-gfx 9-code (8,33...makes an 8) YES, flame me i didnt vote 10 :)
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Submitted by anix on 28 October 2008

amazing demo.
really needs real c64 or at least a 50hz display to enjoy it.

"live" recorded version at

i had to edit a bit at the turn disk part to make them match - either the compo guys flips slowly or HCL changed it a bit before release.

a bit too much plasmas, but a couple of them do look amazing. the music at the sb-zoomer before turndisk is killer.

there is some loading going on during the side b vector part, it would be nice to know some more details about what exactly is loaded :(

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Submitted by JSL on 28 October 2008
It made me cry.. ;) 10/10 Great work guys!!
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Submitted by Zer0-X on 28 October 2008
I refuse to comment this demo.
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Submitted by Medicus on 28 October 2008
Best demo ever. No doubt about that. What I think is the best sign of the quality.... voting a 7 is considered as down-voting ;).
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Submitted by DeeKay on 28 October 2008
daison: Yeah, beating up crossers might feel satisfying for a minute, but it does not combat the problem!<:-) Crossers have always existed and will always exist, just like Internet-Trolls...
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Submitted by null on 28 October 2008
DeeKay: I'm not saying DeM is crap, but it was the only fit comparison I could think of at the moment... no hard feelings, ok? ;_)

besides... when was the last time I got pissed off because somebody diddn't like my stuff..? ;_)
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Submitted by Testa on 28 October 2008
yeah this peace of art is realy superior in all ways, music, graphics, c0de, design, style, ideas.. yeah this demo deserves to be at the first place.. peace to booze!
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Submitted by daison on 28 October 2008
Just before leaving for work this morning I recieved a text msg: 'Hij is uit!' which is dutch for: 'It is released!'
So leaving for work was delayed by 15 minutes and it was worth it!

Although is was a bit dissapointing considering the hype, it's right there at the top together with deus ex as far as I'm concerned. Great work guys, thank you for amazing me again in 2008!

@deekay: In the graff scene they actually do get rid of 'crossers' by simply kicking their sorry little asses.
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Submitted by Cobra/Samar on 28 October 2008
WOW.For me: "Edge of Disgrace" is the best demo of 2008 year:).Booze is cool!
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Submitted by DeeKay on 28 October 2008
Dudes, wize up! There'll *always* be downvoting, *nothing* any significant number of people vote on will ever have a perfect 10! Hell, we got a 1, a 4 and 2 5s for Deus! At least Jayce is honest enough to stand by his vote, unlike some others...

There'll always be people to whom the style of a demo just doesn't appeal, there'll always be people that know that certain aspects could be better. For me personally that's the music - it's just one track and composer, so after 15 minutes that's a bit much, plus while I thought it fitted the demo really well, for me it still wasn't memorable and I instantly forgot what it sounded like after the compo - unlike with many other demos! Just for the record: I still voted 10 because anything else would be ridiculous! ;-)
Some people also KNOW that some stuff could be improved upon, and then it's only fair these people don't give the full score...

And yeah, there'll always be the assholes that downvote just because of trolling or because they wanna spoil the party for the others, it's like those crossing assholes that tag over beautiful graffiti, you just can't get rid of them...
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Submitted by oys on 28 October 2008
it's AMAZINGLY GOOD! :) the tune is also very very good.
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Submitted by DeeKay on 28 October 2008
Quoting Knoeki

You think Deus Ex Machina is the shit? fuck that crap.

That was uncalled for... >:-( Seriously, dude: What is your fucking problem? Why do you keep bashing Deus Ex? You're not a single bit better than Jayce, you also voted 7 for Deus, I'd call this obsessive compulsive non-conformism...

And if anyone gets the idea I'm bitter because EoD finally beat us: Hell no! 8) It's about friggin time! ;-D 8 years we took the top spot, that's a mighty long time..

Scary though it takes seven years to make a demo beating one that's been two years in the making! ;-) That doesn't bode well for anything looking to beat EoD!.. But then again HCL has given uns gems like Royal Arte, Tsunami or Cycle just to keep us entertained "inbetween"! 8)
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Submitted by Ziphoid on 28 October 2008
After looking through it a couple of times at home (albeit in VICE) and after listening back to our broadcast from the show about 5 times (yes Dane, I _LOVE_ the soundtrack) I still feel it lives up to the hype, even though to appreciate it completely, I guess you really should have been there. Since we were broadcasting on SceneSat during the demo compo, me and Tron were sitting diagonally behind the screen, watching it reversed, but it still was massive to see. One cool thing is that Reyn Ouwehand, who were walking around, sorting out things after his performance, at one point glanced at the screen, found it cool and then sat down to watch the rest of the demo and seemed to really enjoy it as well. Also, just being able to see and hear how the audience reacted to the demo gave me chills.

Anyhoo, my 10/10 still stands with honor and I'm surely looking forward to other tries to outdo this massive piece of a demo.

Massive kudos to da Boozers!
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 28 October 2008
Praise #126

The transitions! awesome!
Rotozooming madness!
Beautifully synced to the music!
Its the Yin and the Yang of demo making.
Some of the best shit I've ever experienced!
User Comment
Submitted by Preacher on 28 October 2008
For me, it's not really the code or the music or the graphics (which are all flawless and top notch) that make the demo, but the overall "demoish" design and flow instead. I didn't really believe the hype before I saw this demo, but now I consider this one of the pinnacles, if not the pinnacle, of the demo scene.

What a wonderful piece of modern art.
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Submitted by LordNikon on 28 October 2008
This is AWESOME! PURE MADNESS! ... Code, gfx and music were put to the max, a really stunning piece of electronical art and the best demo i've seen so far on the sixtyfour.
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Submitted by AMB on 28 October 2008
Well, all has been said yet, superior demo, milestone, number one! Thank you Booze for this amazing demo, I enjoyed every second. Jailbird, Dane, HCL, keep it up!
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Submitted by Archmage on 28 October 2008
I am very happy that a little bit of the intoxicated religious fanatism of the X-showing still stirs when seeing this in the comfort of my home. The demo is a labour of love, and it shows. Some parts I find very very beautiful, like the filled vectors, the infinite zoomer, the dancefloor and the graphics oriented parts from Jailbird and Dane. In other parts I find myself wishing for a different colour setup - but that is a minor complaint. The only place I think there is way too much booze and too little design involved is the part with the hand and the star in the beginning. I guess you needed graphics to bring out the effect there, but still – that hand? I won’t touch on the code in the demo, apart from saying that to a n00b like me it seems absolutely impeccable and I suspect it is all because of that “tea” that HCL drinks. And the music – the music stands out as the best demo tune I have ever heard. It has madness, beauty and that fanfaric ba ba bababa-theme which I cannot get out of my head. Wow.

Seeing a demo like this is very inspirational, and that is why I actually think it will be topped in the future. Positive dynamics and all that, so *shush* to those who say that this is the last nail in the scene coffin.

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Submitted by icon on 28 October 2008
@CreaMD: Well, said. I was writing on a comment that basicly said exactly the same thing. I double that!

I think this guy over at pouet hailed the demo better than maybe his intentions was when saying "To me it mostly looked too early amiga500 oldschoolish in places"...Well I rest my case. :-) HCL, DANE, JAILBIRD, thank you from the bottom of my heart...
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Submitted by Style on 28 October 2008
Doesnt work on my c128/1571. Fail.
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Submitted by Mr. Mouse on 28 October 2008
Bugs or not, this is still awesome design. On hindsight I must agree with some here that it could have been limited to one disk instead of two (disregarding the load-disk), as some effects get a bit 'samey' after a while (and it would probably have won anyway). Nevertheless, it flows and it moves and shakes and it smoothes. Seriously great effort, 100% deserved win, could even beat Dutch Breeze in a head to head, maybe. ;-)
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Submitted by Higgie on 28 October 2008
wow! i just had some booze together with my breakfast. ... it is a killer! ... it ofcourse is one of the biggest demos in scene history. but as with e.g. the early horizon stuff (let's disco, ...) i don't like just watching effect after effect after effect ... turning disc ... watching effect after effect ... honestly, if i have to choose which of the top 5 demos at x i would like to watch for the rest of my life i would shurely not pick this one. ... anyway, in the end it's all a matter of taste. e.g. i like the transitions. but because of so many different styles of transition the demo get's fragmented in a way. there is not as much consistant flow in it as i would have expected/liked. ... on the other hand this demo is not medicore at all. the code, the gfx, the music(???) are all beyond standard. i can't say much about the coding involved but the gfx by jailbird are really inspiring. ... to me it's an overall 9/10. (don't believe the hype!) ;)
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Submitted by Sander on 28 October 2008
Absolutely the most astonishing VIC show ever! I especially love the soundtrack and some the logos are amazing (jailbird!). The flow and design is taken care of like never before. Just great! Sets a new standards on various different levels. Mad props to HCL for the effects, something i can't lay a finger on. (never can though :)
Personally i do feel, that if Amplifire would have had the same quantity as this demo, keeping up their standard.. It would've been a very serious competitor for this one.
Nonetheless, this one truly deserves it's #1 spot, and it'll take an army to change that :) Hats off guys!
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 28 October 2008
I kinda dig the soundtrack even when I partially have to agree with JMM. What's worse about it is the fact that the demo is not so tightly timed to music it as in #2 - Natural Wonders.

This demo is huge. It's sure a huge ammount of unpaid codework, design work, pixelling work, ungrateful testingwork, days lost in the forward time travel of composing. Serious effort to put it together in such a polished and smooth shape. It kicks ass in every aspect you can imagine, expect of aspect of being the best demo ever done on c64 because that one is hard to define. Everyone has it's own favourites and there is a lot of demos proven by time.

It surely the best C64 demo released in 2008. It's state of the art C64 demo. It's one of the hugest demos definitely. It is one of the most polished ones too. One with the greatest fullscreen plasma effects ever. Twisting, zooming, color bars, rotating textures, dot vectors, shaded multiface factors.. smooth transitions through everything. You name it. It has almost everything. One It has very consistent design through the whole demo. One of the most consistent musical scores over the demo. It definitely one of the biggest vic porn demos with decent dose of quality vector stuff too.

It is really cute. Definitely one of the "heaviest" pieces in the history of C64 scene (it was kinda surprising to see flip disk after seeing so much already!). One of the top pieces (if not the best) in the cathegory which was mostly popularised by aliens (namely Crossbow ;-). It's definitely biggest HCL demo. He's topped himself in every aspect. I must admit that for me, it beats Krestology and Deus Ex Machina (although Deus Ex probably has a bit nicer gfx, in terms of going overscan (sometimes)). But I like the music here better. Yes. It is huge and awesome C64 demo.

The future will show if we will be able to put this demo on big screens in demoshows for general non c64 and 8-bit scene audience (Forever 2009 (Forever X) coming). If we (the c64 sceners) will be able to say.. look this is huge.. whatddaya say? Is it? --- I mean, C64 demos are best understood by C64 sceners, coz they know the cost of this or that effect. Other audiences have different criteria. For C64 scene, this piece is definitely something extraordinaire. For the rest of the crazy indendent-art world, Hollowmans demo will probably be more accessible.. for some others Natural Wonders will be more fun in less time, probably.

This demo, yes, it *is* huge. It is *serious*. It's here to blast your screens. In some cases twice and even thrice.. in my one definitely. I need to make it on monitor.. then on TV.. we'll try it on big screen too.. and then I will maybe return here and tell ya how it felt... :-)
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Submitted by Smasher on 28 October 2008
Fab demo! Congrats to ze "boozers" for creating this piece of art!
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Submitted by Zyron on 28 October 2008
I can be nothing but impressed by the obvious amount of effort that went into this, technically. Great transitions & lots of nice details, f.ex. how the music waits until you've turned the disk. Fresh colour schemes.
Maybe it's a little too polished though cause it gave me a sort of streamlined feeling & I must admit that after a while I got bored. Too much zoom/rotate/wave effects. I don't think the soundtrack was anything memorable either.
All in all a technically unbelievable effort but lack of content so it doesn't manage to get all the way to a 10 from me.
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Submitted by Tom-Cat on 28 October 2008
Wow. A great demo... great graphics all the time, love the Terminator theme (both music and pictures), technically probably the best we have seen so far. Enjoyed watching every bit of it. Only negative comment (which many of people here had) would be that it is a bit heavy on plasmas and zoom effects, but all of them are still enjoyable. 10/10 !
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Submitted by DRAX on 28 October 2008
Absolutely amazing. I believe this is the best demo I have ever seen on the c64.... Simply amazing... Everything is of a very high standard at works very well together...
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Submitted by Frantic on 28 October 2008
Good shit! Mad effort!
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Submitted by Alias Medron on 28 October 2008
Time for the real comment..

I've seen it 3-4 times (not on real hardware yet though) and i must say that it's the most polished c64 demo i've seen.
the transitions are just great (Booze are ASD on c64 :) and the little details here and there make it top level (f.e when the terminator poster scrolls over the screen the music covers the terminator theme).
The effects are maybe repeated but there was not even one moment of where i got bored throughout the demo.

what else..


edit : oh.. and Jailbaby.. your gfx rule :D
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Submitted by Mr. Mouse on 28 October 2008
Holy cow! That's just simply amazing....
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Submitted by Comos on 28 October 2008
Excellent work guys !!! Cool demo !!!
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Submitted by der_ton on 28 October 2008
I haven't had this much fun and jawdropping moments in demowatching for a looong time. 10/10
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Submitted by Optimus on 28 October 2008
Ok, now I have watched it all I'll have to say that it's one of the greatests works on the C64, yet not my favorite C64 demo. I like the flow but the overuse of zoom and plasmas leaves little more unique effects for me to enjoy. But the flow, gfx, music and overall execution saves it for me. Definitely a milestone but almost didn't met the expectations of the hype for me. Still a 10/10 because it deserves it.
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Submitted by skurk on 28 October 2008
This is ridiculous perfection all the way. 10!
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Submitted by skull on 28 October 2008
God's level
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 28 October 2008
\o/ \o/ \:_D/ \:_)/ \o/ \o/ \:_P/ \o/

the best!

\o/ \o/ \:_D/ \:_)/ \o/ \o/ \:_P/ \o/

jb: kellemes a szemnek! :_)
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Submitted by Ed on 28 October 2008
Some nice screens, but the claim of 'best ever' isn't met. However, it does certainly belong in the top demo released.
Gfx 6-7/10, Music 8-9/10, Code 9-x/10
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Submitted by Tao on 28 October 2008
I... ehrm... Hippo?!

Seriously, who replaced my 64 with a super computer from the future?

Pr0n, pr0n, pr0n!
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Submitted by Burglar on 28 October 2008
\o/ it's here \o/

damn, where do I start ;)

This is The Best Demo Ever Created on C64.

I'm a proud man to have been able to witness this live at X'2008.

the colorful style, the awesome pics, the great soundtrack, the transitions, the zoomers, the vectors, hell, I love everything about it.

HCL, Jailbird, Dane, you are the 3 Kings of the Scene. Thank you very much. I'm a proud man that you guys entered it at 'my' compo ;)

to everyone else: good luck beating this ;)
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Submitted by ritti on 28 October 2008
Great demo! thx!! :D
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Submitted by Exin64 on 28 October 2008
Oh, and i agrree with Jammer, so i dont have to repeat him. :)
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Submitted by Exin64 on 28 October 2008
Okay, now i saw it. Its a pretty nice demo. Points i liked: The Vector morphing, the trasitions, the characterset graphics, some of the effects that i forgot. Points i didnt like: 3 Disksides. One soundtrack over such a long demo. Ripped gfx. (The scrolling pic is from the Terminator Chrinicles advert) The overly use of plasma and Zoomers(Fuck, i know you can zoom!). And the hype about it. And no fun indide. Greetings? Nooooo.... I'll give it an 8 because of the huge Coding effort. I mean, i'm too lazy for such things...
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Submitted by ptoing on 28 October 2008
Watched it again at home on my C64 setup. Yep, still awesome stuff. Good job :D

Also looked at the HBC editor. Is that any different than FLI every 4 lines? I do not know much about coding and how hard you have to push before you get the FLI, so I dunno.
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Submitted by MWR on 28 October 2008
Wow... I'm still speechless after first-time-watching. Code/GFX/MSX are brilliant. But the real jaw-dropping part is the grade of design and polishing... Everything less than a 10/10 vote is a joke. A huge Thank you to all people involved in this production. You made my day :)
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Submitted by Jammer on 28 October 2008
not as revolutionary as i expected after all the hype around here. designwise (especially really mindfucking transitions) it's totally unmatched. but effects themselves aren't as fresh and innovative as in #2 to #4 prods. also i'm quite disappointed with the soundtrack which, sometimes, can be a little annoying. in this respect, oxyron and xenon releases were embroidered with definitely better tracks. still, giving it less than 10 is a sin :D
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Submitted by Proteque on 28 October 2008
What can I say... woha. that was just... wow. actually worth the wait and the expectations.

10/10 NAT. I do wonder about mr.someone who gave it 7... no offence but... well... I guess you know what I think about you ;)
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Submitted by grasstust on 28 October 2008
One word: Brutal. Totally brutal. Coding, graphics, music - all 10. Thank you for the experience.

Fatfrost: Download the newest MacVice here: http://lallafa.de/blog/macvice/. Works perfectly...
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Submitted by kb on 28 October 2008
Ok, I've always seen the late C64 scene with a critical eye in the last years, but seriously, if this isn't a definitive 10 out of 10, the whole 10 rating wouldn't make any sense. So, yep, "best C64 demo" with ease. Hats off to you.
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Submitted by FATFrost on 28 October 2008
yes i haz it!!!

edit.. !!! i hate osx!! cannot get vice to run...must try to run on pspvice as no pc here till tommorow... :( meh...10fps!
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Submitted by HCL on 28 October 2008
Ok people, there you go. It's uploaded. It's not 100% bug-free, but i hope you like it anyway :).
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Submitted by Trash on 27 October 2008
Right now my internet is so slow so I'm waiting for that 12 minute window between everybody else downloaded the release and everybody wants to comment it!

@HCL: I heard from Hollowman that the demo was intense, if he sais it I'll believe him...
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Submitted by CreaMD on 27 October 2008
If it gets released at 3.11 I will take it as a 33th birthday present.
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Submitted by Madhead on 27 October 2008
HCL, you'd better be done a full screen texture mapped shifli vector cube with sideborders open and 15 real sprites in one raster line over it :)
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Submitted by assiduous on 27 October 2008
give me an E! give me a D! give me a goddamnmotherfuckincocksucking download link!

i hope that the hype wont destroy the effect the demo will have on those who watch it for the first time. the reviews are describing eod as a breakthrough and expectations are prolly well above a nifty packed selection of revamped effects demo enthusiasts are used to. a slight feeling of a let down after the teaser is therefore easily explainable. the last time i had to collect my jaw from the floor was after seeing Krestage3. im anxious to find out if the remainder of 12 minutes will leave me krestaged for awhile:)

and yes voting for a Youtube video at Csdb is tarded but this is hardly a news.
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Submitted by Ed on 27 October 2008
...Ahh yes, the Re:cycle!
It's disgraceful with an edge ;)

Seriously though. For the first time in history csdb seem to operate as its suppose to be doing witout much complaints. Got to hand it to you guys though, it was a little disturbing some X-party had such a huge impact on the server here. What: 80 logged in people and it could not handle it? Sheesh!

The teaser was fun. & In the meanwhile: The source? :P
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Submitted by Alias Medron on 27 October 2008
this wait 'till we can download the demo brings back some nice memories , when there was no internet and we had to wait until some disks arived via snail mail (still remember learning over the phone that a killer demo won TP93 and then a few days later Tower Power arived in my mailbox :)

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Submitted by Archmage on 27 October 2008
Jackasser: word. We won't rest until we do.
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Submitted by MacGyver on 27 October 2008
7H15 !S 7H3 5H!7! Can't wait to see this one released.
As I read elsewhere, this demo uses more than 35 tracks. If that's correct, it would be cool to have some kind of installer for the upper tracks (like Krestology had).
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Submitted by JackAsser on 27 October 2008
It's a brilliant demo in all ways, end of discussion, download link or not. :D And Instinct+HZ will beat it someday. \o/
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Submitted by Smasher on 27 October 2008
what the..? Sceners escaping...? stop! fight! resist! aaargh!...
btw: congrats jailbird, whatever the demo exists or not :)
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Submitted by jailbird on 27 October 2008
Ok stop this now or we're sending in the forces!
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Submitted by Radiant on 27 October 2008
I wouldn't call the transitions technically simple at all, it's just HCL who makes it look that way (as usual).
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Submitted by Exin64 on 27 October 2008
Okay...i've seen the shitty and the non-shitty version of the teaser. I've seen crappier beginnings of very good demos. Well, celebrate yourself as long as nobody else can judge you. :)
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Submitted by null on 27 October 2008
Fuckings to all the lamers who have voted based on some shitty YouTube video. you suck and do not deserve to call yourself a scener. this demo is art. It may be a non-stop vic-effect mania, but it separates itself from all other coderpr0n demos by its wonderful design. the transitions are ( from what I could see ) technically simple, but oh so effective and smooth.

You think Deus Ex Machina is the shit? fuck that crap. this demo is so awesome, it cannot be described with words.

tl;dr: you suck, EoD is the shit.
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Submitted by yago on 27 October 2008
wow, the pouet-commenters are deleted \o/
edit: damn, was just a server error :-(
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Submitted by Mace on 27 October 2008
This is not the end, this is not the beginning of the end; it's the end of the beginning!

The standard has been raised.
Find your challenges and improve yourselves!
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Submitted by Leming on 27 October 2008
I would say it has blown my brain away even though I didnt drink much at X. It makes me wanna shag both HCL and Dane. You guys have done a great thing although makes me wonder now, (just like someone already mentioned) what is the point of the scene. We all should leave the scene. This is the end :) This demo is a top class brilliant production and the question i ask myself: who and how on earth is anyone gona beat that. If I was a coder I would probably commit suicide. Go on someone beat that one :)

Great respect to all the people listed in the credits.

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Submitted by Jammer on 27 October 2008
simply, focus on other entries then instead of waiting like morons :D there are plenty of things to comment on. you'll not even notice the appearance of boozes' bug-fix in the meantime ;)
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Submitted by algorithm on 27 October 2008
The demo is certainly polished and impressive considering the variety of effects and data in the first two minutes! Looking forward to see the demo in its entirety. Great work HCL and Dane!
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Submitted by Skate on 27 October 2008
Jayce, please find some nice cusses for yourself. I don't want to loose time with that.

Party version should have been released. You see the awful results.
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Submitted by cavey on 27 October 2008
jayce, you're full of shit. You haven't seen the rest of the demo yet. The design, the story telling. Just basing your whacky ideas on the intro alone. Well, you deserve a flogging for that.

This demo got a standing ovation, TWICE during the compo and prize ceremony. That coming from a bunch of old c64 guys is quite telling I'd say.
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Submitted by SIDWAVE on 27 October 2008
All this is making me laugh hard :)
Just wait, dl the demo, transfer to real c64, enjoy.
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Submitted by Jayce on 27 October 2008
CreaMD, feel free to vote a #1 on me, hell it's most likely deserved to :). I admit that i can not and never will be able to code the great vicporn showed in this demo.

Love codepron, but i like storytelling demos like hollowman makes even more. I would have voted a 10 if this demo had combined both things. That would be the ultimate wetdream on my own little planet. A vicalicious codepornefied storytelling demo. Now that would rock!
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Submitted by maestro on 27 October 2008
don't worry people the wait will be well worth it you can count on that!!!

this is by far the best demo ive ever seen in my life...

even better i attended x2008 and saw it twice and the second time was even better than the 1st....i hope this really makes all the other groups out there want to code something to attempt to beat it at x2010.....i also hope it might make some not so active groups want to code something too

for me ive never released anything other than the odd crack or original supply but it got me so hyped up im now gonna do a TUNE for x2010 :)
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Submitted by Optimus on 27 October 2008
The flickering screen video of just 2 minutes with low sound on youtube combined with the high expectations could ruin the experience. However I liked what I have seen there. I pumped the volume, notice the music sync, bouncing star that matches the logo (the second time I have seen the video), the stylish gfx with the magic dust animation, the combination of chessboard/plasma with big zooming gfx greatly presented, some nice details you have to see twice to notice (and it's hard on video). It's not just vic effects. And it's just 2 minutes of a lousy video. Nice though to have an idea of what's to be expected for the rest 12 minutes or so. The hype and expectations could kill the enjoyment. I will just wait to watch a really good demo.
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Submitted by Smasher on 27 October 2008
Scout, so you have the party version? Upload it!!!! I'll supply you with one year of candies as reward. :)
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Submitted by CreaMD on 27 October 2008
Voting for something without seeing it is just pathetic. Judging a whole demo from 2 minutes preview? Stupid. Not admitting that you might have change your vote after checking the whole demo? Jayce you are so cool. Going against the flow. So independent and brave. Should I now go vote and give you 1 because you act like idiot? Why should I?

...greetings to Kater for downvoting me and Gropeaz for.. (being moderators?) ;-) Such a disgrace... ;-)
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Submitted by Jayce on 27 October 2008
Don't count on me for changing my vote :)

Smooth running effect shows are just not my thing (anymore i might add!)

Big props for delevering vicporn to the crowd, but that doesn't mean that everybody in the crowd MUST like it just because the whole crowd says so.
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Submitted by Fzool on 27 October 2008
Hmm, this YouTube Teaser don't fullfilled the hype around this demo. But ofcourse i will wait for the full version before i maybe will vote ;). I wonder when it will be released?
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Submitted by Archmage on 27 October 2008
Basing a vote on a youtube video is just plain stupid. That said, that video should never have been posted in the first place.
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Submitted by TDJ on 27 October 2008
I won't vote until I've seen the real thing on the real thing (..) but yes, I was kinda disappointed after watching the youtube snippet. Don't know what I expected but this isn't it - still I trust Scout if he says things will get better but godprettyplease let it be more than just a very smooth & good looking effect show ;)
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Submitted by Radiant on 27 October 2008
I can certainly relate to wanting to differ from the crowd by not praising this demo, but in the end you have to look at the hard facts about what has been done here. There is currently no other demo with the same level of technical mastery and craftsmanship combined with sheer volume. It's 15 minutes of non stop effects, graphics and music, all of the highest quality, tied together by wonderful transitions. If that's not worth a 10, I don't know what is.
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Submitted by Scout on 27 October 2008
@jayce: what you did is quite stupid.

You've seen 2 minutes of a demo on a crappy youtube video which duration is actually 10 minutes (or was it longer?).
You ain't seen anything yet.
Besides the vic-porn, check the pace, the music, graphics and the transitions as well.

Besides that, I am one of the few that saw it several times at home (I have the partyversion) and it didn't loose its magic.
Actually, it gets better and better.

You can always change your vote later though.
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Submitted by Jayce on 27 October 2008
*stands up*

I'am the one who voted 7 on this demo, based on the youtube video.

Why i hear you all scream, well yes it's pure vicporn made for the big screen, dressed to impress, and that worked. But it is pure layering of effect upon effect. But in concept this demo kinda lacks everything. Sure it has nice graphics, brilliant code. But as one, it does not work as well as it could have worked.

I predict a lot of disappointment when released and folks are rewatching this in vice on or their breadbox at home because that misses the shine of the moment, the atmosphere of the X magic.

Nice, but not certainly not nicer then anyother vicporn demo i saw the past years and certainly not worth the perfect 10's that are handed out.

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Submitted by JackAsser on 27 October 2008
It's my star god damn it!!! Totally ripped from Chili Power 2006. :D
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Submitted by SIDWAVE on 27 October 2008
the bar has been raised guys!
nothing will ever be the same anymore..
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Submitted by DeeKay on 27 October 2008
Deev: Does this look like the first two minutes of a SEUCK game to you? 8) Nopes, the Demo is very real!...
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Submitted by Deev on 27 October 2008
c'mon, they're having us on! Oxyron won the compo, but everyone from the party thought it would be really funny to get together and create this legend of the greatest ever c64 demo, then before the week is out, HCL will release a SEUCK game :)
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Submitted by Skate on 27 October 2008
I talked to Yoda this morning and he told me:

- Impatience is the path to the dark side. Impatience leads to refreshing. Refreshing leads to overhead. Overhead leads to server lags.

But I can't help it. I'm afraid I'm gonna turn into something starting by Darth. BD, you bastards!!!
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Submitted by gr on 27 October 2008
we want it, you have it ! :)
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Submitted by spider-j on 26 October 2008
impatience's growing... c'mon, have mercy!
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Submitted by booker on 26 October 2008
Goddamn CRAZY shit !!!!!!
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Submitted by Dylotic on 26 October 2008

This demo was orgasmic! Real joy to
watch on the big screen of the X2008.
Before the compo results were in i
directly knew this was a winner!

HCL, Dane thnx for the mind blowing
experience, a big ten that is!
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Submitted by Dafunk on 26 October 2008
c'mon HCL, stop teasing us!!! ;)
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Submitted by _V_ on 26 October 2008
This is a bomb. I've seen the amount of care HCL and Dane put into it at the party place and the relief after the release. Stupefying raster usage of the music. So... how does that feel, being pregnant for 7 years? :)
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Submitted by null on 26 October 2008
[18:43:14] [dane-bd] I wish scenesat had interviewed hollowman after the demo compo, he had the greatest comments ever
[18:44:33] [dane-bd] He said the Instinct demo was like a punch in the face...and then HCL had a demo that fisted him for 15 minutes :D
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Submitted by cavey on 26 October 2008
hotdamn! it looked awesome on the bigscreen, watching it from the back of the room.

And it still looked great watching it up close after the price ceremony!

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Submitted by scythoior on 26 October 2008
Pushed the limits in several ways. GFX, MSX, Code/FX matched in every part. Stylish transitions! Always entertaining, no lengthy parts. I'd say: Flawless Victory!
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Submitted by erim on 26 October 2008
Talk about hype, I'm really looking forward to downloading this and watching it on my lovely C64... D64 please!
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Submitted by Optimus on 26 October 2008
Yes please!
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Submitted by LordNikon on 26 October 2008
.d64 or it didnt happen!(!!!)
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Submitted by Jope on 26 October 2008
The bar has indeed been raised once again. Thanks for giving me yet another great demo watching experience, I can barely even remember when I was last impressed this much by a demo.

I was trying to make the 3d-look rasterbar effect at the party all through Saturday (basically as my first serious attempt at learning to code on the C-64 as I went along). I didn't really feel like looking at my code on Sunday after you guys just effortlessly discarded the effect on a mere transition between parts. :-D

I am not worthy.
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Submitted by ΛΛdZ on 26 October 2008
ok, I will upload it now then. Give me 5 min.
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Submitted by Poison on 26 October 2008
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Submitted by Peacemaker on 26 October 2008
*waits* .]
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 26 October 2008
you'll wet your pants!!! we all did while compo...

WORD! this demo isn't a slap into your face, it's a punch. twice. OMG.
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Submitted by daison on 26 October 2008
or @ least some screens...
curiousity is killing me...
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 26 October 2008
UPLOAD BD DEMO! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PLZ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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Submitted by Axis/Oxyron on 26 October 2008
UAAAAAAAAAA! booze design is killing the scene. no, just kidding. this one brings us all so much fresh ideas and inspiration for the next years. watching this on the bigscreen was soooo exciting. this is far the best c64 demo i have ever seen and i´m looking forward to hold the final in my hands. so, hcl, please give us boooze!!
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Submitted by null on 26 October 2008
This is the reason why we can all quit the scene.

it was just amazing... I was sitting there during the compo not being able to believe what I saw...

and as said before...

HCL, I want your babies :(
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Submitted by Viscid on 26 October 2008
I'm extremely looking forward to see the "Best Demo" ever. The fuck is that I know that HCL is able to do so... and the missing d64-file is killing me. But to be honest, on the other hand... I think people going to a party deserve to see demos first, each demo should be releases with a delay of a week...

So the rest has to bleed in pain for a week ;)
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Submitted by ptoing on 26 October 2008
Seeing this on the big screen was indeed extremely awesome. I came to X 08 thinking it would be more awesome than 06, but the amount of awesomeness (not just from this demo) was ridiculous.

10 from me as well :D
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Submitted by TPM on 26 October 2008
No download or small gleam yet and it's already #1 top demo in the CSDb-ranking, huh?!! :D

I can't wait to see why!
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Submitted by Stryyker on 26 October 2008
Why not release the party version? It makes for better completeness.
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Submitted by Archmage on 26 October 2008
I will edit this post when I can find words to describe this.

Until then...

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Submitted by Cruzer on 26 October 2008
Judging from the big screen this is definitely the best demo ever. It's like the whole standard was just raised to a new level. Just hope it still feels the same when watching it in Vice ;)
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Submitted by Radiant on 26 October 2008
The final demo. Words escape me.
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Submitted by Ksubi on 26 October 2008
Listening to the competitions on scenesat was a painful experience. You could hear the applause, the commetary "oh wow, i cant believe a 64 can do that.." and the interviews were awesome. (Great work all involved). BUT, when it came to this demo, everyone agreed that this was an amazing work of art on this machine. I think HCL was quoted as saying that some parts he'd worked on or had done for a number of years now. I can not wait to see it, jealous as fuck to all those that attended :-)
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Submitted by DeeKay on 25 October 2008
Seriously, this is quite possibly the best c64 demo evar. It's polished beyond belief, the effects are nothing short of amazing and the GFX are fantastic to say the least...
The only "bad" thing about this demo was that demos like Xenon's, Oxyron's or even Instinct's, that would have won any democompo in the past say 8 years (with the exception of BP07 and Desert Dream maybe) hands down, did not win! <:-) It was one hell of a democompo and I actually had tears in my eyes after it...

The only thing i would not award this a 12 (only a 10! ;-) for is maybe the music, which was great, but still is not in the league of Dutch Breeze (seriously: what is? What ever will be? <:-)
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Submitted by Oxidy on 25 October 2008
I normally don't comment on demos anymore, but I can't help myself this time. Edge of Disgrace tops everything I've ever seen on the Commodore 64. It's absolutely breathtaking and I wet myself numerous times during the bigscreen presentation. So much coder pron, so much fantastic graphics, so well polished. Fantastic work HCL/Dane/Jailbird! 10+
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Submitted by JackAsser on 25 October 2008
This is just too good to be released to the general public. Let's not share this highly polished gem. 15/10 pts. from me.
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Submitted by WVL on 25 October 2008
I could only think 'wat.' during the compo.. :) gr8 stuff
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Submitted by Steppe on 25 October 2008
Quoting Scout from the forum thread:

"There are some bugs in this version. HCL wants to bugfix these first.
We gave him time until next sunday. If there's no 100% version after next sunday, we will release the party-version.

To be honest, the partyversion is a 100% fap-fest already =)"

Fap fap fap ... :D
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Submitted by Burglar on 25 October 2008
check the following thread for info about the release of this milestone demo

Event id #1362 : X'2008

maybe if we all yell "We Want Booze! We Want Booze!" in the direction of Sweden and maybe HCL will share it sooner than next sunday ;)

We Want Booze! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 25 October 2008
it's like when we had to wait for the n64 back in the day, i just hope this one is actually good, unlike n64.
i hope it's 'teh shit'
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Submitted by Medicus on 25 October 2008
All demos available for downloading except for the nr. 1? Is this a cruel joke? :(
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Submitted by Danzig on 25 October 2008
@coyote: Its easier to ask what is does NOT contain!!! Bestestest gfx code and music... i think it quite a good idea NOT to up the d64 so only those who attended the compo know what this is ;)
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Submitted by Alias Medron on 25 October 2008
I would like to know how many people press F5 on this page every 10 seconds .. :)

cmooooonn!!!! upload that bloody D64!!!!!
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Submitted by Danzig on 25 October 2008
@coyote: better do NOT! you'll wet your pants!!! we all did while compo...
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Submitted by Steppe on 25 October 2008
As Stainless Steel said, there was a clearly noticable dent in the space-time-continuum while this demo was playing. Caused nausea and wild screaming all over the place. Virtually every goddamn screen was accompanied by cheering and applauding of the crowd. Simply amazing having seen this on the big screen live at the party!
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Submitted by Exin64 on 25 October 2008
Wtf are you talking about? D64 or it didnt happen. :P
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 25 October 2008
I felt a disturbance in the force when this was played at the compo.
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Submitted by vedos on 25 October 2008
i'm afraid if the rumours what i've heard about this demo are true this might end the demoscene as we know it. :)
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Submitted by vedos on 25 October 2008
me neighter. :D i've been compiling that unofficial result list some time and my my brain really isn't working properly after getting loads of information from various sources.

HCL! give us the link.
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 25 October 2008
I don't see a file.
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