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Cassette 50 Charity Competition |
- Cassette 50 was an infamous collection of games published by Cascade in 1983 and an early example of shovelware, marketed on the basis of sheer quantity rather than the quality or playability of its games.
Event Type :
Standalone Compo
Cassette 50 4k compo
Dates :
1 December 2020 - 31 March 2021
Website :
Competition Results :
C64 4K Game
Productions released outside compos :
Attendants : (10)
Carl-Henrik Skårstedt, Docster, Endurion, Geir Straume, Logiker, Magnar Harestad, Pararaum, Rotteroy, thesuperfrog, Wil
User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 2 April 2021
> Cracks do not count as official releases
of course, I'm referring to the fact that if the games could be downloaded and released as cracks, they were actually already available and downloadable despite the "download protection", so they were _released_ on itch.io.
Then think whatever you want. I'm not going to waste more time on washing donkeys heads. |
User Comment Submitted by bugjam on 2 April 2021
What groepaz said. And what Alta said. |
User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 1 April 2021
Perhaps that was the intend - it was however super easy to download them directly :)
That said, of course for the entries of the official releases only the official release date counts - not the date when someone managed to download it although he wasnt supposed to. |
User Comment Submitted by Alta on 1 April 2021
Cracks do not count as official releases, the games were made available in a form that did not allow downloading. The release date is when the titles are made available for download. |
User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 1 April 2021
The entries were released on the compo platform but not here, adding the releases on CSDb today doesn't make them RELEASED on 1/4/2021, for example Panic in the Bank +D was already available on 26/12/2020, but on itch.io. Panic in the Bank is not released on 1/4, it was only added in here in that date.
/me shakes head |
User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 1 April 2021
@Alta: creating event entry at csdb does not instantly mean adding releases earlier. Serves more like a memo/announcement :) So this particular site could've been added right away - participants mostly stick to the rules and they don't post where they shouldn't. |
User Comment Submitted by Alta on 1 April 2021
@Jammer the compo was held by people that are not part of the csdb side of the scene and releases on csdb were not allowed until it was over. Would probably help if there was a good way to bridge so jams get more exposure while they are active. |
User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 1 April 2021
Too bad it wasn't announced here, it seems. Probably couple of CSDb'ers would pick it up as well :) |
User Comment Submitted by Alta on 1 April 2021
Competition Rules
The competition deadline is 23:59 GMT on the 31st March, 2021. All entries to be submitted by EMAIL to support@thervgsquad.co.uk
Final code must be in .PRG format that loads into memory below $1000 hex, giving 4,096 bytes of address space.
At no point can the code write to any location at or above $1000, however using IO normally at $D000-$DFFF is allowed, as is calling BASIC or KERNAL routines. BASIC programs are welcome too, just be sure to start your program with POKE 56,16:CLR so it conforms to the memory limits.
Feel free to make creative use of memory $0400, every byte counts!
The games must be previously unreleased and your own work, whether that be by yourself or as part of a collaboration.
PAL must be supported, with additional NTSC support optional (but encouraged).
Participants may submit multiple entries, either as an individual or within a team. Team entries must be registered by an individual, and any potential prizes will be sent to the registered individual only.
Entries should be submitted exclusively to the Cassette 50 Comp by the competition deadline. Please feel free to share as you wish after the competition deadline has passed.
There will be a panel of judges (TBA), and entries will be scored on a point distribution basis across several criteria. The decision of the panel is final.
Judges *CAN* enter games themselves, but cannot self-vote (award points to their own release).
Games must be submitted as freeware.
Qualifying games will be published on a cassette tape compilation by Phoenix Ware, and all proceeds after costs from the sales will be donated to Special Effect Charity.
Scoring System
The scoring rules are very simple. Depending on the number of entries, the judges will award points to each game over several criteria (as discussed below). If there are 6 entries, 6 points go to the best, then 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 to the worst (the ultimate cassette 50 tribute).
If a panel member has entered a game themselves, then the number of points that they can award will be adjusted (in this example, to 5) and they will not score their own release.
Judging Criteria
Execution How well you executed the game within the defined rules.
Fun Factor How awesome it is to play!
Wow Factor Is the art/sound incredible, or is the game deep beyond belief?
Originality Top marks will be awarded for original ideas and mechanics.
Replayability Does the game have replay value?
Once the panel has scored each game accordingly, the totals for each criteria will be divided by the number of judges to produce a mean average. These averages are then added together for each game to give a final score.
The top 10 games, as deemed by the judging panel on the above criteria, will receive a free copy of the tape release to be produced by PhoenixWare.
Greyfox Books has kindly sponsored the competition, meaning the overall winner will receive a free copy of one of their books. |
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