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Ringtone Music Compo

- shorty, sweety and loopy

Event Type :
Standalone Compo

Dates :
16 July - 16 August 2021

Organizers :

Competition Results :

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Sverige Ringer by WertstahlDownload9.6
2Hemglass by ZyronDownload
3Down by JCHDownload
4Ed Sheeringtone by T.L.F.Download
 Calling by NordischsoundDownload9.3
 Yeah, I Got It. Game Over. by MutetusDownload
7Epimeno Mayitsa by ManganoidDownload8.6
8Aliens Calling by SlaxxDownload9.0
 Palette by Rail SlaveDownload
10Gird thy Loins by Rail SlaveDownload
 Cracking Energy by BåtsmanDownload9.1
 Helix of Justice by ManganoidDownload8.1
 Breaking the Law Ringtone by TheRykDownload
 Neneh's Manchild by ManganoidDownload9.0
15Sillage by Rail SlaveDownload
 Pickup by Warp 8Download

Productions released outside compos :
Lesser Magick by Hokuto Force (Music)

External links :
suggestions to cover/remix  (https://twitter.com/ringtonebangers/)

User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 4 October 2021
Wow, second place with this? It was more of a joke and I expected to end up last. I'm surprised but honoured!

User Comment
Submitted by ws on 3 October 2021
Oy mates! Big thx 馃挅 to everyone who voted and greetings 馃憢馃嵒 to all who participated!

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 2 October 2021
Hi everyone!

Sorry for not posting the results earlier, I've been very busy in the last few months, it's been rough, but here are the results of the compo:

1. Sverige Ringer - wertstahl/G鈽匬 >24pts
2. Hemglass, Zyron/G鈽匬 >20pts
3. Down, JCH/Vibrants >15pts
4. Calling, Nordischsound/HF >14pts
Yeah, I Got It. Game Over., Mutetus/ALD^ONS >14pts
Ed SheeRingtone, T.L.F. >14pts
7. Epimeno Mayitsa, Manganoid/HF >13pts
8. Aliens Calling, Slaxx/HF >12pts
Palette, Rail Slave/eXON^HF^Puddle >12pts
10. Breaking the Law Ringtone, TheRyk/Mayday! >11pts
Cracking Energy, Båtsman/Y-Front >11pts
Gird thy Loins, Rail Slave/eXON^HF^Puddle >11pts
Helix of Justice, Manganoid/HF >11pts
Neneh's Manchild, Manganoid/HF >11pts
15. Pickup, Warp 8/Phantasy >10pts
Sillage, Rail Slave/eXON^HF^Puddle >10pts

And with that, wertstahl is officially declared the winner of this compo. We hope to see you all next year. Thanks for participating!

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 19 August 2021
*** Ringtone Music Compo - VOTING SHEET ***

Voting is open till 25.08.2021 11:59 PM, have fun voting!

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 19 August 2021
Submissions has closed, and the compo has entered its voting phase. The voting sheet will be up soon later today, sorry to keep you all waiting!

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 16 August 2021
Last day for compo submissions!!

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 11 August 2021
Five days left on the compo submissions! :)

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 16 July 2021
@TheRyk: I’m more confident that this’ll be a good compo with some good tunes, but bad ones are expected so.. :D

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 16 July 2021
Not sure if the outcome will make me change what I've already found some 4 years ago
So these tones better be good :D

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 16 July 2021
Sorry, copy-paste typo on that part:

There is a limit, tune length should be 60 seconds or shorter. Covers and remixes to original ringtones are allowed as well.

User Comment
Submitted by Brittle on 16 July 2021
I came up with this idea about hosting a ringtone-style music compo after going on a listening spree at @ringtonebangers on Twitter lately.

The general goal for this is to come up with an original composition that qualifies it as a ringtone.

Each participant can do up to three entries, needs to be at least 60 seconds or shorter in length, and tune should be looping. If it goes above that length, then it will be moved out of the compo.

There are no limits for this compo, covers and remixes of original ringtones are allowed as well.

Feel free to post in the forums if you have any questions about the compo, and have fun!
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