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Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2021 |
Event Type :
Standalone Compo
Dates :
21 July - 30 September 2021
Organizers : Eric Dobek
Competition Results :
C64 Music
User Comment Submitted by Flotsam on 2 October 2021
It was a tough compo, but I would say that the right song won. Really dig it. But why Mibri's excellent song came last, is beyond me. C'mon it's not that bad! |
User Comment Submitted by Weemzy on 2 October 2021
User Comment Submitted by Mibri on 30 August 2021
If concurrent music compos was an issue before, as suggested here, then why has the Filterless $21 compo just been started at the same time as this compo’s deadline being extended? I’m not sure that I understand that! |
User Comment Submitted by Eric Dobek on 29 August 2021
So due to a lack of entries and me not realizing there were a bunch of other compos going on at the time I made this one, I extended the deadline for this compo to the end of September CET, and you will now have until the end of October 17th CET to vote. |
User Comment Submitted by Eric Dobek on 21 July 2021
Sorry for the shorter time frame for this compo, but nonetheless, here is the 6th Nonstandard Time Signature Compo! The copy-pasted rules are the same as last year:
- Your tune may not predominantly be in 4/4, 3/4, or any multiple thereof.
- Your tune must last for at least 1m30s in whatever region the tune is intended for before it either loops or ends.
- Tunes must be playable on a standard unmodified C64.
- No covers.
- Entrants may submit a maximum of three tunes.
You have until the end of August CET to submit a tune, and I will actually submit a voting sheet this time, which will be open until the end of September 19th CET. Results should hopefully be released by the 26th. Anyways, have fun! |
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