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BASIC 10Liner Contest 2023

Event Type :
Standalone Compo

Dates :
February 2023

Website :

Productions released outside compos :
Lumberjack (Game)
Matrix Tribute (One-File Demo)
Roguelike 10 by Commocore (Game)
SUPERBLITZ Throttle Control (Game)

User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 13 June 2024
https://gkanold.wixsite.com/homeputerium/copy-of-rules has the rules

Quick summary of the Categories (no clue how to fit them into what csdb uses):

"PUR-80": Games only, max 80 chars per line, only original ROM BASIC
"PUR-120": Games only, max 120 chars per line
"EXTREM-256": Games only, max 256 chars per line
"SCHAU": Demos or Tools
"WILD": anything goes

The respective charts are created by a Jury. The "public choice award" is based on the number of downloads until some deadline.

User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 June 2024
https://gkanold.wixsite.com/homeputerium/results-2023 has the results

Expert's rating PUR-80              Expert's rating PUR-120              Expert's rating EXTREM-256
1. Thrust 10    /Oric    /9.90      1. Beetles        /Atari   /7.67      1. 10 Lines Princess/MSX /9.83
2. pacman 10    /Oric    /9.00      2. Smash up!      /MC10    /7.10      2. StarRunner   /Atari   /9.75
3. 2in1         /VIC20   /8.58      3. PETSCII Raiders /C64    /6.73      3. Space Invaders /CPC   /9.73
4. Lumberjack   /C64     /8.35      4. Bank 10        /MSX     /6.30      4. Jumpman      /Atari   /9.32
5. Roguelike 10 /C64     /8.08      5. Flooder TVC    /TVC     /5.50      5. Busy Bee     /MSX     /8.90
6. Desert Race  /VIC20   /7.55      6. Superblitz     /C64     /5.10      6. 4en1         /CPC     /8.37
7. Rings of Saturn /C64  /6.82      7. Pico 10L       /MSX2    /5.05      7. Sweeper      /Atari   /8.25
8. Coordinator  /Atari   /6.75      8. Mini Mars Plus /Plus4   /4.40      8. CPCMiniPac   /CPC     /7.15
9. Simon        /CPC     /6.73      9. TIC TAC TOE    /Multi   /3.90      9. NASAMS defends Ukr/MSX/6.75
10.Bounce       /M100    /6.60                                           10. Double Jump Bugzy/MSX /6.67
11.Cheese strikes bac/C64/6.47                                           11. Vulcan XL25  /TVC     /6.50
12.Minefield Survivor/C64/6.43                                           12. Flooder      /EP128   /6.30
13.MSX-Dino     /MSX     /6.25                                           13. Pick the Star /Multi  /5.70
14.Crimbo       /C64     /6.15                                           14. Snake Star   /C64     /5.58
15.YIMS         /VIC20   /6.08                                           15. Sabotage     /CPC     /5.50
16.A Day At The /Spectrum/6.00                                           16. Floodit      /EP128   /5.30
17.Jumper XLN   /MSX     /5.70                                           17. Route 66     /C16     /4.90
   PARA2023     /Spectrum/5.70                                           18. Volcano Rescue /MC10  /4.60 
19.AstroRun     /Aquarius/5.50                                           19. BimMobiles   /Spectrum/4.38
20.Indy         /M100    /5.20
21.Potholes     /C64     /4.98
22.Yum Yum Donut /C64    /4.75
23.MINE         /C64     /4.72 
24.Mini Tron    /C16     /4.47 
25.Pong81       /ZX81    /4.40
26.Minimum Lunar/Spectrum/4.37
27.Squash Trainer /ZX81  /4.10
28.Invaders     /C64     /4.00      WILD                                 SCHAU   
29.Snake!       /Spectrum/3.80      1. Jay Walking Chicken /MSX           1. Rippled Shaded Pl/Atari/6.90
   Soli Pong    /C16     /3.80      2. Lobster Soup    /Spectrum          2. ZXFont      /Spectrum /5.50
31.Embryo of Marble /C64 /3.75      3. Bolinga         /Spectrum          3. ZXWORD      /ZX81     /4.80       
32.VIC MINE     /VIC20   /3.70      4. El Constructor  /Spectrum          4. ZX Alarm Clock/Spectrum/4.50
33.SNAKE        /C64     /3.50      5. Intruders       /Spectrum          5. Ants on Bridges/CoCo  /4.20
34.VIC SNAKE    /VIC20   /3.40      6. PSET            /IBM               6. Simple Prg Launcher/MSX/4.10
35.Tron 264     /C16     /3.30      7. AmigaLander     /Amiga             7. Elizabeth Regina II/MC10/3.80
   TIC          /C64     /3.30         AmigaAssisstant /Amiga             8. MSX1Drive Torso /MSX  /2.50
37.Cave Escape  /C64     /3.23         Amiga HDD Steve /Amiga                MSX2Drive Torso /MSX2 /2.50
                                       Rocket          /PICO-8           10. 3D Cube     /C64      /2.30
                                       Quest Demo      /TIC-80           11. Laser Shoot /C64      /1.20
                                       San Valentine   /PICO-8   

"PUBLIC'S CHOICE" 80              "PUBLIC'S CHOICE" 120              "PUBLIC'S CHOICE" 256
1. Invaders    /C64     /740       1. PETSCII Raiders /C64     /371       1. Jumpman     /Atari    /6055
2. Jumper XLN  /MSX     /459       2. Beetles         /Atari   /370       2. StarRunner  /Atari    / 959
3. Cave Escape /C64     /438       3. Superblitz Thro /C64     /364       3. 10 Lines Princess/MSX / 793

User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 June 2024
The compo had a lot of Categories of which i cant find WTF they even mean - which is why i did'nt use them for now. I also couldn't find a results file or whatever else. And i only uploaded entries made by ppl who already had an scener entry in the database, someone else may want to complete the rest.
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