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Fifteen Minutes of Lame   [2012]

Fifteen Minutes of Lame Released by :
Offence [web], Panoramic Designs

Release Date :
11 February 2012

Type :
C64 Demo

Website :

Released At :
Datastorm 2012

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Datastorm 2012 :  #4

User rating:******____  5.8/10 (13 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs
  Kribust of Offence
  Olav Mørkrid of Offence, Panoramic Designs
Music .... Kribust of Offence
  OMP of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix
  Rob Hubbard
Graphics .... Kribust of Offence
  OMP of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix
  Pal of Fairlight, Offence
  Richard Nygaard of Panoramic Designs
Idea .... Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs
  Kribust of Offence
  Pal of Fairlight, Offence
Text .... Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs
  Kribust of Offence
  Olav Mørkrid of Offence, Panoramic Designs
Charset .... Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs
Loader .... Krill of Plush

SIDs used in this release :
Possum Prince(/MUSICIANS/P/Prosonix/Pettersen_Ole_Marius/Possum_Prince.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 27 February 2012
Lame is the new way to fame, and yes this lame 15 min demo do have its moments. We are proud of it and alot of dudes did put love and all in there, and it is not always about the polished super over the top work, it is all about having fun and we had fun with this demo gathering some stuff we felt had to get out rather than be all forgotten on floppies and on hds and never see the daylights... We see that alot of others do this too nowadays and I for one do love it as it is a pitty that some simple part that maybe did not get the potential of the original idea, there are a lot of these in the drives of the scene members, those parts just rotten on the drives they are on and soon forgotten... still there are some things in every part that hold quality, a emotion or something for others and also for the creators... just like the last part in here, it were created in 1992... and were forgotten... but it has something that should be out in the open...
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 27 February 2012
So LOVELY. I was thrilled by the first part, because the way the flower develops is simply OUTSTANDING. I was totally shocked by dancing guy part, because... *PAL*, how do you do this?? You put into action what I feel, this part is so philosophical and yet so simple and easy. You convey a feeling so understandable and yet it's very personal. It is both tragic and funny. Deep respect, guys!
And about the other parts: what Conrad said. The last part is truely beautiful and even the rom charset fits perfectly. How the hell do you do this, using the same things that others use but now it seems perfect. More Lame, please, 15 minutes was not enough. And continue with much multicolour please, it has always been my favourite gfx mode and is IMHO the most characteristic and outstanding part of the C64, next to the SID. For example, I never got used to Amigas, because I simply don't like the graphics. C64 multicolour is bliss and only recently I learned to love hires almost as much, too, due to people like Redcrab.
User Comment
Submitted by BHF on 16 February 2012
Also the scroller in the last part is cool . funny stuff :)
User Comment
Submitted by der_ton on 16 February 2012
I too find the hires picture in the last part really great!
User Comment
Submitted by Magnar on 15 February 2012
I love the flower and the dancing guy. Oh, nice hires picture in the end of the dancing lady too. Is it just me? This isn't bad! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 15 February 2012
Pretty cool demo! Especially gfx excels!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 14 February 2012
ha ha ha... fuckin awesome... oohh... wait, it is our demo... hmmm... ok love it anyway and also do love the comment bellow beyond all... very nice...
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 14 February 2012
Awesome, exciting, inspriational demo!!! Maybe one bad timing in there but that is it! ...all is right to my likings, your choice of mainly multicolour is up to you. And I see that you also used little hires despite I feel it is better do have free choice of graphics mode... and the letters in your fonts are spot on, I wouldn't change any fonts here, not even the ROM-set. I love every font you have used, science damn, your image painting is so uber cool! I love it, it does not need to be any better, so make it any colour you like... animations are perfect speed, doesn't need to be any faster or slower... fuck me, your animation techniques mind-blowing... don't drop any parts! ... you got it all well planned up there. You are Offence... your choice of handles are perfection... I LOVE IT! And fan-fucking-tastic for choosing SID for music! YEAH, FUCK MODs, MO3s, XMs, S3Ms, MP3s, Vynil, cassette tapes, samples, and all that shite... SID is the future of hip music! It is so 2012 and beyond... The demo should have been named to "Fifteen Minutes of Coolness" I would say you managed to put 10 pixels too perfect in the right place in all of the demo, that is it, the whole thing is better than "Edge of Disgrace" or "BluREU".

I can not sit here and be jealous, I must start demanding lameness!

hmmm.... This demo isn't your best. Please make more effort for X'2012 please!
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 14 February 2012
No comments? Well. Let's start saying I love your humour and I laughed my ass off during the compo seing those funny animations. It was also awesome to meet you guys. Keep it up! You rock.
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