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Ultimate Audio MOD Player [2012] |
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User Comment Submitted by null on 17 November 2018 User Comment Submitted by Fresh on 10 November 2018
Lynn, please tell me the name of one (or more) mod which is giving you problems, I'll try my best to fix the player. Thanks. | User Comment Submitted by null on 10 November 2018
Absolutely breaks on anything using frequent use of Bxx / Dxx / Fxx. | User Comment Submitted by Fresh on 11 June 2014
As of version 2.6h the MOD player has been included in the firmware, you don't need to change the file extension anymore.
Even though it's not perfect yet, it has some major bug fixed compared to this release.
I'll upload a updated prg version in the next days. | User Comment Submitted by Manex on 16 April 2014
Thank for this! There are at least 2 programs using Ultimate Audio Module :) What about next version with the file requester? Or renaming .mod to .reu is really neccesary?
Here is a little video which I made http://youtu.be/8Kcl06or7YE | User Comment Submitted by blitzed on 10 January 2013
yo Freshness, your Amiga MOD player is pretty slick, thanks! I do not have an Amiga anymore, so this is great, and works well so far :)
cheers! | User Comment Submitted by FATFrost on 18 December 2012
hey its nice to use my c64 to play Linus amiga mods now.... thanks!!
| User Comment Submitted by Fresh on 18 December 2012
@DeeKay: Audio module is a special addon available only with firmware 2.5X of 1541U2. It's like having a 7 voices "paula" with panning capabilities.
As for the REU routines, the program even tests REU changes every frame and is able to load a new mod on the fly. So while playing you can enter 1541U menu, load a new reu(mod), and get back to c64 without reloading the program. This clearly doesn't always work as it relies on the REU to change in safe instants which is not always the case.
@Sidwave: You're true. This is not supposed to be a real tool, but rather a proof of concept. | User Comment Submitted by Linus on 18 December 2012
It doesn't make much sense to use a C64 in this day and age in the first place. | User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 18 December 2012
This is like watching h264 mp4 pornos on your c64. just coz its possible, it has to be done! it makes no sense to listen mods on a c64, when you got a mac or pc to listen them instead. LOL | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 18 December 2012
Wow, awesome idea just having to rename the .mod to .reu and then load it! ;-) So this can finally play "Cream of the Earth" on c64? What's this "audio module" for the 1541u you're talking about? | User Comment Submitted by Puma on 11 December 2012 User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 11 December 2012
Cool stuff! Must check it on my ultimate! | User Comment Submitted by Flavioweb on 10 December 2012
"space debris" one of my fave...
=) | User Comment Submitted by Akira on 10 December 2012
Puma: change MOD to REU and it will work. | User Comment Submitted by Puma on 10 December 2012
On ultimate forum there was special REU file. Where is it? Or maybe we change extension from mod to reu? |
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