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bitBMP   [2018]

bitBMP Released by :

Release Date :
30 September 2018

Type :
C64 Tool

BMP 2 HIRES converter

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... Data of De-Koder, Tropyx
Idea .... Data of De-Koder, Tropyx
Test .... V-12 of Tropyx

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User Comment
Submitted by Data on 30 September 2018
bitBMP v1.0

Making of:
So i started coding something like this In 2003 lured by the simplicity of BMP format. Tool was nearly ready but back then i was still pretty new to assembly language and hard to code things was starting to pile up as the end of developing raised at the horizon. The 90/90 rule kicked In and i withdraw. Nevertheless as the years passed by I've used BMP to HIRES conversion on PC a lot. So In 2017 i wrote small routine that does that on 64 really fast. Well, why not to build a tool around it and give it to others? Second approach to make my own BMP2HIRES was somewhat more successful. It was ready, it was working as expected, but it was simple and looked lame. So i ditched that one too, and started coding a cooler one. Well, this is it, have fun! And by the way, i was encouraged on many occasions NOT to write one. I know that there are many cross platform and 64 running solutions that does that, but You just have to forgive me. In the end, how bad can it be to bring some new software for our C64?

Technical mumbo jumbo:
Tool converts 320x200x1 BMP files loaded from disk or residing in RAM, so you can load your file prior to running bitBMP using DMA for fastload.
It uses C128 2MHz acceleration with CPU extensive routines to speed things up. It should be compatible with Turbo Demo Card on C64 too, since that piece of hardware mimics C128 fast mode. It does not have it's own disk fastloader, so provide one yourself. Save filename is incremental, so you can save multiple files in one shot, but no more than 10 of them.

Q - Quit to fastload on Action/Retro Replay or reset C64
D - Read disk directory
S - Save as standard HIRES file
C - Change colors
R - Reverse image (EOR operation)
F - Flip image upside down*
M - Mirror image left/right*
O - Overlay image from disk with existing one (AND operation)
CLR - Clears the image
ENTER - Load BMP from disk and convert
SPACE - Full screen + cursors to move image around*

* - those operations will be accelerated on C128
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