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MMS Logo 3D (ECM)   [2024]

MMS Logo 3D (ECM) Released by :

Release Date :
22 February 2024

Type :
C64 Graphics

Light by the Star

Released At :
C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024

Achievements :
C64 Graphics Competition at C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024 :  #120

User rating:******____  6.1/10 (13 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... MMS+4

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User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 1 March 2024
no political discussion that has nothing to do with this release in comments please.

If at all, comments debating whether to FCK NZS or not belong to FCK NZS but better rambo that out on forums (preferrably not on CSDb but on lemon or forum64 or anywhere else where I don't work).
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 1 March 2024
I also did a fullscreen ECM using copied PETSCII chars back in 2017:
Spei der Logo

Looks very ugly though. I'm not a graphician after all :-)
User Comment
Submitted by MMS_Z on 28 February 2024
@Seven: You are right! Your picture became first, and it is a full screen ECM. So you can take I reconsidered the below statement.
Frankly speaking, I completely forgot that compo, even that I joined it. In fact, 2021 was such a terrible year, that my brain seems to erased everything related to that year. Divorced, new workplace, new town, new flat, covid.

On the other hand, maybe unintentionally, I completely forgot your graphics too. Because I dislike the message.
You know, what the antifa did in Hungary last year? They attacked random innocent people 6-8 on one from behind, kicking their head, just because they did not like their cloths or what. Really distaseful actions.
I really dislike the marxist, communist and all other anarchist groups who attack other innocent people on the street just because they can do, the same craziness what happened almost exactly 100 years ago. Dillusional groups. They are not a little bit better then the nacis they are told to be against.
User Comment
Submitted by Seven on 24 February 2024
@MMS_Z: Here's a full screen ECM mode screen. Shouldn't have been that hard to "find" since it placed 1st in an ECM graphics competition you participated in yourself.
User Comment
Submitted by MMS_Z on 22 February 2024
@TheRyk: It seems I missed the link, sorry. Thanks.
I will watch it carefully. A really nice release.
User Comment
Submitted by MMS_Z on 22 February 2024
@TheRyk: yeah, it would be nice to see some real releases instead of urban legends. Would be great to see how professionals manage the ECM, the learn from them. Unfortunately AFAIS till today I am the only one who relased full screen ECM pictures on CSDB (sorry if I am wrong), though the category does not exist as a subgroup at all; it is really hard to find them.
ECM: It is a mixed bag even with PETSCII charsets.
As this compo is accepts self defined charsets (and some of the fantastic charset based releases heavily based on them) I have no remorse if I changed 1, 2 or even all the characters. "Charset can be either user-created or PETSCII."
As I did not defined it as "purely based on PETSCII charset" or define it as SPECM, I see not problem here.

The scores will show, how much the scene will accept it. I will accept the low scores too, while you need to accept that these are the best full screen ECM pictures ever released on C64. Please correct my if I am wrong.
I will be really happy if you or other sceners release something better, because then I can learn from ppl represent a higher level than mine.
If you eg. score mine 1 because I changed few characters from the holy PETCSII charset, I canl also accept it, but then I would appreciate if you could show something better. Certainly you should not be a chef to able to evaluate a bad food, but AFAIS you are one of the chefs here and your words seem to show it.

Thanks for accepting my limitations as an artist.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 22 February 2024
@Prouction Info
My logo uses mainly PETSCII characters, except 2 modified chars on the S to reach the 3D view I wished.

I've also fiddled around with PETSCII and ECM but never came up with any result worth releasing. In the end I decided NOT using the two together to create graphics. For most things you want to do in ECM, you don't need more than half a dozen characters. And if that's the case, why taking 6 from ROM font and not define 6 yourself...
I don't recall if Padua used ECM at all but they definetely restricted themselves to 5 (arguably 6) here
User Comment
Submitted by MMS_Z on 22 February 2024
@chancer: Yepp with the other one I tried to show a capability of the ECM it does not really have LOL ECM still not a multicolor gfx with 3 free colors per attribute :-)
User Comment
Submitted by chancer on 22 February 2024
i'll bite.. yer i like it. better than the other one i've seen.. sometimes being straight to the point works better than over complex.
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