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ISKTR Productions   


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Trivia :
The ISKTR Productions infofile
version 2.51, revision A
Last update: 24th of October 1996

1) What is ISKTR Productions?

ISKTR Productions is a demogroup on the old home computer Commodore 64. If
you don't know what a demogroup is or something like that, you probably
shouldn't be reading this file at all. We do *NOT HAVE* a PC section, but we
*DO HAVE* a C64 sections (;-)) and an Internet homepage.

2) Why Commodore 64?

ISKTR Productions was formed on the C64 (instead of, for example PC) because
of the fact that C64 scene is in techniques and skill way, way better than,
for example, the scene on the PC. Also, the C64 has a lot of advantages over
the PC in demo coding, for example, flat memory and the (albeit buggy) Video
Interface Chip make it an ideal machine to code demos which neccaserily don't
have excellent graphics or design, but which are great examples of what can be
accomplished with intelligent coding. Sure, on the PC you could make them also
look good, but on the PC you don't have something as simple as raster compare
register and the challenge is only in implementing mathematical formulae to
create "outstanding" effects, which are accomplished with the mere calculation
power of the intel processor (with admittedly awful assembly language). That's
why we chose the C64. You should, too!

3) Who are ISKTR Productions?

ISKTR Productions is a Finnish group and consists therefore of Finnish members
only. The current memberlist is (in alphabetical order):

: Alias (Real name'Born) : Jobs : E-Mail :
: Bad Cop (Hannu Aaltonen'78) : snd : ? :
: Chaffinch (Sam Laur'74) : code, sysop : slaur@utu.fi :
: He-Man (Tuukka Urpi'79) : snd, gfx : tuukka@wakkanet.fi :
: Hydrocortison (Vili Varjonen'79) : gfx : viva@freenet.hut.fi :
: Subsonic (Erkka Samsten'77) : org, snd, sysop : eas@wakkanet.fi :
: TaskMaster (Juha Mild'78) : gfx, swap, org : jumild@freenet.hut.fi :
: Torsh (Kalle Soiha'78) : code, swap, org : Kalle_Soiha@akatemia.fi:
: Wish (Juha Niemi'80) : gfx : wish@under.nullnet.fi :
: X-Ray (Toni Paavola'80) : swap : xray@netti.fi :

ISKTR Productions Internet homepage: http://www.wakkanet.fi/~eas/isktr.html

4) Current releses

There haven't been any releases from us yet.

5) Oncoming releases

We have plans to do all kind of things, but... ;-)

6) How to contact?

Contact us for anything. Either swapping or whatever you feel like.
Our addresses are:

For code and demo swapping: For swapping in general:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Torsh (Kalle Soiha) Taskmaster (Juha Mild)
Virastotie 18 a 3 Sinivuokonkatu 6
FIN-23100 Mynämäki FIN-21260 Raisio

Subsonic (Erkka Samsten) X-Ray (Toni Paavola)
Vehmaantie 893 Pohjanpellonkatu 3
FIN-23100 Mynämäki FIN-20780 Kaarina

BBS'es for modem people:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Genius BBS, ISKTR Productions WHQ Slime-SBBS, ISKTR code central
1/2: +358 (0)2 430 5419/183, 34+ +358 (0)2 254 6045, V.FC
Electromotive Force WHQ Commodore 64 only!
Operated by Subsonic & Dev/EMF Operated by Chaffinch

7) Final words by Torsh
C64 is alive! Support the best machine that ever has been or ever will be!
Return to the _old_ days!

-- Subsonic

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

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vedos   (inactive) .... (unknown function)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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