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Immoral   [2006]

Immoral Released by :

Release Date :
9 March 2006

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (2 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Jailbird of Booze Design

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User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 3 November 2006
geez, what a great contrast! just like a photo, impressed :)
User Comment
Submitted by Intensity on 31 March 2006
Jailbird, You have done a great work! No matter what the others say! :D
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Submitted by jailbird on 31 March 2006
Sometimes I regret so much for making my first scene-steps on the fields of graphics instead of code or music.
Just coding... Composing... having a beer, enjoying demos, no wiring issues, no angry mob attacking you for putting a pixel on the wrong place, no anti-flickering lobby, no sceners-against-tits movement. Ah, that would be life...
User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 31 March 2006
ouch, so much text... all yellow... hurting my eyes... oh, there's a picture up there aswell!
User Comment
Submitted by Krill on 31 March 2006
men, i'm glad coders don't have this kind of discussion. :D
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Submitted by jailbird on 30 March 2006
Argh. Perff, close this topic :D
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Submitted by Zyron on 30 March 2006
You have joined channel #CSDb.
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Submitted by jailbird on 30 March 2006
Bitbreaker, seems you don't get something right from the start. This picture _was_ painted from an empty blank screen. B-L-A-N-K S-C-R-E-E-N. It wasn't converted. It was only repixelled from a photo which was on a _spare page_. Do you know what a spare page is? Not the one I'm pixelling on. So read again: it was R-E-P-I-X-E-L-L-E-D. From a spare page, the original was _not_ on the _same page_. And I put down every pixel by myself. Get it? B-Y M-Y-S-E-L-F. Not wired. Nein. Pixelled. From a blank screen. Yes, you heard it right: B-L-A-N-K. Neither it was handed over to a competition. No. It wasn't. Shall I translate all this to some other language so you could understand? So I'd really like to know WTF are you talking about? What competition? Have you seen this picture on a competition? Because I can't remember competing with it...

Ah, OK, I give up. You're right. I converted, I suck, it was a really unfair act to paint this picture. I'm deeply ashamed. Now bye-bye, go drive nut someone else. And also move your offtopic bullshit to the forum. Pretty, pretty please.
User Comment
Submitted by Bitbreaker on 30 March 2006
No need to discuss about art in general and about the taste we all have, thus liking or disliking different artworks.
But usually a pic should reflect ones drawing/painting skills. If it is just a conversion, it doesn't reflect much of that skills. Also conversion is rather easy to achieve compared to fully handdrawn pics.
So what i see, when it comes up to things like competition it is just pretty unfair if not to say respectless towards those who did the other way.
As for me i never had to apply any tricks, all i started from was an empty screen that filled with pixels bit by bit with my joystick. Unecessary? Yes, maybe, but not if we stick to something like honour.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 28 March 2006
Gosh, there was a long debate about this on the C64 mailinglist once...
Generally I agree that copying someone else's art isn't always all right, but that doesn't mean that copied graphics suck by default, just like original pixel-art isn't always amazing just for the sake of its originality. The "oh-so original art" produced on C64 in most of cases does not exceeds charicatures, undefined industrial stuff and collages of faces or bodies. Go figure.

On the top of it Bitbreaker, you wouldn't even know how I made this picture if I didn't wrote it down here in the first place - at least I have the guts to admit when repixelling something from a photo. Based on your reaction here, you'd be pretty surprised once finding out how many respected or less respected graphicians copied from other artist and what kind of "cheating" tehniques they've used. Nevertheless, I have plenty pictures that are pure no-copy - take some time and browse around my user-page, you'll be very welcome to form an opinion about my creativity based on all of my works, not just one which was intended to be a part of a small demo anyway - as a placeholder, a decoration.

If anyone of you would like to continue this discussion which was held hundreds of times already, please move it to the forum - this is kinda not the right place for it.
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 28 March 2006
@Bitbreaker: Your opinion.. I don´t like most of Dali´s work eventhough his skills were great and his compositions smart.
Besides, nobody shot Boris Vallejo yet for using photos and adding a lot of the same as background. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Bitbreaker on 28 March 2006
@radiantx: sure, and it doesn't make things really better. Conversion always sucked and still does.
User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 12 March 2006
she's a domiNASALtrix, not a dominatrix, and you haven't seen the multicoloured ribbons she can pull out of it yet... quite amazing tricks there...
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Submitted by Scout on 12 March 2006
@blackdroid: although this pic was released last week, it was pixeled when nosejobs were not popular.
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Submitted by blackdroid on 12 March 2006
female face ( nose ) is abit rough. otherwise nice pixelwork.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 12 March 2006
*runs away*
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Submitted by Radiant on 12 March 2006
Jailbird: Chill, it was meant as something of a defense of your pic. :-P
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 12 March 2006
Great! So, now as we discussed every aspect of this picture and the evil sect of C64 graphicians, all of you go and bitch around the musicians who ever did a remake or coders who made hundreds-of-times-seen-before effects.
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Submitted by Radiant on 12 March 2006
Bitbreaker: It may come as a surprise, but many "great" C64 pix are straight conversions from photographies or paintings rather than original pieces.
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Submitted by jailbird on 12 March 2006
Calm down Bitbreaker and go code another extra-creative golden shower demo.
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Submitted by Bitbreaker on 12 March 2006
Sorry, but don't you think such technics (converted pic in spare page) you used suck? Sure, it makes things a bit harder, but well, drawing things directly from your mind would be more creative.
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Submitted by jailbird on 8 March 2006
Maybe as a gif screenshot. It wasn't released as a C64 file yet.
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Submitted by iopop on 8 March 2006
Something tells me Ive seen this image before? Either on your page or something by TMR?
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Submitted by Skate on 8 March 2006
Using a converter would be easier ha :p jk. Nice smoothing.
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Submitted by Intensity on 8 March 2006
What a phat picture in the truest sense of the word! :D
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 8 March 2006
Painted for a demo which never came to light.
Pixelled in GFX2. A little "cheat" was used by putting the reference picture on the spare page and constantly changing back-and-forth. Not a single pixel is wired, though.
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