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Uflipic   [2006]

Uflipic Released by :
Booze Design

Release Date :
8 May 2006

Type :
C64 Graphics  (UFLI)

User rating:********__  8.2/10 (11 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Jailbird of Booze Design

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User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 16 May 2006
Very very nice! ;-) Congrats on a REALLY nice first picture. If that's "just dabbling around in the editor", i wonder what you have in store for us in Compos! ;-)
As for Antialiasing: Yes, it's damn hard to do in UFLI (you can use a bit of hiresdither sometimes instead of the missing colors, but that's about it!), but not so in UIFLI. Check out the Technocracy picture in Deus for antialiasing (wires etc., i use it basically everywhere). My most common technique to get exta antialiasing is to use inverted priority (nibbleswap-key!) in one of the pictures.
The good thing is: You can enhance any UFLI picture later in UIFLI when you got the hang of how stuff works! ;-) It's totally up to you where you want the interlacing to happen, but i really do recommend it for gradients and Antialiasing! UIFLI is basically the same, you just need to get used to the fact that you're drawing in two pictures separately (we couldn't come up with a better concept to make full use of what the mode has to offer!) and you have that extra zoom-mode-preview to see what you're doing...
Thanks for the kind words on the editor! ;-)

And yes, the choice of sprite colors is crucial! ;-) I usually recommend the medium gray (just like for $d021), because it can be "substituted" most often (f.ex. without problems for lt. blue, pink and dark green)
User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 11 May 2006
I think the hedgehog-thing is a bit mistaken. Anti-aliasing is made with one or more middle colors, to make the edge between two colors smoother (that's what TCH calls "shading", but that's something else.. but similar :). Hedgehog-aliasing is more like dithering, and is only there because the graphician could not choose which color really is the best.
User Comment
Submitted by Hydrogen on 11 May 2006
A beautiful picture. Drawing technique is successful. Shadows looks really nice. I think, colour usage needs extra care. On the other hand, chosen colours looks good except cyan-lightgreen combination on the face. Lastly, really cool work according to first experiment on the ufli mode.

Tch: "Hedgehog effect" I think, pixel scene gains a new term:)
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 10 May 2006
Well,about the anti-aliasing..
I don´t do it in UFLI because it looks awkward.
Shading the curves is all I try to do,it looks like a hedgehog otherwise. ;)

And you are right JB,the editor has NEVER crashed on me! 8D
User Comment
Submitted by bubis on 10 May 2006
These comments are very entertaining. :)
The pic is just great!
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 9 May 2006
just to say that also JTR is thrilled!
btw, picture quality also sometimes improves if you use the method JB explained on the real machine.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 9 May 2006
@Dane: hah, actually I'd like to, but I miss the joystick-controlled pixelling sooo much :)
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Submitted by Dane on 9 May 2006
Nice one, Jailbird. I expect you to try out X-fli next! :)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 9 May 2006
@Deev: personally it still distracts my attention a bit when seeing aliased edges, even in UFLI, but it's a matter of taste I guess. For example, Tch's pictures look so terrific I hardly even notice that there's no antialiasing present. But since it's not possible to do good anti-aliasing in UFLI, it's really the only way to simply forget it :) What also bothered me during the pixelling in this mode (but that's my fault actually) was that I had to concentrate really a much to forget some of my routines which are originated from pixelling in other modes. But the more I experiment, the more I feel thrilled :)
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 8 May 2006
I'm impressed you managed this is such a short space of time. UFLI seems to take me ages which is why I don't always enjoy using it very much!

I wonder how much anti-aliasing is needed in ufli. With the usual multicolour pixels, it definately smooths off the lines and with interlaced modes, it reduces the flickering lots. In UFLI, I sometimes think the lines look cleaner *without* any mid-coloured pixels! With my 00000010 pic, I kinda preferred the black curves on white background before I tried any antialiasing, I just did it because I felt I would look technically lame if I didn't ;)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 8 May 2006
As stated in the production note, this was just a one-afternoon practice, only to test the graphicsmode and the editor.
The horizontal motive was an initial mistake, as it's impossible to make very short (max. 2 char) horizontal 5-6 level colorblends, whilst the sprites were mainly used for the black outlines - um, that was another mistake, as it gives the impression that the sprites weren't used at all since the background is black as well. :)
Basically, I like the editor. It works like a charm, the keyboard options are intuitive, the joy controll routine is fine, and what is the most important for me: it's very very stable!

Considering the graphicsmode, the only thing I don't like is that it is really hard to make even proper one level anti-aliasing, and I'd say that a two- or three-level antialias on sharp edges is absolutely impossible. Other than that, no complaints. :) So it might be that I'll use UFLI more often.
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 8 May 2006
As an experimental piece,this is not bad at all.
Especially considering the time invested in it.. °stunned°

PS.use your sprite-colours more wisely!
°Sorry,couldn´t resist.. ;)°
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 May 2006
mmmh not that i'm in the position to make it any better, but somehow this one looks like it could be either done without fli or without the spritelayer.
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Submitted by Yodelking on 8 May 2006
Jailbird, can you make a macro for this so it's easy for the photoshop users to see it? I promise to shake my head while watching!
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 8 May 2006
For God's sake HCL, I thought you're much more experienced in judging pictures by the screenshots. So, just to make clear. You have to load this into photoshop and make it fullscreen, then run a PAL filter over it, turn down the brightness, tweak the contrast, put more chroma in the luma, shake your head left and right fastly to blur the colors, then look on the image at least 5 meters from the monitor whilst winking. It will be the exact thing as on the real deal. Tush!
User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 8 May 2006
Wow, what a surprice :D! Good work dude!

But the screenshot is shrinked and doesn't reflect what you see on the *oridjinal* thing. I get totally confused and can not like this pic.
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 8 May 2006
Nice to see a high quality UFLI picture from Jailbird. Very solid work.
User Comment
Submitted by leonofsgr on 8 May 2006
R E S P E C T ! ! ! ;_))))

damn it! I hate U JailBaby! ;_))))))

User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 7 May 2006
i bet the nose looks wrong once it's uploaded ;P (edit: oops, nose looks quite alright :)
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