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MapEddi 2 - 1351 fix   [2008]

MapEddi 2 - 1351 fix Released by :

Release Date :
24 December 2008

Type :
C64 Tool

Bones Park MapEddi 2

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Mario Knezovic of Bones Park Software Artistic
Graphics .... Veto
Concept .... Mario Knezovic of Bones Park Software Artistic
Bug-Fix .... Ninja of The Dreams
Docs .... Veto

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User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 30 April 2009
Looks nice, and is *almost* what I'm looking for.

Problem 1: I cannot seem to load my own charset or screen. And there's no documentation on how the proprietary files are structured.
Problem 2: I guess this program is unable to edit screens on a 1x1 basis, huh? Everything needs to be designed in 2x2 blocks...
User Comment
Submitted by Skylab on 12 January 2009

That looks pretty well-known to me. You are talking about delay? When you are working together with Mario there will never be any delay. ;-) Otherwise you both would of course jump to work and live in the software companies house. :P

Hey! That was really crazy times back then. Best wishes. Will give ya a call next days...
User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 25 December 2008
It was necessary to redesign the gameplay for a proper conversion. The attack waves were much more ordered compared to the original version. Shots moved slower. It feels like the Amiga formations but in fact the movements were referred to Armalyte. This was necessary because the original showed the double amount of objects the same time!
Actually I do not believe that the project will be continued unless the team wins a lottery or something...
Mario and I never had any doubts about realizing the concept, even these days. The main problems were the delays from my side. I underestimated the lead time first. Besides some design modifications required heavy additional work (in terms of transferring shots from sprites to the char-bg), four levels to come and I was totally broke.
OK - there is no pressure of time or publishers nowadays but there is simply not enough free time for an adequate development...
User Comment
Submitted by doynax on 25 December 2008
I've been playing DoDonPachi and other manic shooters lately so I'd have to disagree with you there.. Besides, many of them would probably be used as linked sprites rather than individual moving objects.

Though I suppose they'd have a hell of a time designing the game in such a way as to have 48 sprites moving around without massive flicker. I don't know how the original version of Lethal X-Cess plays but you'd think it ought to be manageable through Armalyte-style "on-rails" gameplay padded out with judicious use of char-bullets.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 25 December 2008
48 sprite is too much for a playable game :) 16 makes the screen already pretty much crowded. turrican is around that nr too iirc.
User Comment
Submitted by doynax on 25 December 2008
Oswald: I fear the original team is working on completing this project or is at least still thinking about it. Not that that's a bad thing per-se, it's just that I most definitely don't need any more competition within the SEU genre ;)
And beyond the superficial similarities, i.e. vertical shooters using "extended" char modes and plenty of sprites, this title is considerably more ambitious (a 48 sprite multiplexer *and* soft-sprites!) than my own project. Meaning that my display mode couldn't handle anything like what this system is supposed to be capable of.

But, yeah, I could use some graphics like this..
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 24 December 2008
now this gfx could find a very nice place in doynax's vertical shooter. are you listening doynax ? :)
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 24 December 2008
Friggin' cool! The graphics are awesome. Good job with this release.
User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 24 December 2008
... a small xmas-gift. Enjoy.
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