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User Comment Submitted by DonChaos on 5 October 2013 User Comment Submitted by Moloch on 11 February 2013
Additions that would be helpful in a future version:
- add the ability to swap bit $00, current version allows swapping $01, $10, and $11 only.
- merge/load sprites with sprites in memory
- support for more than one overlay sprite
Adding those features would make this sprite editor nearly flawless. | User Comment Submitted by Shine on 25 January 2013
I really love this sprite editor!!! :) The best i've found so far. | User Comment Submitted by Lobogris on 23 January 2012
Sprite Pad is a must in C64 development! Thanks for your great tool, I use it frequently. Added it to a new IDE programming package I've recently designed for a programming tutorial series (in my blog at Spain). You are credited in the Csdb entry (C64 Kickass IDE [win32] [spanish]) I hope I have your blessing with it ;) (please mantainer of this entry: fwd this entry to Stewart) | User Comment Submitted by bugjam on 22 June 2011
\o/ Nice! I was using 1.5 so far, used it a couple times, and it is nice to see progress on it! Hooray for overlay! My wish: have an option in the animator to switch through animation frames manually or even slower than now (good for detail work). @Asphodel: cool to hear you are motivated - try to find a running project that needs graphician support, might be easier (and yielding a nicer result) than going for your own thing. | User Comment Submitted by thedaemon on 21 June 2011
I really enjoy this app! A suggestion: How about a selection of more than 1 sprite for the animation viewer. For instance if I have a character that's 2 sprites tall, it would be nice to see the whole thing animated. | User Comment Submitted by Asphodel on 21 June 2011
This is such a briljant tool! (along with CharPad).
Totally triggered my plans to do something with graphics / sprites / games on the C64!
That it´s compatible with SEUCK is just perfect! Being an artist in real life, the Graphics have my interest , but I suck in Assembler and such.
Any change sprites etc. can also be used in Garry K´s Gamemaker or Arcade game Construction Kit.
Maybe someday there will be a windows Based game creator for C64..Here@s hoping..
Great, Great stuff! thanks
| User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 20 June 2011 User Comment Submitted by Hein on 20 June 2011
@WVL: Why not export from Timanthes? It has a sprite layer, you know. | User Comment Submitted by josepzin on 20 June 2011
I like this tool!
We need more export options :P | User Comment Submitted by WVL on 20 June 2011
I love spritepad :)
There's just one little thing which has always nagged me.. We can has copy/paste from say Timanthes into Spritepad? All too often I'm faced by making some specific sprites to fit into a greater image, or for some sort of effect and I always have to make an identical drawing in Spritepad again.. |
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