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Neotunes 2 Light (standalone) [2012] |
Neotune2 Preview
Released At :
Bunkerparty 2012
Achievements :
Mixed Competition at Bunkerparty 2012 : #2
Credits :
Code | .... | TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday! |
Music | .... | EVS |
| | Fanta of Arsenic, Chorus, Oxyron, Plush, Viruz |
| | Future Freak of Dexion |
| | G-Fellow of Civitas |
| | Hayes of Quality |
| | JCH of Vibrants |
| | Jeroen Soede |
| | Michael Hendriks |
| | Mr.Death of Genesis Project |
| | NecroPolo of Ancients Pledge Inc., Avatar, SIDRIP Alliance |
| | Response of Darklite, Hoaxers |
| | Reyn Ouwehand of Paradize, Scoop |
| | Rock of Finnish Gold |
| | Slimex of Hokuto Force, Sidrapers |
| | The DJ |
| | The Sad Sausage |
Graphics | .... | TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday! |
Text | .... | TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday! |
Charset | .... | TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday! |
SIDs used in this release :
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User Comment Submitted by ready. on 5 September 2012
TheRyk, keep up the good work! Of course my criticism was meant in a constructive way :)
| User Comment Submitted by The Stoned Exorcist on 2 September 2012
thanks ryk, i will try it with sjload on my sd2iec | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 1 September 2012
Thx guys, not only for praise but also for constructive criticism. Indeed, implementing jukebox/playlist/shuffle and many other features are on the to-do list for the actual NeoTunes2 - which sooner or later will also be made 1581 standalone again and most probably even EasyFlash one day. I might as well rethink controls, maybe install optional keyboard use. I thought the browsing system (choice = the tune in the middle/brightest color, select by fire) should be intuitve or at least learnable. Anyway, features such as "Browse by Author/Title/Category/Year/etc" are also planned.
OT: Thx also for reporting the rather big files in NT1 [1581 noNeoRAM]. Mainly results from my laziness, just took the 16kB packages I arranged for NeoRAM/GeoRAM memory bank size. I might as well store tune by tune on disk next time. However, almost any Fastloader should be supported, since it's all KERNEL load. | User Comment Submitted by The Stoned Exorcist on 31 August 2012
ok the tunes are good, but when there is a "no neoram version" for d81, please split it into smaller files because it takes too long to load. that was the only problem i had with the original neotunes. however, the first neotunes is a fantastic collection, and this should be as good for sure :-) regarding last comment, i had no problem with joystick control at all, the song you choose is always in the middle of the selection list - it can be a bit confusing | User Comment Submitted by ready. on 30 August 2012
I like the musics, nice to find this collection, I missed the full collection back then (Neotunes). I also like the screen layout. But I totally hate the controls. Joystick control is way too sensitive, somehow in VICE I can manage to jump to the next/previous tune, but on the real C64 I jump 4-5 tunes every time I hit the joystick. Furthermore, since you give the total tune playtime, couldn't you have a jukebox mode implemented? | User Comment Submitted by Response on 28 August 2012
Lovely! \0/
+1 for what G-Fellow and NecroPolo said. I'm honored. | User Comment Submitted by NecroPolo on 27 August 2012
Very nice music colly! Great work in onefiling.
+1 for what G-Fellow said. I'm honoured. | User Comment Submitted by G-Fellow on 27 August 2012
CoOol, :) first music collection where a tune from me is used, when I was not involved to the production. Thank you for this guys! Makes me happy! :-D
Btw. nice selection of tunes. | User Comment Submitted by Dr.Science on 26 August 2012
Nice selection of tunes! Some of my favourites are in there :-) |
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