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Airsomjith Graff V2   [2020]

Airsomjith Graff V2 Released by :
Airsomjith Class [web], Atlantis [web]

Release Date :
24 September 2020

Type :
C64 One-File Demo

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (1 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Dr. Science of Atlantis
Music .... Dex-D of Airsomjith Class
Graphics .... Peeshaya of Airsomjith Class

SIDs used in this release :
Khao Noi Street Beat(/MUSICIANS/D/Dex-D/Khao_Noi_Street_Beat.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 9 October 2020
Very promising - keep up the effort and you'll be battling it out at graphics compos in no time.
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 9 October 2020
lovely screen! everyone starts somewhere, just starting in a viper pit may be tough, but there's plenty of love from lots of us so keep going and I look forward to your future releases. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Peeshaya on 27 September 2020
Groepaz: I was not even thinking of sprite layers for outlines :( Then I know now also it is not a bug in the program.. Big thanks!

Shine "Class" was easy but "Airsomjith" was the hard part and you know what? Crazy me was gonna do it in Thai-letters at the beginning. Even for me as Thai that is level 100 in the difficulty scale haha! Thank you also! /Peeshaya
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 27 September 2020
THIS logo is really nice shaped for a firstie! No doubt! Go ahead and improve your technique! :D
Maybe you try next time another "Name" ...
"Airsomjith Class" is not easy at all! Respect for this! :)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 27 September 2020
That is related to the mentioned "color clash" problem. Not only can you only have 4 colors per 8x8 tile, also one of those colors is the same for the entire screen. Different programs use different approaches to deal with "extra" colors, but none of them is perfect. You'll get used to it :)

I like the logo shape in general (yeah i'm also a sucker for grafitty style). I think a sprite layer for the outlines could help a lot with this one :)
User Comment
Submitted by Peeshaya on 27 September 2020
Mibri Yes Indeed.. This was sort of tricky with the edges and outlines really because sometimes if I change 1 pixel then several other pixels got changed also. Like the program has some bugs or something. I was going mad haha! Thank you alot for your input Mibri! /Peeshaya
User Comment
Submitted by Mibri on 27 September 2020
Definitely a little bit rough on the technical side (still better then anything I could draw!), but I do like the overall style of the lettering. I’m a sucker for graff logos. :) It was cool of Doc to combine the picture and tune, too. An active C64 group from South East Asia in 2020 is a beautiful thing for the scene so keep at it!
User Comment
Submitted by Peeshaya on 27 September 2020
hedning: It is the second painting I did from skratch aiming at C64.
I can do better and I will also.
I only wanted to paint a "oldschool" Graffiti style with my countrys flag and a raw distorted noisy beat along to it in the background. Props to Dr. Science of Atlantis and Dex-D in A-C.
Thank you hedning for your kind words!
Love and respect! /Peeshaya
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 27 September 2020
Peeshaya: If this is your first stuff on the C64, I'd say: Good work. Keep it up!
User Comment
Submitted by Peeshaya on 26 September 2020
F7sus4 There you have a better style of talking. Im all new to this pixel and Commodore 64 world. Do you understand? My stuff will not look good same as a person that has been doing this for over 20 years. I have lots to learn. I have fun on the cup and like the support and you are more than welcome to give me constructive criticism. Iam more willing to improve myself and have lots of fun also.

It was also hand drawed from scratch straight into pixcen.. therefor the "Koala" Look you are refering to all the time. Please let us do ur shit cus we have fun here and enjoy the demoscene alot. /Peeshaya
User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 26 September 2020
I don't really see where the "elitist" part is. It simply feels odd/unusual to see this release, and even though I do have similar thoughts to TheRyk, I wouldn't really pick any specific person as "involved".

Regarding the opinion that the graphics feels unpolished, yes, that's how it looks to my eyes, and I can't be sorry for expressing that in civil manner. It actually brings memories of doing such random Koala Painter sessions in teenage years. So, maybe the only "attitude" was getting so easily offended by honesty, just food for thought. Cheers.
User Comment
Submitted by Peeshaya on 26 September 2020
iAN CooG I like when feedback being given and being critical and write it on a good manner: what could have been better or what it lacks etc.. But is the "piss approach" a style we having in this forum really?? So if I see something I don't like I can just write "this is so ugly, looks like made by a kid, so bad and boring" etc.. For me that is what 9 year old kids are doing. But of course the great F7sus4 is better than everyone else. /Peeshaya
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 26 September 2020
Peeshaya: get used to it, or you'll have an hard time in here. Not everyone can be pleased from everyone's work, you can't expect it, and a negative comment on your work doesn't mean he "hates" you.
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Submitted by Peeshaya on 26 September 2020
F7sus4 You are boring with your elite attitude. I don't care about you and I paint what I want. Haters gonna hate but we have Class! we never look down on people or think we are better than others. Love and respect to all! / Peeshaya
User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 26 September 2020
I don't know. It looks like a boring-evening result of a 9-year old trifling with Koala Painter. The same applies to the music, lacking polish in many aspects. Really weird release(s).
User Comment
Submitted by Compyx on 25 September 2020
That purple looks weird, results in non logic at all for any lightsource. There's also about zero effort put into solving color clashes. The purple lines appear to take precedence over the actual logo.
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Submitted by ZeHa on 25 September 2020
TheRyk I don't doubt that those purple pixels are intentional, but at first sight they look more like conversion artifacts, which is why I would remove or at least change them so that they look more intentional and less artifactional ;)
(not talking about the purple in general, just those singled-out pixels that are seen in a few spots - especially the one on the upper left of the "C", which i always see at first glance)
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Submitted by TheRyk on 25 September 2020
ZeHa probably purple is intended to give some priming effect. That's what sprayers used to do in the 90s before doing the actual piece.
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Submitted by ZeHa on 25 September 2020
much better contrast for the logo than v1!
what i don't like though are the little purple paint "sprinkles" around the logo, because they make it look like it's been converted from a JPEG or something like that. i would either make them more defined so it's clear they're intentional, or leave them out. what also bothers me a bit is the uneven distribution of the stripes in the background, not sure if intentional.

but i like the wacky soundtrack with the laid-back drums 8)
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 24 September 2020
I want to believe...

From the very beginning it was hard to believe anyone apart from the creator uses DefMon, especially beginners. But _this_ release seriously intensifies my doubts whether this whole Aerosmith/Vietnam project can be anything else than Goto80 having migrated to the Golden Triangle for however long Corona is gonna last ^^

Anyway, in some strange way, I <3 it :)
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