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Bruce Lee Tribute   [2022]

Bruce Lee Tribute Released by :
Arturo Dente

Release Date :
27 November 2022

Type :
C64 One-File Demo

Website :

User rating:*******___  6.5/10 (20 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Arturo Dente
Music .... Scarzix of F*A*I*C, Offence
Graphics .... Arturo Dente

SIDs used in this release :
Bruce Lee(/MUSICIANS/S/Scarzix/Bruce_Lee.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Scarzix on 10 August 2023
OMG! that tune was never released. But left on my work-disks when I left the C64 for Amiga back in 1990... yes, its not done nor releasable... except - someone - and I know who, thought my old worktunes were "good enough" of their time.

LOL! thanks for bringing it forward, completely forgot about it.
User Comment
Submitted by kaos on 29 November 2022
Nice little demo part. I'm getting a little tired of the Petscii-movement, but that's just me.
What really bugs me is the music; it's a little too close to the original (so why not just use that one?) - and one or two of the notes are super off.

Other than that - keep it up, and keep 'em coming. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by MuZZa on 29 November 2022
Hi Arturo, don't take it personally, iAN CooG has a point. What counts in the end is the final result. Anyway, I don't think there's any bad intentions when people vote here (obviously there're some jerks, arrogant little boys who remain the same despite the fact that age has passed over them :-) but like everything in this world. relax! Do da fuck you want!! Cheers!
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 28 November 2022
Could have been nice if the frames were cleaned from the glitches and touched up a bit - but this is just ugly.
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 28 November 2022
"undervote" implies obviously, that you think, that is not "fair" ...

Accept, that the people vote whatever they like.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 28 November 2022
The Star Wars animation was pretty good, the latest ones were mediocre, it's not that if you made ONE good animations the other less good ones should be voted the same. Accept the fact that some people can see the defects in the other ones and vote them accordingly. But of course any lower votes than 10 are always seen as downvotes to show hate towards the author, instead of being accepted as simple judgement toward the actual release.
User Comment
Submitted by ArturoDente on 28 November 2022
@Ian as said It's not in discussion personal tastes. I have talked about an impression of mine about some prejudices when something is auto-generated.

Several people liked this one and the others similar demos (I have also itch.io to check). The Freddy Mercury tribute, for example, is going quite viral on Twitter, and my May the 4th be with you was liked also by you. So tastes are various and quite equally distributed, but lately I notice some criticism that I didn't notice before, so my thoughts about the use of automatic tools, that real artist may not like for obvious matters. Anyway, I will not comment anymore since it's not a forum, letting everyone to think what they want, it definitively doesn't change my day. What is my impression is what I stated up, no need to argument furthmore
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 28 November 2022
feels like my own product, you got bored in the end and rushed it. there are bugs in the frames, and just 3-4 animation sequences repeating in a loop, with some design could have been much more.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 28 November 2022
My explanation on low votes: you could have invented cold fusion but if the result is poor, the vote will be poor, end of the story. You can't possibly think these animations you are making are top notch state-of-the-art quality, they're mediocre at best.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 28 November 2022
User Comment
Submitted by ArturoDente on 28 November 2022
just a comment to Slaxx and who tends to undervote automatic-produced works like this one. Bear in mind that I'm not a newbie using some tools done by other people and clapping himself. "I" made the java code that creates the final asm file, that I then adjust eventually to fit sids and pics. I made my own RLE compression algorithm and the process that encodes a gif according to it. So, since I have the impression that certain votes are what they are just because you can think "another untalented person", I want to clarify this and to ask to bear in mind that coding is talent too. And more difficult than filling pixels, imho.
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