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Operation MILF   [2024]

Operation MILF Released by :

Release Date :
30 September 2024

Type :
C64 Graphics

Released At :
C64GFX.com Game Loading Screen Compo 2024

User rating:*********_  9.2/10 (27 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.8/10 (9 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Graphics .... rexbeng of Bitplane Technomantes

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User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 2 October 2024
Dont feel like cleaning up here or moving any of your "comments" to the forum where it would belong - closing.
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 2 October 2024
I’m still waiting for download numbers to go through the roof due to the title.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 2 October 2024
Just one question: When did the scene turn into so serious? Is it because 50+ year old men need to have their ego intact? The scene was based on stealing all one could... And now in a silly competition where the rules for the compo was: No serious rules for this compo.... it all turn into a battle of egos and who is the most true artist in a way? It is so utterly lame and silly and I can not even cope with that... it is so insane childish...

Get a grip all haters of fun.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 1 October 2024
Nice and funny pic. :-) "Castle Milfenstein", "Peter and the Milf" and "Airmilf" would be cool too. Or what about "Milfling" or "Seamilf"?
User Comment
Submitted by MMS_Z on 1 October 2024
The scener did not hide the fact it was an AI picture, and followed the idea of a funb release, I am fully OK with that. Putting it together into a compo with hand-made gfx would be an other story (there was an AI related compo, and it is absoltely all right).
The AI generated pictures could be a great help for eg. game creation, when someone is a great storyteller, but cannot find anyone drawing the pictures. If he has AI generated pictures and a converter, I think it is a great help to release his dream project, eg. a gfx adventure. I do some basic pixelling too, but drawing with hand 30-50+ full screen pictures for an gfx adventure would be more than a challenging task. Probably without AI help I would give up at the middle, so I would have a never released game. (I saw some fantastic looking medieval town PETSCIIs in the past years, but not recently, probably that one also a semifinished or abaddoned project)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 1 October 2024
ohhh... I am sorry... I thought the rules for this compo was: No serious rules for this compo.
User Comment
Submitted by jmin on 1 October 2024
Not a "defender of AI" but that's apples and oranges.
A more suitable comparison in this example would be watching a demo effect made by AI for PC and recreating it with your own code on C64. There's definitely magic happening there. Similar to porting stuff.
User Comment
Submitted by The Sarge on 1 October 2024
@Oswald and defenders of AI. Would you be OK if the winning demo (or the rest) was coded by ChatGPT to the most part, and not by you?
User Comment
Submitted by apprentix on 1 October 2024
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 1 October 2024
@Oswald It’s kinda nice to have you as my personal groupie, although I’d prefer if you were a chick with a rifle.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 1 October 2024
@PAL all you have to do is make your picture with AI to summon Tr0llentE :)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 1 October 2024
No wonder why the world is in a bad place... lol... someone create this and it make people argue and stand their stands... it is hillarious and just because of this - THIS IMAGE IS A WINNER FOR ME! MILF ftw!
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 1 October 2024
Here you go TheRyk & rexbeng. Oswald told you everything. I hope you’re proud.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 30 September 2024
I think its a cool pic, even technically, and good joke with the milf logo.

4gent is probably gay if he thinks this is kitshish fetisitation of women. There is unlimited amount of demos/pix that REALLY do that,and they wait for you to whine in their comment section too.

We (most of us) like to look at nice women, its natural heterosexual male behaviour y'know. If you cant handle it this place is not for you.
User Comment
Submitted by wil on 30 September 2024
I spot an MA41 rifle with M203 attachment, nicely drawn!
Also, what 4gentE said about the MILF acronym, not very appreciative towards women in military.
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 30 September 2024
“Allahu Akbar” was a direct response to “God bless you!” in the original post to which I was referring, and is equally “political”. All Hail Megatron!
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 September 2024
There's things such as what rexbeng already has told about AI making (or failing at making...) hands... which keep me from telling this one would be perfect. but hey... there's crappier shit done by humans only... all around :)

Higgie: Let's see all your handmade shit <3
4gentE: Compared to your "Allahu Akbar!" I see myself as pretty much politically neutral... maybe I even love Ivan... Mega Ivan
User Comment
Submitted by Higgie on 30 September 2024
@TheRyk: Well, if you just want me to produce? You can have it! But don't cry afterwards if you see CSDb being flodded with crap. ;D
In fact I belong to the kind of people who don't have too much time. I have to decide carefully what I invest my time on. And I have my personal views on AI (bla bla).
ATM I'm working on something scene related and decided not to take part in this competition. During my short breaks I take a look into CSDb and throw my votes and comments at stuff, if I feel to. That's my modus operandi. :)
If I may add to your "...PRODUCE or stfu" call: "people, make demos and stop wasting time on dubious gfx-releases!" :)
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 30 September 2024
NATO-MILFs to the front \o/

oh gawd…
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 September 2024
output is close to brilliant,
rest (How-To-Textwall) ain't so important imho.

+1 @what iAN sez: don't whine, skeptics, PRODUCE or stfu

NATO-MILFs to the front \o/ they will beat the hell out of bloody *CENSOREDCOVFEVFEdghsfkdjlghsjkgb****... always remember don't do substances on the Internet...)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 30 September 2024
is it the girlfriend of Green Beret? Cool.
User Comment
Submitted by Higgie on 30 September 2024
@jmin: I just can't stand it when people throw massive server power at our innocent c64s. To me it's just ridiculous. And it makes me feel sad. Why not take inspiration from your own life or even your own mind? Or connect to a more capable person do do a sketch for you. There are so many options before doing it the cheap way. ... Just my 2 cents (again). nuff said!
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Submitted by celticdesign on 30 September 2024
Where to buy?
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 30 September 2024
Haha yes, sorry, fetishization of women in uniform holding sidearms while using porn acronyms doesn’t really ring ‘kitschy’ to me. Perhaps next time. Or rather not. I’d much rather look at your ‘usual’ stuff I like so much.
User Comment
Submitted by rexbeng on 30 September 2024
@4gentE, I was hoping for something along the lines of 'kitsch', but I happily keep the 'tasteless' tag. :)
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 30 September 2024
You probably won't believe it but since forever there are people whining about pictures not being originals when a reference is used, so it's become an habit to put "NO COPY" in them when they are actually original concepts =)
Fucking snowflakes with too much time in their hands that should be sent picking up potatoes in the fields instead of wasting their lives complaining about anything on the net.
User Comment
Submitted by jmin on 30 September 2024
I know, an endless discussion and I don't wanna add extra fuel but genuine noob question for this particular case: I don't really see the differencee between browsing Google/photolibs/... for a reference photo of a female soldier holding a weapon and asking an AI to generate a photorealistic pic of a female soldier holding a weapon that's then used as reference photo; it's not like AI was asked to compose said pic in C64 format, nor to include a tagline and/or full composition of a pic. Or is using reference photos no matter the source already being frowned upon "in the scene context"?
User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 30 September 2024
I’m with Higgie of course as far as AI goes. Some very nice pixelling involved tho. I find the title/substance package slightly distasteful.
User Comment
Submitted by csio on 30 September 2024
Automatic thumbs up =) MILFan
User Comment
Submitted by t0m3000 on 30 September 2024
I really like the title :)
User Comment
Submitted by Higgie on 30 September 2024
not a bad picture at first glance. but I'm still 100% against the use of generative AI, especially in the scene context. that's why I give this 1/10 points.
User Comment
Submitted by jmin on 30 September 2024
Sweet! The level of detail - that baret - you've managed to pack into it is stunning. Also, thx for sharing your process/stuff!
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 30 September 2024
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 30 September 2024
thumbs up =)
User Comment
Submitted by Flotsam on 30 September 2024
Cool screen, cool logo and cool that you're open about the process of creating the pic. I absolutely adore you're usual style, but this isn't badly pixeled either, wouldn't mind pushing some buttons with the MILF.
User Comment
Submitted by rexbeng on 30 September 2024
I have been uncertain with regards to making this or not. I guess most people are getting how this is a ’title-joke’ release. However, AI was used to generate the trooper picture (included in the pack) that was then brought to pixels. So, I should point out that if it wasn't for the AI generated image, I wouldn’t have made this release at all, as I’m not really into drawing figurative (/’realistic’?) stuff. But since this was supposed to be a joke, I convinced myself to swallow my pride and ‘look for inspiration in AI’ (I think that’s how modern people are calling the process these days..?). What I understood during the process is that AI is very good at generating faces that easily translate to pixels without the need of complicated wiring processes. Which is cool, even considering that drawing faces is in fact the easiest part of drawing people. On the other hand(s) is another story! Ofcourse, much like the face is very easy to draw, hands are the exact opposite, as hands don't have a fixed shape but rather their form follows their function (I can imagine the architects among us shiver in ecstasy already!). So, obviously, AI screws hands up much like people screw hands up when drawing them (or even more so, when pixeling them because of the fat pixels and all), therefore opt to avoid drawing hands when they can. Unfortunately, the misshapen hands created a messy position for the gun (holding the gun as if it is a freakin’ billiards cue!) and I wasn’t really feeling I wanted to waste time re-drawing the whole pic. I changed the hands and then ‘cheated’ a little, making the grenade launcher part a bit thicker to accommodate a larger hand protector which would in turn accommodate the arms and hands angles. I see there’s plenty of things on this pic that can be worked to look better but I got too bored with it, so as soon as the basics were laid, I gave myself redemption by making the logo, which, while nothing extraordinary, was miles more interesting than the main part of the picture. The total process (from AI generation to final pixels) for the trooper was about 4-5 hours of work, I think. The logo I don’t know, it was fun and I was working on it at random time-pockets between other things. Surely not as much though. :)
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