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User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 10 August 2008 User Comment Submitted by TWR on 10 August 2008
Ok, Ian. Play the game, get a game over and it's there. I didn't put it there - it's there - from the beginning, just like in Trailblazer or any other game from this author. :-) | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 10 August 2008
I am not "so" wrong, after pressing space the game is relocated from $4a20 to $0801 and depacks to the trainer screen at $7c00. If even there's a pic between intro and packed game, no pic is displayed anyway.
Now tell me please where's the pic of this crack. :) | User Comment Submitted by TWR on 10 August 2008
You are so wrong, Ian coog. The picture is included in every version of this game. | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 10 August 2008
When exiting the intro you get a garbled screen and a lo-o-ong depack time. This is caused by a bad irq reset. All the cracks using this intro are affected.
.,0965 8d 21 d0 sta $d021
.,0968 20 00 0a jsr $0a00
.,096b 20 00 0a jsr $0a00
.,096e 20 00 0a jsr $0a00
.,0971 20 00 0a jsr $0a00
.,0974 20 03 10 jsr $1003
.,0977 a9 7f lda #$7f
.,0979 8d 00 dc sta $dc00
.,097c ad 01 dc lda $dc01
.,097f c9 ef cmp #$ef
.,0981 d0 a6 bne $0929
.,0983 78 sei
.,0984 a9 07 lda #$07
.,0986 8d 00 dd sta $dd00
.,0989 a9 37 lda #$37
.,098b 85 01 sta $01
.,098d a2 17 ldx #$17
.,098f a9 00 lda #$00
.,0991 9d 00 d4 sta $d400,x
.,0994 ca dex
.,0995 10 fa bpl $0991
.,0997 8e 1a d0 stx $d01a <-- change to STA $d01a , else $ff is written instead of $00
.,099a a9 81 lda #$81
.,099c 8d 0d dc sta $dc0d
.,099f 0e 19 d0 asl $d019
Also, the screenshot shows the game pic, but it's not included in the crack. | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 14 May 2008
i don't like the style of the intro - but the game really rocks! |
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