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Founded by :
New-H in January 1990
Dissolved in :
Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group
Base Country :
Trivia :
Start of this group is mentioned in Frontpage #2 and in Cop! Cop! #00001.
User rating: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) |
All Members :
A-Man (ex) | (1990 -> 1990) | .... | Musician, Swapper |
Bionic (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Bravestar (ex) | ( -> 1992) | .... | Cracker |
Creg (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Dean (ex) | (1990 -> 7-1990) | .... | Coder |
Flagstone (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Coder, Graphician |
Grafitty (ex) | | .... | Graphician |
Guru (ex) | | .... | (unknown function) |
Heavy D (ex) | (1990 -> 1990) | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Lady Binaer (ex) | | .... | Swapper |
Luka (ex) | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Swapper |
Misfit (ex) | | .... | Musician |
New-H (ex) | (1-1990 -> 1991) | .... | Coder, Graphician, Swapper |
Pleite Geier (ex) | | .... | Coder |
Radster (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Ranger (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Cracker, Graphician, Swapper |
Rantanplan (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Rough (ex) | (1990 -> 1990) | .... | (unknown function) |
Sextone (ex) | (1990 -> 7-1990) | .... | Graphician |
Shocker (ex) | | .... | Original Supplier, Swapper |
Smx (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Coder |
The Judge (ex) | (1-1990 -> 2-1990) | .... | Swapper |
The Reaper (ex) | (1-1992 -> 1992) | .... | Original Supplier, Swapper |
The Slayer (ex) | (1-1990 -> ) | .... | Cracker |
Trax (ex) | (1990 -> ) | .... | Graphician |
Releases : (120)
Organizer of :
User Comment Submitted by Exin64 on 27 April 2008
I had some Tropic Disks that came in a box by some turkish guy. Included were some turkish demos and Midnite Movie from Zombie Boys!! |
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