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Blazing Thunder +4   [1990]

Blazing Thunder +4 Released by :

Release Date :
21 November 1990

Type :
C64 Crack

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Crack .... Richie of Illusion
Trainer .... Richie of Illusion

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadIllusion Intro (Chain) by Illusion

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User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 16 November 2010
I have launched it several times with latest vice build 2.2.x (x64 and x64sc), hoxs and ccs2.0. no warp mode, with and without TFR cart, directly as a prg and from the d64+tde active. I even tried starting with default vice settings by renaming vice.ini. Always works for me: I chose Y for all trainers, starts. N for all trainer, starts aswell.

EDIT: I managed to get it hang, but it's really random. It's probably due to the relocating code not issuing a CLI before entering the trainer menu, so keyboard scan at $ffe4 never finds any key pressed ($dc01 is never read because IRQ at $ea31 never executes)
To reproduce it I had to place a breakpoint at $340 then stepped to $c900; at that point I exited the vice mon and pressed Y. Nothing happens, until I reenter the monitor, patch the code to CLI+JMP$C900. Now keyboard is scanned again.
(C:$0340) d
.C:0340   78         SEI
.C:0341   A9 34      LDA #$34
.C:0343   85 01      STA $01
.C:0345   A0 00      LDY #$00
.C:0347   B9 01 32   LDA $3201,Y
.C:034a   99 01 08   STA $0801,Y
.C:034d   C8         INY
.C:034e   D0 F7      BNE $0347
.C:0350   EE 49 03   INC $0349
.C:0353   EE 4C 03   INC $034C
.C:0356   AD 49 03   LDA $0349
.C:0359   D0 EA      BNE $0345
.C:035b   A9 37      LDA #$37
.C:035d   85 01      STA $01
.C:035f   4C 00 C9   JMP $C900 <- no cli

so, if it hangs, enter vicemon and enter this patch
> c8ff 58
g c8ff
User Comment
Submitted by Acidchild on 6 September 2010
this seems to work only randomly on vice 1.19...trainerscreen sometimes can't be escaped.
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