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Star Trader

Star Trader Released by :
World Pirating Federation

Type :
C64 Crack

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Crack .... The Hackman

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User Comment
Submitted by HBH.ZTH on 31 July 2023
Radd Max: It seems to me that the US scene was very different to the EU scene. I guess they differ so much thanks to modem trading was much more common in the US, while in Europe we traded by mail or hooking up. The distances in US would be hard to get all the major contributors to meet in person. So it became more like East Coast vs West Coast thing.

It's a bit of a puzzle to me why not more of the (early) US scene releases hasn't been preserved and uploaded to CSDB or Archive (Jason Scott would be the man to contact).

I guess those who owned the BBS's would be the right people to contact for getting access to their old disks. But mb its hard to find their real names, as info was often concealed due to fear of getting caught spreading warez?
User Comment
Submitted by Radd Maxx on 3 April 2020
Hackman looks like one of those scene linchpins with a wide array of contacts. This must have been released in a sweet-spot year where the old, more disorganized scene (<85) is bumping up against the new wave. It's a trip seeing By-Tor, Jolly Roger and Mob Rules on the same screen together.

We dont get to see a lot of the old scene meeting the new because a lot of NTSC releases from 84 - 86 are still waiting to be found.
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