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StructASM6502 V0.2 B6   [2018]

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Release Date :
29 November 2018

Type :
Other Platform C64 Tool

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... Tom42

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User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 30 November 2018
Yeah, keep em coming then. We have bigger problems to deal with. :) Would prefer that people spent time finding lost C64 stuff though. Start diggin'!
User Comment
Submitted by Zirias on 30 November 2018
Guys, why ISN'T this a "scene release"? This guy joined one of the largest C64 forums and keeps posting his releases there. How is this different from spreading some disks back in the days? Well, he would run out of disks quickly, of course.
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 30 November 2018
funny thing: this is v0.2 while B1-B5 was v0.1. usually when you change the version you go back to B1, no?
drama... not yet pls, let's spare it for Xmas! no drama at Xmas = no fun :)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 30 November 2018
I am just uploading releases i find elsewhere (you can stop talking to the author as if he was reading this). And no, these are not "github revisions" or something similar. I dont know, nor do i care, why the author keeps releasing them. When i find a release that isnt here, i upload it. no more no less. I find the drama it generates for some reason really cute though :)
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 30 November 2018
Stone: Yup. Not Tom42's fault... I also think it's Groepaz' way of trying to say/state something.
User Comment
Submitted by Trash on 30 November 2018
As long as the release have a major change to it that is relevant for most users I think a new entry is ok but minor changes and maybe even revisions in the order of .1 should mandate an update of the original entry.
I also think it´s different with material produced for the C64, there any revision should mandate a new entry in order to keep the spirit of CSDB alive.
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 30 November 2018
I don't really understand why CSDB stores non-scene, non-native releases ... surely these could be stored on another website - then just update a forum post for each piece of software (eg. VICE, C64Scene, HOXS, KickASM, TinyCrunch, ...). I don't think that the fact that a piece of software targets C64 should imply that it's a scene release..?
User Comment
Submitted by Stone on 30 November 2018
While I agree with most of what has been said here, I think we can hardly blame the author of the software if he's not responsible for the csdb entries. Perhaps this is just Groepaz' way of starting some kind of meta debate. Or he is plain old f**king with us :P
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 30 November 2018
I know that CSDb want to archive all released C64 versions of releases, as they tell us about the scene, but nowadays GitHub-micro-version-extrawaganza is not the same thing.

Ongoing software development online should not be mirrored here imho. It's just silly. When it comes to released stuff intended to be an offical preview or scene prod, it's another thing. Even released bugged stuff that is fixed later should be mirrored.
User Comment
Submitted by soci on 30 November 2018
A change would be great news, but will there be a bulk CSDB API so that I can upload a release for each revision committed to 64tass, IDEDOS, View64 and all my other long running projects? Every single revision is pure gold and must have! ;)

Friendly note to the author:

Please think. If you continue like this no one will bother to check the new version. Either because the last checked version was good enough and changes were always minor so why bother yet, or the last 3 didn't work either so let's wait another 10-20 versions or another half year until it's really sorted out.

So you put in the effort to publish all these releases and it's mostly wasted as they will be ignored until v0.3 comes, or v1.0 or maybe v12.0... I hope you got the point.

Release an update when it's "ready" to be shown. That's not 5 minutes after the last "important" fix or new feature (trust me, all are) but when you've got feedback that it worked and have no further ideas what else to improve and no-one complained for at least a month or so for the last one.

Also test versions can be given to the complaining user directly without doing another release. After all the problem might not be solved for the first time and it's not like everyone encounters it.

Best would be to use an open repository for your stuff. That's one of the easiest ways to publish all versions, just commit with a comment and done. It's accessible immediately for those who really care. And then when it's "good enough" make proper major releases out of it worth checking by wider audience as described above.

User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 30 November 2018
If anything, this frequent release scheme raises questions about how CSDb works. There is nothing strange or bad about making small updates of software public in these internet days. You can hardly blame the author (who doesn't release his software here anyway) for the ways that CSDb requires a new entry for each small increment.
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 29 November 2018
Whoop, the even numbered revisions are always the best. I'm dying to see B8.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 29 November 2018
Yes! \o/ I was wondering if the coder died or something.
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