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User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 19 October 2011
Okay, I just made view64 a proper imageviewer in Ubuntu 11.10 that opens c64 image files with a double click (and quits on escape), all without any CLI commands. Here's what you have to do:
1) on x64-systems, do sudo apt-get install ia32-libs first, otherwise view64 will not work! From Ubuntu 12.04 onwards, install ia32-libs-multiarch instead, for some reason that escape me the regular ia32-libs don't work anymore...
2) move view64-linux to /usr/local/bin and rename it: sudo mv view64-linux /usr/local/bin/view64
3) Create a launcher like so: gedit .local/share/applications/view64.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A viewer for Commodore 64 Image Files
Exec=view64 -width 640 -height 400
(I gave it the mufflon icon, but you only see it when you search from the ubuntu menu, so you can leave that blank - also, if you don't have Mufflon installed!)
4) Save, quit gedit and chmod +x .local/share/applications/view64.desktop
5) make the mimetype known to the system. I used assogiate (sudo apt-get install assogiate) and created a new definition in Images called c64, with the description "Commodore 64 Image File" and only the file-extensions (Tab:filenames) that view64 reads (plus some more that are the same file but a different extension, like *.gun, *.fun, *.fp2 and .*.nup (NUFLI packed)). Quit Assogiate.
6) Open mimetype-associations:gedit .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list Link view64.desktop to the mimetype by addingimage/c64=view64.desktop under "Added Associations".
7) Logout and back in to activate it. Done!
Now, you can change the view64 arguments in the Exec-Line of the view64.desktop according to your needs. Add -nolace if you prefer rastered over blended IFLIs, change the window size using -width and -height or go fullscreen with -fs. You can even make it an instant BMP converter by just adding -save!
Enjoy! ;-D This is pretty awesome if you're working with NUVIE videos!... | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 9 September 2009
I just put the linux version through its paces and it works like a charm! Great job. thanks so much for supporting other platforms! Only the hungarian letters in the readme come out garbled in my german easypeasy Ubuntu, but that's the only "issue"! ;-) | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 20 July 2009
Awesome, MUIFLI and NUFLI support, yess! ;-) Now you just need to release the source so ppl can port it to other platforms!...
Edit: I just saw that you actually include a Linux-version already! ;-) Big props for that! But that source would really be great, since some people can't wait to turn this into MacOS X quicklook plugins, so you can view c64-pictures right in the MacOS X finder... | User Comment Submitted by Poison on 19 July 2009
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