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Erasure - Crown of Thorns   [2009]

Erasure - Crown of Thorns Released by :

Release Date :
28 May 2009

Type :
C64 Music

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (4 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Music .... Fredrik of Avatar

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User Comment
Submitted by Jucke on 7 June 2009
Fredrik: Come to LCP in malmö this summer, http://lcp.c64.org , meet a part of the c64 scene and learn new things. There will be plenty of really good sidmusicians there who can share their knowledge. And you'll get to hear shitloads of sidmusic all around the clock for an entire weekend. Even when you sleep, on a floor. (:
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 31 May 2009
Geir, I guess you got me wrong then - I didn't mean to give you any stamp, hands down! It's all good, first beer on me :)

User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 31 May 2009
geir >> it's sooo conventional ;) sometimes it's too little to measure the music ;)
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 31 May 2009
i like it, and as someone who finds it very hard to even get a drum noise going on the sid i appreciate the effort involved, and i know that everyone doesn't start off being able to compose amazing songs from the beginning, but music is a creative output for human emotion and sometimes you just have to release something to find out if people care about you in some way... fredriks will find the way, let's maybe help him achieve his goals rather than flame him, then he might feel like making the effort...
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 31 May 2009
Linus: Still you don't listen up. You have to read the comment in its enterity, and not based on the first sentence. I'm not deaf. You tell me how many Follin-like, Bjerregaard-like, quality tunes there have been made the last fifteen years, or since I quit in 1996. Don't give us that oldschool stamp. We just happen to care more about melodies, emotions, and arrangements.
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 30 May 2009
Cybertracker. Which probably explains the size of the tune and sound of the instruments (partially).

Hein, maybe its not his plan to ever have his tunes in a demo?
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 30 May 2009
btw which editor was in use? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 30 May 2009
If you release a song here, you can be sure it will be judged. I think it's time to change editor, so you can create songs that can be used in demos, if there's not a proper packer for this format.
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 30 May 2009
I was referring to "Can't say there's much good music done the last fifteen years. Too much focus on the "snare", "bassdrum", etc." :)
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 30 May 2009
Linus: read comment again (the end of it). And repeat it for me. ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 29 May 2009
Also, i think it helps alot to actually release a tune and learn from the feedback.

Geir and everybody else here are probably just as guilty of releasing tunes that were not really as finished as they could have been, when they first started out making sid music :-D

We all make music up to our current standards, dont we?

User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 29 May 2009
Geir, I have read similar comments on the current state of the sid scene quite often. Please provide me with some examples where the composer succeeded in creating some major soundw4nk (tm) without delivering a 'working' tune. I am just curious. Jammer, Randall and Jeff (just to name some composers capable of creating great sounds) usually succeed in delivering both great soundwork and compositions. Sids often kind of reflect the era they were released in. I think the problem is that a lot of oldschool guys still associate them with the typical 80s/early 90s sound and have isssues with sids exploring different styles (bigbeat, dnb, the 'satanic miles davis' stuff hein does etc). IMHO a hell lot of *awesome* tunes have been produced in recent years. But then again, maybe I am just deaf :)
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 29 May 2009
Nice to see a new face, but I agree with what Geir has written. Good luck with your composing.
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 29 May 2009
Nobody gets perfect, not even JT. Just be yourself Tonhuvudet, and please do not try to become someone else. Don't just fill up KB for the sake of it. Why would you release your SIDs every second week ?
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 29 May 2009
I just generally enjoy any new piece of music someone bothers to make on the good old sid. I also understand not everyone instantly becomes Jeroen Tel. Practice makes perfect.

Keep em comming.
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 29 May 2009
Fredrik. Oldschool or not doesn't matter as long as the music are good. By the way, we all make sounds ourselves. Well, the most of us. We even program our own tools to play 'em back. But that's just a few of us. This cover ain't bad at all. But before you release anything, take an extra listen after a week or so. Listen again, tweak some instruments. Like the lead has too much decay and vibrato on every single note. Make more expressions in the pulse, vibrato and ADSRs. I'd love to help you understand the SIDs behaviours. I'll be at LCP, so if you come to Malmö between 17-19. of July we could talk. :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 29 May 2009
Ok, sorry :)
But I guess I am oldschool then.
I have not the skill to do the advanced sounds on the sid.
And as long as there is still free avalible space (kilobytes) on this server, I will upload my oldschool tunes :)

User Comment
Submitted by GT on 29 May 2009
Tonhuvudet, I don't say it is shit.
User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 29 May 2009
I just like to do some covers on the sid, of the songs that I like.
And I hope this website also is for the beginners (like me), and not just for the professionals (like Geir)

I never use any existing "instruments" that are avalible for downloading, to my tunes. I try to make new sounds every time. Maybe there is why Geir thinks my sound are shit?
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 29 May 2009
Jammer, I don't agree. Can't say there's much good music done the last fifteen years. Too much focus on the "snare", "bassdrum", etc.. If you know what I mean. You and a few others got some very nice tunes combined with soundwork.
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 29 May 2009
geir >> i don't agree. being so extremaly oldskool is a part of style, not the lack of skill and sid knowledge. fredrik is not the first one to explore raw areas ;) you should be more up to date with new releases i guess :)
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 29 May 2009
Hi Fredrik. I understand you enjoy the SID alot, but please put more effort into it, and don't release just because you want to get some feedback on it. Listen to what the SID is capable of, and experiment and learn from others before making a release.
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