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Attempt One and Unforeseen Open [unfinished]   [2012]

Attempt One and Unforeseen Open [unfinished] Released by :
The Apace Software

Release Date :
8 March 2012

Type :
C64 Demo

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (2 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... zscs of The Apace Software
Music .... Andre of Antic
  Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Gaston of Elysium, The Imperium Arts
  JCH of Vibrants
  Scortia of Bonzai
  The DJ
  Thomas Detert of X-Ample Architectures
Graphics .... zscs of The Apace Software
Text .... zscs of The Apace Software
Charset .... zscs of The Apace Software

SIDs used in this release :
Coma Light VII (part 6)(/MUSICIANS/A/Andre/Coma_Light_VII_part_6.sid)
CoverGirl Strip Poker(/MUSICIANS/S/Scortia/CoverGirl_Strip_Poker.sid)
Don't Cry(/MUSICIANS/S/Shock/Dont_Cry.sid)
Funky Groove(/MUSICIANS/G/Gaston/Funky_Groove.sid)
Magic Disk 64 (1992/03)(/MUSICIANS/D/Detert_Thomas/Magic_Disk_64_1992_03.sid)
Peace... A Dream?(/MUSICIANS/T/Tichelmann_Kay/Peace_A_Dream.sid)
Wind of Change(/MUSICIANS/D/DJ/Wind_of_Change.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 8 March 2012
All those unreleased stuff, thx 4 sharin.

Though it was already shown in that onefiler, I like the last part very much, bracause it reminds me of what we doodled in our note books in school in the late 80s/early 90s. :)
User Comment
Submitted by zscs on 8 March 2012
:-) Thanks!
@TWW: I didn't speak english that time at all, sorry for that awful english.

@iAN CooG: somewhere back in 1992 or 1993 I saw an Amiga 500 demo at one of my friends. There was a part in that demo (which was quite similar to Unreal/Future Crew's scroller - I have just seen on Youtube) where I could see a beautiful dot scroller. I wanted to create a similar one. I have to mention that, my version is not a real dot scroller, it's much more a simple DYCP. (But I need to check my old code, I can't remember exactly and I haven't seen that code for 18 years or so.:))

I did not mention in my previous post but now I could identify a part of code which is definitely not mine. There is a DYCP in 'UNFORESEEN PART1' which was not related to my - so to say - intellectual properties. ;)
Anyone, who has any idea to the credits to this DYCP scroll?
Well, the interesting part is that, I have created that DYCP scroll on my own but I always failed with the synchronization and with the sprite multiplexer. I found an unfinished version with my own crappy code; as far as I remember, I spent numerous days to fix it but I couldn't; finally I 'copied' a working version. :)

There is an interesting part in the absolutely minimalist ' Unforeseen '. You can see a part in that where a short text appears in a 16x16 chars box, created with vectors. The vector routine is mine, I spent weeks (!) to understand the logic behind the vectors and doing it without having the ability to dividing numbers other than two. It's a very slow one but at least, it's mine. :P
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Submitted by TWW on 8 March 2012
Oldschool, the way I like it!

May I suggest a English course though :-)
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Submitted by Yogibear on 7 March 2012
Hmm! Liked some gfx!
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 7 March 2012
"1....4.BY.1.DYCP" reminds me of the dot scroller in Unreal/FutureCrew for some reason =)
User Comment
Submitted by zscs on 7 March 2012
This demo remained unfinished, so if you press space in the last part you will get an error as a result. ;)
I have found two parts on my old workdisks which were planned to be added to Unforeseen Open parts but that time I got my PC. Well, I'm pretty sure in that I don't really need to write you any further explanation here... :)
Unfortunately both parts are in a very buggy status so I decided to excude it from here. Probably I will fix them and upload them separately.
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