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Skate or Die! +D [ar/ide64/1541/1571/1581]   [2012]

Skate or Die! +D [ar/ide64/1541/1571/1581] Released by :

Release Date :
12 April 2012

Type :
C64 Crack

Skate or Die! +Docs [Action / Retro Replay supporting, IDE ready]

User rating:*_________  1.3/10 (14 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Crack .... Exploding First of Technische Maschinenfabrik, The Stock
Linking .... Exploding First of Technische Maschinenfabrik, The Stock
  TheRyk of Arsenic, Avatar, C64 Club Berlin
Docs .... H.T.W.
  TheRyk of Arsenic, Avatar, C64 Club Berlin
  Tinman of Eagle Soft Incorporated, We Got Originals
Test .... Thunder.Bird of C64 Club Berlin

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadSilver Rasterbar Triangle Intro by Avatar

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User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 13 August 2015
Still Mayday! kicks Avatar's ass. :D
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 13 August 2015
Regarding release quality from Avatar:

I did NOT approve this release!

When I first saw this released it was a pleasant surprise. After examining the release and realizing what a terrible mistake this was, I came very close to deleting this entire entry.

At the time I did not want to hurt TheRyk's feelings, so I allowed this release to remain.

This release is the worst release ever to bear the name Avatar. It has been shuffled away into the archives of the scene but I feel it necessary now to express how I have always felt about this release.

This release is the cause of the series of events which eventually led to TheRyk leaving Avatar.

This release is a total piece of shit!
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 2 May 2012
Us. :)

Leave him alone or set him "Ignored" but don't fuel the fire any further, this whole drama doesn't have to get any nastier imho. To a certain degree, I'm to blame for provoking the whole debate, maybe learned some lesson, won't release anything the like again and would be glad if everyone could relax again. But I will also certainly not shed any tears if certain ppl will act like a prima donna forever now.
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 2 May 2012
Disregard what?
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 2 May 2012
TheRyk, TheShadow

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 2 May 2012
@Count: I think, we discussed enough about the bugs, Exploding First and I did neither detect nor fix any. If there are any, they are still a matter for a superior 101% version done by Fungus/NOS (or you?) including a Highscore Saver. Would be glad to see such a version, not kidding.

What you said about the intro only hints at another no-no which I'm guilty of. The intro is completely rebuilt in order to have the complete music without any timing problems caused by freezing and packing. The original color ram fx were completely replaced. The original Electronic Arts Logo was Bitmap, this one consists of 3 sprites. Decrunching the freeze in the Skate Shop also looks ugly when entering it for the first time, but since there's no music running, it was a safer part than the intro.
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 2 May 2012
While looking at the EF version of this release I was wondering as well wether _KNOWN BUGS_ got fixed (as Fungus said, the Downhill garage has something as well as the name entries and a few other places) but was more astonished to find the intro logo effect gone missing and the ECA color flash different. The music speed was already mentioned here.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 1 May 2012
Hmh, I thought I had already freely admitted
"call it _lame_ since the hardware did most of the job and even freezing is involved"
and promised improvement (in future releases).

However, there seem to be two views.
a) Is this a thoroughly done crack in terms of scene rules
--> epic fail, obviously (never really objected)
b) Is this version some kind of progress compared to other versions from the perspective of users=gamers
--> matter of debate :)
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 1 May 2012
What Zyron said.
User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 1 May 2012
Fungus has been extremely reasonable here, but you're acting all defensive. But it's impossible to defend a release done with the help of a freezer without making a fool of yourself. Anyone with just the slightest scene experience know this. Anyone with just a little common sense should be able to understand it. So the only one who should try harder here is you. And this is not just my opinion, it's a fact.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 1 May 2012
Come on, who's the drama queen now, I never questioned your experience, I did listen to you and I did appreciate the suggestions and even said so. Just because I do not kiss your feet instantly and accept every aspect of your advice, it does not mean I'd ignore you.

Sorry, in the comments before the last one, I really thought to have seen some evidence for your claim to have become a less giant asshole over the last years.

"I've tried to be nicer in the scene"

can only be answered by:
Try harder!
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 1 May 2012
There is no argument, I actually tried to give you some suggestions and I even tried to be somewhat nice, but you just ignore that. When someone experienced tells you something, you should listen to them instead of ignoring the advice and just forging on ahead and making yourself look even more stupid.

So I'm done with you, and Avatards, because you've all proven so many times how stupid and ignorant you are.

I might sound harsh, but that's the damn truth. I've tried to be nicer in the scene, but the level of stupidity and retard behavior just makes it impossible sometimes. Have fun releasing your crap, I won't even look at it.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 1 May 2012
Though it might be pointless in terms of gaining any brownie points from hardcore sceners like you, this release finally enables a bunch of people to play the game in a stable version rather comfortable (especially on IDE64 or provided with AR/RR - and now EF) instead of fucking up their disk drives with the W+R release or waiting for ages with the ESI version.

I think both of us made our points clear, let's continue this debate in a future release.
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 30 April 2012
Bullshit, there is bugs in every version of the game, pal or ntsc, test your games! There is surely bugs in the name entry routine! I would not mention it if I did not KNOW ALREADY that they are there!

The music IS different, they are not even close to being the same byte wise, the entire game was recompiled and fixed for pal.

Freezing is fucking lame, period. It IS possible to gain respect in these scene from old people, Tom-Cat, Erhan and Ksubi are all relatively new to the scene, so is enthusi, and they do things the RIGHT way and gained a lot of respect from everyone in the process! Do not bitch and whine because you are LAZY. You DO have potential, go the extra mile and learn how to do things the way that they should be done. DO NOT rely on other people's work, and DO NOT press the fucking freezer button! Old schoolers (too many to list) have no respect in the scene at all because they did the same shit and everyone knows it!

As for the docs, it's not up to YOU to decide what is useful or not in a release, you are releasing things to the public, and THEY want the complete docs and versions of games. If you don't IMPROVE 100% on a past release, there is NO POINT at all in releasing it, and you should EXPECT to get ragged on!

It's great you have some passion, I respect that, what you do with it is entirely up to you of course, and if you enjoy it , GREAT. But please TRY to at least achieve a level of quality EXCEEDING groups of the past, or public releases of such things, again, is ENTIRELY POINTLESS.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 April 2012
Well, finally(!) some constructive criticism which is _not totally_ unjustified.

Still, you didn't get everything right, I believe. The different speed, especially of the music, must imho just be due to the choice of the original - PAL or NTSC. I always thought the reason why us Europeans have the slower-paced music in our ears is that we all know the ESI version (or re-cracks of it) which most probably was cracked from an NTSC disc version and plays at the wrong(!) speed on PAL. So actually, it plays at the right(!) speed in this version.

Docs: I know how to find scans, thanks for reminding me, anyway. But I didn't see any point in adding the original/official game docs since they are longish and not very helpful imho. I _DID_ type the docs my own. I _DO_ know almost everything there is to know about how to play the game. But credit where credit is due. Having quite a few things taken in a modified version from Tinman and H.t.W. - why not telling so?

About cracking: This time, the method just _WAS_ rather easy. I could easily have done all the steps Exploding First did again with some original .TAP from the Internet. But why should I? It is NOT a re-crack, however, though this doesn't get through to you. Call it a cooperation between ATA and TMF, call it _lame_ since the hardware did most of the job and even freezing is involved, but don't call it a re-crack.

Your other suggestions: What I already did learn is that achieving "respect" from some hypocritical ubersceners, is virtually impossible. But caring too much about it is a waste of time if you ask me. Everything I do on the C64 for some two or three years now, is mainly done because it's fun, hobby, passion, obsession, whatever.

Nevertheless, I always appreciate constructive feedback and will try to improve, and you are right, I still gotta learn a lot. In the next release I'm working on right now, I dived much deeper into the actual original code.

Madness: I might be a madman, but I'm not mad about you, anymore, you are forgiven, no hard feelings (though I'd be surprised if this is the last discussion of this kind between you and me). ;)

PS: I'd appreciate if you could stop talking about _bugs_ which are only in your head, but not in this version! Thank you!
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 30 April 2012
Hrm, better check the sign in/high score entry routine for bugs, there is also bugs in the downhill part :P

Wow+Role version is the disk version, the music is different, while it does bug in 2 player mode... still it's a different version of the game.

P.S. Branding is lame, so don't do it.

Why not type the docs in yourself and verify they are the correct docs from the original, there are freely available scans of both the tape and disc ones...

Learn to crack, it's not hard and you don't have rely on other people's work. It also gains you respect in the scene... taking the easy way will never get you ANY. Once down the dark path you travel, forever will it dominate your destiny - Yoda

also, U MAD? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 April 2012
"Of course, somebody will release an EasyFlash Version anyway rather soon (a matter of weeks or months only most probably)"

Or hours... :P
Skate or Die! +D
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 29 April 2012
There are no bugs I know of, only in certain people's minds. Claiming sth to be a bugged recrack without even trying to read credits is simply lack of style and respect. Obviously some ppl think I'm a complete dork, but that's okay for me. However, to make this crystal clear: If I hadn't been sure to release a version which is among the top 3 out there, I wouldn't have bothered releasing it. The way in which Exploding First created the dump from the original might not have been the most elegant/posh/fancy/1337 way in the world, but the result is a stable version, so what?

Downvoting: I'm not registered here since yesterday, that's CSDb... Actually, this was so predictable that I find it rather amusing. You can keep downvoting this even deeper forever, but you can't change the fact that it is one of the best - if not _the_ best version at the moment (considering that the Angels' version is IDE only). Thank God, CSDb uberhaters are not "the scene"/the universe and not everybody on CSDb has got hatred problems. Of course, somebody will release an EasyFlash Version anyway rather soon (a matter of weeks or months only most probably) which might make this version obsolete for some but not all users.

Added new .ZIP with D71 and D81 images included. Works fine with IDE64 as well, tested on real IDE hardware yesterday.

Thx for your attention

PS: Keep playing the WOW+ROLE Version if you like your disk drive's reading head misaligned.

PPS: To show I'm not a warmonger or drama queen I edited a few things in this comment making it less personal, though it should be clear enough who I was talking about.
User Comment
Submitted by The Overkiller on 13 April 2012
Ok, case closed for the crack ... And the bugs would be .. ?
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 13 April 2012
Skate or Die definately was copy-protected, that's for sure even without a single look at the original tape. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 13 April 2012
Wanted to avoid the usual blah about "what is cracking" by only using "Linking" credit, but there you are (credit added) ;) It was cracked from original tape by Exploding First as said in the scroll and in the credz screen (last page of the dox) and was then modified for this release with his agreement.
User Comment
Submitted by BYB on 13 April 2012
nice to have the docs included.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 13 April 2012
I didn't check the file, but according to the Trivia it was cracked by Exploding First, a pal of TheRyk.
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 13 April 2012
Ok so this is a re-crack? :/ Did you at least fix the bugs in it?
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