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Room 309   [2012]

Room 309 Released by :
Chorus, Resource [web], Singular [web]

Release Date :
30 September 2012

Type :
C64 Graphics  (HiRes)

4 floors promo

Released At :
Function 2012

Achievements :
Mixed Graphics Competition at Function 2012 :  #4

User rating:*********_  9.3/10 (24 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Murphy of Exceed
Graphics .... Leon of Chorus, Resource, Singular, Storm

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User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 8 October 2012
@leon: wonderful picture. all of your 4 floors pics are pure joy to watch and for being an text adventure maniac i really look forward to the final game :)

about that format discussion: imo doing c64 graphics is all about dealing with restrictions, certain 8-bit aesthetics and nothing more. personally i prefer coherent formats and total control; for this case i do not care about ergonomics that much (btw colram modification is still a pain in most bitmap tools - eg try to prepare mc pictures for 4-color-demo effects).

what makes hires sexy are the plain and simple rules - 8x8 pixel grid 2 colors each block - period. what makes nufli sexy for me is the fullscreen adaption of underlay+fli and that there is an editor existing to get pictures in shape (btw for nufli i use timanthes for pixelling with an additional layer to visualize sprite-layer grid and the fli bug + crest editor for corrections).
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 8 October 2012
CONS didn't say other graphics formats were shit... he just said they are not necessarily required depending on what you want to do with pixels.

It's like me saying that you don't need super-multi-speed to produce such cool music, when in fact it's growing your talent that's the real key. Leon has proven exactly that in this picture.
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 8 October 2012
Leon: Word! ;-) I perfectly understand you don't wanna pixel in the editor, it wasn't actually made for that - it's for fixing conversion bugs manually. UFLI was horrible to begin with (UIFLI even more!) but even though some people actually bothered (TCH, Yourself, Deev, Jailbird) with that, nobody (except for Bimber!) is willing to pixel a picture completely in the NUFLI editor - But unfortunately it's just not possible to make an "easy" editor on c64 thanks to the format's weirdness. That's all pretty much why we made the converter! ;-)

P.S: Tuffi, why the fuck do you blame *me* for going offtopic when CONS was the one that started the format ragging?
User Comment
Submitted by Street Tuff on 6 October 2012
i used nufli on this... Jamiroquai

because i was too lame to pixel it in proper hires mode.... did all in the gimp... anyway. dont know why deekay didnt keep on topic (the release) here and bragged about crapfli modes...

leon... you get a straight 10 out of 10 from me for the best music collection you ever released! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by leonofsgr on 6 October 2012
well, first of all let me note that I hate nufli, ufli, shifli, mufli,
schmuckli, and whatdafuck... and not because I would not like to pixel
in these screenmodes, but because all pixelling tools by crest are,
for me, UNERGONOMIC beyond uselessnes. I am not willing to learn 16
tons of keyboard shortcuts simply to be able to do a nufli, mufli,
fifli, sufli, hufli or whatever... I did gave it a try, though only a
few times, but in every case I did the actual pixelling in photoshop,
by no coincidence... this was an easier way for me to keep the
restrictions and limitations of said screenmodes than fiddling with
those keyboard shortcuts.
all the ifli pixelling tools so far are also pure rubbish by my
standards, utter pieces of unergonomic crap, that is why I asked
clarence to code nice little pixel perfect for me. and it did a good
job, used it a lot, a real sweet pixelling tool.
talent and technique... in my opinion this can be approached from
multiple angles, one who can draw in hi-res can do it in any
screenmode. in this screenmode it is irrelevant how fucking great your
knowledge of anatomy and perspective and dickology is... what matters
is how smart you are and how well you can abuse character blocks...
it is no coincidence that I am using this screenmode, because for me
THIS is currently the REAL challenge! two colours, character blocks,
and a large dose of planning, pondering, and ruminating about how the
fuck do I implement what I have imagined...
all my respects to mirage and veto and gazillions of other
graphicians, but I don't fucking think one can compare any graphician
on the c64 scene to any other graphician, as they all have their own
unique styles, different workflows, tools, and prefererred
screenmodes, and consequently any comparison of pixelling tools and
screenmodes is foolish...
I would not like to abandon hi-res, because it is the default
screenmode of c64, and even with 4 Floors I want to reach the level
that none of the dickheads who view the game will be able to find out
that what they see is is all plain hi-res...

by the way thanks for the many good ideas and positive comments, and
not the least the high votes, you will receive more hires stuff from
oh, and where are those couple of downvoter dickheads now? :_D

you can see my next fapsome hi-res pic at X.

User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 5 October 2012
You're full of shit. Mirage has done shitloads of amazing pictures in MCol-FLI, a great IFLI and an amazing butterfly with overlaid sprites. Hein's FLI-collection in Dutch Breeze is legendary. Electric, one of the all-time greatest, has done boatloads of Drazlaces (again: 2 bitmaps switched - is that "native" or not? Where does it begin? Can you answer that?) and lots of IFLIs and some FLI pics. Valsary has done amazing IFLIs and FLIs. Duce has done loads of IFLIs and Drazlaces. Joe has done IFLI, FLI and -with my help- even NUFLI. Jailbird, Deev, Cyclone, Leon (!), Veto, AMN, Carrion, Ptoing, Cruise, Poison, the list goes on and on... Even Mermaid has done Hires-FLI on occasion, even though she's one of the most prominent advocates for plain hires/Mcol!...
I never said NUFLI is the "ultimate" mode. There is no "ultimate" mode, cause, again, that depends mostly on the PICTURE you want to make! I'm not trying to force NUFLI onto people that do not want it. I can appreciate great hires or MCol work as much as the next man and have commented thusly in countless threads. However, I'm fucking tired of people indirectly ragging on anyone using NUFLI (or FLI or IFLI or Drazlace...) by saying that plain MCol/Hires is the ONLY thing you need and the ONLY thing that matters! If that's your preference, fine. Just like I don't like the flicker in IFLI or Drazlace (one reason for making NUFLI), you're perfectly entitled to it. However, you will never see me denying the fact that there's some truly amazing Drazlace and IFLI pics out there!...
Just don't claim your personal preference is some kinda ultimate truth, cause it ain't!....

P.S: What's so fucking wrong about having variety in GFX formats anyway? Wouldn't it be rather boring if all we had was Multicolor and Hires? Just think about all the awesome FLI, IFLI, Drazlace, NUFLI etc pictures we most likely just wouldn't have, since many of the really great ones are simply *not* possible in a standard mode!... Just think of it this way: Advanced modes enable us to have a broader variety of pictures than other platforms! What's not to like? c64's sprites were one of its biggest advantages in games over its competitors - why should we feel ashamed to use them for our pictures? F.ex. Speccy will *never* have a picture with fine outlines, cause they'd need a third color!
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 5 October 2012
I'm just fucking sick and tired of it: Under *every* colorful hires or MCol picture there's that one guy that WILL inevitably post "this is proof you don't need any advanced modes", like all the technical advancements we've made over the years are something to be ashamed of... Yes, FOR THAT very picture, you don't need advanced gfx modes. But for certain others, you do. When will it finally get into people's heads that the kind of picture you wanna make determines the mode you can do it in? Sure, with a lot of skill you can make stuff in Multicolor or Hires that looks like FLI or with sprites, I've done it myself quite a few times and love the challenge. But that does not mean you can do EVERY picture in standard hires or Multicolor if you just have enough skills!...
User Comment
Submitted by CONS on 4 October 2012
Deekay: Wow, what a fuzz about that simple compliment of mine. Simply put, Leon can do things in hires i wouldn't be able to do (as for now) in more advanced gfx modes, so the logic for me is, if i want to be able to draw like that, i don't need more colors and/or less restrictions, but only skill. Thats all. I eventually should have put it that way, but the moment i wrote that i had a saying of another gfxian in my mind that inspired me.
I didn't argue, i didn't refer to anyone or anything else, that is just interpretation that comes up while reading and thats ok. What makes it even more interesting is, that aside of my statement, i agree to 95% of what you wrote. Interpret that! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 4 October 2012
As for the picture: Love the wall and the right part, the girl not so much (head is good though!). It does look a lot better than the preview you posted on Facebook, and you fixed some of the blockiness, Leon, but I still stand by my claim that the girl would profit from some extra sprite color! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 4 October 2012
CONS: Oh please, not this crap reasoning again... I dare you to find any person to make this logo in "native" (what does that even mean? How is e.g. overlaying sprites not "native"?) hires: UFLI-Editor V1.0 - There's no point searching, cause it's not possible. No amount of "skill" (remember: the ONLY thing required!) can turn this into plain hires. Oh, and the notion that advanced gfx modes don't require any skill is just simply craptacularly stupid. Did it ever occur to you that in order to make a good IFLI/NUFLI/FLI picture, you also need *skill*? Sure, you can just put through Mufflon - but you can also do works of art in it like Veto's stuff, and if you've ever seen him work you'd shut the fuck up about "skills", since he applies the same amount of planning and attention to detail to his NUFLI pics than he does to his Hires pics....

You know: In the olympics, they have the 100m dash, the 400m and the 1000m, separate events for good reason. Each is its own race with its own stars. And just because someone is great at 100m that does not make the winner of the 1000m race any less of a runner...

Why is it so hard for some people to embrace that each gfx format has its merits and enables the artist to do certain kinds of pictures while being completely unsuited for certain others? And that the *only* metric that should be applied is the same as in all of demomaking: How well the artist uses what he has to get the best possible result out of it!...
User Comment
Submitted by Data on 3 October 2012
I want to be in room 309! :)
User Comment
Submitted by CONS on 3 October 2012
This is, among others, a good example that there is no need for other, not native c64 gfx modes. Skill is the only thing required. Well done, Leon!
User Comment
Submitted by Edhellon on 2 October 2012
Leon really improves his 31337 hires skillz picture by picture. :-) The plus/4 version is a nice bonus touch from Murphy. Will the game also run on plus/4?
User Comment
Submitted by aNdy on 1 October 2012
Excellent art, using Hires +20 bonus points!
User Comment
Submitted by mankeli on 1 October 2012
very fine!
User Comment
Submitted by OMP on 1 October 2012
nice! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Mäestro AmN on 1 October 2012
Nice presentation! Im curious about the background story. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by NecroPolo on 30 September 2012
Whenever it comes to female presence visualisation on C64, there is no match for Leon's pics. Great work!
User Comment
Submitted by Thierry on 30 September 2012
A Nice One!!
User Comment
Submitted by Hermit on 30 September 2012
Excellent, I like the solutions of the detailed parts, especially the wall (oh and nice hires tits&ass)...
User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 30 September 2012
Very good use of hires, and nice colorscheme! *meow*
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 30 September 2012
Considerable stuff! :))
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 30 September 2012
Very good damn pixeling. cool art
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 30 September 2012
verrrryyyyyy nice! Good stuff!
User Comment
Submitted by dink on 30 September 2012
me like!
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