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Undead   [2013]

Undead Released by :

Release Date :
19 June 2013

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:******____  6.4/10 (28 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... JSL of Covenant, Creators, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Scene World Magazine, Software of Sweden, Tropyx

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User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 20 June 2013
I do not like the grey rounded shapes on right side low... because the rest is so sharp... but other than that... it is a koala and i find it quite ok!
User Comment
Submitted by Asphodel on 20 June 2013
Hm, as an Illustrator in 'real life' ; I must say that I find the 'tension' between "Metal-ball-in-a-cave" and it being an 'eye' very pleasing. I'd actually like to see this one on paper instead of a low resolution computer screen. Then again , that also gives it a pleasing (c64) 'roughness' ..
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Submitted by Reject on 20 June 2013
The Empire is fallen.. and no chance to get involved again.. that might be a reason to act like a treated homeboy
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 20 June 2013
Conjuror: So I'm Tristan now?
User Comment
Submitted by Conjuror on 19 June 2013
After seeing so much drama and attention created by Tristan, I've come to the conclusion that Tristan is JSL or he's his public relations manager. Never could I imagine a more successful advertising champagne. A scene has been polarised with more support than ever for JSL.

Congratulations ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 19 June 2013
OK pic! Could be a bit better!
User Comment
Submitted by Raffox|HF on 19 June 2013
I always find something cool in each JSL picture.
Sometimes it's the dithering, sometime it's about minor details in the background, sometime it's the main subject itself. Sometime even a mix of the three things.
I might be wrong but I tend to be confident JSL at some point will get better and reach the Olimpo of the Greats.
User Comment
Submitted by saimo on 19 June 2013
You're welcome!
Please note that I didn't mention the color at all: the problems are elsewhere.
Please do join Pixelation, I'm sure you can grow tremendously there. The feedback you'll get will be infinitely better than what I did here.
Two suggestions: firstly, have a look at the existing critique threads (especially the most developed ones) to see how things work over there; secondly, don't be self-defensive (like a bit in your reply here): it's the unveiling of your weaknesses that will give you the power to improve.
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 19 June 2013
Hey Saimo, Thanks for the heaps of information. I read your previous post too, and bookmarked "Pixelation" website. As for my drawing skills, I draw since 1990, alot of this can be found on my deviantART, check my profile for the Link, there you will find drawings aswell c64 pictures, and some paintings. Oh and btw. if this Zombie eye is too grey for you, Zombie eyes just are grey, or white.. Just lookup some zombie movie like those from George A. Romero. I will register at Pixelation, and will see what I can do there. :D
User Comment
Submitted by saimo on 19 June 2013

My humble attempt at helping you out comes in the form of the best critique I'm capable of.

This piece, to me, fails to deliver. When I saw it, I could simply give it no meaning; it took a while before it started looking like a metal ball (like those used in pinballs) in a sort of crater - and, even then, I wasn't satisfied. Then I scrolled down, read the description and discovered that it was meant to be an eye: I scrolled up, looked at the picture again and it looked like... a metal ball in a crater.
The main problem here is that the pupil-less iris is strongly spherical and contrasts totally with the flatness of the sclera, thus appearing as separate body. The two parts should instead have a similar radius and, actually, one could get away with giving / should give them the same curve (the curve difference is not something we perceive in everyday life, so epresenting it ends up being misleading).
(BTW, this is the first piece from you that convincingly conveys depth, but unfortunately such depth also happens to be totally misplaced.)

Pixel-technique-wise, the sphere is the only part worth commenting.
The outline is too strong, and contributes to the separation described above. Also, its thickness is uneven, causing a fragmented look.
The antialias on the outline is missing on the inside, is too strong in some places, and here and there it just doubles the outline, with the effect of amplifying the jaggedness of the outline (i.e. the opposite of what antialias is for).
The dithering is not suitable: dithering, besides blending colors, conveys a sense of texture, of roughness, and is not really suitable for a smooth surface like that of a cornea. Still, if used wisely, it could give good results also in this context, but it has to be really smooth - not as jagged as yours. Your dithering denotes experimentation and/or willingness of doing something different, but this was not the right place to use it. Techniques are only a means, and must be used wisely and where appropriate. Please note that your dithering is not bad per se: in another context it could just be good. Finally, one might note that dithering could indeed be good to represent the iris texture: true, but then it should be applied to the whole surface and based on a radial pattern.

P.S. Just in case you're wondering if I'm a downvoter: my votes are and have always been public, and I've never voted for one of your pieces. I'm genuinely trying to help.
User Comment
Submitted by pievspie on 19 June 2013
congrats to JSL good ,bad, or ugly pics you got yourself a lot of publicity lately
cant be bad for the cause.
I love most of your stuff for the record
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 19 June 2013
Some people just seem to have suffered too much from the summer swelter. On the other hand, the same people's brains tend to freeze in winter. If you got nothing else to do, pixel sth yourself or do sth(!) creative/productive and GTFO instead of bashing JSL.

BTT: Not too bad as a dithering practice. Really doesn't make me imagine any zombie eye. Nice dithering of that eyeball(?) but the transition between red & other colors should also have been dithered.
User Comment
Submitted by The Overkiller on 19 June 2013
Tristan reminds me The Emperor's New Clothes fable. Maybe he's too harsh but he's not completly wrong...
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Submitted by STE'86 on 19 June 2013
the flat red doesnt bother me at all. it harks back to late 80s graphic novel style in my memory. the only bit that "bothers" me is the "flat" bit just above the eyeball. I feel it should curve to follow the eye contour a bit more.
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
I would like to make one suggestion. I looked at some of JSL's deviant art stuff. This one actually appeals to me.. its a hand drawing...


I know this style.. its the maps style in the front of fantasy novels. In those maps you have unrealistic scales and models used for legends. The perspectives here look correct in this drawing. Maybe those lines and scales are hard to capture in conversion to c64 for him. I dont know entirely but it shows in the c64 screens. I think if you tried hi-res with black and white, and draw in single lines, you would in a short time have these perspectives and angles correct in c64 form.
User Comment
Submitted by lemming on 19 June 2013
STE, true. More dithery detail around the 'blood' bits and black parts could have made this a very good piece, now it falls short..
And Tristan FOR FUCK'S SAKE the whole bloody fucking C64 scene of today already got the message, you hate JSL's pics and you're so terribly dissapointed on the state of things and shit just isn't how it used to be and whatever the fuck. This was funny yesterday, now it's just so goddamn boring! The site already got your manifesto on Ecco The Dolphin, just fucking let it go!
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 19 June 2013
the contour spherical dither on the eye is quality. Much better than the floyd steinberg "timanthes done it for me" linear shading, prevalent on many pieces
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 19 June 2013
Quoting Mermaid
So why waste time commenting on his releases? Why make this person, who doesn't try to hurt anyone, feel bad? Why do that, when he's never going to change and you know it?

Dunno. Life works this way I guess: you make shit, you get shit, learn to deal with it.
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 19 June 2013
Quoting Jailbird
In JSL's case, hardly anything works. People get bored. Me too. Go figure.

So why waste time commenting on his releases? Why make this person, who doesn't try to hurt anyone, feel bad? Why do that, when he's never going to change and you know it?
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
Yea well, I'm really done with any more efforts trying to improve things. He's had suggestions, criticisms, unjust asskissing, pep talks, and now some more abrasive things. If the majority of the site is fine with the spam, then have at it. If he produces a kick ass production, thats even better.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 19 June 2013
Quoting Mermaid
In my experience, improvement through bullying rarely works.

In JSL's case, hardly anything works. People get bored. Me too. Go figure.
User Comment
Submitted by skurk on 19 June 2013
What Mermaid said.
User Comment
Submitted by Almighty God on 19 June 2013
I think that JSL and Tristan are both two adults enough to take their own deciciones .
So do what you fill you wanted.

do not threaten
do not tell
just do it

opps this looks the slogan of "NIKE"
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 19 June 2013
In my experience, improvement through bullying rarely works.
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 19 June 2013
Tristan, I like the TSR signature in the top left corner a lot!
definately your best release ever! 10/10!
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
I honestly hope you'll get pissed enough, take some time off and improve, then release an amazing picture. Wouldn't you like to shut me up?
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 19 June 2013
Maybe I should send a message to the Mods of quitting my Account, then you all go on with CSDb, and morely I quit with C64.. Then Tristan is happy to troll around, everyone happy. :/
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 19 June 2013
What if someone sends you the URL without knowing what the fuck you'll see? Happened to me. Still recovering from the shock it caused.

But seriously. Well I tried to be really sympathetic with JSL in the last few years, (with more or less success, that is), but I really don't see the meaning of releasing every single piece of crap he does. Have not seen any progress in his technique since Visitors.
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
dont be mad because i improved your version and did it in a new mode called elitefli that i invented. i can do some JSL MODE pixels if you like... like maybe 32 screens done by tomorrow?

so much to release, so little time
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 19 June 2013
Tristan, Go FUCK Yourself!!
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
makes more sense this way... i call it "bowling with dolphins" should i make a rls entry now?

User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 19 June 2013
Quoting Jailbird
That doesn't solve the problem. We still see this shit.

Only if you click on the link. It does say "released by JSL" in the new releases feed, so if you don't want to see his graphics, don't click. Also, Tristan was asking for his account here to be closed, if he logs out and stays logged out eventually it will be deactivated, solving one of his problems.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 19 June 2013
Quoting Mermaid
There's a "Log Out" tab at the top of this page. Have you tried clicking it?

That doesn't solve the problem. We still see this shit.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 19 June 2013
I like the raw style, but would like to see it in a hires version.
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 19 June 2013
oh you're the poor victim now.
bye bye!
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
I was going to until I had to start defending myself against bullshit.
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 19 June 2013
Quoting Tristan
I will bid you farewell. This place just isn't for me.

There's a "Log Out" tab at the top of this page. Have you tried clicking it?
User Comment
Submitted by Almighty God on 19 June 2013
Better to used this sphere for a planet than an eye... What Deekay said in dolphin
pic comments... could you spend more time with the same picture... give it a try.
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 19 June 2013
omg ... the DRAMA continue :) please all come down for a while ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
BULLSHIT! I am man enough to admit if I had sent a message like that to the mods. Why in the fk would I lie over something that stupid? LOL I asked the mods to delete my page or tell you to clean up ur shitty spam. I dare one mod to step up and prove that I sent such a message. Tell us JSL, who are these mods who said I sent this msg to them? Calling you out.
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 19 June 2013
The mods are saying other things Tristan, you sent twice the message if JSL could be banned from CSDb. Now who the fuck is lying..
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
I didn't ask the mods to ban jsl. I asked the mods to clean this site up.
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 19 June 2013
well maybe you could ask the mods to ban JSL?
oh wait a minute, you already did that!
User Comment
Submitted by Scarzix on 19 June 2013
More colors! more colors! push the pixels JSL, you can do it. I am not going to vote. Just commenting.
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 19 June 2013
now wait a minute. this really does look like someone tossed a bowling ball through a red painted sheet rock wall. I guess I'm going to be a bastard unless I give this a 10/10 and kiss his ass about how great his pixels are.
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 19 June 2013
Nice dithering on the iris!
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Submitted by Shine on 19 June 2013
This seems a little bit unfinished imho. ;) I like the texturing of the bowl :)
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Submitted by Matt on 19 June 2013
almost looks like a dolphin! naah I'm only joking ;-)
not so bad actually, I like the raw style of it.
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Submitted by JSL on 19 June 2013
After all the comments, good or bad.. On Ecco the Dolphin, here another upload. Ofcourse only Tristan is against this. I have a sequel of it, which is a Zombie face. This, well.. Maybe you don´t see it. Is a Zombie Eye. Not really much heh..
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