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VSP Lab V1.1   [2013]

VSP Lab V1.1 Released by :

Release Date :
25 July 2013

Type :
C64 Tool

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (1 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Lft of Kryo

SIDs used in this release :
A Chipful of Love for You(/MUSICIANS/L/Lft/A_Chipful_of_Love_for_You.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 19 February 2024
It's VARIABLE screen positioning DeeKay :)

Better yet, why did crossbow call AGSP a d011 wanker ;)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 18 July 2023
Why is HORIZONTAL Screen positioning called VERTICAL? Who came up with this and isn't it about time we fixed the terminology?
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 23 August 2016
1 hour is not enough, keep getting new events after that on a C64 reloaded (with VSP fix... but also some spooky stuff in it such as Super PLA, Stereo-in-SID, EF3, SD2IEC, I freely admit)
Some documentation would've been nice. Otherwise excellent stuff!
no finds over night seems pretty safe to me :)
User Comment
Submitted by e5frog on 14 May 2015
I noticed the timer is only for one hour then it starts over - right? So there's no need to test it for more than that?

I had one running over night but got no errors - it would have been nice to know for how long it had been running.
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Submitted by Scarzix on 28 August 2013
okay, decided to let them go through a longer test now. Had two of my machines on for 3.5 hour last night. No VSP errors. Today I have set machine three to the test and FINALLY after 1 hour or so, a single tiny error on channel 2 in line 7 shows up, so now I will let this one run for some more hours, to see if more will show up. Thanks for making such a cool test tool.

Update: no more errors showed, so I did a powercycle. Turned off the C64C for 5 secs, then back on. Now I see errors in channel 4, line 3 ... right now as I write this, channel 1 line 6... interesting!
User Comment
Submitted by Scarzix on 18 August 2013
How long is this test supposed to be running to be confirmed? or how many cold-restarts?

So far I have tested my 4 different machines and none of them shows any sign of an error. I let them all run for minimum 12-15 min, but the last one I let run for 45 min, still no sign of a single error.

Am I just lucky or did I do something wrong in my test?
I used the same power-transfo for the three C64C's and my old trusty breadbox (from I was 14 years old) didnt show any signs after 45 mins either using its "cheese power".

I will let them all run for an hour soon, but I kinda understood/expected these flaws to be more visible within the first 10 minutes and nothing showed up at all...? could I really be this lucky? my two latest machines were bought from eBay.co.uk

Btw. I didnt have any cartridge in, nor any 1541 connected. Only my little baby1541 (SD2IEC) cardreader.

Two of the machines have the old SID and two of them the new one, so I guess they are spread out quite good in production dates/serials.
User Comment
Submitted by tlr on 25 July 2013
What's different from the previous version?
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